All Star Games(Senior Bowl and EastvWest)


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
A list of players playing in the East West Shrine game, should be a good one!

Zach Line (RB) of Southern Methodist

Seth Doege (QB) of Texas Tech
Colby Cameron (QB) of Louisiana Tech
Alex Carder (QB) of Western Michigan
Sean Renfree (QB) of Duke
Caleb Sturgis (PK) of the University of Florida
Graham Pocic (OC) of the University of Illinois
James Ferentz
(OC) of Iowa
Andrew Robiskie (OC) of Western Illinois
Matt Stankiewitch (OC) of Penn State
Eric Kush (OC) of California University of Pennsylvania.
Klein messed up from the start. He should have spent hours and hours in a tanning booth everyday, and then concocted a story about not being sure of his birth parents, and that he's a Colin Kaepernick-type "tanned everyman". He would have run away with the Heisman and NFL scouts would be slobbering over him.
"awkward throwing motion" what a bunch of crap. How many qbs are going to come out with "perfect" throwing motions? unless they had great position coaches to overcome it in college and even some of those are unwilling to tweak a guy's motion if its working, like Tebow and Vince Young, first guys that come to mind, but it probably dates back to before college, where they would probably have to have a great coach as well, or parents to pay for a qb coach, or maybe a parent who was a qb, like the Mannings or Luck. I believe Tom Brady had a qb coach early on. I mean you can go to qb camps and learn but it takes repetition.

I mean if you look at Klein's throwing motion, its really not that awkward, its not like Tebow coming out where he dropped his arm all the way to his waist with the wind up motion, its awkward in the sense that someone like Rodgers who said to have an awkward throwing motion, although Rodgers was more due to holding the ball up too high before releasing. The funny thing is that is how the coaches at CAL taught him supposedly, he was holding the ball closer to his chest but they thought it would get the ball out faster holding it up higher, probably hindered his running ability as well.

RG3 has an awkward throwing motion, and it was worse before his senior year.

Phill Simms said he thought Rodger's throwing motion looked like something out of Pop Warner football

The main thing that matters is that he has a strong arm, and is accurate, he is elusive and can run, everything else can be worked on. Rodgers was coached up. Oh yeah teams don't believe in that anymore.

Another thing is, they act like these guys are going to stand like a statue in the pocket and throw the same way every time, guys move around the pocket, have to change their throwing motion to get around linemen etc. Its not always the same. Brees who is said to have a perfect throwing motion, which wasn't always the case, only after injuring his shoulder he learned his current throwing mechanics, it was to not put any extra stress on his shoulder. He was on that sports science thing and was really accurate, like hitting the bullseye, they had something in the football, his throwing motion was the exact same every single throw, not even off by a millimeter but that was dropping back with no pressure. If you watch him on Sundays, he has to change it up quite a bit because of size, side arming, throwing it way overhand because of linemen in the way, moving around the pocket and not setting his feet (mostly due to majority sumo line), and he is STILL and accurate qb and gets the job done at a high level.
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Yea - Kaepernick has one of the ugliest throwing motions I have seen yet he is on the correct side of the racial double standard.
The Senior Bowl is such an obvious caste tool. Neither Swope or Vernon have been invited. Same goes for Burkhead and Zach Line. Only three defensive players have been invited.
Swope, Vernon and Chase Thomas have all been invited to the senior bowl - still waiting on Burkhead and Line
yeah Klein is nice (and underappreciated)..
& in regards to current talent assessment in football ( where mobile black quarterbacks are now seen as the hottest commodity).. after the Duke-Davidson game tonite, ESPN ran an UnderArmor skills contest for the nation's best high schoolers, I saw the QB segment.. It was all big White kids :thumbup:(& a commit to Fresno St., who was maybe White & Latin? ). I'm making a superficial judgment, but they all looked like big, pocket passers.. so these guys still exist, and will eventually find homes in the NFL.

even with all the P.C. hysteria about the supremacy of Black and mulatto QBs, the guys recently lifting up Lombardis (Manning Bros, Brady, Brees, Rodgers, Warner) all fit into the upright passer mold.. I guess time will tell how the position changes or remains the same.

