Ahmadinejad Calls 9/11 "Fabricated"


Apr 6, 2007
Deadlift said:
guest301 said:
Westside said:
1st I respect all CFers here. But I think some are putting too much crediblity into this Zionist cabal who has its tenticals on all levels of power, especially military decisions. Listen if they (Juden) even had a fraction of power some say they have, THIS SITE would be smashed like a unwanted bug in the middle of the night and may other sites who put forth views of the diobalical Zionist scheme.

Regarding this Iran v Isreal Nuke situation, I believe the Star of David will strike and destroy the supposed Iranian Nuke sites. The price of oil here in the US will hit 8 dollars a gallon for a while.

However, I wonder what some here will think if Iran is able to "get off" one of their fortified warheads and take out at least 1/3 of the Isreali population. I can hear " Oh the Zionsit allowed it to happen, so they can counterstrike and take out the Iranian regime, then get the US to go in and clean up the mess. You know some had to die for the bigger Zionist agenda world domination goal, yada yada."

And for any wondering where I am on this issue consider me a Guest 301 defender. Just my opinion, no disprect to anyone here.

Thank you Westside for your support and willingness to go against the grain around here. I think you are spot on with your opinion of the reaction at Caste Football when Israel does take out those nuke sites in Iran. There are alot of Bible prophecy scholars who are thankfully not into replacement theology which is the real heresy who also predict that Damascus will be taken out likely before the Tribulation and so it wouldn't suprise me to see the secret nuke sites near Damascus hit at the same time Iran is hit. Israel will never be destroyed or removed from their land again and if it happens all you guys can come back to this thread, dance on my proverbial face and tell me how wrong I am. Israel is so geographically small that it would only take two well placed nukes to destroy it and I am sure that Iran and Ahmadinejad have wet dreams nightly about doing just that, not going to happen.
Jaxvid, funny stuff.
The dark sky God blessed you with a sense of humor! Detroit is your purgatory.
I have had my say, moving onto to other topics that are alot more fun to post about such as March Madness coming up.


Are you genocidal? Do you really think "your God" wants Arab men, women and children to be destroyed? Many Arabs are actually Semites.

I sense almost a "glee" in your post.

I sense a ad hominem argument.

Edited by: Menelik
Oct 24, 2005
I am not familiar with all internet terms. What is "PTB?"


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
ScreamingEagle, PTB = (the) Powers That Be...aka the Globalist Elite/NWO. Those who puppeteer the pawns on "Crapitol sHill", etc. At the top of the PTB are the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. "B list" PTB members are George Soros, Javier Solana, Maurice Strong, Rupert "Moloch", etc.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Deadlift said:
guest301 said:
Westside said:
1st I respect all CFers here. But I think some are putting too much crediblity into this Zionist cabal who has its tenticals on all levels of power, especially military decisions. Listen if they (Juden) even had a fraction of power some say they have, THIS SITE would be smashed like a unwanted bug in the middle of the night and may other sites who put forth views of the diobalical Zionist scheme.

Regarding this Iran v Isreal Nuke situation, I believe the Star of David will strike and destroy the supposed Iranian Nuke sites. The price of oil here in the US will hit 8 dollars a gallon for a while.

However, I wonder what some here will think if Iran is able to "get off" one of their fortified warheads and take out at least 1/3 of the Isreali population. I can hear " Oh the Zionsit allowed it to happen, so they can counterstrike and take out the Iranian regime, then get the US to go in and clean up the mess. You know some had to die for the bigger Zionist agenda world domination goal, yada yada."

And for any wondering where I am on this issue consider me a Guest 301 defender. Just my opinion, no disprect to anyone here.

Thank you Westside for your support and willingness to go against the grain around here. I think you are spot on with your opinion of the reaction at Caste Football when Israel does take out those nuke sites in Iran. There are alot of Bible prophecy scholars who are thankfully not into replacement theology which is the real heresy who also predict that Damascus will be taken out likely before the Tribulation and so it wouldn't suprise me to see the secret nuke sites near Damascus hit at the same time Iran is hit. Israel will never be destroyed or removed from their land again and if it happens all you guys can come back to this thread, dance on my proverbial face and tell me how wrong I am. Israel is so geographically small that it would only take two well placed nukes to destroy it and I am sure that Iran and Ahmadinejad have wet dreams nightly about doing just that, not going to happen.
Jaxvid, funny stuff.
The dark sky God blessed you with a sense of humor! Detroit is your purgatory.
I have had my say, moving onto to other topics that are alot more fun to post about such as March Madness coming up.


