Arizona Illegal-Immigrant Law

ToughJ.Riggins said:
I don't usually delve into this section b/c I'm more of a mixed political bag of populism and libertarianism than more traditional libertarianism and/or conservative constitutionalism like most of you fellows and I don't want to (what's the expression) rub posters the wrong way.

I am here simply to get more info as a Canadian by asking you guys if you could live with a proposal like I have created from minimal research. I saw Governor Christie was on the Hannity show when I was watching Fox News up here. I used to live in Jersey and think Governor Christie is a decent man who isn't swayed easily by public opinion. Overall, I'm surprised that NUTS and sleezy NJ elected him. He was explaining his opinion on illegal immigration and it got me thinking.

I believe a country without borders ceases to be a country and it's decline will soon be impending. However my question to you folks is:

"If it takes too many resources, manpower, money, time etc. to deport over 10 million illegals could you fellow posters live with this following 5 step effort/ compromise?"

1. The U.S will do everything in it's power to secure the border. National Guard will be sent there and maybe more stretches of wall built.

2. All illegals who have been found to have committed prior felonies will be hunted down and deported or if unsafe be sent to prison/back to prison until it is found what to do with them.

3. All "non criminal illegals" (kind of an oxymoron here) will get a period (how long I don't know) to come forward and report their presence here is illegal. Then they will have to pay a fine (how much I don't know) and get to the back of the line for a path to citizenship.

4. There will be a crack down on jobs where people are getting paid off the books, but the effort will solely focus on illegals getting paid off the books...employers who break the law will be met with more serious legal/financial consequences. This will help the dollar from crashing more and fight back against further national debt from illegals getting representation (healthcare, education etc.) without taxation.

5. Finally after the U.S has gone through a period of trying to moderately deal with this situation, the U.S will step forth with a strong surveillance and policing effort to deport those here who have not come out of the shadows. How long the U.S can afford to push on with this sweep to weed out the illegals will be left up to the lawmakers and how many police/national guard will be used in this effort will as well. However, all that is known is many will be caught and deported, although of course some will be destined to evade capture.

I'd like to know what you guys think of this proposal. It seems pretty good to me.

Edited to add: I shouldn't have said too much time to deport 10 million illegals, simply that it would require too much manpower, money and a very intense rushed response could cause serious problems panic and a lack of safety. I think my proposal (although others have proposed similar) would be a more thoughtful and safe way of dealing with the situation.

You have to crack down on hiring illegals. Once they can't get a job most will go home. They should take their "legal" anchor babies with them. I wouldn't send them to the back of the line because I wouldn't have any line at this point with a few exceptions. Unempoyment is 10% and it is going to take years to get that down to 5%. I am for a national ID;I know some are against that. I am for stopping anybody and asking for papers. That might be unconsitutional, so I would change the constitution,but that won't happen. So, that's a pipe dream.

We should easily be able to get an amendment to stop birthright citizenship if the traitoress gov't officials worked for the people.

There are towns in my area with 40% foreign born. That should not happen. There should at most be 1 to 2 percen foreign born in a country at once. That would be 1 person out of 100 that you would meet. I didn't meet even that many foreign born growing up. I don't think there was 1 foreign born person in my high school. This country is way out of control.Whites will be a minority shortly. The borders are wide open. Foreigners are taking our jobs and getting freebies.

Do they have birthright citizenship in Canada?
"...I shouldn't have said too much time to deport 10 million illegals, simply that it would require too much manpower, money and a very intense rushed response could cause serious problems panic and a lack of safety..."

Twice before the U.S. successfully deported millions of illegal aliens. In each case, 1930s and 1950s, the vast majority of illegals deported themselves after realizing the Federal government was serious. How did they know the Feds were serious? They conducted sweeps through Mexican neighborhoods and loaded the illegals onto buses. 'Next stop Juarez.' The legal Mexicans and others were only too happy to assist the Feds. The ol' 'Mojado vs. Pocho' conflict.

No one died. No riots. Good times.

