Athletes I Respect

Emmitt had great success in his prime because he at least had some power and was a very good positive yardage back. Those are the type that win superbowls and at the same time they are the type the caste system has almost made an extinct species in the modern day NFL. No wonder Emmitt had so much success. Modern defenses just aren't built to stop power backs.
guest301 said:
True Renaissance Man..However I said in a previous postt that Barry was the more entertaining running back...he had moves I have never seen a running back do on a football field before.

Sounds like Vick.
I'd say one athlete who I think I can definitly respect from what I know about him is Warrick Dunn. As far as I know he's a hard-working guy who has put a lot of time and effort into helping people other than himself, something I can certainly respect.