Are the ISIS beheadings of American journalists fake?

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
The video of the beheading of the journalist looks fake. I think it's all Mossad smoke and mirrors. From Houdini to Rubenstein, the Chosen Ones are the masters of deceit and illusion.


That Steven Sotloff is Jewish isn’t exactly a secret. But what many media titles this morning have glossed over is that he studied at Tel Aviv’s Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC) before beginning his career. Located on the same campus at the core of of IDCs philosophy is the International Institute for Counter Terrorism. Its links to Mossad are well known. The Slog tries to join up some dots.

Having watched the second ‘beheading’ video and looked into Mr Sotloff’s background, my aim – as with James Foley’s apparent execution – is to offer key observations that I find significant:

There is no blood at all in this video. This time the ‘assailant’ isn’t even seen attacking his victim. There is no headless body seen at the end. The voice is identical to the first video.



Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Yes they are.


Senator John_McCain with Syrian Al Qaeda / ISIS terrorists. ISIS Chief Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (aka Elliot Shimon, Jew) circled in red !

I didn't see the phony second one yet, but in the phony first one, Foley, long time anti-Syrian terrorist sympathizer, recited his lines like a cool calm actor, and then didn't even react when the "ISIS" terrorist was pretending to saw his head off, didn't struggle or scream or anything, but little toy soft plastic knives aren't that great at cutting peoples' heads off anyway. Segue to a photoshop of a cut off head, hardly any blood around. there would be large amounts of blood around if it was real as the body would pump out blood.

Add some more to the list of endless phoney bull**** from Washington - 911, Sandy Hoax, the beheading of Nick Berg, Sadaam's weapons of mass destruction, Milosovich/Grenada/Haitian warlords/Daniel Ortega wanting to take over the world, Kiev freedom fighters, Unarmed Black teen "murdered" by white police officer, the list goes on and on...
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Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
911 - Mossad was definitely involved

Sandy Hoax - I don't know, what would be their motive?

the beheading of Nick Berg - that one was real, a little payback by the Iraqis for the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who died in the US invasion and occupation

Saddam's weapons of mass destruction - a lie that caused hundreds of thousands to die

Kiev freedom fighters - funded by Israeli billionaires

Unarmed Black teen "murdered" by white police officer - obviously made into something it wasn't by the media


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I suspect they might be staged to get the neocon'd sheeple beating the "war drums". However, I'm not 100% certain.


Oct 12, 2008
100% fake. Classic narrative of innocent western journalist beheaded by Muslim savages...reinforce the narrative to keep Americans supporting our military occupations and invasions in the Middle East.


Oct 12, 2008
If you are 100% sure then I'm sure you won't mind proving it.

Keep believing everything you're told by the news and your government. As for me, I will assume the liars are lying unless I have personal knowledge of its truth.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
100% fake. Classic narrative of innocent western journalist beheaded by Muslim savages...reinforce the narrative to keep Americans supporting our military occupations and invasions in the Middle East.


Jul 6, 2011
Keep believing everything you're told by the news and your government. As for me, I will assume the liars are lying unless I have personal knowledge of its truth.

I have believed very little from the MSM and "my" governments since I became politically aware in the late 1980s. That doesn't mean I've adopted the spastic view whereby I must conclude that EVERYTHING ever reported by the media must therefore be a fabrication due to my hostility to the MSM and government.

So again I ask you to back up your post where you state with 100% certitude that the beheading was fake. If you cannot do so simply apologise for jumping the gun due to an understandable suspicion of everything the MSM and government tell us. I look forward to your evidence.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Personally, as a Muslim, I think the beheadings are real. Many Arabs have a lot of justified anger towards Westerners and I don't for one minute believe that these journalists were "innocent". The media pushes agendas and distorts truths so no one involved with this industry is "innocent". That being said, I know it is possible that this is all staged. You can't trust anything reported by the media and even the government so at the very least we should be skeptical.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Personally, as a Muslim, I think the beheadings are real. Many Arabs have a lot of justified anger towards Westerners and I don't for one minute believe that these journalists were "innocent". The media pushes agendas and distorts truths so no one involved with this industry is "innocent". That being said, I know it is possible that this is all staged. You can't trust anything reported by the media and even the government so at the very least we should be skeptical.
Those executions looked real to me. The heads smeared in blood and plopped on their bodies looked real. Plus I saw the nerves in the neck on the Jewish American victim. I just hope their endings were as quick and painless as possible and the death of the scum that killed them as painful as possible....


