Drunkblackfan said:
I don't want to rehash old news but the more and more I research WTC # 7 and its collapse the more I think it was some type of inside job. Why didin't the sprinklers take care of the fires? The collapse was way to fast and symetircal. I don't think Larry Silverstein would be dumb enough to implicate himself by saying " pull it" but it does make me wonder. On a more rational and logical level, I find it hard to believe people could just sneak in a huge amount of ordinance to demolish the building without being seen. It is definitley a fascinating subject.
How intriguing that you now find the incredibly-peculiar events surrounding the destruction (demolition) of WTC-7 to be “fascinating?” Of course, you had a vastly different opinion of the affair back in August. In case you can’t recall your own words, albeit under the façade of a different handle, I’ve taken the liberty of “refreshing your memory” by including some of your previous quotes concerning this topic…
MattGionone said:
Ill keep this simple. If you think 911 was anything but an attack planned by Osama Bin Laden and his cohorts you are a complete moron. Go hide in your bomb shelter with your guns and wait for Armageddon. Why are their so many paranoid small minded people in the world? Yes a lot of things can be said that this was some conspiracy but basic logic contradicts this.
MattGionone said:
I highly doubt a bunch of Mossad agents snuck in to the 2 towers and planted explosives along with other strange illogical theories.
MattGionone said:
Tower # 7 as I said does bother me but I believe a part of one of the two towers did partially collapse into it.
“Fascinating,” indeed. Doesn’t that indicate that your “new found” assertions in this thread are, in your own ill-mannered terms, “moronic?” So, tell us, what changed (besides your handle, again), “DrunkBlackFan?” Or were you simply utilizing “reverse-psychology” to thwart any attempts to properly identify you?
As for your dull “personal” insults towards me, well, I’ve become quite accustomed to them. They never seem to concern anything I’ve actually stated on the forum…it’s all just made-up. So why would they upset me? The slights included in your most recent senseless, unprovoked PM (a few days back) were particularly arbitrary. And, of course, I already knew it was “you” the day you signed (back) up after being banned. Your jumbled writing style is unmistakably primitive. Had you not sent me that preposterous PM, I wouldn’t have taken the time to fully expose your new “character” with this post.
It was sent during the weekend, so perhaps you were once again experiencing the unfortunate consequences of alcohol-based inebriation? You know, kind of like the time you created a Happy Hour thread entitled:
“I’m So Drunk Right Now” a few months back? But, then again, that inane prattling was also conceived under a different handle (“MattHarper”), so the embarrassing transgression was all but forgotten by most.
But alas, you angered one too many posters with the uncouth “MattH” persona, so it was promptly vacated and conveniently substituted with the persona quoted above (“MattG”) when the forum was upgraded. That misanthropic identity, along with its wildly-abusive, sock-puppet twit, “TimDwight,” also couldn’t help but exhibit their master’s trademark mistreatment of others. During this time, one of your malice-laden PMs (sent to another member, not me) was actually exposed and included the phrase
“Just die and do the world a favor!” Soon after, the two gallant chums known as “MattG and Tim” (who were sharing a single brain) were banned after an amazingly-asinine “outburst” and were then re-packaged hours later as “DrunkBlackFan.”
This behavioral pattern will continue unabated. You will again attempt to “assimilate” into this pro-white community for a short time under your new mask (handle #4), but your true face will eventually surface once more. Thus, to further expose you as an utter fraud by posting the outrageously anti-white content of your PMs won’t be necessary.
At this point, after all your lies, deceits, offensiveness, and dabbling in multiple-personalities, every single word you utter should be deeply scrutinized. I’ll give you some credit, though…you are one cunning, persistent little weirdo.