2021 Track Season Results

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Jenna Prandini also wins the 100m at the Texas Invitational - 11.16 into a slight negative wind.
Ryotoa Yamagata won the 100m in Japan with a time of 10.14.
Taio Kanai won the 110m hurdles with a National Record and a great time of 13.16.
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Boling came 2nd in the 400m by 1/100th of a second to his Georgia teammate.
His time was 45.87.
So right now, Boling is pretty good in 4 events, and only very good in one event - the 200m.
Frankly, he was better in high school than he is at this moment in time. But I do believe he can be exceptional in whatever event he chooses.
However, given the nature of college track and trying to score as many points as possible for the team, he may continue to be a jack-of-all-trades, and a master of none for awhile.
We'll see.

Who cares about the points? This is a prodigy who is not being handled right. I know Boling is too nice. Similar to Lemaitre and he will not change unless he is told to most likely. He has talent
equal or better than Lemaitre. It cannot be wasted. There is guy from LSU who has aready jumped almost 28 feet. Boling is not gonna win any long jumps contests at the nationals and I doubt he
would win many 400 meters titles nationally either. He is among the best in college in the 100 & 200 meters but needs to work on improving in those events to have a chance to make the medal
stand. Being the jack of all trades will not improve his times. At some point you need to grow up and specialize in your best talents. He could still do a few long jumps just for fun but he needs to be
running the 100 & 200 meters the majority of the time to train his body to be more explosive out or the blocks and to clean up his form. This is not high school anymore. He is losing so many races
and this should not happen to a kid with his talent. He is my favorite sprinter for a couple of years now and he has the best genetics you could ask for. Now he needs to grow up along with his coaching
staff and get to work in the shorter sprints. It's not rocket science. They could really set him back if they continue this nonsense. He already lost a year of track to covid. People forget that the more you
lose races the more it effects your confidence. We will see what they decide but don't be shocked if they do this madness for a few more years. What a waste of immense talent!!!

The coach does for sure. That's his job.
The team does, and probably Boling does too. Although I know Boling wants to be the best that he can be.
Boling is being treated like an athlete in football, similar to Tebow with the Jets.

Boling if he can place on the national team in the 200 or with extreme luck in the 100 needs to turn pro and have a coach who trains him for his benefit only, not for the team as aside from rare meets team scoring is barely used at the pro level.
Boling is being treated like an athlete in football, similar to Tebow with the Jets.

Boling if he can place on the national team in the 200 or with extreme luck in the 100 needs to turn pro and have a coach who trains him for his benefit only, not for the team as aside from rare meets team scoring is barely used at the pro level.

Of course the coach cares about the points but that doesn't help Boling to become a better sprinter. You would think with a sprinter with very rare genetics at the highest level would be handled better but not for a cracker. Again look at
Laird of LSU and how he and his coaches know how to get the kid ready to make the US Olympic Team. Bolings parents should have a talk with the coach if he is going to come back next season but I would much rather just see him turn
pro like white is right said. To be the best you have to compete with the best. He also needs to train in his two best events year round. You know this jacknyc. Lemaitre was handled poorly. We don't want this to happen to Boling. I'm just
so angry as he should have been in the 100 and 200 meters this weekend. They can still use him in the relay teams but focus on his strengths and improve Bolings weakness in the shorters sprinters. Form is the biggest thing he needs to
work on. He has to smooth things out and relax more. Sorry for my rant guys but this kid has talent that is off the charts and the University of Georgia is not handling him the right way. I wonder if he was a black sprinter if things would
be different. I would bet money it would.
Using Matt Boling as a points bot pisses me off as well. However he has a sprint coach and they are working on his 100m start. I would think the 400m is being used to build up his 200m close/ endurance, as this is his real chance at a medal at the moment.

He will be fully ready in Three years to go for the 100/200 gold at the 2024 Olympics.

Matt has to realize that Carl Lewis was the luckiest Athlete in History. In 1984 Marian Woronin from Poland ran a 9.996 rounded up to 10.00 and would have won in LA 1984 if not for the boycott. Lewis lost in 1988 to Jamaican Ben Johnson but Ben was stripped of his Gold because Canada as a piss ant country had no protection for dopers while Lewis was protected by the USA federation even though he tested positive for steroids at the same meet and before hand at the USA Trials. Lewis long jump wins, while impressive we’re lucky in that better jumpers were injured at various Olympics. Lutz Dombrowski from East Germany had a longer jump in 1980 to win Gold than Lewis had in 1996.

