Anthony Joshua - Great Black Hype?

Watched some Joshua fights on You-Tube. All three fights I watched were bums. Beating the soft Martin doesn't prove anything. Joshua does have some talent. Just too early to tell. At this point I think Fury would box Joshua's ears off.
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I was disapointed in Charles Martin.IBF champ 6'5,250lb undeafeated American southpaw and he come over to England with a ghetto attitude.I thought he would give Joshua a good fight yet once in the ring he looked totally scared of the roided up former drug ddealer Joshua.AJ has power with the right and left hook but Fury is a very good boxer who moves very well laterally[most heavies move in straight lines] and switches stances.

Most in the boxing world know David Price knocked out AJ in sparring.Generally speaking when big muscular units are hit on the chin they tend to stiffen up.
There is an article on boxingscene that mentions an oddsmaker as having Joshua a favourite over Fury should the 2 fight. That is quite a bold prediction because Joshua has fought nowhere near the quality that Fury has beat.

The White British public seems to be enthralled with Joshua and seems to be pushing him, not Fury, as their champion. Its almost as if these White Brits have been waiting their whole lives for another Lennox Lewis, another Black hero they can worship.

There is speculation that Joshua will soon or immediately become the UK's highest paid athlete. That is notable because Fury actually is *the* heavyweight champ and the only reason Joshua even has a belt is because Fury was absurdly stripped.

Joshua is receiving a lot more support from the media in the UK and the White British fans than one of their own - Fury is, even when Fury is much more accomplished of the 2.

White Brits should be ashamed of themselves. It seems to be a nation of wiggers and White Negro worshipers. Maybe Muslims becoming a majority in UK is a good thing because this White British Negro worshiping culture is clearly derranged.

2 Thumbs down to the White British people. I watch the English Premier League and its the same story. They keep pushing these black British footballers who are massively overrated and overpriced. They do ok in England but once they compete with Spaniards or Germans they always lose. It is a culture of negro worshiping in England close to as bad as USA and France.

The best thing that could happen to England is when Muslims take over. Perhaps then we will see a return to the normal order of things and this wigger culture eliminated.

As for a potential fight between Fury and Joshua. Its hard to say. Joshua looks strong and seems to hit good. But he does come across as being flat footed, stationary and a bit slow? We wont know for sure how good he is until he steps up. Charles Martin was ridiculously bad you cant tell anything from that fight.

Fury seems to be quicker on his feet and a better boxer than Joshua. I think the fight would be boxer VS puncher. It is hard to give a prediction but I suspect Joshua may have a hard time landing on Fury who is a very good mover. He's also bigger and has a better jab. Joshua hits harder though. Hard fight to predict especially since Joshua hasnt really stepped up yet. I see it as close to a 50-50 fight.

Haye VS Joshua is another fight to consider. Haye is smaller but hits as hard if not harder than Joshua. I think Haye beats him even though he's smaller.
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Here is an interview from a press conference the other day with Tyson Fury's father, John and he echoes essentially the exact same sentiment I have stated above. I am in full agreement with his comments.

He states in that it is a racial bias that is preventing his son from being supported by the media and the (white) English public. He questions why Joshua and Haye are both targeted to make more money than his son, when in fact his son is much more accomplished than both of Joshua and Haye. He also questions why the media and public seem to support Joshua so much (he uses the example of Joshua being placed in advertisements and pop culture, while his son has not been afforded the same). The simple answer is the British media and public prefer to push blacks as stars in sports. You can also see this as I said, in football (or soccer), like every single young player England comes out with is black, and theyre given many advantages starting with top clubs whereas white brits usually have to work much harder to get into that same position. English football is almost completely black. There are many White players in the EPL, but theyre all nonEnglish.

He also brings up the fact that in many ways Joshua is a fraudulent champion. He didn't earn the belt and the belt was unfairly stripped from his son. He is right about that. He also says that everyone in England wants his son to lose to Joshua, once again, he is bang on correct. I wont even get into judging but Tyson will likely need a KO in his own country to beat Joshua.