Are you genocidal? Do you really think "your God" wants Arab men, women and children to be destroyed? Many Arabs are actually Semites.

I sense almost a "glee" in your post.

You sense wrong, There is no glee in any of that and I actually hate to write about any of this stuff at Caste Football and that's why I rarely do so except when I first joined the site several years ago and had my head handed to me on the topic and had no plans to revisit this thread until you sensed "glee" in my post of which there is none and never was. Maybe you sensed some righteous indignation of which we all have that around here about various topics.
Oct 24, 2005
Thanks for the information, DD. Powers that be, or the usual gang of idiots.


Dec 11, 2004
Guest 301 and Westside ;

I agree with your positions. There are many Jews who are not the typical liberal types. They consider themselves white and are discriminated against by non-whites. If white people , are going to take back control of our country,I don't think it is in our interest,to not just paint all Jews or supporters of Israel as our enemies. As Jared Taylor has said, conservative Jews can be powerful allies in white power/racial realism movement. In addition, there are some whites who are reluctant to join white power movements , when Jews are made scapegoats for all the ills of our country.


Apr 6, 2007


Dec 11, 2004

Do you admire Iranians who have been at war with the US since 1979? They have kidnapped many Americans , many of whom they killed . They invaded our embassy in 1979 and held hostages for 400+ days. They have been involved in blowing passenger Jets killing many Americans. They also are responsible for killing perhaps the majority of our troops in Iraq. You are a former soldier and most know Iran has the blood of US soldiers on their hands. Iran admitted they are responsible for the manufacturing of practically all IEDs. Anyone who supports Iran and their leader is foolish. Some people find hating on Jews much more important than taking back control of our country.


Apr 22, 2006
Iran would never have killed one single American soldier if we weren't in the middle east on Israel's behalf in the first place.


Dec 11, 2004
The Iranians had been angry since 1952 when the CIA meddled in Iran's internal affairs in order to make sure the supply of oil from Iran was uninterrupted. It definitely was the fault of Israel.

When Iran took over the US embassy in 1979,it also was the fault of the zionists. It had nothing to do with Iran being very angry the CIA had installed the Shah over the democratically elected President in 1952. The Iranians were also angry that the US had supported the Shah until his overthrow in 1979.

It must have all be a zionist plot.

I am sure the Taiping Rebellion (1850-64)which the Guinness Book of World Records calls this the bloodiest civil war in history with 20-30 million dead was also due to the Zionists.
Edited by: jwhite96


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
I don't think 9/11 was a conspiracy. The neo-cons wanted to go after Iraq, but 9/11 took us to Afghanistan. They had to invent the phony connection between Saddam and Al-Qaeda after the fact and toss in a bunch a reasons unrelated to 9/11 (WMDs, torture, gassing the Kurds) If 9/11 was a conspiracy and the Iraq war was the goal then it seems like the people framed would have been Iraqis with at least fabricated ties to Saddam (not bin Laden who they apparently lost interest in once they got the ball rolling on Iraq). I do remember some chatter about an oil pipeline in Afghanistan, but at this point it seems we are only there to save face (nation-building is a failure) and so Obama can play at commander-in-chief and earn his foreign policy credentials. Meanwhile the neo-cons are all trying to steer us onto the road to war with Iran.

Which brings me to another point. I don't care if Ahmadinejad stands up to Israel and the U.S. It doesn't do us any good. If 9/11 was a conspiracy having Ahmadinejad say so certainly won't convince any of the sheeple; it just makes the idea seem even more crackpot to them. In the end all it means is that a bunch of white young men, many of them Christian, are going to die to shut him up. Besides, it isn't like Iran is some white nationalist utopia that we could all go live in anyway. Most of us, if not all of us, wouldn't even be welcome there (I know I'm not converting to Islam).

