Asian girls and Asian culture

Gary said:
Asians tend to be very small short people.Do you want your son to be a little fart who gets slapped around by everybody? If you want a wife from some other nation.Go to Eastern Europe.The women outnumber the men-the women are smart-the women are pretty [of course there are exceptions to every rule!
].Some Russian,Polish or Ukrainian lady can give you a White son who can fight like Klitschko-lift like Mariusz-grapple like Fedor-so go ahead fly to Moscow and get yourself a wife,who can give you 5 sons-all tough comrades who can whip anybody!
Russians are among the most exotic people on the planet. With all the ethnic groups that passed through the area, the women have a unique look. They are possibly the hottest women on the planet....
jcolec02 said:

You're very young- not that I'm an old man myself, but I'm definitely more mature now than when I was 20. Give it some time. You may grow out of it. You shouldn't worry about settling down for at least another five years. Don't make any rash decisions at 20 years old.
C Darwin said:
I'm sure Bolo Yeung was juiced to the gills!
He was also quite fat for an athlete. I think a northern Korean or a ethnic Han from the north could attain the mass to challenge for the heavyweight title. But the amount of boxers coupled with the smaller amount of people with the genetics for the mass, would make it unlikely.
Bolo Yeung was age 50 when he was in the film Bloodsport. He was born in 1938 in China. I'm not on his jock, I just found that interesting.
50?!?!?!?! that sounds crazy!!! I thought he was like 30 or something.
To Jcoleco2:
Find a nice blong with a good chest. You'll forget about asian women real fast.
Yes, Asians never murder. Let's not forget the Hmong hunter in

Or Pol Pot.

Or Mao.

And I'm sure the Yakuza and Chinese mob never kill anyone.

But if you love the yellow man so much, maybe with his "superior IQ" he
can teach you the difference between "there", "their' and "they're", as well
as the proper spelling of your "favorite" basketball player, Dirk Nowitzki.

Now, back to your video games and animated porn, young man.
Watch the movie bloodsport. It has a awsome fight between Bolo Yeung vs. John Claud Van Dam.
KG2422-No I don't think short men are push overs-How short is short? Tom Sharkey was 5'8-Rocky Marciano was 5'11-Tommy Burns was 5'7. Are you looking for trouble or just asking a question?
who the f**k on this board said asians had "superior intellect"??? but oh no....whites never commit murder either huh gary??? Jeffery Domar...Tim Mcvay,Zodiac Killer, ect.
no one said asians are superior to whites...but if you dont think that they are the "model minority" I would sure the hell like to know who is...
Hey jcolec02 check your posts, when did I ever say Whites never committ murder?? I DID SAY Russian men are for the most part bigger,stronger and tougher then Asian men.When you can find anyone in Asia who can whip Wlad or Fedor let me know.
Somebody hit a nerve, GLS? Dang. LOL

white tornado said:
Watch the movie bloodsport. It has a awsome fight between Bolo Yeung vs. John Claud Van Dam.

Yes, watching movies gives us a very accurate picture of the fighting ability of the various races. I mean, just look at Bruce Lee, Chow Yun Fat, Jackie Chan... real killers!
Asians are a great race. They have achieved almost as much as us, but not quite. Most importantly, they are not us.

Let me tell you the thing about White men and Asians and Latinas. There is one and only one reason you see White men with them. They are not more beautiful than our women, nor are they "easy", esp. Asian women. It is because the well-bred Asian or Latin woman is still more likely to retain her traditional cultural teaching to act like...get this...a woman. Feminism has trained American White women that if they aren't positively abrasive to a man all the time, then they aren't standing up for their rights.

There is no such thing as equality of the sexes, anymore than equality of the races. In the Olympics, the weakest man in the smallest weight class lifts considerably more than the biggest, strongest women there. Within the same race, men are more intelligent on average. The majority of women consistently vote for policies nearly everyone here realizes are stupid, for reasons that often bear no resemblance to logic. (Yes, I do believe suffrage was quite stupid, thank you very much. Right off the bat, it got us Prohibition.)

BTW, allowing women in the workforce effectively doubles the labor market, halfing demand, and I'm sure you are all familiar with what effect that has on wages. The policy becomes a self-furfilling prophecy, wherein now it is not only possible, but mandatory for most women to work to make ends meet. IMO, the deliberate end of the social engineers, though the less cynical may argue it's simply another "accident". Whatever.