Allan Wells was a good Long jumper who was always injured. His wife Margot convinced him to train for the 100/200 m and he became Olympic Champion. Some things for Boling to consider.
I don't disagree with you WL.
Boling isn't being handled as for what's necessarily best for him. He's being used for what's best for the team.
Part of the problem is that Boling is so talented.
You mentioned Patrick Laird, who is a fantastic sprinter. He, like most sprinters, runs 3 events - the 100m, 200m, and the 4x100m relay.
Boling is used for these 3 events, but also for 3 more events - the 400m, the 4x400m, and the Long Jump.
He gives the coaches so many options, they are afraid to pull him away from any of them.

I am reminded of David Klech, who set a national HS record in the 300m hurdles, and was also National HS Athlete of the Year.
But he was also good in the 110m hurdles, the long jump, the high jump, the 400m.
The coaches had him do all that and even the decathlon, and basically he was good at everything, but not exceptional in anything.
Karsten Warholm's coach got it right, by picking one event for him to focus on, even though as a decathlete, he was good at many events.

The best thing for Boling would be to go pro and get a coach. But I don't think he's ready for that, and I don't think he wants to do that.
I think he wants to be part of the team and compete in all those events. But perhaps if he doesn't make the progress that he expects/wants to make, he will be willing to give up some of the events.
But my feeling is that he will complete his career at Georgia.
BTW Yuri Canada is not a piss ant country eh! US college/university programs tend to ruin alot of athletes i.e. Cunliffe, K Hari etc etc etc None of us here know what and how |Boiling thinks/wants. He is young, probably hounded by young ladies of all colour constantly, friends/groups to fit in with, most likely the majority are negroes which is detrimental to start with at that young age. I hope he is putting in the effort with his studies as well. He in MHO should switch schools to a more sprint first program to benefit him rather than be used to rack up points for the school. Abby Steiner is an example here, she has taken the last two meets off most likely for small niggles or to make sure she does what she needs/wants.
Does anyone know what Boling is majoring in? Does he contend with a heavy academic load, or is he breezing through an art history major.
Devin Quinn 10.06 (2.5w) in Florida.

He's still running fast. Glad to see him competing so well.
Devin Quinn 10.06 (2.5w) in Florida.

He's still running fast. Glad to see him competing so well.

This is great news. It's only his second 100 meter outdoors and that's a fantastic time even with it being wind aided. I would like to see some video of that race if anyone of
us can find it. We all know Quinn had a very good indoor season and increased his p.b. over 60 meters. Now it's time to get that sub 10 legal before the Olympics to boost his
confidence of running rounds and conserving a little energy to go all out in the semi finals and hopefully qualify for the Mens 100 meters Olympic Final. He has to make the team
first which won't be easy but let's stay positive and hope for the best. There is no doubt the kid has so much talent and he should only get faster over the next 4 to 6 years.
Devin Quinn 10.06 (2.5w) in Florida.

He's still running fast. Glad to see him competing so well.

Damn it. Devin Quinn just missed a wind legal 10.03 which is close to his p.b. He finished 3rd today in the finals in Florida running a 10.03 +2.1 Just barely over the legal limit. Devin Quinn
came in 3rd in this race but all 3 guys were all separated by .001 so it was a photo finish. Good to see Quinn run that fast twice in the space of a few hours.
It's great that Devin Quinn ran 2 fast races in the space of a few hours.
That shows that he has the strength to run fast through rounds - heats, semi-finals, finals.

Also by the times, it seems he was within inches of winning the race.
As it was, he was the fastest American in the race.
Keep it up Devin!

Would love to find video of the race.
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So Devin Quinn ran this time with a bad start and he did it out of lane 1. This makes it even more impressive. If he had 5 more meters he wins as his top end speed is amazing and he
holds it very well. Longer than most of these sprinters. He just had too much time to make up. Lanes 1 and 8 are not good for sprinting. This again shows he belongs. Put him in lanes
4, 5 or 6 and I would be he would have won this race. Just my hypothesis from watching sprinters for decades and loving to sprint myself.

This race reminded me of a White Canadian Sprinter from around 20 years ago by the name of Nicolas Macrozonaris. He had a p.b. of 10.03 and he ran that time wind legal in a race in Mexico. He
beat alot of big names including Tim Montgomery. What's crazy is that Macrozonaris also ran the same time out of lane 1 and won the race quite easily. It's too bad Macro could never find the consistancy
he needed. Macro did have a couple of windy sub 10's in his career.
WL, I have mentioned Macrozonaris here months before, I believe under "forgotten white sprinters". He was oh so close to the sub 10 club when he won in Mexico. I dont believe if memory serves that he ever came close again. Do you still sprint?
for Quinn to have such a good time on a run that has clear room for improvement (as was stated regarding his poor start) surely brings him a LOT of confidence. exciting to think of what the season holds!
WL, I have mentioned Macrozonaris here months before, I believe under "forgotten white sprinters". He was oh so close to the sub 10 club when he won in Mexico. I dont believe if memory serves that he ever came close again. Do you still sprint?

