2018 NFL Draft

Texans, Pats,Colts having caste drafts
Another upsider for Pats
"Ok, Ok, owner of the Texans, we get it...you're not 'racist'"
Was hoping against hope the Patriots would take Nall. But that would make too much sense, when was the last time the Patriots took a notable White player in the draft? Nate Solder?
"Ok, Ok, owner of the Texans, we get it...you're not 'racist'"
He could field a team of 53 dindus and it wouldn’t change a thing. Number 1 lesson for White people to learn; never cuck as it only emboldens the enemy.
Was hoping against hope the Patriots would take Nall. But that would make too much sense, when was the last time the Patriots took a notable White player in the draft? Nate Solder?
At this point, I can’t even envision them drafting a White ever again. Maybe a 6th or 7th round offensive lineman but nothing more.
Bears draft Kylie Fitts!

*Poly mix?
I think his mom is half mexican. Both his dad and mom look more white than anything else.
What about Sam Jones? Was checking pics and like a lot of players, in some pics he looks White in others like he could be mixed. But like Fitts and Connor Williams he'll be White to the DWFs even if he's mixed
Denver coming around on this draft, get White OG.
John Lynch really whiffing in this draft too. Both the Rams and 49ers have had bad caste drafts.
What about Sam Jones? Was checking pics and like a lot of players, in some pics he looks White in others like he could be mixed. But like Fitts and Connor Williams he'll be White to the DWFs
Sam Jones looks White to me. Fitts, not so much, but the DWFs will count him as one, like with (((Rosen))).
Absolutely no hesitation in the Colt's picks...immediately pick black player.
The Bills draft a guy named Ray-Ray
American Freedom News