The Sporting News (actually just Sporting News now as it's dropped the "The" from its name) continues its long-standing hate campaign against Craig Biggio, which is extreme even for the anti-white media. Sporting News took continual shots against Biggio during the last few years of his career, as one of the all-time great leadoff men and versatile players moved toward 3,000 career hits and baseball immortality. Here's this week's snipe: "The unsung hero in the Astros' revival has been 2B Kazuo Matsui. . . He has solidified the top of the lineup. . .But his contribution goes deeper. 'Their defense was bad, really bad,' says one NL scout. 'They have not had a good second baseman in a long time -- they were kind of stuck with (Craig) Biggio there. But this guy gets to everything'."
The old "unnamed scout" trick, ripping into Craig Biggio the wretched defensive liability.And who can blame Sporting News -- after all Biggiowonjust 4 Gold Gloves as a second baseman, and his terrible range is illustrated bythepaltry 414 bases he stole during his career, which ranks 61st all-time. Thank God Matsui has come to the Astros' rescue.