Anthony Joshua - Great Black Hype?

BoxingSpecialist2 -

If you make posts in a pro-White forum which repeatedly state that the best thing that could happen to the UK is if “browns” and Arabs “take over” and implement Sharia law then you must surely expect a level of backlash. Most of our members appear to ignore your half-arsed ******** but I certainly won’t.

You seem to have ample time to make numerous anti-English, anti-Canadian, anti-White, and astonishingly arrogant pro-Muslim posts in various sections of the forum so don’t attempt to peddle a noble reluctance to engage in “flame wars”.

Now, why do you think I posted a photo of the Saudi national team? Could it be that Saudi Arabia is a country in which your much-vaunted Sharia law forms the basis of the judicial system? What do you reckon…

Inevitably, you opted not to address the paragraph which immediately preceded the photo of those Saudi Negroes and camel jockeys. You know, the paragraph which mentioned that Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates are importing African Negroes wholesale to represent them in athletics. Any comments?

I wouldn’t exactly laud Turkey as a model for all European national teams - unless you are encouraging the practice of filling a national team with players whose parents and grandparents emigrated to Germany and are therefore the products of foreign youth development programs.

I’m sure you are aware that a couple of Negroes have made appearances for Turkey at senior level. The London-born Colin Kazim-Richards (black father, Turkish Cypriot mother) immediately springs to mind.

Earlier this year, the Turkish Football Federation approved changes to the foreign player black quarterback for Super Lig clubs. Foreigners already occupy key positions in Turkish clubs. But from next season Super Lig sides shall be permitted to name up to a whopping eleven foreigners in an eighteen man match day squad. So you’d better brace yourself for a few young South American and African blacks gaining Turkish citizenship within the next decade and consequently appearing in the national team.

Neither frederic38, nor myself, nor anyone else here is defending - or has ever defended - wiggers or leftists. Any fool can see that. Well, almost any fool…

This is a pro-White forum yet:

(a) you evince virtually zero interest in White culture (with the exception of boxing and pornography),

(b) you have no interest in White women (instead preferring Arab, Iranian, and Afghan women),

(c) you are all for “brown” and Muslim immigration into Europe,

(d) you yearn for the implementation of Sharia law in the West, and

(e) from what you have said, your friends all seem to be non-White

So what the **** are you doing here? Apart from pissing people off, that is…

With the exceptions of being a fan of boxing and possessing a hatred of Negroes, you have virtually nothing in common with anyone else here. Even the pansy no-skill “trance music” you post is jarringly out of place when compared with everything else in the “Good Music Videos” thread.

I know that you’re awfully keen to talk boxing with knowledgeable Whites who don’t believe in “black athletic superiority” and that’s all fine. But this is a pro-White site therefore nobody wants to hear your endless stream of Muslim ********. If you want to advocate Sharia law, post on a ******* Jihadist site. Simple really…

By the way, sorry for the edits. For some reason, I am encountering a shitload of "technical difficulties" whenever I post in this thread...
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I believe it has to do with r/K selection theory. As the theory goes, r types' mating strategy is quantity over quality. The parental investment in each offspring is little to none. Based on their environmental evolution, the negro subspecies seem to be overwhelmingly r types. The more I've learned about r/K, the better I've understood negro behavior, racial tendencies, gender differences and political predispositions.
BoxingSpecialist2 -

If you make posts in a pro-White forum which repeatedly state that the best thing that could happen to the UK is if “browns” and Arabs “take over” and implement Sharia law then you must surely expect a level of backlash. Most of our members appear to ignore your half-arsed ******** but I certainly won’t.

One of the primary reasons a pro-White or White Nationalist movement is often unsuccessful is because in my opinion you have too many "doormat men" like yourself who refuse to put blame where its due and acknowledge the fact that much or even all of the problems that face whites in the West today are largely self-inflicted right down to and including nonwhite immigration. The problem, as I said, is a pervasive leftist trend that is so commonplace in all Western countries, which can be referred to as "Cultural Marxism". I also firmly believe a large part of the problem stems from this absurd idea of "gender equality" and the pedestalization of women by doormat men (much like yourself) which gives women the vote in the first place, since that day, Western culture has been doomed.