It is really and truly that easy. Heck, if it makes people feel better hire Temple Grandin to make the process more humane.
I had an arguement with my dad about how realistic it is to deport 20 million illegal aliens. He said it wasn't practical and we basically had to give them amnesty, then he asked me how we could do this and break up families. My response was this:

1) If a Norwegian was here illegally the government would send him back - why not Latinos?

2) If a Norwegian gave birth in America, the mother takes the kid back to Norway. Nobody complains about "breaking up a family". Why can't Latinos go back to Mexico?

3) Give them absolutely no public assistance of any kind. We wouldn't put up with Norwegians coming here running to the government center handouts - why would we put-up with Latinos doing it?

4) Financially and criminally punish those who hire illegals. Start with those places that are actively recruiting illegals (ie meat-packing industry, large agriculture etc)

5) Secure the border with troops, instead of securing Israel's borders.

6) Give all illegals a time limit (months) to run back to Mexico and get in line. If they don't go back on their own by that date, they can't ever become an American citizen. Then after that date we announce a moretorium on immigration.

7) Oh, and send the border babies back with the parents on the grounds that parents can't legally abandon their children. Let Mexico deal with their citizenship.

All very simple solutions our government is fully capable of doing.
Europe said:
You have to crack down on hiring illegals. Once they can't get a job most will go home. They should take their "legal" anchor babies with them. I wouldn't send them to the back of the line because I wouldn't have any line at this point with a few exceptions. Unempoyment is 10% and it is going to take years to get that down to 5%.

I agree with almost all of your thoughts, but it must be pointed out thatour nations "actual unemployment rate" is well above 10%. Those numbers you posted above areAlice-in-Wonderland stats put forth byour CultralMarxist run media, for the sole purpose of brainwashing the American sheeple into believing our nation is not in such dire straights as it really is. Our government puplicly acknowledges thatourtrue unemployment is at least over 17% (check the U-6 bar in the link below), when short-term "discouraged workers" are counted...When looking at the graph below, you'll notice our real unemployment is actually closer to 23%, when you take away a lot of theaccountingdistortions put forth by Clinton andthe neo-cons in 1994 in order to sell a very unpopular NAFTA.

As far as where the illegals belong inline? I say, at the very least, they belong behind my uncle who applied to come to the U.S. legally in the early 1970's (from Europe) and still hasn't got a response. Next timesome bleeding heart liberal tells you tofeel bad forthese creepy little law-breakers that have stolen jobs from Americans, at a time when our true unemployment rate is over 20%, and bankrupted so many U.S. cities and states (i.e. California) with their stupid little anchor babies, just remember millions of people around the world have tried to come here legally and been flat out told "get lost"

Edited by: Truthteller
Truthteller, well said on the "true" unemployment rate. The "polls" & FedGov waters the numbers down because they don't wake to awaken the sheeple. I'd say it's 18-25% if it's 1%.

In the way of the illegal invaders, if we'd end & revoke (currently applied...last 10 years) "birthright citizenship", end taxpayer subsidies (healthcare & govt. schooling) & crackdown on crooked, greedy employers who hire these scourge...they'd "deport" themselves (back to that cesspool "Meckyco"). In addition, we need to put an end to all H-1B visas (stop issuing & revoke current ones). We've got millions of unemployed REAL Americans now...these greedy Globalist corporations shouldn't be in-sourcing dirt-cheap, 3rd rate "white collar" workers (from India, Red China, etc.). Too bad "Crapitol sHill" is filled (to the brim) with traitors who've sold out (lock, stock & barrel) to the Globalist Elite/PTB/NWO!
There is a fund set up to help AZ defend the law against Washington DC and their lawyers. People from all over the country are donating their money. The fund already is up to over half a million dollars. Keep it up Americans. We can save our country!
Truthteller said:
Europe said:
You have to crack down on hiring illegals. Once they can't get a job most will go home. They should take their "legal" anchor babies with them. I wouldn't send them to the back of the line because I wouldn't have any line at this point with a few exceptions. Unempoyment is 10% and it is going to take years to get that down to 5%.
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<div>I agree with almost all of your thoughts, but it must be pointed out that our nations "actual unemployment rate"  is well above 10%. Those numbers you posted above are Alice-in-Wonderland stats put forth by our Cultral Marxist run media, for the sole purpose of brainwashing the American sheeple into believing our nation is not in such dire straights as it really is. Our government puplicly acknowledges that our true unemployment is at least over 17% (check the U-6 bar in the link below), when short-term "discouraged workers" are counted...When looking at the graph below, you'll notice our real unemployment is actually closer to 23%, when you take away a lot of the accounting distortions put forth by Clinton and the neo-cons in 1994 in order to sell a very unpopular NAFTA.</div>
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<div>As far as where the illegals belong in line? I say, at the very least, they belong behind my uncle who applied to come to the U.S. legally in the early 1970's (from Europe) and still hasn't got a response. Next time some bleeding heart liberal tells you to feel bad for these creepy little law-breakers that have stolen jobs from Americans, at a time when our true unemployment rate is over 20%, and bankrupted so many U.S. cities and states (i.e. California) with their stupid little anchor babies, just remember millions of people around the world have tried to come here legally and been flat out told "get lost"
<div> </div>