Like I said, 2 thumbs down to the White English people. A bunch of god damn wankers, sell outs, traitors, wiggers, leftists, feminists, and negro worshipers. I think the best thing that can happen to this country is when Browns and Middle Easterners take over as they are predicted to do so soon and at this point is when immigrants take over and establish Sharia Law. Good riddance, White British culture is seriously self-hating. Can't even support one of their own.

If I was Tyson Fury, I'd leave. He has the money to do it and if theyre not going to support him there, go somewhere they will. Fight in Dubai, he would be appreciated there. Or link up with Sauerland in Germany, they always do a great job with white fighters. GTFO out of Britain, bunch of self-hating wiggers who consistently push Negroes as stars.

Itll be a great day when the Muslims take over Britain, hopefully sooner rather than later. This has been forecasted to be happening in the next 20 years or so due to a declining British population and immigrants (mainly Browns from India and Pakistan) coming in. As far as Im concerned thats great because England is a fcuking cultural mess at the moment.
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Boxingspecialist i agree with what your saying but disagree on other points.Tyson Fury has a very polorizing personality there are members of this forum that dont like him.When he won the title off Wlad there were forum members here who insulted him referring to him as a 'pikey'Fury is intelligent,has the 'gift of the gab' which shows an ability to think quick and is funny at times.He can talk in front of camera in a way many actors cant.There is another side to him though.He can be angry[never hostile or indimidating though] and foul mouthed.Fury went on a rant against Wlad at the German press conference because he thought Wlad was playing mind games [which he was]but it's still a turnoff.The Klitschkos are well liked in the UK as dignified champions and the majority of people were rooting for him to beat Haye something Boent Bonte acknowledged.So when people see Fury verbally abuse Klitschko in press conferences and on twitter they develop a dislike.Alot of Brits wanted Wlad to knock Tyson out.I generally like Fury but he's his own worst enemy at times.Fury should show the intelligent witty side to his personality and people would like him.He's not a low intellect guy like Adrien Broner.
Joshua's camp saw an opportunity to make money and get a belt to earn more money. Does anybody think Martin was legitimate top ten fighter? Martin who won the title by default essentially sold his belt to Joshua's team. It makes sense because Martin was probably going to lose to nearly any legitimate top 10 fighter he fought so he might as well fight the highest paying.

As for Joshua vs more legitimate opponents, look for his team to match him cautiously against any tricky opponents like Fury or Wlad (if he can solve Fury's defense). A domestic clash against Haye is in the works and that's winnable and will get both men big purses. He also has a mandatory against Samoan/Irishman Joseph Parker and there is no certainty that he wins that one. So the eventual Fury/Wlad fight could be close to years away(maybe less if Wlad wins).
BoxingSpecialist2 -

Listen Mehmet, why don’t you stick all of your tiresome Muslim propaganda up your grotty arse and just **** off. If you haven’t noticed a certain something by now, I’ll spell it out for you in nice, simple terms: pro-White people don’t want Muslims in Europe, North America, Australia, et cetera. Pro-White people view Muslims as backward, inbred, subhuman scum. The Happy Hour section contains entire threads devoted to Muslim barbarity so it’s quite plain that our members consider Muslims to be just as culturally alien as Negroes. Yet you doggedly persist in pushing your Sharia law ******** while “conveniently” ignoring every post outlining the depredations of Muslim murderers, rapists, and sundry criminals…

By the way, when it comes to race betrayal, I'd say you're the expert. After all, your worthless Bosniak ancestors turned their hairy, flea-bitten backs on their own culture and converted to Islam in order to avoid paying the Ottomans' jizya tax on non-Muslims. Laudable stuff, eh? So you might as well shut the **** up about sell outs and traitors because your poxy forbears were exactly that, weren't they...

You appear to assume that none of us know anything about the Middle East. Now, wrap your "intellect" around the following...

