Anti-White Racism

Some of you may familiar with Red Ice. Here's a short video that sums up how the false narratives are stacked against Whites:
Some of you may familiar with Red Ice. Here's a short video that sums up how the false narratives are stacked against Whites:
I like this channel and they have been fighting for our cause for well over a decade or longer. My only problem with Red Ice is they are
basically Pagans which is their choice but they knock christianity alot. We all need to find common ground as the attempted white genocide
of the europeans is going full speed ahead. The latest numbers I heard were that whites are only 8 percent of the world. Yes we are the minoritiy of the earth and going extinct by design but they would rather save the environment & animals but get rid of the whites.
Yes, that is the issue I have with Red Ice; their non-Christian stance. I don't watch their stuff much. They need Christ and so does everyone. I appreciate the facts and reports Red Ice brings. That's a positive I suppose but they need our prayers.
Christianity has brought many blessings to society at large but most European societies are “post Christian “ now and so regardless if they are pagans or atheists or whatever, red ice are often right on the money.

And as much as I hate to admit it, todays Christianity in the US is often so feeble and feminized that you can understand why people would turn away from it.

Personally I had become a churchgoer again as an adult after my kids were born. I went regularly and actually enjoyed it. I was the one in the family who lead us back to it.

Covid however and the church’s complete buckling under to it ruined it for me. My parish and so many I knew were just abysmal. Perhaps I’ll go back perhaps I won’t. One thing though is that I think red ice is correct a lot more often than not.
Christianity has brought many blessings to society at large but most European societies are “post Christian “ now and so regardless if they are pagans or atheists or whatever, red ice are often right on the money.

And as much as I hate to admit it, todays Christianity in the US is often so feeble and feminized that you can understand why people would turn away from it.

Personally I had become a churchgoer again as an adult after my kids were born. I went regularly and actually enjoyed it. I was the one in the family who lead us back to it.

Covid however and the church’s complete buckling under to it ruined it for me. My parish and so many I knew were just abysmal. Perhaps I’ll go back perhaps I won’t. One thing though is that I think red ice is correct a lot more often than not.
Yes I agree Sneaky Quick. I've gotten into with church's over pushing the fake covid and the covid jabs. The church is inside of you as it's
about a personal relationship with God and Jesus. There are church's that didn't wear the mask or encourage the cv 19 jabs. The sad thing is they are in the minority. The reason is the 501C Tax Exemption that leads church's to pushing the official narrative and they will
be held accountable someday. Not by us but by the Most High God.

I agree that Red Ice does more good than bad hence I support them. Religion or Non Religious, we are in a war for the survival and future
of our people. So both sides need to join together despite their differences. The ironic thing is Red Ice often talks about how Satanic
everything has become including the govt, media, etc. etc. How can they see Satanism but not see that God and Jesus are the way to
fight agaisnt this> As Andrew Torba the founder of Gab says, Christian Nationalism is the best way forward to get rid of the degeneracy. Even for the non christians who can see the evil pushed on kids everywhere. The Atheist and Agnostics should be glad Muslims are not in charge as
they would all the the first to be killed along with the sodomites.
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Disgusting: Pro Black Athletes Describe Their Teammates As “Little White Boy” And A “Good Player Despite Being White”​

As we all know. Only whites can make racist remarks right? Must have something to do with who owns and/ or runs the media outlets that permit this?

Disgusting: Pro Black Athletes Describe Their Teammates As “Little White Boy” And A “Good Player Despite Being White”​

This hatred has been massaged and stoked into its current form by the usual suspects in shameless, incessant actions. Its been obviously intentional and refined to sheer and blatant forms like these puppet pukes. Really sickening.
It will never end unless the whole system is taken down one brick at a time. They have Total Control. Can it even
be dismantled at this point? Pretty soon just like in the movie "The Purge", it will be legal to kill whites on certain
days. Heck it's already going on with white boys and girls in schools attacked and beat to a pulp. Some are killed but
it's never a hate crime even if it's 10 blacks beating up 1 white kid. Same in the adult world in the inner cities. How long
till it comes to the suburbs and country. We better wake up quick. At least we still have numbers and many are armed to
the tooth. Everything is speeding up so fast and it's all coming to a head soon. What will happen. Who knows but it ain't
gonna be pretty. Be ready to defend yourself and your families guys.
Imagine that guy calling Larry Csonka that back around '73. Csonka would've gone out of his way to maul that guy.

"He may be the only running back to receive a personal foul for unnecessary roughness while running the ball, when, in a game against the Buffalo Bills in 1970, he knocked out Safety John Pitts with a forearm shot that was more like a right cross."

That woman in the wokeness video needs to write a book about how she plumped out so well on a diet of creek water and Rap Snacks.

Reports are varied but the latest seems that this scum who killed a little White 5 year old boy with a gun at point blank is eligible for the death penalty. Some of you may know more. Hoping that true justice can be done but of course it could take years.
Beyond Fed Up, I am afraid the sub-human who killed this precious child took a plea deal. He got life in prison with no chance for parole.
Of course. Sorry, I was dreaming that Justice still existed. #×*+!!!!
This is the 3rd of this series. If you like it search his channel as he does good work to help protect whites everywhere.

This is the 3rd of this series. If you like it search his channel as he does good work to help protect whites everywhere.

Dang WL! Give us a warning for the noise pollution, LOL! I couldn't even make it past the first minute and a half. I have a -0.00 tolerance level for [c]Rap. Somebody else let me know who watched the full feature. :) But seriously, thanks for all your work and research here on CF, mate! :thumbup:
Dang WL! Give us a warning for the noise pollution, LOL! I couldn't even make it past the first minute and a half. I have a -0.00 tolerance level for [c]Rap. Somebody else let me know who watched the full feature. :) But seriously, thanks for all your work and research here on CF, mate! :thumbup:
The music doesn't last more than 1 minute. Sorry but please have a look my friend. Thanks.
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