Anthropologist - Modern Man Is A Wimp


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Well, we sure know the "modern" White, castrated, DWF, Christian-Zionist & cultural Marxist zombified "man" is indeed a wimp.

Modern man a wimp, says anthropologist

By John Mehaffey

LONDON (Reuters) - Many prehistoric Australian aboriginals could have outrun world 100 and 200 meters record holder Usain Bolt in modern conditions.

Some Tutsi men in Rwanda exceeded the current world high jump record of 2.45 meters during initiation ceremonies in which they had to jump at least their own height to progress to manhood.

Any Neanderthal woman could have beaten former bodybuilder and current California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in an arm wrestle.

These and other eye-catching claims are detailed in a book by Australian anthropologist Peter McAllister entitled "Manthropology" and provocatively sub-titled "The Science of the Inadequate Modern Male."

McAllister sets out his stall in the opening sentence of the prologue.

"If you're reading this then you -- or the male you have bought it for -- are the worst man in history.

"No ifs, no buts -- the worst man, period...As a class we are in fact the sorriest cohort of masculine Homo sapiens to ever walk the planet."

Delving into a wide range of source material McAllister finds evidence he believes proves that modern man is inferior to his predecessors in, among other fields, the basic Olympic athletics disciplines of running and jumping.

His conclusions about the speed of Australian aboriginals 20,000 years ago are based on a set of footprints, preserved in a fossilized claypan lake bed, of six men chasing prey.


An analysis of the footsteps of one of the men, dubbed T8, shows he reached speeds of 37 kph on a soft, muddy lake edge. Bolt, by comparison, reached a top speed of 42 kph during his then world 100 meters record of 9.69 seconds at last year's Beijing Olympics.

In an interview in the English university town of Cambridge where he was temporarily resident, McAllister said that, with modern training, spiked shoes and rubberized tracks, aboriginal hunters might have reached speeds of 45 kph.

"We can assume they are running close to their maximum if they are chasing an animal," he said.

"But if they can do that speed of 37 kph on very soft ground I suspect there is a strong chance they would have outdone Usain Bolt if they had all the advantages that he does.

"We can tell that T8 is accelerating toward the end of his tracks."

McAllister said it was probable that any number of T8's contemporaries could have run as fast.

"We have to remember too how incredibly rare these fossilizations are," he said. "What are the odds that you would get the fastest runner in Australia at that particular time in that particular place in such a way that was going to be preserved?"

Turning to the high jump, McAllister said photographs taken by a German anthropologist showed young men jumping heights of up to 2.52 meters in the early years of last century.


"It was an initiation ritual, everybody had to do it. They had to be able to jump their own height to progress to manhood," he said.

"It was something they did all the time and they lived very active lives from a very early age. They developed very phenomenal abilities in jumping. They were jumping from boyhood onwards to prove themselves."

McAllister said a Neanderthal woman had 10 percent more muscle bulk than modern European man. Trained to capacity she would have reached 90 percent of Schwarzenegger's bulk at his peak in the 1970s.

"But because of the quirk of her physiology, with a much shorter lower arm, she would slam him to the table without a problem," he said.

Manthropology abounds with other examples:

* Roman legions completed more than one-and-a-half marathons a day carrying more than half their body weight in equipment.

* Athens employed 30,000 rowers who could all exceed the achievements of modern oarsmen.

* Australian aboriginals threw a hardwood spear 110 meters or more (the current world javelin record is 98.48).

McAllister said it was difficult to equate the ancient spear with the modern javelin but added: "Given other evidence of Aboriginal man's superb athleticism you'd have to wonder whether they couldn't have taken out every modern javelin event they entered."

Why the decline?

"We are so inactive these days and have been since the industrial revolution really kicked into gear," McAllister replied. "These people were much more robust than we were.

"We don't see that because we convert to what things were like about 30 years ago. There's been such a stark improvement in times, technique has improved out of sight, times and heights have all improved vastly since then but if you go back further it's a different story.

"At the start of the industrial revolution there are statistics about how much harder people worked then.

"The human body is very plastic and it responds to stress. We have lost 40 percent of the shafts of our long bones because we have much less of a muscular load placed upon them these days.

"We are simply not exposed to the same loads or challenges that people were in the ancient past and even in the recent past so our bodies haven't developed. Even the level of training that we do, our elite athletes, doesn't come close to replicating that.

"We wouldn't want to go back to the brutality of those days but there are some things we would do well to profit from."

***Reference article...


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I bet I can sit at a desk in front of a computer a lot longer then those pussy Neanderthal's, and could a Aborigine sit in a car for 6 hours on a long ride??? Without stoppping to piss?? I don't think so!!

