2020 NFL Draft

Yes!! Mayock and Gruden come through at the end of the third round and take Muse!
Muse and Renfrow get to be teammates again. I love it!
Maybe this is a dead issue to you all and I’m new here but I just watched a video on ashtyn Davis called “our stories” from pac-10 network. I’m not seeing what everyone else seems to. His dad looks like a hundred dads in my neighborhood that spent too much time in the sun when they retire to Florida. No distinguishable black facial features just curly hair and tan skin. It has pictures of Ashtyn as a kid with straight blonde hair and blue eyes. Maybe I’m trying to be optimistic in this horrendous draft but to me I’m not even seeing the 1/4 part
The first nice surprise of the draft with Tanner. The Raiders is a great landing place for him. Kudos all around.

Yes the analysis of Tanner was terrible. He played safety in college.
I think there is a minimum percentage white the NFL has to be to prevent white fans from disregarding it. I hope that percentage is 30%, but I highly doubt it can be lower than 25%. The NFL can't let themselves become a sideshow playing on TBS and TNT.

I don't see it. Until American Whites actually show there's only so much they will put up with, they will keep pouring it on. I haven't seen any substantial resistance in my lifetime bro. It just keeps happening and various prognosticators keep claiming there's some mystical point at which Whites will say "enough," but it ain't happened yet. Most DWFs have a love affair with black QBs, just as they've had a one-sided love affair with blacks throughout most of U.S. history.
Maybe this is a dead issue to you all and I’m new here but I just watched a video on ashtyn Davis called “our stories” from pac-10 network. I’m not seeing what everyone else seems to. His dad looks like a hundred dads in my neighborhood that spent too much time in the sun when they retire to Florida. No distinguishable black facial features just curly hair and tan skin. It has pictures of Ashtyn as a kid with straight blonde hair and blue eyes. Maybe I’m trying to be optimistic in this horrendous draft but to me I’m not even seeing the 1/4 part
CBS gives the Muse pick a D+. Just like Troy Apke.
100th pick...late 3rd Round ...Tanner Muse to RAIDERS ....Are they giving him the Nate Gerry treatment? Liking the Raiders more & more

TE Dalton Keene(Va.Tech) to the Patriots....played TAILBACK briefly
Muse was projected 7- UDFA by most *** media, in fact he's very good, I'm happy it's Raiders picked him.
I watched the same story and agree. Dad MIGHT be 25% black but truly looks white. Also, the pics of him playing Little League baseball were overwhelming white!
Between Deguara, Muse, and Keene it has been a tolerable last 45 minutes or so. Still can’t believe James Lynch is available.
At this point OT Ben Bartch would be a steal for whoever takes him. I thought he's go in the 2nd like Ali Marpet.
TE Trautman to the Saints. Good pick. Could be an all around player.
Patriots took a White TE in Dalton Keene. Reminds me of when they drafted Gronk and serial murderer Aaron Hernandez in the same draft, so maybe Keene will prevail as has almost always happened in the past decade when there is competition at tight end between an upsider and an overachiever.
I don't see it. Until American Whites actually show there's only so much they will put up with, they will keep pouring it on. I haven't seen any substantial resistance in my lifetime bro. It just keeps happening and various prognosticators keep claiming there's some mystical point at which Whites will say "enough," but it ain't happened yet. Most DWFs have a love affair with black QBs, just as they've had a one-sided love affair with blacks throughout most of U.S. history.
When they do political breakdowns of sports leagues the NBA is typically ~60% Democrats and the other 3 big US leagues are majority Republican. NBA themed shows are the majority of the most watched shows for blacks, but that's not true for the NFL. If the NFL reached NBA levels of white (~18%), I predict we'll start seeing more Rugby on TV...maybe more NHL too. There's a point at which human nature kicks in.
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