Article in SI exposes caste system

Dec 23, 2009
Hello Everyone,

I want to say first that I discovered CF about a year ago. I've come to this site more and more as the months have passed and would like to say THANK YOU ALL for the insight that I've gained over the past year. I cannot go more than two days without CF during the NFL season, so again, thank you, and I hope to add to the discussion forum.

I wanted to post this article I found on SI (Idont believe its been posted on the forumyet)thatraises questions about whites being "dis-allowed" from playing tailback. It has some sad,sad stories in the article (that I already knew about thanks to CF!) of white tailbacks that never got a chance. Not suprisingly, a black man is the one who blows the whistle.MSM whites have no balls; not one of them. Enjoy
It has been discussed here already but we can always talk about it some more. Welcome to the board my friend. The truth is slowly leaking out into papers around the country. The question is will it make much of a difference? We need some nfl teams to have the courage to start a guy like Gerhart every Sunday and give him 20-25 chances to run the ball a game. Then we shall see what people think. Can he go for over 1000 yards in the nfl? Without a doubt in my mind. As long as he doesn't get hurt.
welcome to Caste Football! feel free to jump right in.
Thanks for the welcome White Lightning and sorry, didnt realize its been discussed already. I know thewriter goes on and on at the end about the whole Black-QB-victim thing, but I think its a good article to email to a bunch of DWF friends I'm working on converting. The reason I say this is because everytime we get in an argument (my friends and I) about the caste system,after I dish out fact after fact, their side is always"okay, I believe its happening but you're overstating it and WHY DO YOU CARE?" Those stories about Dillion Romain and Brock Forsey....HOW CAN YOU NOT CARE!!! Its total BS!!!

Part of the problem is how well-mannered and soft spoken whites are compared to blacks. Couldyou imagine if what happened to Forsey happened to a black man?!? They would be screeeaaammmming racism!! Their quote wouldnt be "No one ever said anything about race..." Give me a break! Its got to stop. I feel like Im taking crazy pills when people around me act like they dont see what Im talking about!
I believe if Brock Forsey had been black and Hatie Smith had been white, his degrading comments about Brock would have been one of the biggest scandals in modern NFL history. Hatie would have probably been out of a job in the NFL and would have been blackballed against future employment, maybe even in the college ranks. At the very least, he would have probably received some kind of heavy fine and suspension for poor conduct by the league. In addition, there would have been nonstop negative media coverage against Smith and the Bears, until he made multiple public penances. Even then, he would always be known as the racist white coach who the media would love to bring to the carpet at the first sign that there was trouble between himself and one of his players. If there was so much as a cross word between Smith and one of his black players, the media would be wondering if Hatie was up to his old racist tricks again. Brock Forsey would have also immediately been made a martyr and given a chance to earn a role as the starter or seeing significant carries with another team. he would most likely still be in the league today, if he had any production in his career at all. After all, who would want to be the coach to cut Brock Forsey after his last coach was roasted over the coals?
Whenever a White person has done something like what "Lovie" did he has been skewered by the media. Either the guy has been mothballed quickly or worse has been publicly emasculated and been forced to grovel at the feet of race hustlers like Jackson to be cleansed. See Don Imus who isn't a person of power and is a comedian of sorts. Edited by: white is right
imagine for example Cable saying something like: "Who's this fat guy? Is he our chef? He sure looks like one" about Russell. heh.
Toby Hillis welcome to the boards! I too looked at CF for several months before I had the "courage" to sign up. Back then I thought the PC police might break down my door and confiscate my computer, then "expose" me publicy on every TV station. But look at me I'm still here alive and well, LOL.

I too have noticed that while these articles were few and far between in local newspapers, the success of Gerhart as brought the point up more and more.

It's important to remember that it takes time to build up a memory bank of information in the general public. Why do you think so many people go to the store and buy Palmolive dish soap when the generic has the same exact ingredients, with just as many different scents and colors? Because those people grew up in a house and they had Palmolive with the woman's hand on front. For the most part it's not even a conscious decision, just automatic.

I think that's the case with most coaches, they automatically choose the black kid for RB from little league all the way to the NFL. Nefarious individuals like Bobby Bowden and Lovie Smith are the exception I think, but non-the-less they drive the social construct of black athletic superiority, even when so many things like BYU's defense suffocating the Rodgers brothers last night prove otherwise.

