2018-19 NBA Season

Plenty of whites stood in tonights games, here's some notable stat lines:

D. Sabonis- 12 pts, 13 rebs
D. McDermott- 14 pts, 2 assts
N. Mirotic- 36 pts, 9 rebs (another crazy good game to start the season)
E. Kanter- 29 pts, 10 rebs (A Turk that I support)
K. Love- 25 pts, 19 rebs!! ( returning to his minnesota form)
C. Osman- 22 pts, 8 assts
G. Hayward- 14 pts, 7 rebs, 3 assts
C. Parsons- 13 pts, 3 rebs (come-back player of the year candidate!)
J. Ingles- 27 pts, 4 assts, 2 stls
R. Rubio- 13 pts, 10 assts
D. Galinari- 26 pts, 5 rebs

Mirotic and Joe Ingles are tearing it up so far. With Lebron gone, Kevin Love will have an opportunity to put up the kind of numbers he did in Minnesota. Cleveland played five overachievers in their 11 man rotation last night, with whites as their two leading scorers, so there could actually be an NBA team worth watching this year.

Sabonis is making steady progress with his career. Gallinari will always score points, though he is always on mediocre teams. Hard to believe that guy is only 30 years old, it seems he's been around forever.

Looking forward to see how Jokic, Doncic, Dirk, and Dragic do tonight. Too bad Porzingis is out for a few more months.
There was one year, roughly a decade or so ago, when the NBA Draft was over 40% White, 44% comes to mind. It was mostly Euros drafted with a sprinkling of American White guys. And just like clockwork some black players began whining and the corporate media ran articles about how the league was trying to deliberately diminish the black presence. And lo and behold the next year the number of Whites drafted dropped back to the usual small number and has remained that way since.

I was browsing through old threads in this forum but couldn't find a thread title on point but I know we discussed it at the time.

Here it is, Don: http://castefootball.us/index.php?threads/nba-2012.14083/page-8#post-240858

Two of my posts from 2012:

I think there could be many more terrific prospects from Europe, but the NBA only wants/will accept a handful each year (at most). Back around 2004, when there was a lot of panic in urban areas that the NBA was attempting to "bleach out the league" by importing tons of white Euro's and South Americans from Argentina and Brazil, Kenny Smith of TNT and others (ex-Georgetown coach, Dick Vitale, ect.) complained long and loudly on national TV and made it very clear to the PTB that these "goys" were not welcomed in the U.S.

This sort anti-Euro sentiment (they are taking American jobs) was very similar to what Don Cherry has been preaching for years in hockey. Difference is, Cherry was/still is castigated for being a Xenophobe, while Smith and his clan were taken seriously and changes were made -- there was a sudden and sharp decrease in the number of white Euro's drafted each year in the mid 2000's.

Honestly, take Italy for example. Three high 1st rounders (Bargniani, Gallinari and Bellinelli) came from that country in consecutive years and all three have played well, but why did that pipeline suddenly stop? Did Italians stop playing the sport? How about Italy South America version (Argentina). Notice how many excellent players came from that nation in the early 2000's (Manu Gin', Scola, Nocioni, Oberto, ect.) and played on that squad that crushed the "Dream Team" in the 2004 Olympics? Who was the last player from Argentina to enter the NBA? Can't think of one, in almost 10 years. ... Seems like the new "pipeline" is blacks from France -- now those are the type of Euro's Stern wants.

When Europeans started entering the NBA, an almost exact proportionate number of white American players were eliminated from league rosters. There is an exact black quarterback of white players permitted to play in the NBA, and it's been virtually constant for a few decades at least. If Lin's success leads to more asian players, you can be certain that black players won't pay the price- it will be whites again who are left off NBA roster.

Once again, great points Bigunreal. To me, this is the greatest proof that some sort of Caste system does exist in sports. Even with a flood of white Int'l players coming into the NBA back in the early-to-mid 2000's, the overall racial balance of the league never changed significantly. Same thing in the NFL, the racial balance never changes, even if there is a sudden uptick in the number of white WR's and LB's. This should lead anyone with more than two brain cells to realize the "fix is in", but too many can't grasp that.


