Guests lives in the dream world that a colorblind society is possible, and
that it would be a good one, all nice and shiny like he dreams it to be.
Unfortunately he can't see that, if affirmative action were eliminated, and
people's were really judged on their ability, blacks, hispanics, middle
easterners, and most southeast asians would be at the very bottom of the
society, because they are, on average, significantly dumber than whites
and northeast asians.
You see, if that were the situation, then the bottom dwellers would look
around, see that the whites and fair skinned asians were at the top of the
society, and blame their slot on the bottom becasue of racism. All the
failures are due to racism. And then the violence would begin. History
tells us that over and over again. Idealism is such crap. Read history.
See how people really are.
And who here is dumb enough to not think that people would make
associations with others and give those they know opportunities and
advantages over those they don't know and like? Isn't this human nature?
Multi-racial societies don't work. And when the money for affirmative
action runs out, we'll all find that out soon enough. All the hard-working
hispanics? You know why those hispanics work so hard now? Because
coming to America is a big step up from Mexico. But for their kids, all
they will know is America. And when they don't do so well at school, and
see their horizons proscribed by low wage service jobs into old age, they
won't be so willing to accept that fate. it won't be a step up. The ladder
will be broken. Watch what happens then.
This colorblindness crap is really so naive. Hell, the differences in wealth
and outcomes in life, and the social problems it can cause are bad
enough in a monoracial and monocultural country. In multi-racial
countries its much worse. The only thing (barely) holding this douchebag
together is America's increasingly false prosperity. When that ends, the
dam breaks.