For a new product to get on the market, like Oxy-clean, need a flashy marketing approach (DWID's work for example), and demands for space on the shelves (Toby Gerhart). Now you go to any supermarket, Target, and Wal-mart Oxy-clean has a respectable section when it was unheard of a dozen or so years ago.
TH, welcome to Caste Football!
Welcome to CF, Toby Hillis. I lurked for awhile as well before signing up. I didn't really open my eyes to the caste system until my son started playing Pop Warner, and it rears it's ugly head even there. Where it really hits overdrive is in college recruiting. Just a quick look at the Recruiting '10: Early Look Ins post by Riddlewire shows how blatant and ingrained it is. Especially considering that there are roughly 5 times as many white HS players than black, and thatmost (by far)of the State Champions are majority white teams. How on earth can recruiting be so biased? Post on other sites as you have a chance, as we need to keep on "opening eyes" if we are ever to make progress.
I'm glad to see a lot of new members joining up!!
Welcome to CF, Toby Hillis! Glad you took the plunge and signed up!
The NFL might be the way it is because the focus groups the NFL used were composed of drunks. Lets face it without beer adds Mike Vick would probably make more at a car wash than playing football. Even I've noticed everyone who watches football is drinking sometimes heavily and with their guard down the gang banging minstrel show is kinda fun.
Thanks everyone for the welcomes. I remember one of the first red flags that were raised, at leastin my mind, that started my transition from BWF(Buzzed White Fan, I was never really atypical DWF since I almost always rooted for white players and white majority teams)to where I am today. It was the whole international basketball "debacle."

I remember scratching my head thinking"howin the hell can a country the size of Pennsylvania, that fields 12 white boys, beat the hell out of a country the size of 50 Pennsylvanias that fields a team made up of the 12"greatest athletes in the world?!?"

I remember hearing every excuse in the book from the MSM and friends. The listgoes as follows:
1) The Americans dont care/didnt want it bad enough/are not motivated/the other countries hate us, this is their "Super Bowl"
2)The other teams got to practice together longer
3)The international rulesfavorthe other countries/hurt Americas style of play

Im sure there are plenty of other excuses that Im forgetting, but I do remember one thing I never,everheard,just onepossibility that could NEVER EVER enter these idiots so-called brains.....
The international players were better!!!!!!

Could they jump higher? Idk, maybe, maybe not..could they run faster? Again, Idk and I dont care, they were better BASKETBALL PLAYERS.

Its gonna take a while untill whites are excepted as athletes againand everyone isdead on with their analogies. The problem is that blacks are now excepted as "superhumans," nothing like the "average man." After all, who would like the Incredible Hulk if he got his butt kicked by a 5'9" 160 lb white guy? Its not supposed to happen, right? A paradigm indeed!
I like your choice of user names Toby Hillis and welcome to Caste Football.
Weclome big TH to were real smart white men exchange ideas and thoughts here at CF. I liked your remark as a buzzed white fan. LOL
Electric Slide said:
Toby Hillis welcome to the boards! I too looked at CF for several months before I had the "courage" to sign up. Back then I thought the PC police might break down my door and confiscate my computer, then "expose" me publicy on every TV station. But look at me I'm still here alive and well, LOL.

I too have noticed that while these articles were few and far between in local newspapers, the success of Gerhart as brought the point up more and more.

It's important to remember that it takes time to build up a memory bank of information in the general public. Why do you think so many people go to the store and buy Palmolive dish soap when the generic has the same exact ingredients, with just as many different scents and colors? Because those people grew up in a house and they had Palmolive with the woman's hand on front. For the most part it's not even a conscious decision, just automatic.

I think that's the case with most coaches, they automatically choose the black kid for RB from little league all the way to the NFL. Nefarious individuals like Bobby Bowden and Lovie Smith are the exception I think, but non-the-less they drive the social construct of black athletic superiority, even when so many things like BYU's defense suffocating the Rodgers brothers last night prove otherwise.

For a new product to get on the market, like Oxy-clean, need a flashy marketing approach (DWID's work for example), and demands for space on the shelves (Toby Gerhart). Now you go to any supermarket, Target, and Wal-mart Oxy-clean has a respectable section when it was unheard of a dozen or so years ago.

There is a huge amount of truth in that. You can often observe that even at local levels where the caste system doesn't have a direct reach. As others have stated on here in the past, you can almost go to any high school sporting event any time and observe White athletes equaling and outperforming the heavily hyped black players. When I used to live in the Chicago area you might be able to say that the caste system had its claws directly into some of the larger high school program and media outlets, yet still, suburban heavily White schools are consistently the best programs at their respective levels in the state such as Addison Driscoll Catholic or Maine South High School. I know in Chicago there have been years and years of excuses for inner city schools both academically as well as athletically, despite the fact that athletics is pretty much the only reason that student athletes in these ghetto schools even attend.