If you wish to discuss the elevation of Negroes to a position of preeminence in the realm of sport how about we turn the spotlight on your co-religionists of the Arabian Peninsula. The entire Bahraini squad for the 2015 World Athletics Championships was composed of Negro imports from Nigeria, Kenya, and Ethiopia. Yes, that's right: the Bahrainis have instituted a program whose sole aim is to import African Negroes to represent their nation in international competition. The same goes for Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

Below we have a photo of the Saudi national football team:


So I guess that's the "normal order of things" under Sharia law. No Negroes there, huh?

Don't insult us with your shameless lies. Islam has aways encouraged race mixing.

What an abysmally dim-witted Muslim prick...
I'm not interested in getting involved in some kind of "flame war" or "hardcore argument" on the internets (what's next Rebajlo is going to offer to fly to Canada and meetup with me to settle the argument face to face?), quite frankly I have better things to do with my time than being an "internet tough guy" or "enforcer of the world wide webs".

Rebajlo posts a pic of the Saudi team, so what? You realize Saudi Arabia is located literally right next to Africa and many Saudis are extremely dark skinned to begin with. Why don't you show the photo of the Turkish national team? You'll find it is 99% Turkish ethnically, as in the team represents the country. Compare that to France or England, do I even need to show a pic? Ethnically France and England are white, yet therir teams are often 90%+ Negro.

Turkey stands as a model for all European teams, as the team actually represents the country from which it comes. France and England should take note.

Frederic38 posts an article about race mixing in Islam and "white slaves". Yes, Ottomans took European slaves, but Arabs also took millions of Negro slaves and in many cases these Negro slaves were castrated.

What is interesting is that Arabs have actually enslaved more Negroes throughout history than Europeans have. The best part is that Arabs offer no apology over this. There is no "Arab guilt" or "Arab priviliege" or "affirmative action" over that. Its only White nations that have bought the idea of liberalism, "white guilt", and "white privilige". Id like Frederic and Rebajlo to respond to this. Why do Arabs feel no guilt over enslaving Negroes yet White cultures are engrained with a massive whit guilt complex.

In any case its neither here nor there. This thread is about Tyson Fury and I am merely pointing out that his own White Brits have sold him out and would rather promote a Negro boxer who has not earned 1/10th of what Tyson Fury has. Its like the French national soccer team, it is like 90% black. Who is to blame for that? At some point you have to place the blame where it belongs which is on the leftsists, liberals, and marxists residing in these countries.

Rebajlo and Frederic refuse to put blame where its due and in doing that, you're not being honest about things and you're not addressing the real problem. Its like doormat men who constantly make excuses for women, denying feminism, you guys are multiplying the problem not fixing it.
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To be clear; the reason Tyson Fury is not being supported and respected by his own White people in the UK is because of a prevailing ideologoy of marxism that is present within Western media and society at large. The truth is the majority of White Brits still have a tremendous amount of guilt over slavery, and a lot of White Brits (and White Westerners) hate themselves on some level. This phenomenon can also be observed in France and the US.

What is interesting is that Arabs actually enslaved more Negroes than Whites did, yet I don't see any sort of collective Arab guilt or reparations being made for that.

This is because there is an aggregate prevailing ideology of marxism that is present within Western society.

Rebajlo and Frederic's refusal to be honest about where blame is due is only serving to hide the problem and offers no solution to the problem whatsoever. The solution is what I am doing, which is to point out the redundancy and illoglical nature of this leftist behaviour.

I would also like to point out that Tyson Fury and hs father are obviously in complete agreement with what I am saying here. Tyson's father has commented that everyone ie Britain is supporting the Negro over his son. He's right. He needs to leave Britain if he wants to get the credit he deserves. He'd do better in Germany, Russia, or the Middle East.
In fact, another good example to use is Kelly Pavlik. He was a White American boxer of note in the mid 2000's. He was very good and quite talented but he was given no favours by his own media, and instead it was undeserving blacks boxers that were often promoted in his place. He did break on to the scene, but HBO initially matched him very hard and was hoping he would lose. His first fight on HBO was against Edison Miranda and at that time it was expected he would lose.

