ALERT! re:Media Streams


Jul 12, 2007
ATDHE, Sports Streaming Website, Seized By Homeland Security

[This thread really could've gone in any forum here. But the other sports are now off-season or generally don't require internet streams.]

Just a heads up for all internet sports viewers here. This has been happening to a lot of media streaming websites over the past six months. Any site that shows live sports or streams movies and/or television programs will eventually be taken down. Some of the sports websites that I have used in the past are still up, but I expect them to be seized before college football starts again.
It's nice to see that Homeland Security has something to occupy their time. What exactly were they created for again? I forget.
I sometimes post (as ixnay) on (you have to register there to see the forums) and they actively prohibit linking media streams.

Yeah, always be careful with linking those. Most of the other sports blogs I frequent completely forbid the use of online streams for fear of legal ramifications. Not saying CF necessarily has to follow suit, but there's an inherent risk.
Homeland Security is just another invasive arm of Big Brother FedGov made possible by 9/11. I'll miss ATDHE.
Im more worried about college. The NFL you can find, but until they put out a better product, Im not paying for it, but college, there are some college games you can't find, even if you did have sports packages, the only way is if you were a local in that area.
Perhaps the vaguely Nazi-sounding entity called "Homeland Security" should change its name to "Protecting Corporate Security."
Just because there are sites up now doesn't mean they'll still be there in the future.
This is an ongoing program by the Media-Government duarchy. As I've told people on other forums, if you know of any websites that offer sports streaming, don't name them here. Send them in a PM to somebody. ATDHE is stupid for having a twitter page to advertise their movements. They won't last.
American Freedom News