Good point on the unemployment rate. On the point of the wait to get to this country; I was talking to this Indian guy who said he applid and it took 15 years to get the ok,but we have all these Mexicans just waltzing in here. There are some illegal Russians that just overstay their visas and never leave also. I have also heard of Indians doing it. The gov't does nothing about any of this. Dixie is right on the H1b's. There are so many Indian IT people at my office that I feel like I live in India.
white lightning said:
There is a fund set up to help AZ defend the law against Washington DC and their lawyers. People from all over the country are donating their money. The fund already is up to over half a million dollars. Keep it up Americans. We can save our country!

The website is My grandpa apparently found out about it and he's actually one of the retirees mentioned in the articles who have now donated over $500,000! He told my mom, both my parents have donated, and then they called me yesterday, so I made my donation today. I'm trying to spread the word as much as possible. Let's donate whatever we can and help AZ fight this bogus DOJ lawsuit.
Foobar75, count me in as I listen to U2's "New Year's Day!"
DONE....Foobar75 just laid down some credit card cash that is real! Viva Brewer and F Obama and his DWFs!
an excellent take on things in Arizona using the establishment's love child, affirmative action: Profiling on steroids. the link contains a concise,but thoroughhistory of affirmative action legislation, as well.

here's an excerpt from the piece:

As a guest on a radio talkshow, I was asked for my view about SB 1070, the Arizona law featured in headlines across the nation. I said that I approved what the Arizonans had done because the federal government wasn't doing its job and the people were simply demanding relief from the flood of illegal immigrants who had poured into their state.

Talkshow co-host number one was aghast. Asked why, she swiftly offered, "It's profiling!"Â￾

Though I could have correctly countered that it isn't profiling, I decided on this occasion to take a different tack. "So you don't like profiling?"Â￾ I said.

"Not at all,"Â￾ came the reply.

"Then you must be opposed to affirmative action, which is profiling on steroids."Â￾

Dead silence ensued, interrupted a moment later by co-host number two who offered, "That's a great argument."Â￾
A bunch of ungrateful multi-millionaire Hispanic baseball players threaten to protest next years All-Star game which is in Arizona.

SI article

I would have no problem deporting these bums who apparently have no regard for the rule of law but are more concerned with backing up "their Latin communities".

I would love to see some white ballplayers come out in support of the law or state that boycotting the game is absurd. I will not hold my breath.Edited by: Freethinker
FT, let those latino usurpers go back to their "turd-world" cesspool(s) & give up the millions the make in our Republic...founded & made great by the White man!
i mean, really. what is the stink about all these illegals? really? i mean, think of all the incredible things they are doing for Americans! things like ...

bilking the federal government of about $13 million by filing false tax returns.

A group of illegal immigrants in South Carolina and North Carolina were able to bilk the federal government of about $13 million by filing false tax returns for refunds, but some have been caught and sentenced.

Several of the men were sentenced by Senior U.S. District Judge G. Ross Anderson in federal court in Anderson. Two were sentenced on Monday.