Wladimir Klitschko is another white athlete who's success was suppressed and censored by the Western media. HBO all but ignored him and opted out of the heavyweight division for the better part of a decade. Klitschko made a lot of money but he did it outside of the West. He would never have been supported in the US or UK. In fact, Wlad tried to get contracts in the US but was unable to as they werent interested in showing him. So he based his career in Germany, where he did well and had an audience.

Rebajlo and Frederic if you want to defend these wiggers and leftists thats your business. But I'm calling them exactly what they are and the truth is the majority of Brits are a bunch of leftists, wiggers, negro worshippers, and feminists. Cant even support one of their own.

Its a sh1t country if you want my opinion. Same with France and USA. It seems like all these nations promote are Negro athletes. I think in a lot of these cases it stems from a collective white guilt and white self hatred that is still present hundreds of years after slavery. Arabs have also enslaved millions of blacks but have kept their pride and have offered no apology or reparation for slavery, there is no arab guilt. It is because of the prevailing leftist ideology in white culture that so many whites have been duped and the western media suffers from a "white guilt" complex.
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The funny thing is Boxing specialist is that the liberals and leftists that you are railing against that make up a great deal of the political classes and their media cohorts in Britain are the ones that let Muslims into the country in the first place.THEY ALSO PROTECT THEIR COMMUNITIES.So should you not as a pro Muslim support these people.I believe a vast number of Brits maybe the majority HATE MUSLIMS AND BLACKS AND WANT NO PART OF THEM.



BOXING SPECIALIST you say Muslims/Arabs have no guilt about slavery yeah okay that maybe the case but why then are MUSLIMS OBSESSED BY WHITE EUROPEANS?They want to live around Whites,THEY OBSESSED WITH WHITE WOMEN.Ibelieve also that MUSLIM WOMEN PREFER WHITE EUROPEAN MEN WHO ARE GENERALLY TALLER THAN THEIR SHORTER MORE BACKWARD COUNTERPARTS.Thats something that scares these guys too and one of the reasons why they beat and control their women with an iron fist.IN western countries Muslim women are far more likely to end up in womens hostels
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Frederic38 posts an article about race mixing in Islam and "white slaves". Yes, Ottomans took European slaves, but Arabs also took millions of Negro slaves and in many cases these Negro slaves were castrated.

What is interesting is that Arabs have actually enslaved more Negroes throughout history than Europeans have. The best part is that Arabs offer no apology over this. There is no "Arab guilt" or "Arab priviliege" or "affirmative action" over that. Its only White nations that have bought the idea of liberalism, "white guilt", and "white privilige". Id like Frederic and Rebajlo to respond to this. Why do Arabs feel no guilt over enslaving Negroes yet White cultures are engrained with a massive whit guilt complex.

the reason for this is very simple: slavery in muslim countries was not racist, whites were castrated like blacks, and blacks even enjoyed a better life than white slaves
and castrating these blacks didn't stop the muslims from being so much more pro-race mixing that it made present day europe look normal:


remember that polygamy was a way to enforce race mixing

napoleon on polygamy in muslim countries: "“The question of freeing the blacks is a complex and difficult problem. In Africa and Asia it has been solved, but only by the means of polygamy. There a single family has both white and Negro members. Since the head of the family has white, black, and mulatto wives, his white and mulatto offspring are brothers, are brought up in the same cradle, bear the same family name, and share the same table. Should it prove impossible, then, to authorize polygamy in our colonies, limiting the legal number of wives to two, one white, one black?”"

it is as if you were asking why there is no leftist guilt, why the current french president can claim to be influenced by leftist who were promoting the invasion of "inferior peoples" to export french civilisation
the reason is the same: it looks racist now but it's not, it's a matter of exporting an antiracist culture (in this case modern democracy, in the other case, islam)

from wikipedia:
"After the military defeat of France by Prussia in 1870, Ferry formed the idea of acquiring a great colonial empire, principally for the sake of economic exploitation.[3] In a speech before the Chamber of Deputies on 28 July 1885, he declared that "it is a right for the superior races, because they have a duty. They have the duty to civilize the inferior races."