Now that I live in a rural area I notice another type of bias, which is the unconscious one that you pointed out. Just the other night I was listening to a local high school basketball game on the radio and observed this unconscious bias and yes it was unconscious. An all White local team was playing another local team who had 2 black players. It was a fairly close game up until the 3rd period when turnovers and poor shooting started to plague the all White team. The team with 2 black players wound up winning by 12 points. The leading scorer was their 6-6 White Center who racked up 20+ by dominating the paint and boards, yet the local announcers couldn't stop talking about the black guard who ended up fouling out and scoring 8. He missed 3/4 free throws and was 1/5 from 3 point land and was gifted a bucket that should have been a charge. Yet they couldn't stop talking about how every time he was in the game, his speed was an offensive weapon that you couldn't contain. Even at one point they contradicted themselves by mentioning that the opposing team had done a pretty good job containing him, but then the other chimed in, that he definitely had an off night, because there is no way that "so and so team" could otherwise cover him for 4Q. You just can't cover an athlete like that. No mention of how the tough man pressure applied to him effectively kept him off balance, out of rhythm shooting and forced him to turn over the ball several times. One of the casterific moments was once when their Center pulled down a defensive rebound and tossed it to this kid. The announcers said aw oh, he has the ball and is looking to run. This can't be good for "that team". In the next instance he gets heavily pressured at the center line by the opposing White guard and steps out of bounds. Obviously it was unconscious caste praise, just like a majority of the DWF's do when they root for their favorite blacks and believe they are supermen athletes. It is just something that has been beaten into their heads like the Palmolive ads.
Bear Backer may remember the old Catholic League Champion vs City Public Champion football game in Chicago (what happened to them, anyway?). The all-white Catholic teams beat the mostly black city teams year after year, usually by pretty considerable margins.
Cassiodorus said:
Bear Backer may remember the old Catholic League Champion vs City Public Champion football game in Chicago (what happened to them, anyway?). The all-white Catholic teams beat the mostly black city teams year after year, usually by pretty considerable margins.

I am not old enough to remember the supposedly huge crowds that the Prep Bowl drew before the IHSA playoff system was implicated in the 70's, but they still do have the Prep Bowl, it just isn't what it once was. For most of my life I heard POOR Chicago Public League talk and especially how it wasn't fair that the schools were generally embarrassed in the playoffs. I never understood that. They always cried about lack of funding and other BS like that, but they have just as much funding as 90% of the other districts in the state. Certainly as much as many of the downstate programs and probably more. Why is it so important not to embarrass the CPL anyway? That is one thing I never understood. What makes them so special? If they want more athletic funds available to build programs, they shouldn't physically trash their schools or their students should actually attempt learn in school, instead of the schools having to spend tons on repairs or waste money on so many remedial programs. It seems to me, it should be that you deserve what you earn, and the PCL has certainly earned mediocrity.

Since the IHSA added more classes to the state playoffs, it has made things more confusing for the Prep Bowl tournament though with teams jumping in and out of the playoffs and teams having trouble getting games against good competition. I suppose that is a somewhat of a problem state wide, since 5-4 can qualify a team for the IHSA playoffs in some instances. Nobody want's to play a tough schedule and be one of those bubble teams and everyone wants to squeeze out as many wins as they can. I know there is a good independent program in Southern Illinois Mt Carmel, not anyway related to the Chicago Mt Carmel that has to routinely play teams from Indiana, because no one wants to play them. Edited by: Bear Backer
Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to say that I've finally found a group of link minded people. I've had the same thoughts about many on this website for years. I'm 48 years old and distinctly remember a great tamdom of Larry Czonka and Jim Kiick playing for the Miami Dolphins. I don't recall specific rushing numbers but the moral of the story iswhen Mercury Morris arrived on the scenehe was complaining about not receiving enough playing time. Eventually, after Morris' constant complaints it spelled theend of Jim Kiick even though he was more than qualified to retain his job. Now, I'm not disparaging Morris yet Kiick never did anything to loose his job. That trend from the early seventies continued to play itself out until we have what we see today.

I'm so tired of white athletes being disrespected. I've cheered and for any team that had a skilled white player receiving significant playing time even if it was against my hometown team. I've been a lifelong Bears fan and recall a few years back when Brock Forsey got an opportunity to start at tailback. There was a great deal of excitement around his start and needless to say we were very happy when he seized his opportunity and had a 100+ yard afternoon only to never see the field again because the bumbling Anthony Thomas was healthy the following week.

Guys, I know that there are many more people out there that are waiting to read and hear about what being discussed on this site. I hope that Toby Gerhardt has a real opportunity to make it in the NFL as the star tailback I know he can be. Great stuff guys, let's remain positive because I know that we've all been waiting along time to see great white athletesregain the prominence they deserve.


SkiBoy61, welcome to Caste Football!
Welcome to the board as well SkiBoy61. The bigger this board gets, the more that our message will get out there. We will never stop until our athletes get the fair chance that they deserve. Far too many players in many sports have been looked over just because of the color of their skin. We must have equality and we must demand it.

Whites need to understand that they are discriminated against in sports frequently and also in society. We must stick together to support each other. I have been here since the beginning. It is so exciting to see this board continue to grow.