Artur Szpilka

Szpilka, Wach, Abdu, Price - these are some of the exciting up and coming heavies.
Szpilka reminds me a little of Marciano the way he bends down low.
I had Bakhtov winning 95-94, but the judges give Wawrzyk the decision win.

Last fight on the card Szpilka-Basile coming up..
Szpilka looks good but I don't think he could handle the top fighters in the division. He's probably a borderline top 20 or 30 fighter. He still needs to improve his defense and holds his hands down too much of the time.
This guy has the killer instinct. He is a good prospect at 23, though I hope he can get up to around 240 lbs.
Szpilka is fighting again on June 30th. His opponent is listed as TBA, but is rumored to be Rossy.
And Rossy has become just a stepping stone at this point, so it should be another easy win.
Now it looks like Szpilka will be facing Jameel McCline in two weeks.

Looks like the Szpilka-McCline card may be cancelled, because the gypsy Dawid Kostecki who was supposed to fight Roy Jones in the main event is going to jail for pimping.
There must be some other over-the-hill Negro who wants a payday ... Hasim Rahman or James Toney come to mind.
The Polish telecast has started. Looks like they are going to show most of the undercard.
I've been a lurker on this website for a few years now (finally decided to join), and I've become a Spzilka fan despite his liking of Polish rap. Does anyone know of any streams for this fight?
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