So who's really the better conditioned???


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
jaxvid, that's a good one! I needed a laugh today, so thanks!


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
I pretty sure this Aussie "scientist"Â￾ wrote this book with then intention of Australian Aboriginal Worship, a strictly enforced practice performed by white Aussie "males"Â￾ in a nauseating fashion.Hmm, remind anyone of DWF's here in America and their support of "reparations equality?"Â￾

He's pulling random "facts"Â￾ and "evidence"Â￾ to support the thesis, without exploring the other side of argument. Seriously, footprints from 20,000 years ago prove that these turds were supermen? He's probably a "shock author,"Â￾ most of whom exclusively specialize in the degradation of the white race. His "point"Â￾ is so obvious to begin with"¦.I think every single person realizes that every generation of man has had to do less physical labor due to scientific and technological advances.

If "modern males"Â￾ (code word for white males, his target audience) are so "inferior"Â￾ and so obviously "the worst man in history,"Â￾ then why didn't these breathtaking Aboriginal and Tutsi men simply take over the world? How could white men even coming into being with such an unstoppable athletic adversary?

Why doesn't the black waterboy, McAllister, just get it over with and write the Australian version of Mandingo? Shock writing, indeed, shockingly boring.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Great post, Thrashen! So much of what passes for modern "scientific investigation" is BS.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Colonel_Reb said:
Great post, Thrashen! So much of what passes for modern "scientific investigation" is BS.

Agree completely. Most of it isCultural Marxist voodoostated as unchallengeable fact.

There's so much in that article that is laughable, but to just pull out two statements that caught my eye:

Any Neanderthal woman could have beaten former bodybuilder and current California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in an arm wrestle.

Sounds more like the stuff of a rabid feminazi's wet dream than anything close to reality.

We have lost 40 percent of the shafts of our long bones because we have much less of a muscular load placed upon them these days.

Oh, really? Doesn't the quack "theory of evolution" hold that such changes take millions of years, not a few generations?

Much of the content from the government-corporate media reads like a cross between Pravda and Mad magazine.
Edited by: Don Wassall


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
I found his conclusion that the Aboriginal man called T8 could run 37 kph the most disingenuious. How does ones stride prove his speed?

But even accepting his speed as fact, T8 is one eighth slower than Bolt which translates into approx. an 11 second 100 meter dash. Preety good but doable for most athletes that need speed for their sport.

One more point, his conclusion that most Aboriginals could have run that fast because T8 could is pure insanity. Any tribe would choose their fastest runner for this type of chase. It is far more likely that none of the other Aboriginals could have run this fast. At least in that tribe.


Mar 23, 2009
I have to take the side of this article for a number of reasons. Although the author did not mention much of anything about caucasions, the main point of the article is that we were tougher, stronger, faster, and overall better athletes before the modern era.

There probably were Australian aboriginees who could outrun Bolt. I bet there were probably some Asians and Europeans who could do the same. This is no surprise, considering the vast majority of people today are so inactive. When I took a look of my grandfather's high school football team, I noticed how much more muscular the men were.

Even small things such as shoes probably make our ankles weaker and our speed slower. I'm sure there wre some Vikings that could break the Olympic record in just about any event.

Most of us assume that because pro athletes spend almost all of their adult life training that they represent the pinnacle of human athletic acheivement, however, most athletic development occurs at a very young age. If kids today had to endur whate our forefathers did, we would be stronger, faster, and tougher. This goes for all races, even if the author is trying to glorify everyone but whites.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The article was full of quasi-scientific exaggerations IMO. However, I'd say most modern men (with rare exceptions like the late naturalist Dick Proenneke) couldn't survive (mentally, etc.) if they were somehow teleported back 150-200+ years ago. Having to forgo the modern conveniences (clean H2O, plenty of food), medical advances, the (often) unclean conditions, etc. would be too much for the "average" man. I would say the contemporary man is soft and lazy when compared to the agrarian man of centuries ago. There's not too many men who could duplicate the feats of Jim Bridger, Louis & Clark or endure the hardships of the Pilgrims, etc. Yet, the modern man has advanced in knowledge & technology 10-fold.
Jul 14, 2007
StarWars said:
Even small things such as shoes probably make our ankles weaker and our speed slower. I'm sure there wre some Vikings that could break the Olympic record in just about any event.

Most of us assume that because pro athletes spend almost all of their adult life training that they represent the pinnacle of human athletic acheivement, however, most athletic development occurs at a very young age. If kids today had to endur whate our forefathers did, we would be stronger, faster, and tougher. This goes for all races, even if the author is trying to glorify everyone but whites.