I am proud of who I am, and being White, but the truth is the majority of Western Whites today are a very pathetic bunch. The best thing that a pro-White person living in the West can do is disassociate yourself with these people. Leftists, feminists, self hating, negro worshippers, and environmentalists just begins to describe the majority of Western whites today. As I said, it's gotten to the point where a White athlete like Fury is no longer accepted in his own country, by his own people, who clearly would rather see a Negro athlete. You can also see this in other scopes of life, such as the workplace, media, and gender relations.

This is an issue of right vs left, conservative vs liberal, but more than that it is an issue of tribalism vs progressiveness. It is also a cultural issue of West VS East. I firmly believe that in my lifetime (I am 27) there is going to be some sort of war or conflict between these 2 sides. Some people would say that conflict is already starting with the West (Progressive Liberals) VS Muslims (who whether you will accept it or not, are the epitome of traditional views and tribalism). Personally if such a conflict were to take place I would not support the West even though I live here. I would much rather side with Eastern European or Middle Eastern or Asian nations as my views are more in line with theirs. You would never see me supporting the UK, USA, or France.

Pro-White folks such as yourself Rebajlo, who keep trying to defend the people and nations of the West are really fighting a losing battle. The West has been lost in terms of race and race realism if thats not apparent to you based on the affirmative actions policies in all aspects of society then it never will be. You had whites in USA clapping in Universities when announcements were made that whites would soon be a minority in the USA. If that doesn't show you how far gone whites in the West are, nothing will. There is no saving the West at this point. The best thing that Pro-Whites could do is focus on their efforts on different issues and perhaps even different populations.

This is one of the reasons I think its very important that the idea of who is white is expanded. You have a notoriously strict definition of who is white Rebajlo, but may I ask you something? What is the point of that if the Whites you count as being White make up only 3 or 4% of the world's population (which based on your definition is almost true today)? What is your end goal then?

I'm all for expanding the definition of who is white, and in fact I think we need to in order to stay relevant otherwise pretty soon based on demographics white rights will become a non-issue because the population of whites will be so small. In case you haven't noticed Ill spell it out for you: Whites in the West believe in gender equality and thus are not having kids, and thats why immigrants are phasing them out. Even right now, there are a lot of immigrants in the West and eventually, like in my lifetime, the immigrants will be the majority.

Neither frederic38, nor myself, nor anyone else here is defending - or has ever defended - wiggers or leftists

Actually, in a round about way, you are defending wiggers, leftists, and negro worshippers in England. You're refusing to put blame where its due and admit that the English people themselves are responsible for the situation in England. The buck stops with them.

The reason Western societies like England, France, and USA tend to overtly promote Negroes in sports (often times at the expense of more deserving white athletes like Tyson Fury) goes back to a prevailing leftist trend amongst western whites: More specifically, a lot of it has to do with self-loathing or can be traced back to white guilt over slavery which occurred hundreds of years ago.

These White Brits, through their self-loathing and white guilt have structured their own society in this manner and need to be held accountable for their actions.

(b) you have no interest in White women (instead preferring Arab, Iranian, and Afghan women),

(c) you are all for “brown” and Muslim immigration into Europe,

(e) from what you have said, your friends all seem to be non-White

Once again it comes down to your definition of who is white. I would consider my friends to be borderline white if not white altogether and they are mainly from the Middle East or South Asia. I do have some European White friends as well. I also work with many White guys and of course they are my friends.

Inevitably, you opted not to address the paragraph which immediately preceded the photo of those Saudi Negroes and camel jockeys. You know, the paragraph which mentioned that Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates are importing African Negroes wholesale to represent them in athletics. Any comments?

I'm not saying Muslims are perfect. Ive never been or had anything to do with the countries youve named here, so I really cant comment and know nothing about the culture in these places.

I wouldn’t exactly laud Turkey as a model for all European national teams - unless you are encouraging the practice of filling a national team with players whose parents and grandparents emigrated to Germany and are therefore the products of foreign youth development programs. I’m sure you are aware that a couple of Negroes have made appearances for Turkey at senior level. The London-born Colin Kazim-Richards (black father, Turkish Cypriot mother) immediately springs to mind.