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Those executions looked real to me. The heads smeared in blood and plopped on their bodies looked real. Plus I saw the nerves in the neck on the Jewish American victim. I just hope their endings were as quick and painless as possible and the death of the scum that killed them as painful as possible....
I'm not interested in watching the videos, so you guys can make your judgements on their veracity.
If real, sure, the assailants deserve painful deaths, but it's not the job of the U.S. soldier or our pilots and drones to go in and do it. The sudden surfacing of "ISIS/ISIL/Whatever" and the over-the-top drum-beating and vilification is something to behold.
Last year at this time, nobody had ever heard of them, the PTB was trying to vilify the Syrian government, and it wasn't working. So this new Islamic group suddenly pops up with all sorts of gruesome stories, journalists beheaded, Christians killed by the thousands, and now the polls say that the sheeple are frothing at the mouth for vengeance.
It's just too suspicious for me.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
I have believed very little from the MSM and "my" governments since I became politically aware in the late 1980s. That doesn't mean I've adopted the spastic view whereby I must conclude that EVERYTHING ever reported by the media must therefore be a fabrication due to my hostility to the MSM and government.

So again I ask you to back up your post where you state with 100% certitude that the beheading was fake. If you cannot do so simply apologise for jumping the gun due to an understandable suspicion of everything the MSM and government tell us. I look forward to your evidence.
No one believes EVERYTHING reported by the media is fake. Most of what is reported by the media is real, although it's very slanted.

But when it comes to what's in Israel's interests, some of it is completely fake. Please, watch this video:



Dec 2, 2013
Yes they are.


Senator John_McCain with Syrian Al Qaeda / ISIS terrorists. ISIS Chief Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (aka Elliot Shimon, Jew) circled in red !

I didn't see the phony second one yet, but in the phony first one, Foley, long time anti-Syrian terrorist sympathizer, recited his lines like a cool calm actor, and then didn't even react when the "ISIS" terrorist was pretending to saw his head off, didn't struggle or scream or anything, but little toy soft plastic knives aren't that great at cutting peoples' heads off anyway. Segue to a photoshop of a cut off head, hardly any blood around. there would be large amounts of blood around if it was real as the body would pump out blood.

Add some more to the list of endless phoney bull**** from Washington - 911, Sandy Hoax, the beheading of Nick Berg, Sadaam's weapons of mass destruction, Milosovich/Grenada/Haitian warlords/Daniel Ortega wanting to take over the world, Kiev freedom fighters, Unarmed Black teen "murdered" by white police officer, the list goes on and on...

Al-Baghdadi doesn't exist. Take notice of the fact the US government never talks about him publicly just "experts" on TV. They just added another person to the most wanted terrorists list and Al-Baghdadi still isn't there.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
No one believes EVERYTHING reported by the media is fake. Most of what is reported by the media is real, although it's very slanted.

Absolutely bang on correct. Great comments Carcharias.

A lot of what the media reports has some truth in it, but the powerful Zionist lobby in the American media distorts and slants the story.

I remember 2 or 3 years ago the media claimed 3 innocent Americans had been taken prisoner by Iran. What the Zionist controlled media "coveniently" did not state is that the Americans were in fact Jews who had illegally trespassed onto Iranian land and most likely were spying on behalf of Israel. American media refused to mention any of these facts and fabricated an illusion that evil Islamic Iranians were imprisoning innocent Americans without cause. Of course, the reality of the situation is that Iran has every right to protect its borders and was correct in arresting the 3.

Moreover, American government and American media are confirmed liars in many cases (JFK assassination which has now seen John Kerry refute the government's findings, No WMD in Iraq, Illegally invading Iraq, the way they disproportionately report white on black murders even though the statistical reality is the reverse is 10 times more common) and even more cases are very suspicious (9-11, Bin Laden's death which of course had no proof whatsoever to confirm the offocial account, Sandy Hook etc).

