Anxiety Attacks

WA33 how are you doing with your anxiety attacks? I have some issues to but it's more long term almost chronic anxiety just due to more responsibilities in my personal life and trying to figure out how to raise my kid right in this ever devolving society.

I can actually trace when my issues started to college when I went down the wrong road using pot. Don't let anyone think that it can't have a long term psychological effect on you. I regret using marijuana quite a bit even though it was just over a 3 year period in my life. Have a beer instead!
My nerves get "shot" here & there. I've struggled with a (bad) temper for ions, but my "fuse" is 'longer' now (when it comes to reacting physically). I used to be (fairly) quick to 'react' to anything that I deemed as "provocation". Fortunately, I never got in legal trouble based on my physical response. While age & family have helped my "reactions", I still 'internalize' alotta anger & frustration. I'm a private person (in general) & very rarely "share" my feelings with others (...unless I like &/or trust them). I think that a man needs to be tough & not let "feelings" prevent taking care of business. In other words...duty > emotions. However, Bible reading, prayer & exercise help does "venting" here on CF. ;-)
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It sounds gay, but I've found yoga to really help with mental issues. Not the trendy "hot yoga" but the traditional yoga. It is also a great physical workout, believe it or not.

Try it, keep with it and your panic attacks will vanish in a few weeks to a month.

Meditation too. There are various kinds. I was just talking to a friend of mine here, a man from Laos who was once a Buddhist monk. We were talking about food and eating habits, interesting me now because I am in one of my periodic trimming down modes, which for me consists mainly in not eating late. He said that the monks don't eat anything after noon until the following day. I asked him how they cope with hunger. he said they meditate. He intends to go back to Laos and become a monk again as soon as all his sons leave home. He said he loved the life. He is a real interesting guy. He is tiny, half my size, but in great shape and very strong. He is always running - with his work boots on - he works for the park system doing manual labor - and bike riding and exercising, always exercising, even tho his work consists of exercise. He was demonstrating his amazing agility to me yesterday (amazing to me anyway - I can't kick my feet over my head). He told me he amazes his sons by tossing 300 pound tires around. He likes to talk about the connection between Buddhism and Christianity. Interesting guy, but the point was meditation. Maybe I should try it again.
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Great info guys but I would never consider taking Xanax or any of those other anti-anxiety drugs. I know some people who were prescribed them and ended up getting hooked and buying them on the street.

I am not inclined to becoming addicted to any substance . You can overdo anything. Motto of (mythical...sadly) Shangri-La: Moderation in everything - including moderation in moderation. If I'm feeling hyper and can't sleep i'll take a tiny bit of that drug, just a tiny bit from the tiny pill is all I need. Nothing addictive about it for me. And I'm a guy who hates drugs and most drugs don't agree with me either, but I'm eclectic. I take what I think works from whatever source. The latest thing I'm trying for an injury I have is a leaf from a southeast Asian tree called kratom. Hey, it's supposed to be good for anxiety as well as pain! If u want to try it I know the reliable sources because I have studied the kratom forums so u could pm me if you want. So far I like it. It's legal in the US except for a few states. It's illegal in England. I don't believe in making any natural plant illegal - but then the drug companies can't profit from natural medicines because they can't patent them and sell them for $25 a pill, so they want to make everything illegal except their own killer drugs - check out how many people die from prescription drugs each year!
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good, honest, femine woman
fruit, vegetables, nuts, meat
steady, consistent exercise
music without lyrics
deep breathing
drink water

"good, honest, feminine woman"

Once upon a time most women were like that. Now they are getting very rare.

I've seen a lot worse advice, brother.
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