Ok, so Turkey has 1 Negro player out of 23 players. By and large, the team still represents the nation from which it comes.

But how many Negroes or half Negroes has England had over the years? Probably close to 100.

But how many Negroes has France had over the years? Geez, I'm thinking close to 1000. Ive seen France play with 10 out of 11 Negroes. Where are the White Frenchmen?

When it comes to Negro worship, Western Europe and North America are definitely # 1 in the world in that regard. Youre comparing apples to oranges.

Turkey is a great European team in that the team actually represents the country that it comes from. As does the Russian national team. England and France are a fcuking joke, they look like teams out of Africa on occasions.

Rebajlo, its also hilarious that you conveniently ignored my question to you about Western Whites and their approach to slavery VS the approach taken by the East or say Arabs? You realize that over history Arabs have actually enslaved more Negroes than Whites have, and in many cases the Arabs not only enslaved Negroes but also castrated them. What is the best part is that Arabs today offer nothing in the way of an apology, reparation, or guilt. Whites, on the other hand, are often times issuing countless apologies to this day, literally paying reparations through affirmative action or foreign aid, and many whites in the West to this day feel a tremendous guilt over slavery. I'd like you to comment on what you think accounts for this difference in approach and could it not be a prevailing trend of leftism amongst whites?

The idea of racial or gender equality, in fact the idea of equality altogether is something that is only preached by Western Whites. Therein lies the problem. No one else in the world believes in this crap.
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I bet if you asked many of the brave men who fought for the West in WW2, they would be ashamed with what has happened to their nations today. And if they knew things would have turned out this way, probably wouldnt have fought and died for the West (UK, USA, France) in the first place.

Western culture is self-defeating, self-loathing and entirely marxist. The Western governments and people have spit on their own veterans and anscestors. And racially, Western Whites and Zionists have been complicit in their own depopulation. To the extent that Western Whites are essentially being replaced by immigrants (whether its Muslim or Hispanic or South Asian). Whites are forecasted to become minorities well within the next 20 or so years in many Western countries and quite frankly its too late to stop that.

Rebajlo is keen to defend the West and not put any blame on these White Westerners. It just comes off as desperate and untruthful mate. The best thing proWhites can do is shift their support and focus elsewhere. As far as Im concerned the quicker these nations depopulate themselves and have less of a say in world affairs, the better.

With that Ive said what I need to say so I will politely leave it at that, thank you. No need to carry on the conversation further on my end.
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The idea of racial or gender equality, in fact the idea of equality altogether is something that is only preached by Western Whites. Therein lies the problem. No one else in the world believes in this crap.

you are living in a fantasy world
the muslim book defines racial equality
it is explicitly said in this book that all men are equal, regardless of race or origin
and some of the most important men in this sacred book for the muslim are non arab, like bilal who was a black slave and married a noble arab woman after his conversion to islam
so stop repeating the same thing over and over about islam, it has been proven false
if you imply again that islam is not the definition of racial equality a moderator should edit your post and make the delisional claim disappear because it has clearly been proven false yet you keep repeating it
Getting back on point. Joshua is having a showcase first defense against Dominic Breazeale. It should be a walk in the park as Breazeale doesn't seem to bring much fire power to the ring and is as mobile as an oak tree. Interestingly for trivia fans he is half "Italian" and wears the Italian flag on a patch when he is in the ring.
Getting back on point. Joshua is having a showcase first defense against Dominic Breazeale. It should be a walk in the park as Breazeale doesn't seem to bring much fire power to the ring and is as mobile as an oak tree. Interestingly for trivia fans he is half "Italian" and wears the Italian flag on a patch when he is in the ring.
And Joshua is 1/4 Irish, although he looks 100% black.
Joshua won't dominate the heavies for a decade like the Klitschkos did. He doesn't have the skills and its too late now to learn them at the top because almost every fight is a fight not an exhibition or training opportunity. Every heavyweight champion with longevity had a spectacular jab and was crafty with his feet; Joshua has neither.
BoxingSpecialist2 -

How about you just cut the ********.

