ToughJ.Riggins said:I don't usually delve into this section b/c I'm more of a mixed political bag of populism and libertarianism than more traditional libertarianism and/or conservative constitutionalism like most of you fellows and I don't want to (what's the expression) rub posters the wrong way.
I am here simply to get more info as a Canadian by asking you guys if you could live with a proposal like I have created from minimal research. I saw Governor Christie was on the Hannity show when I was watching Fox News up here. I used to live in Jersey and think Governor Christie is a decent man who isn't swayed easily by public opinion. Overall, I'm surprised that NUTS and sleezy NJ elected him. He was explaining his opinion on illegal immigration and it got me thinking.
I believe a country without borders ceases to be a country and it's decline will soon be impending. However my question to you folks is:
"If it takes too many resources, manpower, money, time etc. to deport over 10 million illegals could you fellow posters live with this following 5 step effort/ compromise?"
1. The U.S will do everything in it's power to secure the border. National Guard will be sent there and maybe more stretches of wall built.
2. All illegals who have been found to have committed prior felonies will be hunted down and deported or if unsafe be sent to prison/back to prison until it is found what to do with them.
3. All "non criminal illegals" (kind of an oxymoron here) will get a period (how long I don't know) to come forward and report their presence here is illegal. Then they will have to pay a fine (how much I don't know) and get to the back of the line for a path to citizenship.
4. There will be a crack down on jobs where people are getting paid off the books, but the effort will solely focus on illegals getting paid off the books...employers who break the law will be met with more serious legal/financial consequences. This will help the dollar from crashing more and fight back against further national debt from illegals getting representation (healthcare, education etc.) without taxation.
5. Finally after the U.S has gone through a period of trying to moderately deal with this situation, the U.S will step forth with a strong surveillance and policing effort to deport those here who have not come out of the shadows. How long the U.S can afford to push on with this sweep to weed out the illegals will be left up to the lawmakers and how many police/national guard will be used in this effort will as well. However, all that is known is many will be caught and deported, although of course some will be destined to evade capture.
I'd like to know what you guys think of this proposal. It seems pretty good to me.
Edited to add: I shouldn't have said too much time to deport 10 million illegals, simply that it would require too much manpower, money and a very intense rushed response could cause serious problems panic and a lack of safety. I think my proposal (although others have proposed similar) would be a more thoughtful and safe way of dealing with the situation.
You have to crack down on hiring illegals. Once they can't get a job most will go home. They should take their "legal" anchor babies with them. I wouldn't send them to the back of the line because I wouldn't have any line at this point with a few exceptions. Unempoyment is 10% and it is going to take years to get that down to 5%. I am for a national ID;I know some are against that. I am for stopping anybody and asking for papers. That might be unconsitutional, so I would change the constitution,but that won't happen. So, that's a pipe dream.
We should easily be able to get an amendment to stop birthright citizenship if the traitoress gov't officials worked for the people.
There are towns in my area with 40% foreign born. That should not happen. There should at most be 1 to 2 percen foreign born in a country at once. That would be 1 person out of 100 that you would meet. I didn't meet even that many foreign born growing up. I don't think there was 1 foreign born person in my high school. This country is way out of control.Whites will be a minority shortly. The borders are wide open. Foreigners are taking our jobs and getting freebies.
Do they have birthright citizenship in Canada?