ps- back in the day, wasn't it a Blue-Gray bowl for the seniors (?) it was played in Birmingham or Montgomery...
The funny thing is that even on the mobile QB front, whites are still superior. The "dynamic" black QB gets all of the hype and the press, but the numbers are with the crackers. If you go to the high school championship games in most every state, the vast majority of QBs (and players, for that matter) are white, and mobile white QBs dominate. These dual-threat honkeys are ignored as much as possible by the caste recruiting sites, however.
yeah Klein is nice (and underappreciated)..
& in regards to current talent assessment in football ( where mobile black quarterbacks are now seen as the hottest commodity).. after the Duke-Davidson game tonite, ESPN ran an UnderArmor skills contest for the nation's best high schoolers, I saw the QB segment.. It was all big White kids :thumbup:(& a commit to Fresno St., who was maybe White & Latin? ). I'm making a superficial judgment, but they all looked like big, pocket passers.. so these guys still exist, and will eventually find homes in the NFL.

even with all the P.C. hysteria about the supremacy of Black and mulatto QBs, the guys recently lifting up Lombardis (Manning Bros, Brady, Brees, Rodgers, Warner) all fit into the upright passer mold.. I guess time will tell how the position changes or remains the same.

ps- back in the day, wasn't it a Blue-Gray bowl for the seniors (?) it was played in Birmingham or Montgomery...
Unfortunately, 4 of the 7 Army All American game QBs are black..
All of the high school "all star" games are chocolate-fests, since the only players invited are the ones that are 4 and 5 star rated recruits. And since Rivals, Scouts, etc. only rate blacks that high for the most part, that's what you get. No matter how good and dominating a high school athlete is, he has to first pass the "eye test" (read: is he black?) before he will get any interest.
The funny thing is that even on the mobile QB front, whites are still superior. The "dynamic" black QB gets all of the hype and the press, but the numbers are with the crackers. If you go to the high school championship games in most every state, the vast majority of QBs (and players, for that matter) are white, and mobile white QBs dominate. These dual-threat honkeys are ignored as much as possible by the caste recruiting sites, however.

Man Footballdad what a great, GREAT point. High School, and college both. This is one of the glaring double standards thats so obvious I cant understand how the DWFs, and sheeple dont get it. I mean Tebow, Crouch, and Jones get sabotaged while RG, Vick, AHDIW, Scam, and the rest get playbooks, and teams literally built to benefit them.
Unfortunately, 4 of the 7 Army All American game QBs are black..

That's disgusting but the way of the caste system. They are well on their way to convince the DWFs that black's are better QBs . I am sure more than 50% of the DWFs already think this. Great white QBs in high school are going to be weeded out and recruited by fewer and fewer schools.

All this race traitor college coaches do is copy each other and appease their drunk white fanbase. It pisses me off in one regard but in another regard once it happens I will treat the NFL and NCAA just like the NBA - I won't watch.
Man Footballdad what a great, GREAT point. High School, and college both. This is one of the glaring double standards thats so obvious I cant understand how the DWFs, and sheeple dont get it. I mean Tebow, Crouch, and Jones get sabotaged while RG, Vick, AHDIW, Scam, and the rest get playbooks, and teams literally built to benefit them.

Those three you mentioned were sabotaged and many, many more. Crouch should have been a runningback in the league. He had the agility and speed. Some others that were screwed were Scott Frost and Jared Zabransky. This upcoming draft it looks like the plan is to get Geno Smiff a starting gig will guys like Colin Klein may not even end up getting drafted.
Those three you mentioned were sabotaged and many, many more. Crouch should have been a runningback in the league. He had the agility and speed. Some others that were screwed were Scott Frost and Jared Zabransky. This upcoming draft it looks like the plan is to get Geno Smiff a starting gig will guys like Colin Klein may not even end up getting drafted.

Yes sir! Even though Geno has proven to be sub par he will get drafted high because of the repetition by the so called "experts". He will have an offense built to suit his talents, and with the pitiful defense in the NFL he might just have some success. Meanwhile Klien will most likely go undrafted even though he has proven himself to be quality.