You know full well that down the years I’ve made a ******* truckload of exceedingly vituperative posts aimed squarely at the Jews and the white leftist / liberal media lackeys, politicians, “academic” indoctrinators, sports administrators, Negro-promoting coaches, wigger fanboys, charity wimps, “Israel First Christians”, rainbow-flag-waving poofters and crew-cut lezzer “feminists” who have either instigated and / or enabled the cultural, moral and institutional rot which is progressively undermining Western civilisation. So you might as well stop your embarrassingly pitiful attempts to paint me as a one-eyed fanatic who refuses to acknowledge that brainwashed, self-hating elements within White society bear a large burden of responsibility for the current mess in which Europe, North America, Australia, et cetera are wallowing.

I’ll continue to defend my people because - unlike a culturally and religiously alien Asiatic immigrant element like yourself, who is just itching to see Western civilisation collapse - I do not believe that Western Europe / North America / Australia have been “lost”. Things might be bloody dire but surrender just doesn’t happen to part of my infamously vast vocabulary.

Donald Trump’s recent political successes in the United States prove that Whites aren’t as weak, stupid, and “defeated” as the Yids and Muslim dopes like you had hitherto gleefully believed. The average White Australian (i.e. Australian) is sick to the back teeth about non-White immigration, particularly that of backward, loudmouthed Muslims who come to our country from their own perennially mismanaged and war-torn shitholes and sponge off the welfare system while incessantly complaining about “racism” and “exclusion”…in addition to demanding that we change our way of life to accommodate their “beliefs”. You want Sharia law? **** off to the Middle East or North Africa.

One is either White or one is not. What’s next? Do you want to classify a Bassett hound as a Yorkshire terrier just because both are dogs?

Sure, Turkey have fielded only a couple of blacks (Colin Kazim-Richards and the Brazilian “Mehmet” Aurelio). But I was making the point that the changes to the foreign player black quarterback in Super Lig clubs will ensure a Negro presence in the Turkish national team within the next decade. That’s because the new regulations will - for financial and sporting reasons which are glaringly obvious - facilitate the signing of younger, uncapped third-and-fourth-rate Brazilians, et cetera who shall be eligible for “naturalisation” after playing in Turkey for five straight years.

If the Turks have the opportunity to naturalise and subsequently field black Brazilians or Africans who they believe can enhance their national team’s prospects on the European and world stage do you really believe that they won’t utilise them? Consider the provenance of much of Qatar’s national team…

You keep railing about Fury’s lack of opportunities and recognition in the UK. Well, that’s down to the boxing and media establishment, not the attitudes of the average Englishman, Welshman, Scotsman, or Ulsterman. Let’s be honest: most people couldn’t give a **** about boxing. Sports fans and gambling addicts simply watch whatever is shown on cable or on a large screen in the club.

Frederic38 had already supplied ample rebuttals to your spurious arguments about the role of Negroes in the Arab world so I couldn’t be bothered to expand things even further. Besides, as I mentioned at the conclusion of my last post, I have copped an error message each time I attempted to make a contribution to this thread therefore I’ve already had to severely edit and shorten both of my posts in order for them to be successfully published.

You proudly boast about the historical Muslim castration of black slaves (charming stuff, indeed…) yet one look at the faces in any crowd anywhere in the Gulf and North Africa provides copious evidence that sufficient numbers of Negroes not only retained their balls but also put them to effective use with the local women.

“Doormat man”, eh? Ooooh, aren’t you the aspiring “macho” towel head straight out of the Balkans. Well Mister I’m-A-Bosniak-But-Wish-I-Was-A-Turk, here’s a thing that Muslims like yourself (plus many “White Nationalist” enthusiasts) fail to grasp, namely: there’s a vast difference between generally treating women well and placing females upon a shimmering crystal pedestal of neo-Arthurian veneration. Believe me, I don’t engage in the latter. But talk like that is wasted on fellows like you, whose rabid misogyny verges on comedy festival parody and reveals more about their own inadequacies than about modern society.