Because of their track record of being dishonest we should question and be skeptical of anything the media reports.
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Oct 12, 2008
Know this about the media. It is a for PROFIT business owned by a handful of corporate conglomerates. The TRUTH of any matter is irrelevant to the news business. Freedom of speech/press guarantees that the media can LIE with impunity. Once you realize that big HOAXES such as the Boston Bombing are presented as news, then your eyes will be opened to the every day fake stories filling up your newscast. Give NO credibility to anything on the so-called news.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Know this about the media. It is a for PROFIT business owned by a handful of corporate conglomerates. The TRUTH of any matter is irrelevant to the news business. Freedom of speech/press guarantees that the media can LIE with impunity. Once you realize that big HOAXES such as the Boston Bombing are presented as news, then your eyes will be opened to the every day fake stories filling up your newscast. Give NO credibility to anything on the so-called news.

You're right about that, and about the Boston (& Sandy Hoax) CrisisActor.Org traveling road show too, but it's clearly more than about just profit, otherwise the whole lot of them, all of the controlled media, all the newspapers, mags, tv stations, radio stations, and all of "our" (ha ha) politicians too, wouldn't be using the same spin, the exact same script - like maybe one single newspaper or tv station might be reporting on the pandemic of violent black crime and saying, wait a minute, how come everybody is all at once pouncing on something that happened in Ferguson and spinning it the exact same way, and maybe asking questions like how come all those hundreds of blown off limbs they told us happened at the Boston bombing, but you can't see even one in the pictures, and how come Ibragim Todashev wound up with a bullet in the back of his head after the FBI questioned him? And how come Lucky Larry Silverstein and his two kids and the officers in his company and approx. 4,000 Israelis didn't show up for work on 911, and how come Lucky Larry didn't even get questioned about his "Pull it!" comment referring to Bldg. 7, the 3rd largest building to ever collapse, and Bldg. 7 wasn't even mentioned in the official 911 report, not to mention his cool 7 billion $ windfall on 911? Some little things like that.

But nope, they are all in unison, all 100% in accord, always, all exactly the same, same stories same spin, same "unarmed black teen", all together, the whole lot of them.
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
And advertising agencies too. If it was really about selling stuff and making money, white people are the biggest market, so why does every single advertising agency try its best to ridicule and defame white people?


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
And advertising agencies too. If it was really about selling stuff and making money, white people are the biggest market, so why does every single advertising agency try its best to ridicule and defame white people?
It's simple. White people are so deracinated, desensitized, and self-loathing that agencies can malign them with impunity and it will not affect the selling/advertising value to that demographic. But by highlighting "diverse" individuals, they can gain that demographic as well. It doesn't work the other way around.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
And advertising agencies too. If it was really about selling stuff and making money, white people are the biggest market, so why does every single advertising agency try its best to ridicule and defame white people?

White ethnomasochism is the default attitude of western society. Thus ridiculing and defaming white people is the way to sell to white people. I'm sure everyone on this site has watched one of the "commercials we hate" with other white people and heard the howls of laughter or the complete lack of emotion against the advertisement.

Someday advertising will feature the killing and gutting of white people by non-whites and I'm sure it will be very popular amongst most white people.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

Yeah, so they tell us. It's this season's latest enemy du jour. Every season there's a brand new foreign enemy that they tell us wants to take over the world and destroy our way of life that we need to hate and bomb. F them. I know who the real enemy is, and it's not overseas.
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
I just saw the alleged Sotloff beheading vid (link below) and it's just as phony as the other one. Guy reads his lines like a cool calm actor. If you're about to get murdered why would you do that? The guy would be yelling "God bless America!" or "I love you, mom!" or screaming and struggling or something. The terrorist actor has the same little toy knife. And they don't show any beheading. I thought ISIS is supposed to glory in showing their most gory murder videos, so why so shy now? It's as phony as Barry's birth certificate.
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Feb 27, 2013
Werewolf. You are out of your freakin mind dude. Why can't you see it? So Sotloff is going to hide out the rest of his life and avoid friends and family for some media lie? Dude , you are out of your friggin mind. You are paranoid beyond belief. Wake up but you wont. That is a given.