Are we born DWF's or is it learned?

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
I know this is a silly question, but I did put it on "Happy Hour."

On the heels of the NFL thread about being a supporter of a specific team, I would like to know other thoughts about this being a DWF.

A few of the posters have said that before they knew of CF or had some bad experience they were true DWF's. For me, before I knew about CF, there was always something in me that steered away from black athletes and blacker teams. No, I didn't know about the caste system, but I seemed to always want the white guys to win no matter what. I remember as just a kid trying to find white basketball players like Pete Maravich or Larry Bird. Being a southerner, I have no affiliation with Boston whatsoever, but I found myself pulling for Bird and the Celtics, while everyone around me was pulling for Magic and the Lakers. I remember people making fun of Bird and McHale saying how ugly they were, to that I would say, and James Worthy ain't.

Alot of the guys here from the North say, the south is eat up with DWF's, but I don't think I was from the beginning.

I've mentioned this before, but how I found CF was by simply googling white RB's for my son who wanted to become a QB, because he never saw white RB's in college or the NFL. Thankfully, CF popped up and and I have appreciated it ever since. I hope ya'll never get tired of me thanking Don and the many supporters and posters of this site.

Anyway, just wanted to here others opinions on their experience and or this subject.


Apr 6, 2007
Anyway, just wanted to here others opinions on their experience and or this subject.

As a born and bred Georgia Cracker I have NEVER been a DWF. Having said that I know PLENTY of "white" folks who are self admitted racists BUT think nothing about cheering for their favorite afflete.
Dec 10, 2012
DWFs: Nature vs. nurture

Anyway, just wanted to here others opinions on their experience and or this subject.

I like this topic.. & your story sounds similar to mine.
I grew up nowhere near Boston, but I remember during the Bird-era, many White kids (myself included) rooting for the Celtics. Back in '85, you still could basically say you liked a team because they were White, without catching much grief.. even from your Black peers.

I think it's natural for ppl of ALL ethnic groups to more readily indentify w/athletes that look like themselves.. But with that said, I also remember White kids giving love & respect for the accomplishments of Blacks who were in the NBA @ that time. When Spud Webb went off @ the slam dunk contest, White kids instinctively admired it.

The problem, from my perspective, is during that time (from the mid 1970s-on), is that the baby boomers who were becoming teachers, reporters, politicians, media pundits, etc.. started to link the success & popularity of Black athletes & performers to the idea of Blacks' broader capablities..
It was always like, 'see Spud Webb & Michael Jackson.. look how cool & accomplished they are.. We have no reason now to doubt that Blacks would also be good mayors, boyfriends, reporters..'
But I don't think that was an accurate assessment/translation, & a lot of DWFs & Liberals were born from, & brainwashed, into that false assumption.

My take is, there is some innate, in-born respect for Black athletes, but full-on Liberalism & DWFhood is more learned, and encouraged(?)
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Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Absolutely excellent topic. Collective white liberalism/leftism is learned systematically beginning at a young age (I once wrote a thread on this site about my experiences in the Canadian Public School system, and how it was forcing white kids to hate white males). My thoughts:

You know, before coming onto this site, for a few years I posted at mainstream boxing sites. At these sites, you've basically got a lot of white guys who are supporting their favourite Negro American boxers at all costs. The funny part of course being, that most of the prominent Negro boxers involved in the US scene (Jermain Taylor, Ed Miranda, Danny Jacobs, Jeff Lacy, Calvin Brock) went on to be viciously knocked out and outclassed by white European boxers. However, even after these Negro boxers have been dominated and many times knocked out by white boxers, many of the white fans pretend it didn't happen or invent excuses as to why the result is somehow irrelevant. Some of these white fans even seem to be living in the 1980's (talking about black boxers of yesteryear and watching fight movies from the 80's), reliving the times when their favourite Negroes were winning at boxing in an extremely limited talent pool. It's almost like these white boxing fans are literally living in an alternative reality, where they refuse to accept that whites now dominate boxing.

On the topic of DWF's or white sports fans relentlessly cheering on black athletes (many of who are rapists, murderers, gangsters, and to top it off, massively overrated and pretty much rubbish at their sport), I would say first we need to understand that this is a mere symptom of a much larger social and ideological problem facing whites.In my opinion, this type of "DWF" behaviour is learned at an early age through schools, first experiences with media and social norms, and in-home experiences. What I find, is that in North America there is a huge dislike directed at fathers and white men. Most white kids, whether male or female, grow up much closer to their mother than their father. Society (schools, media, public places, and divorce law) helps to enforce this bias. Just take a look at contemporary movies, commercials, and media, constantly making fun of white males, or portraying them in a negative light.