P.S: Don and other mods, I appreciate all the daily stat updates. But perhaps we should have two NBA threads: One for news, rumors and musings, second for stat updates? Or else a ton of salient info will be swept away in a flood of daily stat updates.
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Here it is, Don: http://castefootball.us/index.php?threads/nba-2012.14083/page-8#post-240858

Two of my posts from 2012:

I think there could be many more terrific prospects from Europe, but the NBA only wants/will accept a handful each year (at most). Back around 2004, when there was a lot of panic in urban areas that the NBA was attempting to "bleach out the league" by importing tons of white Euro's and South Americans from Argentina and Brazil, Kenny Smith of TNT and others (ex-Georgetown coach, Dick Vitale, ect.) complained long and loudly on national TV and made it very clear to the PTB that these "goys" were not welcomed in the U.S.

This sort anti-Euro sentiment (they are taking American jobs) was very similar to what Don Cherry has been preaching for years in hockey. Difference is, Cherry was/still is castigated for being a Xenophobe, while Smith and his clan were taken seriously and changes were made -- there was a sudden and sharp decrease in the number of white Euro's drafted each year in the mid 2000's.

Honestly, take Italy for example. Three high 1st rounders (Bargniani, Gallinari and Bellinelli) came from that country in consecutive years and all three have played well, but why did that pipeline suddenly stop? Did Italians stop playing the sport? How about Italy South America version (Argentina). Notice how many excellent players came from that nation in the early 2000's (Manu Gin', Scola, Nocioni, Oberto, ect.) and played on that squad that crushed the "Dream Team" in the 2004 Olympics? Who was the last player from Argentina to enter the NBA? Can't think of one, in almost 10 years. ... Seems like the new "pipeline" is blacks from France -- now those are the type of Euro's Stern wants.

Once again, great points Bigunreal. To me, this is the greatest proof that some sort of Caste system does exist in sports. Even with a flood of white Int'l players coming into the NBA back in the early-to-mid 2000's, the overall racial balance of the league never changed significantly. Same thing in the NFL, the racial balance never changes, even if there is a sudden uptick in the number of white WR's and LB's. This should lead anyone with more than two brain cells to realize the "fix is in", but too many can't grasp that.


P.S: Don and other mods, I appreciate all the daily stat updates. But perhaps we should have two NBA threads: One for news, rumors and musings, second for stat updates? Or else a ton of salient info will be swept away in a flood of daily stat updates.

So Intresting!! Imo this league could easily be about 50% white if the NBA would actually recruit the most talented/skilled players. Instead most NBA scouts and gms would rather drool over a guy that can jump 40 inches. It's clear the NBA didnt want too many whites in the league from the Euro influx (probably to maintain their black quarterback of roughly 25% whites spread through the league) so they turned the pipe-line down a little by easing off on their scouting. For me White american players just don't get the same exsposure and PT as Euro's early in their career, because most americans are usually burried behind over-hyped blacks and there streetball game.
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Here it is, Don: http://castefootball.us/index.php?threads/nba-2012.14083/page-8#post-240858

Two of my posts from 2012:

I think there could be many more terrific prospects from Europe, but the NBA only wants/will accept a handful each year (at most). Back around 2004, when there was a lot of panic in urban areas that the NBA was attempting to "bleach out the league" by importing tons of white Euro's and South Americans from Argentina and Brazil, Kenny Smith of TNT and others (ex-Georgetown coach, Dick Vitale, ect.) complained long and loudly on national TV and made it very clear to the PTB that these "goys" were not welcomed in the U.S.

This sort anti-Euro sentiment (they are taking American jobs) was very similar to what Don Cherry has been preaching for years in hockey. Difference is, Cherry was/still is castigated for being a Xenophobe, while Smith and his clan were taken seriously and changes were made -- there was a sudden and sharp decrease in the number of white Euro's drafted each year in the mid 2000's.

Honestly, take Italy for example. Three high 1st rounders (Bargniani, Gallinari and Bellinelli) came from that country in consecutive years and all three have played well, but why did that pipeline suddenly stop? Did Italians stop playing the sport? How about Italy South America version (Argentina). Notice how many excellent players came from that nation in the early 2000's (Manu Gin', Scola, Nocioni, Oberto, ect.) and played on that squad that crushed the "Dream Team" in the 2004 Olympics? Who was the last player from Argentina to enter the NBA? Can't think of one, in almost 10 years. ... Seems like the new "pipeline" is blacks from France -- now those are the type of Euro's Stern wants.