I remember the Jets I think it was made Scott Frost a back up safety which was just insulting. Eric Crouch was indeed a great runner, and would have made a thousand yard tailback without question. Its my humble opinion that out of all the "duel threat" QBS Ive seen in my lifetime Crouch was the most naturally gifted runner of them all. Thats not to say he couldnt pass too. Im sure he was every bit as skilled as the mulatto in Seattle is, and then some. Im sure were all aware of his tale here. How the Rams drafted him as a WR the same year the Steelers drafted Randle-El out of Indiana to be a WR. Crouch knew he could play QB, and struggled mightily to find a team that would let him. He went to Canada, and was Michel Bishops back up for awhile. I was flippin through channels a few years ago, and saw him playing safety for the Sea Dogs in the European League.

Hindsight being 20/20 I really wish he would have just stuck with the Rams, and played WR like Randle-El did in Pittsburgh. At least he would have caught a few TDs, and maybe returned a few punts, and kickoffs for TDs.
Yes sir! Even though Geno has proven to be sub par he will get drafted high because of the repetition by the so called "experts". He will have an offense built to suit his talents, and with the pitiful defense in the NFL he might just have some success. Meanwhile Klien will most likely go undrafted even though he has proven himself to be quality.

I remember the Jets I think it was made Scott Frost a back up safety which was just insulting. Eric Crouch was indeed a great runner, and would have made a thousand yard tailback without question. Its my humble opinion that out of all the "duel threat" QBS Ive seen in my lifetime Crouch was the most naturally gifted runner of them all. Thats not to say he couldnt pass too. Im sure he was every bit as skilled as the mulatto in Seattle is, and then some. Im sure were all aware of his tale here. How the Rams drafted him as a WR the same year the Steelers drafted Randle-El out of Indiana to be a WR. Crouch knew he could play QB, and struggled mightily to find a team that would let him. He went to Canada, and was Michel Bishops back up for awhile. I was flippin through channels a few years ago, and saw him playing safety for the Sea Dogs in the European League.

Hindsight being 20/20 I really wish he would have just stuck with the Rams, and played WR like Randle-El did in Pittsburgh. At least he would have caught a few TDs, and maybe returned a few punts, and kickoffs for TDs.

The funny thing is all the draft sites, these so called "expert" sites", were saying Crouch should be a running back because of his speed and cutting ability. Funny he was never given that opportunity.
The East West Shrine Game rosters have pretty much been finalized, and here are the white players, 49 in all.