Anyway I would like for us to stay out of the Middle East, but I know that will never happen (until we go broke maybe) so for now I'll just amuse myself with the irony that so-called "conservatives" are fighting wars to spread feminism and equality and that the evangelicals are cheering for the spread of secularism.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina

Many "Zionist Christians" involve themselves in "hero-worship" of Israel. "Israel is going to whoop them Arabs. It's Gods will!!" Really? Who built Israel? Who armed Israel? This doesn't even get into the issue of how America has been "blessed" from all their support of Israel?

I'm highly skeptical that God would use the Globalist "United Nations" to fulfill Bible Prophecy. Also, what was he (God) doing when 6-million Jews were gassed? Was there anything more important going on at that time? If he was teaching them a lesson, I'm afraid it didn't work because uppity Jews are in abundant supply these days.

I personally scoff at the John Hagee "Christianity" and here's one reason why.. There have been how many "prophecy/end times" programs on the History Channel, Discovery Channel, TLC, etc.. and you know what? A ton of the talking-heads, the so-called "scholars" - are Jews and Zionist Christians! It's a script, indeed, and NO deviation is allowed from that script. Some people would call that BRAINWASHING! It was then that I realized, definitively, that the Globalist elite wanted the sheep (Goy) to be hoodwinked via "Bible Prophecy" - or their version of it. ALL these TV channels were airing essentially the same program! All Jews and Zionists are GOOD and everybody else = BAD.

Seriously, they have their own biases (to say the least) and only someone of a naive-persuasion would deny that. I'm not really trying to get into a theological debate, but if anyone wants to try to convince me of what ALL these TV "specials" are trying to convince me of, have at it. Go for it!

from guest301's March 8th, 6:11 PM post:

"I have been around here a long time and my eyes have been opened to alot of things. But there are other eyes around here that need to be opened as well and come to see the vital spiritual issues that are often missed in these type of discussions on Happy Hour. For those of you here who look at the Jewish problem totally from a secular viewpoint I can understand where you are coming from and almost really can't blame you for it. But for those of you more spiritually aware and have more of a christian background, I would encourage each one of you to pray about this and ask for God to impart knowledge and wisdom on these issues because when the whole story is told and all these future events come to pass you really don't want to be on the wrong side of history on this one"

To me - "Wrong side of history" - has become Globalist terminology these days, and it's often used in an anti-White perspective. It has become a part of the Cultural Marxist lexicon. That is my honest view. I'm not trying to nitpick.


Nov 28, 2009
The CIA ousted the democratically-elected leader of Iran, Mohammed Mossadegh, in 1953 and installed US-Puppet, Mohammad Reza Shah, a brutal dictator. Mossadegh was extremely popular with the Iranian people as he vowed to look out for their best interests, including the nationalization of exploitative foreign oil companies owned by the British in their own country.

The "Shah" of Iran would rule for 25 years until the Iranians finally had enough and overthrew him in 1979. The people of Iran became radicalized Muslims because of his rule and this led to their taking of American hostages so as to have leverage and prevent another coup d'etat by the CIA to install another puppet regime.

The moral of the story is that we should mind our own business and not interfere with the politics of other countries. And we certainly can't purport to "promote democracy around the world" and then knock-off or oust democratically-elected leaders of other counties and then install brutal dictators in their place. We lose any credibility we have and look like hypocrites. We have enough to worry about in our own country. We should stop trying to build a world empire.



Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
Highlander said:
And we certainly can't purport to "promote democracy around the world" and then knock-off or oust democratically-elected leaders of other counties and then install brutal dictators in their place. We lose any credibility we have and look like hypocrites.

Can we still promote human rights by overthrowing dictators for torturing people while we torture prisoners for intelligence about those horrible human rights abusers?


Nov 28, 2009
Paleocon, great point:
"Anyway I would like for us to stay out of the Middle East, but I know
that will never happen (until we go broke maybe) so for now I'll just
amuse myself with the irony that so-called "conservatives" are fighting
wars to spread feminism
and equality and that the evangelicals are
cheering for the spread of secularism."

