Abolish The Constitution?

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
A constitutional law professor writes in the New York Times that we should ignore the Constitution. That, or trash it altogether. He freely admits that politicians and jurists have done so for a long time anyway.

I'm not one who reveres the Constitution, but I do value it. Furthermore, I find all the usual reasons to bend or pervert the Constitution's original intent undesirable at-best. We are moving into a phase in American life wherein the enemies of traditional America feel emboldened, and so they go from patronizing the Constitution with twisted arguments to brazenly calling for its outright demise.

Mr Franklin, we did not "keep" your Republic. This current U.S. population is unworthy of the former country's Founding Fathers.

At least the enemies of Western civilization are shedding their sheeps' clothing.
DV, good post. While I agree the Constitution has indeed been (grossly) ignored (by statist traitors), I think "we the (remaining non-sheeple) people" need to emphatically stand for what "remains".

I'm sure martial law is eventually coming (via false flag or manufactuted financial collapse), but we need to push for Constitutional adherence now (irregardless of what little good it might do).
I believe in the Constitution but not how it has been raped, pillaged and tarnished over the past 50 years. I respect the Founding Fathers vision for this country and think they were all extraordinary men. Unfortunately the Constitution has effectively been rendered an historic document only - it is no longer a living document. All the power brokers are getting what they want no matter what. The liberal leftist pigs in power whether it be congress, the jewpreme court or the president destroyed it over the past 50 years.

People love to quote it without actually thinking about it - just using it out of context for their warped agendas. They call it "interpretation" but I call it BS.This country reached its prime long ago - it's all down hill from here.
I believe in supporting our constitution. The first step is to have Obama prove that he is an american citizen. If he fails, it is off to prison for fraud.
It's said, When Benjamin Franklin was leaving Constitution Hall in Philadelphia after the Constitution was signed, a woman called out to him, "Dr. Franklin, what form of government are we to have? He answered, "A Republic, if you can keep it." That says it all, "If you can keep it."

Nowadays, most people aren't up to a Republic. It takes work they're not up to performing.

Tom Iron...
The good Rabbi Seidman makes some interesting points. His main beef seems to be that the Constitution is just an obstacle in the way of progress and always has been. I don't think his ancestors were around here when the constitution was written. They were probably over in Poland or Russia stirring sh!t up...