2020 NFL Draft

Such a diverse league.

This league is a ******* joke. Goodell is the ringmaster - we see dumb ass white talking heads during the draft and none of them question anything- they just feed the system. The DWFs are oblivious.
Interesting stat - out of 112 receivers invited to the combine that have run sub 4.4 in the last 20 years, only 12 have had a 1000 yard season. More have had success that run 4.56 or less, yet Finke's 4.57 with a hamstring injury will be used against him
Now a sumo from lowly Kansas, Good luck Joe. NFL definitely goes out of its way to scout any black OL around the country. It's an attack on all positions.
while White players are crapped on for playing at the FCS level, Kansas has lost multiple times to different FCS schools in the past few years yet their affletes are considered better
The o-line really held out for a long time. Through most of the history of the Caste System the offensive line was regarded as a mostly White position, just like quarterback was. In recent years it became roughly 50-50, but it's become mostly black in the SEC and that's all it takes to give the NFL a reason to follow suit. Very sad.
This league is a ******* joke. Goodell is the ringmaster - we see dumb ass white talking heads during the draft and none of them question anything- they just feed the system. The DWFs are oblivious.

Just another Communist Corporation.
We are 8 picks into the 6th ******* round and not one white position player has been selected yet.
Interesting stat - out of 112 receivers invited to the combine that have run sub 4.4 in the last 20 years, only 12 have had a 1000 yard season. More have had success that run 4.56 or less, yet Finke's 4.57 with a hamstring injury will be used against him
while White players are crapped on for playing at the FCS level, Kansas has lost multiple times to different FCS schools in the past few years yet their affletes are considered better

Very telling stat! Routinely glossed over by MSM.

Ya apparently because they have Plantation Master Miles there now, so KU affletes suddenly have upside. Ya still waiting on someone to get drafted from powerhouse NDSU or even SDSU both kick the crap outta Kansas.[/QUOTE]
The league is shifting from roughly 25 percent White (and that's including the kickers and long snappers, who mostly are used as fodder by the media to reinforce negative stereotypes of White athletes) to what may be as low as 10 or 15 percent over the next few years. That roughly 75:25 ratio held for a long time, but The Great Replacement has kicked into overdrive the last few years and the NFL is no exception.
The league is shifting from roughly 25 percent White (and that's including the kickers and long snappers, who mostly are used as fodder by the media to reinforce negative stereotypes of White athletes) to what may be as low as 10 or 15 percent over the next few years. That roughly 75:25 ratio held for a long time, but The Great Replacement has kicked into overdrive the last few years and the NFL is no exception.

If it drops down to 10-15% like it looks, that may be the death of this site. Idk how much I personally could continue watching and I've loved Football since I was 4yrs old. This is getting excruciating.

Probably a bit of an overreaction because I knew it would be bad but damn.
What percentage of black men in this country play football? If you where in North Korea and where somehow able to find a stream of the draft, you would think America was 90 percent black!
What percentage of black men in this country play football? If you where in North Korea and where somehow able to find a stream of the draft, you would think America was 90 percent black!

Yup that's with any TV nowadays. When 6 companies pretty much own everything this is the result .
Could you imagine if one of us was on a team's Draft Committee? Lol I feel we'd quickly be demoted to Janitor/Laundry duty. If not canned outright.
Not going to sugar coat here and I have probably graded drafts in the past more generously than some here. There are two obvious trends evolving. First is the bushel load of sub crap black wide receivers that are being chosen even earlier than anticipated. You have a slow twitch half ass Liberty WR and a Rhode Island WR chosen in the 5th round. Rhode stinking Island. And a Wisconsin sexual assault type that runs slower than a turtle.

The other perhaps more important theme is the lack of white defenders. We are in the 6th round and only three have been chosen so far. This is not even a bit out of whack. This is something akin to a conspiracy even beyond our grasp. You have stellar white defenders getting passed over by countless black non entities. I can't figure out how scouts were alerted to these mediocrities in the first place. You have black non entities getting drafted while the likes of dominating Power 5 DE Kenny Willekes being ignored, just to name one of many white defenders who should have been easily selected by now.

These are grim times beyond this draft. But this draft could go down as the most despicable of all time. The white total is artificially lifted by offensive linemen.

I am becoming speechless.
Gosh I remember when it was a copycat league, and winning was the only metric used. Forget the fact that 18 of the last 22 quarterbacks to start a Super Bowl was a “drop back traditional pocket passer (aka white) and that only 2 “dual threats” WON the Super Bowl. Or that in this years Super Bowl 9-10 starting Offensive Lineman were white. Why should that matter?????
A glimmer of hope QB Jake Lutton to JAX and freak athlete TE Charlie Woerner to San Francisco, next Kittle who was also passed over for being a Honkey.
lmao my God they just showed a picture of Bradlee Anae's sister that is a track "athlete" at BYU . 400lbs of sexiness. I'd share the pic but idk if you guy's are ready to barf.

Anae is 6'3 257 4.9 40

But his whole family is benefactors of Poly Pipeline at BYU let's draft him.
If it drops down to 10-15% like it looks, that may be the death of this site. Idk how much I personally could continue watching and I've loved Football since I was 4yrs old. This is getting excruciating.

Probably a bit of an overreaction because I knew it would be bad but damn.

I just wish DWFs would hit a saturation point where they don't like it, but I don't see it ever happening. Most of them just love black QBs, and few would have any problems if the league went 95 percent black. It doesn't matter how much criminality there is, how many woman beaters, the only thing that's ever ruffled their feathers were the kneelers.
Pack select Runyan. A pick I agree with.

I just wish DWFs would hit a saturation point where they don't like it, but I don't see it ever happening. Most of them just love black QBs, and few would have any problems if the league went 95 percent black. It doesn't matter how much criminality there is, how many woman beaters, the only thing that's ever ruffled their feathers were the kneelers.

Yes the only thing that has ruffled DWFs feathers were the kneelers due to the faux Patriotism we've documented here plenty of times. Again no disrespect to those that have served in Military, but modern military has become a mockery to what we once were. It's been infiltrated with all the cultural Marxism you'd expect.

Anyways sorry for the rant. Still waiting for that time when our people draw a line in the dirt and say enough.
I feel bad for CMac, Rhule is a cuck that was an average College Coach lol.

Windsor to The Colts is nice! Let's just hope they play him unlike when they drafted Marcus Hunt who albeit was a bit more raw than Windsor!
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