I've recently (within the last few years) finally realized this myself. With radical Feminism becoming mainstream in the West (and the primary cause of our cultural collapse), I now (finally) understand why the Muslims want nothing to do with contemporary Western "culture". Heck, I don't either, and I live here. Hillary Clinton recently went to the Soloman Islands, I believe, to lecture their government about "women's rights". It's now a major part of our foreign policy and I've read where their goal is to use military force to bring it about. Scary stuff. On a somewhat related note, I've read stories now where British men (White Anglos) are using Sharia law (somehow) in Great Britain for divorce proceedings because of how anti-male, anti-husband the divorce courts are there now. The man has no say anymore there.


Nov 25, 2004
jwhite96 said:

Do you admire Iranians who have been at war with the US since 1979? They have kidnapped many Americans , many of whom they killed . They invaded our embassy in 1979 and held hostages for 400+ days. They have been involved in blowing passenger Jets killing many Americans. They also are responsible for killing perhaps the majority of our troops in Iraq. You are a former soldier and most know Iran has the blood of US soldiers on their hands. Iran admitted they are responsible for the manufacturing of practically all IEDs. Anyone who supports Iran and their leader is foolish. Some people find hating on Jews much more important than taking back control of our country.

Where do yo get your information?
Kidnapped many Americans, many of whom they killed. Who got killed by the government of Iran? And why is this a secret?

Blowing up passenger Jets? Like flight 655? Better look that one up.

Responsible for killing the majority of our troops in Iraq. Who told you that one? Source?

Iran admitted they manufactured practically all IEDs??? When? Who did? Supply a source that says the Iranian government is manufacturing the HOMEMADE IEDs.

And yes, we have to take back our country from those darn Iranians who control our government, media, and finacial industry.

I think you better watch who you call foolish.


Nov 25, 2004
jwhite96 said:
The Iranians had been angry since 1952 when the CIA meddled in Iran's internal affairs in order to make sure the supply of oil from Iran was uninterrupted. It definitely was the fault of Israel.

When Iran took over the US embassy in 1979,it also was the fault of the zionists. It had nothing to do with Iran being very angry the CIA had installed the Shah over the democratically elected President in 1952. The Iranians were also angry that the US had supported the Shah until his overthrow in 1979.

It must have all be a zionist plot.

I am sure the Taiping Rebellion (1850-64)which the Guinness Book of World Records calls this the bloodiest civil war in history with 20-30 million dead was also due to the Zionists.

Are you trying to say that Israel and powerful Jewish Organizations are NOT trying to push us into a war with Iran? Who are you kidding? There is naivity and then there is just plain stupidity. I'm not exactly sure what pushed the CIA into installing the Shah, but Israel was created just four years earlier - hard to believe they didn't have an influence on that either.


Dec 11, 2004
Kaptain Poop said:
jwhite96 said:

Do you admire Iranians who have been at war with the US since 1979? They have kidnapped many Americans , many of whom they killed . They invaded our embassy in 1979 and held hostages for 400+ days. They have been involved in blowing passenger Jets killing many Americans. They also are responsible for killing perhaps the majority of our troops in Iraq. You are a former soldier and most know Iran has the blood of US soldiers on their hands. Iran admitted they are responsible for the manufacturing of practically all IEDs. Anyone who supports Iran and their leader is foolish. Some people find hating on Jews much more important than taking back control of our country.

Where do yo get your information?
Kidnapped many Americans, many of whom they killed. Who got killed by the government of Iran? And why is this a secret?

Blowing up passenger Jets? Like flight 655? Better look that one up.

Responsible for killing the majority of our troops in Iraq. Who told you that one? Source?

Iran admitted they manufactured practically all IEDs??? When? Who did? Supply a source that says the Iranian government is manufacturing the HOMEMADE IEDs.

And yes, we have to take back our country from those darn Iranians who control our government, media, and finacial industry.

I think you better watch who you call foolish.

Hezbollah which is a puppet of Iran captured and killed William Buckley and Malcolm Kerr (father of NBA player Steve Kerr) . Iran Contra was about the freeing of American hostages including Terry McDonald. However, Iran didn't keep their part of the agreement. They also killed 30 Americans in the US embassy and 250 Marines in their barracks in Beirut.