11 QB Cameron Colby Louisiana Tech 6' 2" 205
64 OL Devey Jordan Memphis 6' 6" 305
76 OL Dill R.J. Rutgers 6' 6" 315
73 OL Heikkinen Garth Minnesota Duluth 6' 2-1/2" 305
74 OL Jackson Mark Glenville State 6' 6" 330
55 OL Johnson T.J. South Carolina 6' 5" 315
44 TE Juszczyk Kyle Harvard 6' 2" 245
58 OL Kush Eric California (PA) 6' 4" 299
97 TE Reed Lucas New Mexico 6' 6" 255
19 QB Renfree Sean Duke 6' 4" 225
59 OL Sewell Matt McMaster University 6' 8" 345
54 OL Stankiewitch Matt Penn State 6' 3" 303
8 WR Steelman Trent Army 6' 210
30 SAF Bishop Brandan North Carolina State 6' 2" 205
14 P Breeding Dylan Arkansas 6' 1" 215
17 K Sturgis Caleb Florida 5' 11" 190
77 DL Catapano Mike Princeton 6' 4" 270
1 SAF Taylor Cooper Richmond 6' 4" 230
94 DL Vallone Scott Rutgers 6" 3" 275
92 DL Vellano Joe Maryland 6' 2" 295
52 LB Evans Matt New Hampshire 6' 230
60 OL Baca Jeff UCLA 6' 3" 295
74 OL Brenner Sam Utah 6' 4" 305
75 OL Brown Braden Brigham Young 6' 6" 300
19 K Brown Zach Portland State 6' 4" 210
23 RB Burkhead Rex Nebraska 5' 11" 210
14 QB Carder Alex Western Michigan 6' 3" 225
7 QB Doege Seth Texas Tech 6' 1" 205
88 TE Fauria Joseph UCLA 6' 7" 255
53 OL Ferentz James Iowa 6' 1" 288
66 OL Foltz Blaize TCU 6' 4" 315
72 OL Hawkinson Tanner Kansas 6' 5-1/2" 300
44 TE Kasa Nick Colorado 6' 6" 265
48 RB Line Zach Southern Methodist 6' 1" 230
68 OL O'Neill Dann Western Michigan 6' 8" 305
52 OL Robiskie Andrew Western Illinois 6' 2" 302
10 QB Scott Matt Arizona 6' 3" 208
84 TE Sudfeld Zach Nevada 6' 7" 255
56 OL Turnley Ryan Pittsburgh 6' 6" 313
16 SAF Davis Cody Texas Tech 6' 2" 205
54 LB Greer Steve Virginia 6' 2" 230
49 P Hubner Josh Arizona State 6' 4" 238
43 DL Johnson Travis San Jose State 6' 2" 245
47 LB Klein A.J. Iowa State 6' 2" 244
94 DL Lohr Rob Vanderbilt 6' 4" 290
26 SAF Motta Zeke Notre Dame 6' 3" 215
83 DL Pericak Will Colorado 6' 4" 295
89 DL Roh Craig Michigan 6' 5" 281
45 DL Schreibeis Caleb Montana State 6' 3" 252
That's disgusting but the way of the caste system. They are well on their way to convince the DWFs that black's are better QBs . I am sure more than 50% of the DWFs already think this. Great white QBs in high school are going to be weeded out and recruited by fewer and fewer schools.

All this race traitor college coaches do is copy each other and appease their drunk white fanbase. It pisses me off in one regard but in another regard once it happens I will treat the NFL and NCAA just like the NBA - I won't watch.

Good points Leonardfan. The majority of these overhyped black quarterbacks have padded stats and have been totally prop'd up and completely enabled by the caste system. Once they get to college, they'll be exposed and overwhelmed by the complexity of the playbook and college defenses. Many will wash out (of QB) and be moved to WR, defense or special teams...IF they don't flunk out or get expelled (for TNB) first. :dodgy:
It's great to see both Burkhead and Line in this game. I'm hoping they both put on a show!
49 white players in the east-west shrine game - that is pretty good - compare that to 23 total so far in the Senior Bowl which is the most publicized of these predraft events.

fyi Matt Scott is black - Rich Rodriguez is racist and only plays black QBs
Semper Fidelis high school All-American Game

a couple of White skill position players at "black" positions stood out in the game last night.

wide receiver/sprinter Devon Allen had game-highs with 6 catches for 67 yards and 1 touchdown. at one point one of the announcers said, "He's one of the nation's top sprinters, but a lot of guys don't think he's fast for some reason." gee, i wonder why? :doh:

Allen hasn't committed to a school to play ball, yet.

all-purpose back/returner Ryan Switzer (committed to North Carolina) caught the game-winning touchdown. he played exclusively in the slot and at punt returner, and he didn't get many chances to show his stuff. he did, however, show up when it counted. the black announcer raved on his explosiveness throughout the contest. i get the feeling his days at running back are behind him, though ... hopefully i'm wrong.
Switzer's fame/size looks better fitted for WR in my opinion. I really wish he was headed elsewhere then UNC though. His publicity will be minimal to none there and they don't have exactly the best history with skill players...(see Hunter Furr).
Ive watched this whole army game, and if these are the "best" highschool football players the country has to offer then football has declined to the point of being a joke.
Switzer's fame/size looks better fitted for WR in my opinion. I really wish he was headed elsewhere then UNC though. His publicity will be minimal to none there and they don't have exactly the best history with skill players...(see Hunter Furr).

Yeah, and whatever Switzer and his family did to command the attention he received is a blueprint for what skilled white athletes should do to get offers from Division 1 schools!

Now, more white kids have to figure out how he was able to accomplish this feat?
Is Switzer the kid from West Virginia? I was hoping he would somehow end up at PSU.
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