Over someone's life, the cumulative effect of these experiences at school, in public, and with the media, forces them to hate white males on some level. It's socially normal to do that in North America and you can see that in popular culture. Kids learn that at a young age, probably, in their first few years at school.

So if you want my honest opinion, I'd say that many whites - male and female - over their life have been conditioned by this systematic propaganda to the point that they have an animosity or dislike for white men.

This explains:

- DWF type fans (rooting for black athletes at all costs)
- DWF type voters (whites supporting black politicians, black moral figures, black public figures at all costs)
- White guilt (Evil white men in years past oppressed nonwhites, and whites today now owe them something)
- Support of gay marriage (anything to undermine the social authority of white males)

They're all symptoms of the same problem, white liberalism, which in practical terms means taking power away from or mocking white males in any way possible.
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Sep 2, 2012
What I find, is that*in North America there is a huge dislike directed at fathers and white men. Most white kids, whether male or female, grow up much closer to their mother than their father. Society (schools, media, public places, and divorce law) helps to enforce this bias. Just*take a look*at contemporary movies, commercials, and media, constantly making fun of white males, or portraying them in a negative light.

This is exactly right and probably a huge factor in being a dwf that I never really considered.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The disconnect, or divide, between DWFs and the racially aware seems to be growing. Certainly the hostility from committed DWFs (and liberals and so-called "progressives") towards their "enemies" is getting worse. May have something to do with Obama getting re-elected; I think Jim Goad really hit the nail on the head with a recent article that I posted on Happy Hour ("The Tolerance That is Only Skin Deep"

Being a DWF is akin to being a properly assimilated American. It's "unpatriotic" to believe that football, the opiate of the masses, is rigged against Whites or is somehow unfair or corrupt at its core. 30 years as an activist in alternative politics has shown me over and over again how relentlessly White Americans cling to their indoctrinated beliefs about American "exceptionalism" and the basic goodness of the government and the system. The U.S. government can launch one overseas aggression after another, which was horrible when Germany supposedly was acting that way, and DWF Nation supports every last one of them. Domestically, roadblocks and cameras on every corner can be installed, which is one of the hallmarks of totalitarianism, and DWF Nation understands that this is being done to keep us "free." The two party system sucks, but there's always a Conservative Great White Hope who will save us next presidential election cycle. Third parties will never work, sports is color blind, the "nightly news" broadcasts are objective, and on and on. Some, maybe many people, no longer believe some or all of this, but they still have an unshakeable belief that though the system may have problems it's still the best, and they fear the thought of fundamental changes and reforms.

The United States is absurdly fractured along ideological and religious fault lines but the masses in general have become sheep-like, or cattle-like, take your pick. There really are two different versions of reality in America today; unfortunately "our side" has truth, common sense and intelligence going for it, but zero power other than internet websites, small audience radio shows, and a few print publications. The system's 24/7 monopoly of power and propaganda makes it all but impossible to change ingrained DWF beliefs. DWFs are made, not born. Part of being a good DWF is being deracinated or even hating yourself for being White. Changing a mind here and there is all we can do, as the different stories of those who have found Caste Football attest.
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Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
Absolutely excellent topic. Collective white liberalism/leftism is learned systematically beginning at a young age (I once wrote a thread on this site about my experiences in the Canadian Public School system, and how it was forcing white kids to hate white males). My thoughts:

You know, before coming onto this site, for a few years I posted at mainstream boxing sites. At these sites, you've basically got a lot of white guys who are supporting their favourite Negro American boxers at all costs. The funny part of course being, that most of the prominent Negro boxers involved in the US scene (Jermain Taylor, Ed Miranda, Danny Jacobs, Jeff Lacy, Calvin Brock) went on to be viciously knocked out and outclassed by white European boxers. However, even after these Negro boxers have been dominated and many times knocked out by white boxers, many of the white fans pretend it didn't happen or invent excuses as to why the result is somehow irrelevant. Some of these white fans even seem to be living in the 1980's (talking about black boxers of yesteryear and watching fight movies from the 80's), reliving the times when their favourite Negroes were winning at boxing in an extremely limited talent pool. It's almost like these white boxing fans are literally living in an alternative reality, where they refuse to accept that whites now dominate boxing.