According to U.S. Attorney William Nettles, from 2006 to 2009, two tax-preparation businesses operating in Spartanburg and Boiling Springs, and one in Forest City, N.C., filed more than 10,000 federal income tax returns claiming $22 million in refunds. They received about $13 million in refunds from the Internal Revenue Service before agents discovered most of the returns were fraudulent, Nettles said in a statement.

About 20 people were involved in the scheme, according to Nettles.

or, even better ... raping a 14-year old girl at an Independence Day party. the link contains photos of the perps.

A pair of illegal immigrants raped a 14-year-old Texas girl at July 4th party in Texas, where the teen was later found sitting naked in a bathtub, police said.
The victim told police that she went to an Independence Day party with her cousin in Horseshoe Bay, Tex., about 40 miles northwest of Austin, where she was left in a room with Anibal Escobar, 19, and Anael Martinez, 22, MyFoxAustin reported.
The two Honduran natives, who told police they are in the U.S. illegally, made advances at the victim and then raped her, she told police. The victim's cousin discovered her in the bathtub and brought her home.
Escobar and Martinez were arrested early in the morning on July 9 and face felony charges of aggravated sexual assault, MyFoxAustin reported. Local investigators contacted Texas Rangers to assist in their investigation and translate, as none of the witnesses at the party or the suspects spoke English.
oh, what amazing wonders diversity brings us!
Freethinker said:
A bunch of ungrateful multi-millionaire Hispanic baseball players threaten to protest next years All-Star game which is in Arizona.

SI article

I would have no problem deporting these bums who apparently have no regard for the rule of law but are more concerned with backing up "their Latin communities".

I would love to see some white ballplayers come out in support of the law or state that boycotting the game is absurd. I will not hold my breath.

None of the latin players should be in this country.MLB should be for Americans.The same thing is happening in soccer around the world.
WL I hope once the the states go, the DWFs will follow! If they do, then maybe America can put a stop to the this adminstration's plans of F'ing all tax paying Americans in the rear. I feel the DWFs and Whites in general are waking the F up to what's going on. The NAACP condemning the TEA Party will only add more clarity to what's going on.
Europe said:
Freethinker said:
A bunch of ungrateful multi-millionaire Hispanic baseball players threaten to protest next years All-Star game which is in Arizona.

SI article

I would have no problem deporting these bums who apparently have no regard for the rule of law but are more concerned with backing up "their Latin communities".

I would love to see some white ballplayers come out in support of the law or state that boycotting the game is absurd. I will not hold my breath.

None of the latin players should be in this country.MLB should be for Americans.The same thing is happening in soccer around the world.

Absolutely! American is for (real) Americans...not foreign usurpers! Baseball is America's game. I'm SO sick of the untermenschen invading the soil of our Republic (founded & made great by the White, Christian man)! We have a mass invasion of mexcrements from the southern border & rubyknoggins being insourced/imported by these greedy, Globalist corporations. Not too mention the muhamedans, west indians & other scourge.
Have not read recent posts. It sounds like early posters totally misread the law. It seems that if the Federal government will not enforce the immigration laws then the state governments have every right to do what they can to protect themselves. Has anybody on here noted that the Federal immigration law does not require officials to have any reason to question someone they suspect might be an illegal immigrant. The AZ law says they must be suspected of some other violation.
KJJ55 said:
Have not read recent posts. It sounds like early posters totally misread the law. It seems that if the Federal government will not enforce the immigration laws then the state governments have every right to do what they can to protect themselves. Has anybody on here noted that the Federal immigration law does not require officials to have any reason to question someone they suspect might be an illegal immigrant. The AZ law says they must be suspected of some other violation.

Whatever you say boss!!!
I believe KJJ55 zeroed in on a key point. The federal law is much more broad. The Feds according to Federal Law can stop any illegal invader if he looks like George Lopez or Poncho Villa! The Dems/libs/DWFs convineintly hide this.

The AZ is more "reasonable" an invader must commit a felony, misdameanor or infraction to start the investigation if they are here legally. Hopefully the AZ law stands. Mexicans and other hispanic invaders will be slipping up every other minute.
In the above post I meant "here illegally."