This article was totally fabricated bunk. What did kids in our forefathers age do that some kids in third world countries don't do? Doing shift work or chores does not make you a better athlete. Cutting tobacco or lifting bales of hay does not give you the strength and technique needed to accomplish athletic feats. This author must never have done sports, because he claims that in the days of old they "worked so hard" to gain their ability to accomplish superhero type activities. But there is such a thing as overtraining. Any strength and conditioning coach, or for that matter any athlete can tell you maxing out on bench press every day will not get you as far as allowing recovery time. Rest, hydration, nutritional supplements, and rehab are just as important as proper training.

Nobody was able to run a sub-four minute mile until Roger Bannister. He didn't just wake up and run miles all day long as fast as he could until he collapsed, fell asleep and woke up and repeated the process. I believe he practiced for an hour or less five days a week or so, and eventually he conquered that barrier. When it comes to how muscles develop, and movements and motions are used when it comes to athletics, this guy amazingly has it completely wrong.


Mar 23, 2009
Electric Slide said:
StarWars said:
Even small things such as shoes probably make our ankles weaker and our speed slower. I'm sure there wre some Vikings that could break the Olympic record in just about any event.

Most of us assume that because pro athletes spend almost all of their adult life training that they represent the pinnacle of human athletic acheivement, however, most athletic development occurs at a very young age. If kids today had to endur whate our forefathers did, we would be stronger, faster, and tougher. This goes for all races, even if the author is trying to glorify everyone but whites.

This article was totally fabricated bunk. What did kids in our forefathers age do that some kids in third world countries don't do? Doing shift work or chores does not make you a better athlete. Cutting tobacco or lifting bales of hay does not give you the strength and technique needed to accomplish athletic feats. This author must never have done sports, because he claims that in the days of old they "worked so hard" to gain their ability to accomplish superhero type activities. But there is such a thing as overtraining. Any strength and conditioning coach, or for that matter any athlete can tell you maxing out on bench press every day will not get you as far as allowing recovery time. Rest, hydration, nutritional supplements, and rehab are just as important as proper training.

Nobody was able to run a sub-four minute mile until Roger Bannister. He didn't just wake up and run miles all day long as fast as he could until he collapsed, fell asleep and woke up and repeated the process. I believe he practiced for an hour or less five days a week or so, and eventually he conquered that barrier. When it comes to how muscles develop, and movements and motions are used when it comes to athletics, this guy amazingly has it completely wrong.

Well, recovery is a complicated conversation. But on the average, modern man is weaker, less tough, and slower than its ancestors. No matter what race. Another factor of the downfall of athleticism is the rise of obesity. Kids in third world countries are just scavengers of the moden man, as harsh as that sounds. Our ancestors were much stronger, faster, smarter, and tougher than any African tribesman you see today.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
The article is pure fantasy. How can stride determine speed. Sprinters for example have many different stride lengths and that doesn't determine speed.

People are bigger and healthier now then ever before. Look at heavyweight boxers, they are all huge compared to the boxers of just a couple of generatios ago.

Population fitness can be determined by average caloric intakes. The calories available today dwarf what was available to previous generations, sure many people get too much calories but overall people are healthier when they can get the necessary vitamins and minerals for good health. That's more true today then at any time.

Sure some people were in good shape when life was tougher but they also had a lot of health problems that are non-existant today.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
People are definitely bigger, stronger & more athletic in modern times, but the "average" contemporary man couldn't mentally survive centuries ago. I agree the article is mostly BS.
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
Thrashen said:
I pretty sure this Aussie "scientist"Â￾ wrote this book with then intention of Australian Aboriginal Worship, a strictly enforced practice performed by white Aussie "males"Â￾ in a nauseating fashion.Hmm, remind anyone of DWF's here in America and their support of "reparations equality?"Â￾

He's pulling random "facts"Â￾ and "evidence"Â￾ to support the thesis, without exploring the other side of argument. Seriously, footprints from 20,000 years ago prove that these turds were supermen? He's probably a "shock author,"Â￾ most of whom exclusively specialize in the degradation of the white race. His "point"Â￾ is so obvious to begin with"¦.I think every single person realizes that every generation of man has had to do less physical labor due to scientific and technological advances.

If "modern males"Â￾ (code word for white males, his target audience) are so "inferior"Â￾ and so obviously "the worst man in history,"Â￾ then why didn't these breathtaking Aboriginal and Tutsi men simply take over the world? How could white men even coming into being with such an unstoppable athletic adversary?

Why doesn't the black waterboy, McAllister, just get it over with and write the Australian version of Mandingo? Shock writing, indeed, shockingly boring.