Once again, great points Bigunreal. To me, this is the greatest proof that some sort of Caste system does exist in sports. Even with a flood of white Int'l players coming into the NBA back in the early-to-mid 2000's, the overall racial balance of the league never changed significantly. Same thing in the NFL, the racial balance never changes, even if there is a sudden uptick in the number of white WR's and LB's. This should lead anyone with more than two brain cells to realize the "fix is in", but too many can't grasp that.

P.S: Don and other mods, I appreciate all the daily stat updates. But perhaps we should have two NBA threads: One for news, rumors and musings, second for stat updates? Or else a ton of salient info will be swept away in a flood of daily stat updates.

Good find Truthteller and excellent posts from 2012, though we also discussed the short-lived influx of Euros into the NBA via the draft when it was happening back in the mid-'00s.

Anyone can start an "NBA News, Rumors and Musings" thread. I'm not a good candidate since I follow the league only on a casual basis these days.
Jokic is a beast. Love this stat (finished with 35/12/11)

Rookie Luka Dancic of the Mavs with 26 pts, 6 rebounds, and 3 assists last night
Jokic is a beast. Love this stat (finished with 35/12/11)


Jokic had a historic game. What a player. He has the potential to be the next white player among the top tier of the league. Meaning first or second team all NBA. Porzingis has that potential also if he can stay healthy. Maybe Doncic, we will see.
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Who was the last player from Argentina to enter the NBA? Can't think of one, in almost 10 years. ... Seems like the new "pipeline" is blacks from France -- now those are the type of Euro's Stern wants.

Right on cue, here is an article about "5 Foreign players who could be in the NBA soon." 2 of them are "French" Africans. Another is an "Italian" African. One is a real Croatian, and one is from the Republic of Georgia. The type of Europeans the (((NBA Leadership))) wants.

Monday Night Stats:
Vucevic, ORL: 24/12
Nurkic, POR: 22/18/6 asst.
Stuaskas,POR: 15/8
Bogdanovic, IND: 20/5
Doncic, DAL: 19/6 asst.
MGasol, MEM: 18/13 rebs.
?Hezonja, NYK, 18
Kanter, NYK: 14/13
Belinelli, SAS: 15
Jerebko, PHX: 13/5
Hayward, BOS: 11/4/3
Greyson Allen went 2-2 and a 3 pointer, a tomahawk dunk and 2- 2 from the FT line in his debut!/ 7 points.

Last night:
Reddick, PHI: 30 off the bench
Saric, PHI: 14
McConnell, PHI: 10/8 asst.
Gallinari, LAC: 24
Mirotic, NOP: 18/12
Jokic, DEN: 14/12/6, 23 minutes. Basically, in the first half.

I guess they don't want Jokic to break anymore records, huh?
Good find Truthteller and excellent posts from 2012, though we also discussed the short-lived influx of Euros into the NBA via the draft when it was happening back in the mid-'00s.

Anyone can start an "NBA News, Rumors and Musings" thread. I'm not a good candidate since I follow the league only on a casual basis these days.

Thanks, Don. I, also, only follow the league on a very limited basis. Usually check out the box scores at night to see how the few whites allowed to play fared that day/night. I plan to watch a Philly, Portland, Cleveland or Dallas type teams this season for a few minutes at a time.

By the way, again, I think the year was 2004 when the media went totally crazy about the "euro influx". Couple reasons: One, there had been a couple consecutive drafts where a lot of whites where drafted. Secondly, the all-black 'Dream Team', led by Kosher Larry Clown was destroyed prior to the Olympics and at the Olympics. Italy and Argentina I remember crushed the US team. I think Lithuania, which is the size of Wisconsin, also pounded Lonsman Larry's afflete's, who played without Kobe Bryant due to his "alleged" raping of a Jewish female in Colorado.

So Interesting!! Imo this league could easily be about 50% white if the NBA would actually recruit the most talented/skilled players. Instead most NBA scouts and gms would rather drool over a guy that can jump 40 inches. It's clear the NBA didn't want too many whites in the league from the Euro influx (probably to maintain their black quarterback of roughly 25% whites spread through the league) so they turned the pipe-line down a little by easing off on their scouting. For me White American players just don't get the same exposure and PT as Euro's early in their career, because most Americans are usually buried behind over-hyped blacks and there street ball game.

Yes, and as the fine, ex-poster BigUnreal noted in 2012, the number of American whites plummeted when the larger influx of Euro's started. Just a coincidence? Had that not occurred, the percentage of whites in the NBA would've increased to about 40% of the league. As you noted, it could be even higher...Talk about "street ball", anyone notice how bad the games are now with all the 3 point attempts? Even 7' foot (plus) centers and forwards hurl up unlimited 3 pointers and most miss at about a 70% clip. Other night Portland's two star, black guards shot 3 for 19 from 3 point land. That's quality ball?