Iran is suspected of causing the crash of a passenger airliner of the coast of Newfoundland. It was transporting US troops home. It was ruled an accident although veteran crash investigators suspected sabotage. The US government quickly covered up the incident and would investigate.

Who told me the majority of US troops were killed by Iranian supplied IEDs and other weapons as well terrorists supplied by Iran? Countless soldiers who were deployed in Iraq.

IEDs: Iran admitted they were the source of all IEDs. American troops deployed in Iraq have told me only Iran was able to manufacture IEDs. When the US and Britain were negotiating with Iran , Iran offered this deal "We will stop killing your soldiers if you remove sanctions" National Geographic documentary (I know the zionist control all media NOT)

I'm not going say why I have spoken with troops who were deployed in Iraq with whom I spent a lot of time with.

I have a question for you . How can a small group (Jews) of people "control" a nation of 300 million. The US didn't provide any real support to Israel until 1973. So the Zionists who you say control our government didn't do a good job of it, since it took 25 years before the US would supply Israel with weapons.


May 10, 2008
jwhite96 said:
I have a question for you . How can a small group (Jews) of people "control" a nation of 300 million.
Why SHOULDN'T a small group be able to control a larger? It is the usual situtation and happens all the time -- both for good or for ill. An oligarchy or nobility is the usual power structure, and it is not necessarily a bad thing, but simply an organic development of society. But it can be a very bad thing if those in power do not hold the same values as does the larger community.

An easy example of a bad minority-control situation would be the Russo-Jewish mafia, supposedly at one time dealing with 80% of Moscow's businesses and extorting 30% of their profits. How could such a small group do this? After all, Moscow is a great city, the largest in Europe. It's not really that difficult to figure out.

Nor is it difficult to see that when such attitudes of 30% "taxation" (and other forms of "compliance") gain the sanction of public law, we need no longer worry about a knife in the night -- but the fear of prison terms serves a similar purpose.

In the West, Jewish-run banking facilitated the rest, notably the press. After controlling the press, it is easy to manipulate the remaining. But perhaps the Internet can turn the tide.
Edited by: Observer


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
jcolec02 said:
Iran would never have killed one single American soldier if we weren't in the middle east on Israel's behalf in the first place.

A little hard to take you seriously sometimes with your Asian avatar on a pro-white sports site. I like Asian women and they are beautiful but your avatar has no place here in my humble opinion but I don't makes those decisions.
Thanks Jwhite96 for your support and insightful posts.
Deadlift, pm me if you have any questions, I will answer them honestly and truthfully, but I am done with this thread.Edited by: guest301


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
It's amazing that a group of people, around for thousands of years, displaced from their homeland for almost 2,000 years, not only keep their national identity, while virturally every other people of the ancient world have faded into other societies, but manage to run the world as well. All I can say is that these Jews really have their sh*t together. I'm not denying their vast influence on the world's matters, but why have they been able to suppress all of the other people all of this time? Are they really so much better at doing what they do??


Dec 11, 2004
Kaptain Poop said:
jwhite96 said:
The Iranians had been angry since 1952 when the CIA meddled in Iran's internal affairs in order to make sure the supply of oil from Iran was uninterrupted. It definitely was the fault of Israel.

When Iran took over the US embassy in 1979,it also was the fault of the zionists. It had nothing to do with Iran being very angry the CIA had installed the Shah over the democratically elected President in 1952. The Iranians were also angry that the US had supported the Shah until his overthrow in 1979.

It must have all be a zionist plot.

I am sure the Taiping Rebellion (1850-64)which the Guinness Book of World Records calls this the bloodiest civil war in history with 20-30 million dead was also due to the Zionists.

Are you trying to say that Israel and powerful Jewish Organizations are NOT trying to push us into a war with Iran? Who are you kidding? There is naivity and then there is just plain stupidity. I'm not exactly sure what pushed the CIA into installing the Shah, but Israel was created just four years earlier - hard to believe they didn't have an influence on that either.

