Alex Jones


Oct 6, 2007
What do you all think of Alex Jones? I have been listening to his podcasts lately and I like him a lot. His perspective on the NWO, Hillary Clinton, the MSM, etc. appears to be spot on. However I have a friend who thinks it's a 50% chance he is a "long term plant" of the NWO.

What do you all think of my friend's idea?
It's like having a pet boa constrictor. Be very, very careful.
Alex Jones has been discussed quite a bit here at CF, starting maybe 10 years ago or so. Here is the original Alex Jones thread. Any search with his name will produce tons of results and some excellent insights by posters over the years. The charge that he is simply a globalist mole has been proffered many times.
I doubt he's a "long-term plant" of the NWO as he's been instrumental in much of the American public and other citizens from around the world awakening to the NWO as well as the rise of nationalism across the West. If you've only listed to his podcasts, check out his documentaries. He's been vocal against Waco (directly confronting Janet Reno on it), in exposing the Oklahoma City b0mbing as an inside job, in helping to expose the Federal Reserve and Central Bankers and exposing 911 early on.

He's not a "White Nationalist", but he will expose attacks (via immigration and media propaganda) on Whites and White countries, especially over the past few years. He's not perfect, but he's certainly not a cuckservative, either. He's too tepid on Israel for my tastes, but maybe that's because of his (((boss))) or the realization the the (((mainstream media))) will use that to endlessly try to shame him as being an "anti-Semite". He plays the percentages that way, I think.

Also, if you check out some of Paul Joseph Watson's YouTube videos, he eviscerates Cultural Marxism, which is a one of the cornerstones of the NWO. Watson is employed by Alex.
I rarely listen to his radio show, but checking his website it seems Jones has changed his focus quite a bit, going more "mainstream" in being a big Trump supporter and going big-time anti-Muslim and accepting at face value the suspicious "terrorist" incidents such as Orlando and San Bernardino that he used to lead the charge against in calling them false flags.

It's a microcosm of the dilemma facing nationalist oriented forces -- do you accept at face value all official government/media conspiracy theories about mass killing events because you want Muslims out of your country, or do you analyze each one keeping in mind that the government/media/surveillance complex has its own agenda as do the Zionists?
The following is an article from his site today. You wouldn't have seen something like this on his site just a few years ago.

Female Volunteers At Calais Jungle ‘Having Sex With Multiple Refugees A Day
This is what feminism hath brought us

I think Jones is great at waking up normies. However, he's always been terrible on the JQ. His interview with David Duke this year being the most damning evidence of this.

I forget which poster talked about not throwing the baby out with the bath water. That's how I feel about AJ. I'll agree with him 90% of the time and throw out the rest.
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I appreciate what he has done and really
like Watson who reports for infowars. I find it pathetic though how he tries to sell all those "vitality products" during his segments though - something about
that just rubs me the wrong way.
Thanks for all the replies. I appreciate the insight. I really like how visceral he is about the NWO, globalist bankers, Clintons, Obama, and how he identifies how Muslim immigrants are being used as the foot soldiers to destroy the West. He also appreciates how important it is to defeat Clinton and get Trump into the WH. However the real work will just start then. Agreeing 90% with AJ is a hell of a lot better than having 0% to agree with with the NWO-controlled MSM.
I think Jones is great at waking up normies. However, he's always been terrible on the JQ. His interview with David Duke this year being the most damning evidence against this.

I forget which poster talked about not throwing the baby out with the bath water. That's how I feel about AJ. I'll agree with him 90% of the time and throw out the rest.

Same here.
He's been somewhat better since he split from his (((wife))), he seems less of a disinformation agent now.

Watch her eyes move as she lies in this video:

The first big name corporations to ban Alex Jones:


Coincidence? Lol!!
Back during the W Bush years, i was your typical conservative Bush cheerleader and I thought Alex Jones was a liberal nutcase for questioning 9/11, but I had a friend that was conservative / libertarian who was big into AJ, so I eventually gave AJ a chance and what he said actually made a lot of sense and it blew my mind how the 2 party system was a false paradigm, 2 sides of the same coin. And I now believe AJ was 100% correct about 9/11. I watched AJ constantly up through the 2016 election but have kind of lost interest lately, but I hold AJ in high esteem, he's a true American patriot in the very sense of the word. Amazing what he has accomplished from the outside. This is scary what the satanic technocrats are up to. Never forget folks, Obama gave away American control of the internet shortly before the end of his Presidency, and not a peep from the media about it. Not ONE ******* peep. This has been their plan all along, total silence of the opposition, put a choke hold on the internet, fairness doctrine on the radio, total and complete silence of n0n-communists.
The first big name corporations to ban Alex Jones:


Coincidence? Lol!!
The first big name corporations to ban Alex Jones:


Coincidence? Lol!!
And I'm sure their CEOs came to their conclusions all independently and at the same time! What a "coincidence". Surely no "collusion" could have been possible, eh?

Now Disqus has banned him so you can't comment on his own website anymore. Another example of why a centralized system or platform is very dangerous and susceptible to take over and control. Decentralization, like the 10th Amendment of our Bill of Rights, is the answer to a lot of these problems.
Alex Jones is (or at least was) a phony, and this interview proves it.

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Twitter Bans McInnes and the Proud Boys accounts. Antifa's still active.
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