Right on cue, here is an article about "5 Foreign players who could be in the NBA soon." 2 of them are "French" Africans. Another is an "Italian" African. One is a real Croatian, and one is from the Republic of Georgia. The type of Europeans the (((NBA Leadership))) wants.


Yes, in the 2012 posts I noted how the influx of Italian players had suddenly disappeared from Italy and Argentina. Not a huge surprise that Adam "israel Cohen" Silver's league would eventually return to Italy, only when the "Italian" is a full-blooded African from Cameroon?
Luka Doncic with 21 pts for the Mavs. The rookie is only 19 yrs old.
He could be the next white, basketball superstar.
Doncic is off to a nice start. I agree upside to be a Superstar !

I've noticed that Charlotte has neglected Frank Kaminsky thus far this season. If they're not going to play him I wish they'd trade him to someone who would give 25+minutes a game. Another former Badgers Star that has had an even rockier road in The NBA than Kamisnky, is Sam Dekker. Bottom dweller Cavs barely have him in the rotation, even though he's played well in the scrap minutes he's been called upon.

Bucks have Ilyasova and DiVencenzo getting about 20 minutes a game, but neither are being aggressive enough with their shots, while the starters shoot at will. Donte D has been solid, nothing eye popping yet but glad he's been getting steady minutes and grabbing down boards. Needs to cut down turnovers. Pat Connaughton rides the pine.
Disappointed that Grayson Allen isn’t not in Utah’s rotation. Jake Layman has been starting for Portland, but not a lot of minutes. Portland also has Stauskas and Zach Collins with significant bench contribution. Collins has been outplaying Nurkic and may take over the starting center position. Even Myers Leonard is in the rotation. So 5 white Blazers in their top 10.

While the Cavaliers have been brutal sans LeBron, the emergence of Cedi Osman (14.8 pts and 5.5 reb) has been positive.
Disappointed that Grayson Allen isn’t not in Utah’s rotation. Jake Layman has been starting for Portland, but not a lot of minutes. Portland also has Stauskas and Zach Collins with significant bench contribution. Collins has been outplaying Nurkic and may take over the starting center position. Even Myers Leonard is in the rotation. So 5 white Blazers in their top 10.

While the Cavaliers have been brutal sans LeBron, the emergence of Cedi Osman (14.8 pts and 5.5 reb) has been positive.
Yes, Layman has been starting but I’m hesitant to update my list as he’s been getting such few minutes. If he’s still starting a week from now then I’ll be convinced.

Bjelica on Sacramento has also been starting but there are already rumblings for Bagley to start. I’m monitoring this situation as well.
Yes, Layman has been starting but I’m hesitant to update my list as he’s been getting such few minutes. If he’s still starting a week from now then I’ll be convinced.

Bjelica on Sacramento has also been starting but there are already rumblings for Bagley to start. I’m monitoring this situation as well.

Bjelica is talented. He should be starting. When he has been healthy he is usually pretty good.
I want to see Gordon Hayward playing more than just garbage time. What a waste of a high draft pick.

I also want to see http://www.espn.com/nba/player/_/id/2995706 the knicks play Hezonja more. He is only
23 years of age and ultra athletic and he is 6'8!
Well Hayward is still getting back up to speed after that nasty leg break, but all signs point to him being a focal point even above Brown and Tatum
Ryan Arcidiacano played 31 minutes for the Bulls in their win over the Hawks. It will be great to see him earn the starting PG role.
Last nights high points-

Rubio - 28/12 assists
Dragic - 28/5 assists
Mirotic - 25/8 rebs
B. Bogdanovic - 25 points
Marc Gasol - 19/8 rebs
Olynyk - 19/5/5
Vucevic - 16/9
Ryan Arcadiacano - 13/7 assists
JJ Redick - 15 points
Divincenzo - 15 points
Sabonis - 15/5 rebs
Zach Collins - 13/4 rebs
Pau Gasol - 11/12
Ryan Arcidiacano played 31 minutes for the Bulls in their win over the Hawks. It will be great to see him earn the starting PG role.

I've noticed he leads Chicago with nearly 6assist per game to only 1 turnover. Positive sign to see him playing early on and playing well!
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