On the topic of DWF's or white sports fans relentlessly cheering on black athletes (many of who are rapists, murderers, gangsters, and to top it off, massively overrated and pretty much rubbish at their sport), I would say first we need to understand that this is a mere symptom of a much larger social and ideological problem facing whites.In my opinion, this type of "DWF" behaviour is learned at an early age through schools, first experiences with media and social norms, and in-home experiences. What I find, is that in North America there is a huge dislike directed at fathers and white men. Most white kids, whether male or female, grow up much closer to their mother than their father. Society (schools, media, public places, and divorce law) helps to enforce this bias. Just take a look at contemporary movies, commercials, and media, constantly making fun of white males, or portraying them in a negative light.

Over someone's life, the cumulative effect of these experiences at school, in public, and with the media, forces them to hate white males on some level. It's socially normal to do that in North America and you can see that in popular culture. Kids learn that at a young age, probably, in their first few years at school.

So if you want my honest opinion, I'd say that many whites - male and female - over their life have been conditioned by this systematic propaganda to the point that they have an animosity or dislike for white men.

This explains:

- DWF type fans (rooting for black athletes at all costs)
- DWF type voters (whites supporting black politicians, black moral figures, black public figures at all costs)
- White guilt (Evil white men in years past oppressed nonwhites, and whites today now owe them something)
- Support of gay marriage (anything to undermine the social authority of white males)

They're all symptoms of the same problem, white liberalism, which in practical terms means taking power away from or mocking white males in any way possible.

This is one of the best posts in castefootball history. I dont believe anyone is born with a hatred towards their own kind. DWFs, disobedient women, militant blacks, and liberal idiots are all the result of extreme propaganda. I sure do wish our grandfathers would have stood up to it before it got so out of control.


Dec 29, 2012
Miami FL
I don't think I've ever really been a DWF. Even during my younger days here in Miami when the Miami Hurricanes were winning national titles under Jimmy Johnson, I had a sense of why the rest of the country was rooting against them. I mean don't get me wrong, I rooted for them (so maybe I was a DWF after all) but I knew that most of these guys came from the worst parts of Miami (Overtown and Liberty City) and represented the absolute worst elements of our city. I guess you could say I've always been somewhat aware but I didn't REALLY start looking into it in depth until I found this website.


Aug 22, 2012
It's learned, if you watch babies play they distinguish between races. Whites play with fellow whites, blacks with blacks, Asian with Asians, etc. It's only when we get older and constantly have it drilled in ours heads that all races are equal in everything excluding athletic prowess that we become DWFs.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Being a DWF is a product of brainwashing and indoctrination and not a natural "trait". The left has infiltrated American society over the past 50 years and really corrupted the average American. We live in a perverse society where up is down, black is white, wrong is right etc.

Unfortunately most white Americans either become so indoctrinated and accepting of this mindset they never take a look around and assess the state of society for themselves. They accept it for what it is. Alot of this is related to children being indoctrinated in an ever increasing leftist "education" system as well as the power of mass media over the past half century.

With the rise of the internet I do believe it has helped more whites become self-aware and find others to identify with - either on sites like this or when reading through the comments section for race related stories. I do think this is encouraging and the internet provides a forum for like minded people from all over to collect and rally behind a certain cause.

Personally, I can remember always finding myself rooting and cheering for white players more than blacks even before I was aware of the caste system. As a teenager I can recall a growing disdain for black quarterbacks. I remember cheering for McGwire over Sosa in 98 and being a fan of basketball players like Stockton, Mullins, Hornacek and Kucoc.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
This is one of the best posts in castefootball history. I dont believe anyone is born with a hatred towards their own kind. DWFs, disobedient women, militant blacks, and liberal idiots are all the result of extreme propaganda. I sure do wish our grandfathers would have stood up to it before it got so out of control.

Thanks for your kind words! What I wrote is my own brutally honest view on this topic so I'm glad that you can relate to or agree with my assessment.

That's one of the great things about this site, Castefootball, is that we've got a great group of guys here, and constantly new ideas are being thrown around by different users. It makes for an informed and intelligent discussion! :)

To conclude, as an answer to the question, as I note, and many others in this thread (like Leonardfan above me), this type of black athlete worship is learned in whites through social conditioning and constant propaganda bombardment over a lifetime.
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