Men want to run their own households. A man leaves home, holds a job, and buys a home primarily so he can do what the hell he wants to in it. That's male psychology. Ignoring it want go away. As a man's job is to go out on the proverbial tundra and spear the proverbial mammoth, it is a woman's job to keep the cave warm, keep his belly full, enthusiastically go in for rolls-in-the-hay, and, this is most important, shut up and make none of the constant argument you see these days. All the training, psychology, psychobabble, etc, won't make these "secrets" of successfull marriages go away. The Asians and Latins have "brilliantly" failed to be as inculcated in the feminists poisons, and thus their average women must seem like Angels compared to what most White males are used to dealing with.
Good post White Savage, and I agree with you, especially since spending the summer in Southeast Asia.
I agree with alot of points you made too White Savage but there are still women who dream about raising familys that are white.Look at the Mormans just to begin with.I find that alot of women from the midwest or the country in general are more into the marriage and family mindset.They still know how to take care of their man.Not all white women have changed although many have.They will learn the hard way as they end up with the wrong kind of guys.I think that white males need to be more assertive.Be fair but let her know that the relationship and family comes before work!
White Savage, yours is among the best posts I have read (which is saying something considering some of the posters on this site

White_Savage said:
Feminism has trained American White women that if they aren't positively abrasive to a man all the time, then they aren't standing up for their rights. ... Men want to run their own households. A man leaves home, holds a job, and buys a home primarily so he can do what the hell he wants to in it. That's male psychology. Ignoring it want go away. As a man's job is to go out on the proverbial tundra and spear the proverbial mammoth, it is a woman's job to keep the cave warm, keep his belly full, enthusiastically go in for rolls-in-the-hay, and, this is most important, shut up and make none of the constant argument you see these days. All the training, psychology, psychobabble, etc, won't make these "secrets" of successfull marriages go away. The Asians and Latins have "brilliantly" failed to be as inculcated in the feminists poisons, and thus their average women must seem like Angels compared to what most White males are used to dealing with.

Feminism is nota "liberating" ideology, contrary to what young white women are told. It results in depraved and slutty behaviour, anti-white male vitriol, aggressive attacks on traditional family roles, massive numbers of white babies aborted, and is very dangerous to young girls ("I am woman, hear me roar" goes to a bar all night, walks home drunk and alone, and perhaps never gets there...There is a reason loose women and prostitutes are by far the top victims of serial murderers). This IMO is deliberate; the powers that be know damn well that the white male is the number one enemy of tyranny and collectivism. Who generally rises up against oppression (Jews in Nazi Germany? Nope. Blacks on the plantation? Nope. Whites in Jugoslavija during WWI and WWII, Whites in the colonies in America in 1775, Irish and Scottish Whites during English oppression? Yes!)? Without the support of our women (indeed, we watch so many of them sleep around with bums and non-whites, if not other women) the white male is wounded badly.

Thank you again for explaining the plight we face vis a vis our women, White Savage; it was both eloquent and brutally honest.
I meant blond.
Good morning Gentlemen,

I agree thatAmerican girlsare overbearing. However, you must understand and sympatize with them ( I'm an older married man) and try to be of help to them. Don't abandon them. They're your sisters and cousins (I'm not saying that you should be looking to mate with your family). They're part of you. I also agree that the foreign girls are very feminine compared to our American White girls, but our girls are very much worth the effort of trying to live with. They're beautiful and smart ( in their own way).
Gary said:
KG2422-No I don't think short men are push overs-How short is short? Tom Sharkey was 5'8-Rocky Marciano was 5'11-Tommy Burns was 5'7. Are you looking for trouble or just asking a question?

I was asking a question. I don't think I would find much trouble on a discussion forum. And if I wanted to find it I wouldn't look for it among kindred souls. People who know me and some who don't think I'm pretty tough despite being only 5'6. I was just making sure you weren't excluding men like me. Some of us are pretty handy in a battle or scrap.

Post Script-Edited my war stories. Sounded too much like bragging.Edited by: KG2422
KG2422-it's okay my kindred brother,no trouble.Doug Hepburn and Paul Anderson were both 5'9 and were two of the strongest men of all-time.Mickey Walker was 5'6 and beat heavyweights in boxing.Igor Vovchanchyn is 5'8 and as tough as nails.There is an old saying that goes "It's not the size of the dog in the fight-it's the size of the fight in the dog"!!Have a great day.
Gary, that quote is what my defensive line coach told me in high school and I never forgot it. I was then and still am 5-6, and was 155 pounds soaking wet then. I played OG and DT as a Sophomore and lettered because I played a lot of defense. I was tough as nails and like(d) to hit.Edited by: Colonel_Reb
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