AMBUSH: 7 Police Officers Shot, 3 May Be Dead: Baton Rouge

More murder. In the minds of these men that do the shootings it is revenge. The police are either going to have to back off and cool down or this is could get out of hand and officers may just start quitting. Who needs this zhit???
from what we see of the united states in the rest of the world, it looks like the US are made of 60% blacks and 40% whites
and whites are opressing the black majority
what a crazy, black-obsessed country

Orchestrated by the enemy controlled msm and the occupational government. They've been doing this for a long time now, meticulously ignoring the pandemic of black crime meanwhile hunting for something they can use - almost anything will do - as long as they can use it against whitey, and especially white police - and then twisting it and spinning it and taking it out of context and broadcasting it night and day. They perfected the technique when they repeated the out of context film clip of Rodney King getting beaten - so badly beaten that he was unmarked and fine the next day - and repeating that clip 24/7 in 1992.
THESE NUTS! Here we go, AGAIN!!
Absolute criminals!
Wow this is honestly a race war. I hope all my castefootball brethren remain safe along with their families. The black cancer looks to be terminal in our society. Be careful brothers and although law enforcement may be overbearing at times and abusive of power remember they are the first line of defense and now the main targets of the racist blacks emboldened by the president and media. Respect them and the rule of law when it pertains to interactions with them. As for blacks - **** em
Wow this is honestly a race war. I hope all my castefootball brethren remain safe along with their families. The black cancer looks to be terminal in our society. Be careful brothers and although law enforcement may be overbearing at times and abusive of power remember they are the first line of defense and now the main targets of the racist blacks emboldened by the president and media. Respect them and the rule of law when it pertains to interactions with them. As for blacks - **** em

I respectfully disagree. The shootings are against police officers at this time. If they start shooting mothers and fathers just walking around truck loads of white men will likely go on cockroach hunts to stamp out the vermin.
I respectfully disagree. The shootings are against police officers at this time. If they start shooting mothers and fathers just walking around truck loads of white men will likely go on cockroach hunts to stamp out the vermin.

We've been in a race war for awhile. Let me restate what I said. A govt sanctioned war with media cooperation to for blacks to kill whites.
I respectfully disagree. The shootings are against police officers at this time. If they start shooting mothers and fathers just walking around truck loads of white men will likely go on cockroach hunts to stamp out the vermin.

You couldn't be more wrong. There's been a one-sided race war going on in America for 50 years. Taking out policemen is merely the latest escalation. Read this article from 1995 to get an idea what's going on:
I respectfully disagree. The shootings are against police officers at this time. If they start shooting mothers and fathers just walking around truck loads of white men will likely go on cockroach hunts to stamp out the vermin.

Ambrose, you have been a poster on this website for over 3 years. We have posted countless examples of white women and children being attacked by blacks just because of their skin color. Also, as was mentioned before, 90 percent of interracial crime is black on white in this country. We have been under attack for half a century now.
You couldn't be more wrong. There's been a one-sided race war going on in America for 50 years. Taking out policemen is merely the latest escalation. Read this article from 1995 to get an idea what's going on:

I simply wouldn't use the word "war". If there was a war, it would be over by now as we would have smashed the likes of them long ago.
Ambrose, you have been a poster on this website for over 3 years. We have posted countless examples of white women and children being attacked by blacks just because of their skin color. Also, as was mentioned before, 90 percent of interracial crime is black on white in this country. We have been under attack for half a century now.

Obviously there are incidents of crime. But there aren't targeted shootings day after day like we're seeing now -or what we saw in Nice. It is a real shooting war when most common men going about in the open start carrying rifles or side arms ready to waste the first fool who tries them.
Baton Rouge PD responding again to a call approx 30 shots fired, near 32nd?

Call came in approx 259pm EST
We've been in a race war for awhile. Let me restate what I said. A govt sanctioned war with media cooperation to for blacks to kill whites.

Can't say I agree with "sanctioning" either. To sanction is to validate, to ratify. Is U.S. government validating the actions of these gutter snakes to kill White police officers? I can't say that is true as when the killers are caught they're either killed on the spot or will certainly be prosecuted, imprisoned for life, or get the death penalty. But I do perceive there is a black vs white conflict that is brewing and the U.S. government-media is a brew master.
Obviously there are incidents of crime. But there aren't targeted shootings day after day like we're seeing now -or what we saw in Nice. It is a real shooting war when most common men going about in the open start carrying rifles or side arms ready to waste the first fool who tries them.

There are all kinds of warfare besides an "official shooting war," including psychological warfare. Are the Palestinians in an official "shooting war"? No, but they are engaging in warfare to the best of their abilities against a much stronger enemy. The blacks are not going to put on uniforms, ala the Redcoats, and face off against the police, or groups of armed Whites; they are fighting a type of hit-and-run guerrilla war and are trying to neutralize their perceived enemy's strengths.

Only someone who is naive or unaware of what has been going on would deny that a one-sided race war has been underway in the United States for the past 50 years and that it has now entered a new phase with the targeting of cops. Please read (or re-read) the 20 year old article I linked above and tell me that what blacks have been engaged in against Whites in the U.S. for two generations is not a type of racial warfare.

The wise man knows when to stop parsing a losing argument. ;)
There is definitely war being waged against white people even though most whites are unaware of it. They think that events such as the ambush murdering of white police officers are isolated events, rather than part of a total war against whites.

Pro-whites need to enlighten these people as well as we can.
There are all kinds of warfare besides an "official shooting war," including psychological warfare. Are the Palestinians in an official "shooting war"? No, but they are engaging in warfare to the best of their abilities against a much stronger enemy. The blacks are not going to put on uniforms, ala the Redcoats, and face off against the police, or groups of armed Whites; they are fighting a type of hit-and-run guerrilla war and are trying to neutralize their perceived enemy's strengths.

Only someone who is naive or unaware of what has been going on would deny that a one-sided race war has been underway in the United States for the past 50 years and that it has now entered a new phase with the targeting of cops. Please read (or re-read) the 20 year old article I linked above and tell me that what blacks have been engaged in against Whites in the U.S. for two generations is not a type of racial warfare.

The wise man knows when to stop parsing a losing argument. ;)

Is "war" is not some kind of contest between two sides? What is sometimes called a psy-war is really a psy-attack by one side onto another? "The blacks" means exactly what: which blacks? "The whites" means exactly what: which whites? Some blacks attacking some whites is a war? Which whites are fighting this war against blacks? Are most whites engaged in this war? Do most whites not engage with blacks to shun possible attacks?

Most of the whites of the many societies I exchange and interchange with of United States avoid contact with blacks and make void attempts by blacks to be lured into battles physical, legal, lawful, psychological, or social. I do agree with you though, it seems most -not all of course- blacks are ready at the drop of a hat to attack white men and white men or white structures of every kind. Because I anticipate trouble of some kind (attacks), I avoid almost all contact with blacks where possible.

What argument is there to win? To argue is to discuss, to reason, to express. As there is not a thing to win how can there be a thing to lose?:) Cheers.
American Freedom News