Did I say Israel and "powerful Jewish Organizations are NOT trying to push us into a war with Iran"? Show me where I posted that. Not everyone can be as brilliant as you although you should learn how to spell before calling others stupid.


Nov 25, 2004
I apologize, and I'll change "stupidity" to foolishness so as to match your style of writing.

Where did you post it? Your whole post is littered with sarcasm about blaming Israel and zionists plots - blah blah blah. Clearly mocking those who blame Israel for the media bias against Ahmadenijad. Then you call others foolish. How are we suppose to take your post?

Why don't you clear it up right now as you are on-line and tell us if you think Israel and powerful Jewish Organizations are trying to push us into war? And then tell us if you think that is OK. And tell us if you think they have any power in pushing us into war. Or is it just wacko nut-jobs that believe Jews have incredible power in our government?

And you're right clearly not everyone can be as brillant as me. Most on this site are though. Now correct my spelling.


Nov 25, 2004
jwhite96 said:
I have a question for you . How can a small group (Jews) of people "control" a nation of 300 million. The US didn't provide any real support to Israel until 1973. So the Zionists who you say control our government didn't do a good job of it, since it took 25 years before the US would supply Israel with weapons.

Wrong. The U.S. was the first country to recognize Israel as a state, and they did that in one day - immediately after the hostile take-over. The rest of the world did not recognize them. The U.S. also saved their butts in 1973 you are correct, but they also supplied them in 1967 as well as took reconissanse photographs for them before the surprise attack. When Israel tried to sink the USS Liberty during the 1967 six day war, the U.S. actually ordered our planes to return and allow the Israelis to continue the assault. Then when it was all over our media and government covered it all up and declared it an accident.

How could this small group control 300 million people? The ancient Jewish art of deception. They are an international cohesive group who already had deep roots in the finance industry before our nation was even birthed. A better question is how did we stand a chance and remain relatively free of their control for so long? Our nation never was that cohesive and it especially isn't cohesive now. A cohesive international ancient racial group vs. 300 million brainwashed multicultural white, black, brown, tan everymen. No contest. Any more questions?

I asked for sources on all the Iranian so-called crimes and I got one internet poster's hear say. That doesn't cut it for me. Supply credible sources. Edited by: Kaptain Poop


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Kaptain Poop said:
How could this small group control 300 million people? The ancient Jewish art of deception. They are an international cohesive group who already had deep roots in the finance industry before our nation was even birthed. A better question is how did we stand a chance and remain relatively free of their control for so long?

Speaking of the Jewish art of deception.

Book Review: By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Office by Victor Ostrovsky


Book Review: By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Office by Victor Ostrovsky

A former Mossad agent, the formidable Israeli intelligence agency, Victor Ostrovsky told his story to a Canadian journalist after he became disillusioned with the agencies tactics; tactics he calls 'reckless' and 'self-defeating'.

Ostrovsky remained a Jewish Zionist, which is a terrorist movement that spent sixty years bombing and killing Palestinians until they got what they wanted: Israel in Palestine. He only became disillusioned with the Mossad because they were killing so many innocent civilians in their operations and manipulating conflicts around the world to the point of pushing entire nations into full scale war. The agency is rogue and answers to no one and nothing, they don't even exist on the official record.

The motto of the Mossad is: By Way of Deception, We Wage War. And lie and deceive is exactly what they do on an international scale including assassinations, bombs, weapons trafficking, gun running, propaganda and media manipulation on a scale previously unrecorded in human history.

This book was such a threat that Israel tried to prevent it's publication in 1990 but, failed in it's attempt to further subvert their war crimes; it marked the first time that a sovereign nation attempted to prevent a book from publication in another sovereign nation.

The Mossad has special interest groups in the United States operating on Israel's' behalf to ensure complete, blind support for Israel and that support includes guns, lots and lots of guns and missiles and tanks and cluster bombs and grenades. The Mossad then turns around and runs those weapons around the globe to arm terrorist groups like the Tamil Tigers to escalate conflicts around the globe.

Ostrovsky reveals an impressive global network of Jewish spies, called 'sayanim'; they don't ask any questions and offer themselves without restraint upon requesting of their services.