Yes I did sprint. I haven't done it in a long time but am very passionate about sprinting. I feel it's the purest form of sport as it's been around for longer than just about any sport. Who doesn't love to see speed? To be the fastest man in the world
is a title and an honor that is just amazing to think about. The thousands of hours of training mentally, physically and emotionally take a person to another realm. It's almost like flying as at your best your almost floating down the track and barely making

For those of you who don't know. Devin Quinn has had a nickname of "White Lightning" since his high school and college days! Devin Quinn is also the fastest sprinter in Big Ten History with 10.01 personal best time! :)
Good evening chaps ..firstLy ..i can't believe I will acting as sheriffe here on this thread Just for today ...as I am usually off on some rant ......anyway ....all of you guys have a point ...that's for sure ....but ..,2 things are certain .....Devin Quinn as I have said before is a helluva talent and will go 9,9s ....he has no fear and knows he can mix it with anybody ........Matt boling is getting stronger both physically( super important re pros) and mentally .( big step up from HS to college , and already has a college title over 200 ) and his big times will come .....and he has a strong family unit ......we must be patient ...he has 10 yrs and at least 2 Olympic cycles in him....,and I have a sneaky feeling ramil guliyev will medal this yr ..,and get a euro record over 200 .....and that tortu is about to produce something special ....the way he held and kept akani simbine at bay in the relays ..last weekend in the heats ........this will be an interesting season ...
I said 2 ...but obviously a lot more .......and the german Marvin Schulte is definitely a one for the future ....great splits in the heats last weekend ...
I agree with Marvin Schulte having a great future.
Same with Devin Quinn even going 9.8x if he gets a stacked competition/ fast track/ around 2.0m/s wind.

Hannah Cunliffe at 11.07 in the 100m sits 7th in USA currently. Iam really pulling for her to make the 4x100m relay team(needs to be top six).
Hannah Cunliffe at 11.07 in the 100m sits 7th in USA currently. Iam really pulling for her to make the 4x100m relay team(needs to be top six).

I have watched her since she was a teenager. She is an amazing talent from a great family. It just goes to show how the schools and the cultural marxist society
makes whites not want to be with their own. These young men and women do not understand they have been brainwashed with constant anti white propaganda
worldwide. We know this but I wish they knew. It's hard to be so young and figure it all out. I root for her regardless but hope she makes a beautiful white family
someday. Everyone in her family is so talented with incredible genetics and they all work hard to be their best in whatever sport they choose.
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Right now, our best bets for making the Olympic team in the sprints, are Jenna Prandini and Abby Steiner in the 200m.
They're both in the US top 5.
I think if they both focus on that event, and not the 100m, they might be able to make the team.

Devin Quinn looked very impressive in his race yesterday against very good competition.
I am especially impressed that he ran fast in both his heat and final. That means he has the strength to get through the qualifying rounds.
I do believe he will go sub-10 this year.
Yes I agree that both Prandini and Steiner have a very good chance to make the team. It would be smart to skip the 100 at the US Trials. Prandini might have
a chance to double if she was in the form of her life but Steiner should stick with the 200 for now.

Yes Quinn looks great but I've seen this with so many guys. John Teeters who gave up sprinting too quickly should have been a lock to go sub 10. He has the build, the quick
stride turnover, the powerful explosive start, etc. etc. I'm still pissed he seems to have given up in an Olympic Year. I wish he would give it one more chance. Quinn was smart
to go run in Europe and make money that way. Then you try to get a sponsor and you have a chance to make it a full time job. Teeters still can if he really wants it but it seem like
he has hung his spikes up for good. Let's just hope Quinn breaks through. An american elite white sprinter could really inspire alot of youth here.

In regards to greyghost I agree that Tortu is gonna break his personal bests this year. I think he might go 9.90 - 9.95 and maybe even faster. He skipped indoors for a reason. It's all
about getting ready for the Summer Olympic Games.

I'm excited for quite a few European Sprinters as well as Rohan Browning from Australia.

As for Matthew Boling I have the highest expectations for his career of any sprinter that I have ever watched. Whether these visions come true have to do with his coaching and his choices. I have
no doubt he has the work ethic and the mental/emotional ability like Browning to compete with anyone in the world eventually. He needs to find 2 events though in my honest opinion and anyone
can see his immense talent is over the 100 & 200 meters first and formost. After than the 400 and then the long jump.
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has anyone seen anything regarding Marybeth (Sant) Price? i’ve not seen an outdoor performance from her after a solid indoor season

and speaking of female Americans, has Payton (Stumbaugh) Chadwick started running again? she missed indoors this year (to injury i’m guessing), but i was hopeful she’d be back in form by now.
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