I doubt he's a "long-term plant" of the NWO as he's been instrumental in much of the American public and other citizens from around the world awakening to the NWO as well as the rise of nationalism across the West. If you've only listed to his podcasts, check out his documentaries. He's been vocal against Waco (directly confronting Janet Reno on it), in exposing the Oklahoma City b0mbing as an inside job, in helping to expose the Federal Reserve and Central Bankers and exposing 911 early on.
He's not a "White Nationalist", but he will expose attacks (via immigration and media propaganda) on Whites and White countries, especially over the past few years. He's not perfect, but he's certainly not a cuckservative, either. He's too tepid on Israel for my tastes, but maybe that's because of his (((boss))) or the realization the the (((mainstream media))) will use that to endlessly try to shame him as being an "anti-Semite". He plays the percentages that way, I think.
Also, if you check out some of Paul Joseph Watson's YouTube videos, he eviscerates Cultural Marxism, which is a one of the cornerstones of the NWO. Watson is employed by Alex.