there is no guilt for this
the current french president can say that this guy is his main influence
because it's outdated, but certainly not racist, like islam, the opposite of racism actually
in france recently the government was thinking about ways to increase mariages between the different races or cultures, but the conclusion was that it's impossible right now to force people to marry outside of their culture or race, they can only encourage it for now
in islamic societies, if you're muslim you can't be racist (because islam is anti-racist) and if you're not muslim you don't have control over who you are marrying if you are a slave
My understanding is Arabs still use blacks as slaves this very day.

only example i know that is comparable to slavery in true muslim countries is in syria and irak, the yezidis (non muslims living there) who are enslaved in the islamic state
and they are not black
in islam, if a black man is muslim, you cannot enslave him
only example i know that is comparable to slavery in true muslim countries is in syria and irak, the yezidis (non muslims living there) who are enslaved in the islamic state
and they are not black
in islam, if a black man is muslim, you cannot enslave him

Actually you are incorrect.
Mauritania is a nation where legalized slavery still exists today. In essentially all of these cases its an Arab or Indian slaveowner, and black slaves.

As i said what is truly fascinating is that over history Arabs have actually enslaved more Negroes than White Europeans have. However, there is no Arab guilt, or affirmative action, or apology over that.

Many Whites to this day have an immense amount of white guilt over slavery and in many white nations there are policies of affirmative action in place which promote undeserving Negroes.

The question then, is why Arabs can enslave more Negroes than Whites, but offer no apology, instead its White societies who feature massive apologies, white guilt, and affirmative action? Maybe its Zionist influence in White culture ir for sone reason more Whites are vulnerable to self-hate?
Most of the public are too dim witted to even know Arabs and Jews have been at center of slave trade for centuries! Not to mention the propaganda shoved down Westerners throats. We're supposed to feel guilt for taking land from natives, slavery, and apartheid,etc. Arabs dont poison their own people's minds with guilt like the cultural Marxists have succeeded in doing here. So frankly most Arabs don't give a ****.

As for Joshua of course the homo media is getting wet over him. He fits their mystique of a big, black, roided up superhero. I hope he fails miserably when he steps up to the big boys in Heavyweight
Actually you are incorrect.
Mauritania is a nation where legalized slavery still exists today. In essentially all of these cases its an Arab or Indian slaveowner, and black slaves.

slavery no longer exists in mauritania
the only place where it's accepted by the government is in the islamic state in syria
when they talk about arabs in mauritania it's mainly about the language spoken, some blacks speak arabic and others don't
but almost everybody is black, arab black or non-arab black
some might have like 10% or less of black blood but that's it
not surprising since islam promotes race mixing

The question then, is why Arabs can enslave more Negroes than Whites, but offer no apology, instead its White societies who feature massive apologies, white guilt, and affirmative action? Maybe its Zionist influence in White culture ir for sone reason more Whites are vulnerable to self-hate?

i already told you, the left is guilty for colonisation, with quotes that would be considered racist today, way worse than the coran since muslim book has nothing racist in it (actually one of the first and most important muslims was bilal, a black slave who then married a sabean (so non black, arab) woman from the nobility)
yet the left has no guilt, they are still allowed to exist
how is that?
well they are anti-racist, anti-white, like islam so the leftists love islam and these leftists of the past
slavery no longer exists in mauritania
the only place where it's accepted by the government is in the islamic state in syria

Frederic, you are 100% incorrect and you shouldn't be posting things that are false. This article, published in 2014 claims 150,000 blacks are enslaved by Arabs in Mauritania currently. (

A quick google search of "slavery mauritania" will yield about 100 different sources from all over the world substantiating this), here is another article that examines the issue of slavery in Mauritania:

According to that article, Arabs in Mauritania are currently enslaving more than 150,000 Black Africans.