Now, just in case you decide to accuse me of sympathising with feminists, here are a couple of my comparatively recent posts:

As for Anthony Joshua, he's an unwieldy steroid hulk with a predictably mechanical style. He possesses power (see reference to roids in preceding sentence) but his, er, "skills" and movement cannot even remotely be described as elite.
you are living in a fantasy world
the muslim book defines racial equality
it is explicitly said in this book that all men are equal, regardless of race or origin
and some of the most important men in this sacred book for the muslim are non arab, like bilal who was a black slave and married a noble arab woman after his conversion to islam
so stop repeating the same thing over and over about islam, it has been proven false
if you imply again that islam is not the definition of racial equality a moderator should edit your post and make the delisional claim disappear because it has clearly been proven false yet you keep repeating it
What that book or anything men have written is not what is necessarily practiced. For example the American Constitition alluded to all men being equal but then "men" found a way to define away certain men's humanity and after emancipation made some men more equal than others. The point is the Muslim Worlds slave trade was very conveniently non racial since they didn't discriminate against who'd they'd enslave -- how egalitarian of them. What kind of equality is it that recognizes no discrimination on the basis of race and origin but allows slavery on the basis of ones religion? And as for respecting ORIGIN, Islam didn't respect that tenet in the Mad Mans book, because they left their own territories of "Origin" and entered other people's places of ORIGIN by invading and raiding foreign lands, carrying away slaves, or slave raided travelers on NEUTRAL seas and lands to be carried away to Muslim lands of ORIGIN, to be slaves. Yes some eventually were allowed to convert and given their 2nd class status as those Muslim societies, if you look close enough, have a racial hierarchy to this day which could be based on racism or natural genetics or most likely a combination of both.
Your eagerness to defend the Koran on that matter is most telling and suggests that you may be suffering from dhimmitude.
Both of you (BoxingSpecialist2) are nuts. He's crazy to think (though he may be very cleverly trying to shame cowardly Whites) that Islam/Browns is preferable to Marxism/Whites in repopulating Britain and any other Western land, and you are not recognizing that our greatest enemy is our own kind. Not the Negro, not Ali Baba, We. Because we allowed the invasion and are enabling our own destruction. Just because you and the few you know don't think that way, doesn't change the fact that most Western White people are held hostage in a collective Stockholm Syndrome.
To BoxingSpecialist, it's not a matter of preference, neither of those Totalitarian systems: Islam or Marxism are a choice. Both are pure EVIL.
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What that book or anything men have written is not what is necessarily practiced. For example the American Constitition alluded to all men being equal but then "men" found a way to define away certain men's humanity and after emancipation made some men more equal than others. The point is the Muslim Worlds slave trade was very conveniently non racial since they didn't discriminate against who'd they'd enslave -- how egalitarian of them. What kind of equality is it that recognizes no discrimination on the basis of race and origin but allows slavery on the basis of ones religion? And as for respecting ORIGIN, Islam didn't respect that tenet in the Mad Mans book, because they left their own territories of "Origin" and entered other people's places of ORIGIN by invading and raiding foreign lands, carrying away slaves, or slave raided travelers on NEUTRAL seas and lands to be carried away to Muslim lands of ORIGIN, to be slaves. Yes some eventually were allowed to convert and given their 2nd class status as those Muslim societies, if you look close enough, have a racial hierarchy to this day which could be based on racism or natural genetics or most likely a combination of both.
Your eagerness to defend the Koran on that matter is most telling and suggests that you may be suffering from dhimmitude.
Both of you (BoxingSpecialist2) are nuts. He's crazy to think (though he may be very cleverly trying to shame cowardly Whites) that Islam/Browns is preferable to Marxism/Whites in repopulating Britain and any other Western land, and you are not recognizing that our greatest enemy is our own kind. Not the Negro, not Ali Baba, We. Because we allowed the invasion and are enabling our own destruction. Just because you and the few you know don't think that way, doesn't change the fact that most Western White people are held hostage in a collective Stockholm Syndrome.
To BoxingSpecialist, it's not a matter of preference, neither of those Totalitarian systems: Islam or Marxism are a choice. Both are pure EVIL.