Thus, slavery still exists to this day in the form of Arabs enslaving blacks. Not only does it exist in Mauritania, but it also informally exists in Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, etc. For example, I know in Egypt, Nubians have consistently been used as an underclass. Basically the blacks live below the Arab rulers and ruling class.

Throughout history, Arabs have enslaved millions of Blacks, in fact about two or three times as many Blacks as Whites have. The Barbary Slave Trade was much bigger than the European slave trade. The Arabs have offered no apology for that, there is no Arab guilt, and there exists no affirmative action in Arab countries.

Frederic, what you don't seem to understand is that the entire responsibility for slavery has fallen upon white people. White societies have issued countless apologies, and many whites to this day have a massive amount of guilt and self-hatred. You can observe this even in professional sports, for example the media in England promoting an undeserved Negro while censoring and shunning their own White champ, Tyson Fury. Same story with the French national soccer team which is like 90% Negro. White Guilt and white self-hatred explains this.

In fact, in many cases, White nations and white people to this day are effectively paying reparations for slavery in the form of foreign aid to Africa.

It seems that Whites have willingly taken on the entire blame for slavery, when in fact, Arabs actually did it more.

The reason is because there is a prevailing leftist ideology within the West, and eventually, Whites are going to become a minority in their own country. This is already happening in many places. You buy into a leftist ideology, and thats what happens.

Regarding my comments on Muslims becoming a majority in England, when you understand the above, maybe its not such a bad thing after all. Tyson Fury (or any White athlete) for that matter will never receive his due credit or respect for his achievements, and his own white people will constantly disrespect him and promote an undeserved Negro due to this white guilt and self hate.

Case in point:

Tyson Fury (not supported by his own White people and media)
White English footballers (not supported by their own media, hence the football team is increasingly black every year)
Wlad Klitschko (not supported by the US or UK media, had to base his career in Germany)
Kelly Pavlik (initially matched to lose).
White French footballers (not supported by their own White French people, the media, so the team is now 90%+ black)

The fact is a vast majority of Western Whites are self-hating and would rather promote a Negro than a fellow White person. It is a form of affirmative action really.

Unfortunately, many of these leftist whites are too far gone to change, and the only real change will come about through changing demographics. That is why I said it won't be a bad thing if Muslims become the majority in England. I bet White athletes Fury would get more respect if that was the case.
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Most of the public are too dim witted to even know Arabs and Jews have been at center of slave trade for centuries! Not to mention the propaganda shoved down Westerners throats. We're supposed to feel guilt for taking land from natives, slavery, and apartheid,etc. Arabs dont poison their own people's minds with guilt like the cultural Marxists have succeeded in doing here. So frankly most Arabs don't give a ****.

As for Joshua of course the homo media is getting wet over him. He fits their mystique of a big, black, roided up superhero. I hope he fails miserably when he steps up to the big boys in Heavyweight

Bang on correct with your comments. Leftist whites have poisoned the majority of whites into feeling guilt over slavery. Because of this many whites hate themselves and there is an apparent element of "self-loathing" in white cultures. Pro sports is a great way to observe this self-hating bias, and time and time again, we see talented white athletes pushed aside for often times undeserved Negro athletes who many times are not as good as the white athletes.

The truth is the media infrastructure within White societies is not designed to promote White athletes. It is a form of affirmative action and is designed to promote Negro athletes. Tyson Fury and his father have essentially confirmed this as insiders. The reason is because the vast majority of white societies and the media are self-hating due to white guilt.

Tyson Fury's own father, has seen this self-hating bias first hand and thats why he said in the video I posted that "everyone in England wants his son to lose and Joshua to win", and that "Joshua is making more money (because he is black and Fury is white". I can't tell you how correct he is in those statements. The truth is Tyson Fury should leave England, and thats what he is doing by the way, because his own white brits will never support him as much as they support their Negro heroes.

Its a sad truth but a truth nonetheless, the majority of whites have an extreme sense of white guilt and self-hatred, so much so that White cultures have taken on the entire responsibility for slavery and promote a national policy of affirmative action. Rebajlo and Frederic are failing to cast blame where its due. Also, what is the point of defending Brits if the majority of the British Whites and culture are self-hating? That's right, there is no point.

Whites have taken on the entire responsiblity for slavery and have even literally footed the bill. Self-loathing seems to be a trait that is almost exclusive to white people and white societies.

Arabs actually enslaved more Negroes than Whites did (and Arabs still enslave blacks to this day!) yet the Arabs have offered no apologies, no affirmative action, no guilt, no reparation payments.
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Frederic, you are 100% incorrect and you shouldn't be posting things that are false. This article, published in 2014 claims 150,000 blacks are enslaved by Arabs in Mauritania currently. (

A quick google search of "slavery mauritania" will yield about 100 different sources from all over the world substantiating this), here is another article that examines the issue of slavery in Mauritania:

the first article you linked says slavery exists in mauritania and says it is related to racism
the second article you posted debunks these claims, showing that slavery no longer exists in mauritania, and that even before slavery was forbidden by the law, it was mostly going on in the south of the country, with both the slaves and the masters being black
the NGOs talk about "modern slavery" now but it has nothing to do with real slavery
see for yourself that poland, ukraine and other european countries currently have more "slaves" than algeria or egypt according to them:
I'm not interested in getting involved in some kind of "flame war" or "hardcore argument" on the internets (what's next Rebajlo is going to offer to fly to Canada and meetup with me to settle the argument face to face?), quite frankly I have better things to do with my time than being an "internet tough guy" or "enforcer of the world wide webs".

Rebajlo posts a pic of the Saudi team, so what? You realize Saudi Arabia is located literally right next to Africa and many Saudis are extremely dark skinned to begin with. Why don't you show the photo of the Turkish national team? You'll find it is 99% Turkish ethnically, as in the team represents the country. Compare that to France or England, do I even need to show a pic? Ethnically France and England are white, yet therir teams are often 90%+ Negro.

Turkey stands as a model for all European teams, as the team actually represents the country from which it comes. France and England should take note.

Frederic38 posts an article about race mixing in Islam and "white slaves". Yes, Ottomans took European slaves, but Arabs also took millions of Negro slaves and in many cases these Negro slaves were castrated.

What is interesting is that Arabs have actually enslaved more Negroes throughout history than Europeans have. The best part is that Arabs offer no apology over this. There is no "Arab guilt" or "Arab priviliege" or "affirmative action" over that. Its only White nations that have bought the idea of liberalism, "white guilt", and "white privilige". Id like Frederic and Rebajlo to respond to this. Why do Arabs feel no guilt over enslaving Negroes yet White cultures are engrained with a massive whit guilt complex.

In any case its neither here nor there. This thread is about Tyson Fury and I am merely pointing out that his own White Brits have sold him out and would rather promote a Negro boxer who has not earned 1/10th of what Tyson Fury has. Its like the French national soccer team, it is like 90% black. Who is to blame for that? At some point you have to place the blame where it belongs which is on the leftsists, liberals, and marxists residing in these countries.

Rebajlo and Frederic refuse to put blame where its due and in doing that, you're not being honest about things and you're not addressing the real problem. Its like doormat men who constantly make excuses for women, denying feminism, you guys are multiplying the problem not fixing it.

Hey mate, im a white brit and alot of us do support white athletes.
now i think it's well established that slavery in muslim coutries didn't have anything to do with race since very often the slaves were white and the owners black, and a muslim (no matter his skin colour) can't be enslaved
actually one of the first and most important muslims was bilal, a black slave who was freed and married a noble arab woman after converting to islam
so after knowing all this it is obvious that slavery in islam was not race related
any comment from you trying to show the opposite while ignoring the facts i mentionned would be useless as it's not helping the debate