there is no 2nd class muslim status
you are either muslim or you are not
once you become a muslim you have the same rights as the original muslims
and you can only be better than the others by being more muslim than the others
it is pretty much the same as in western societies nowadays except the word muslim is replaced by the different meaningless nationalities like "american", "french", "british" etc
Joshua won't dominate the heavies for a decade like the Klitschkos did. He doesn't have the skills and its too late now to learn them at the top because almost every fight is a fight not an exhibition or training opportunity. Every heavyweight champion with longevity had a spectacular jab and was crafty with his feet; Joshua has neither.
Never more prophetic words have been spoken. I don't know what was going through his head as he fought cautious in the first two rounds and then violently dropped Ruiz, but Ruiz wasn't out on his feet when he rose and caught a flat footed Joshua who fell apart like Frank Bruno 2.0 and was dropped twice in the 3rd round and never got back his legs or energy levels after that.

Ruiz will set back the image of boxing as he looks like Tank Abbot with a waistline holding a keg of beer, but he literally hit the Powerball numbers tonight and if he wins the rematch could cash out against either Fury or Wilder.
It's been said many times here, you can't tell just by looking at a guy whether he can fight or not.
True but casuals who make boxing an event won't buy into a guy who looks like your average fatso on the street. Not that I care as when a fight becomes a world wide event it makes it more expensive for everybody to watch it.

Years ago Two Tony Galento(Italian American) who had a similar build to Ruiz dropped Joe Louis violently early in a fight and then Louis stung him to death with jab and slowly drained his energy levels.

Joshua isn't savvy enough to do that and we have among the biggest upsets in boxing history.

PS, on the under card Katie Taylor probably received a house decision in tight majority win over a Belgian boxer, the Belgian seemed to batter her around for the last 3 or 4 rounds but didn't stop her and left her fate in the hands of the judges. Ruiz took potential corruption away from the judges.
Great news! Way to go Andy!

Oh man I'm so proud of my Chicano heritage right now! Latino pride! Ora ley!

Since when is the Hock a Chicano?

Since tonight man!

Seriously though, I didn't think Ruiz would last three rounds. Guys like him never win at that level.

Joshua wouldn't have gotten past Vlad but Vlad let him off the hook with a technical approach.

Anyway this one makes me happy. Can't wait to see a replay.
Great news! Way to go Andy!

Oh man I'm so proud of my Chicano heritage right now! Latino pride! Ora ley!

Since when is the Hock a Chicano?

Since tonight man!

Seriously though, I didn't think Ruiz would last three rounds. Guys like him never win at that level.

Joshua wouldn't have gotten past Vlad but Vlad let him off the hook with a technical approach.

Anyway this one makes me happy. Can't wait to see a replay.
The greatest borderline racist line I heard about this fight was Artie Spanner saying Anthony Joshua lost to a guy who was cleaning toilets last week.......

As for his Whiteness, many times being White is marketing, Tommy Morrison had at least as much Native Heritage as Ruiz, According to Gerry Cooney he found out he isn't fully Caucasian and it was known he wasn't fully Irish when he was marketed as Irish(by the way of Newfoundland). My feelings on Ruiz if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck it is a duck.
I would call this win a caste buster. Big black superman Joshua knocked out by a Mexican heavyweight. That's just not supposed to happen. The Mexicans haven't had sheeit for a heavyweight. Well maybe Chris Arreola had some moments.

I'm just happy for this kid. He really upset the apple cart.
Joshua showed the heart and chin of Frank Bruno tonight, which is none. I have seen very few fighters not come out of the corner when signal by the referee.
I want to see Ruiz Jr take on Adam Kownacki. They could bill it "Battle of the Bulge II" with Tank Abbot as guest commentator.

Forget all these Adonis types who don't want to get hit.
Joshua showed the heart and chin of Frank Bruno tonight, which is none. I have seen very few fighters not come out of the corner when signal by the referee.
Yes, the ref would have let it continue, but he quit.
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