2018-19 NBA Season

ESPN must have really enjoyed writing this piece on Marc Gasol and his efforts to help 3rd world savages invade his ancestral homeland. Most celebrities simply virtue signal by posting something gay on Twitter or Facebook but Gasol takes it to a whole new level by going out on boats into the Mediterranean. Heaven forbid these rapefugees drown while doing something illegal to destroy your country.


With Chris “Cuck” Long retiring (to help future rocket scientists figure out how to dig a well?),I nominate Marc Gasol as biggest Anti-White pro-athlete currently playing.

Wow. Could think of about a million other ways to spend my free time.. Gasol has definitely taken over the throne for Long.
Wow. Could think of about a million other ways to spend my free time.. Gasol has definitely taken over the throne for Long.

I wanted to watch Game 4 since Toronto has taken a 2-1 lead and is threatening to dethrone Golden State. I never knew Gasol is such a cuck. He has always been a very good player. Sounds like he has Stockholm Syndrome, like Dirk.

What a disappointment...
I wanted to watch Game 4 since Toronto has taken a 2-1 lead and is threatening to dethrone Golden State. I never knew Gasol is such a cuck. He has always been a very good player. Sounds like he has Stockholm Syndrome, like Dirk.

What a disappointment...
It is disappointing as he was one of my favorite players for his hard-nosed style and fantastic low post defense. I’ll always root for him on the court but beyond that we are staunch enemies.

It’s sad that I’m not even 1% Spanish but I care for the survival and wellbeing of his people more than he does...
Just call me the "Marquis de Shadow" but I am pleased that the "official word" is Kevin Durant has suffered a ruptured Achilles. Been in my usual foul mood lately and this is the best news I have heard lately.

I am probably in a distinct minority hoping for serious leg type injuries for star "athletic" black players but after years of deprivation it comes naturally to me. Smothered to death every year with black players taking center stage I say the more black "stars" that get injured it helps open the way for more white players to emerge but who the hell am I kidding. That pool is pretty much empty. Still one less black media hero is one less black media hero.

The more the merrier I say so here is a toast to some more key black players going down with year long plus injuries. To hopefully pave the way for more white players. It is like get out of the damn way and give white players a chance for a change dammit.

This is what happens to people like me who has had it up to here in black player overload. Next stop insanity perhaps? Not a pretty attitude but I am being dead honest.

But being the compassionate kindly human being that I am I don't want anyone suffering brain/spinal injuries. See I can be sort of nice depending on the nature of the injury. Ha.
Just call me the "Marquis de Shadow" but I am pleased that the "official word" is Kevin Durant has suffered a ruptured Achilles. Been in my usual foul mood lately and this is the best news I have heard lately.

I am probably in a distinct minority hoping for serious leg type injuries for star "athletic" black players but after years of deprivation it comes naturally to me. Smothered to death every year with black players taking center stage I say the more black "stars" that get injured it helps open the way for more white players to emerge but who the hell am I kidding. That pool is pretty much empty. Still one less black media hero is one less black media hero.

The more the merrier I say so here is a toast to some more key black players going down with year long plus injuries. To hopefully pave the way for more white players. It is like get out of the damn way and give white players a chance for a change dammit.

This is what happens to people like me who has had it up to here in black player overload. Next stop insanity perhaps? Not a pretty attitude but I am being dead honest.

But being the compassionate kindly human being that I am I don't want anyone suffering brain/spinal injuries. See I can be sort of nice depending on the nature of the injury. Ha.

I'm with you, I'll draw the line with serious injuries as you've mentioned above. But it's hard to feel bad for Durant and his if you can't beat em join em attitude. Yeah he ruptured his Achilles but the 30 million he made this year is a nice consolation prize while he's rehabbing. Not to mention he'll be a free agent next year and make a **** load of money and likely be in another uniform.
Someone should ask Greg Oden if he's "heart-broken" over Durant's injury? Oden was picked ahead of Durant, and basically did not even have a NBA career due to injuries. At least Durant had 12 full seasons before he faced serious injury.

In addition to playing close to 12 full seasons, he's played in 139 playoff games and dozens more Team U.S.A and Olympic type events. That's the equivalent of 14 years in the NBA. He might only be 31, but in terms of "wear and tear" on his body he's closer to a typical 35 year old (or older) NBA player? Also, unlike LeBron Jimmy, he's very tall and skinny. Did anyone think Durant's feet/lower extremities could hold up forever on such a frame, with skinny legs and thin ankles? Any surprise his feet finally betrayed him?

I used to think Durant was a decent fellow and would not have wished him any harm, until he started getting all political and in-your-face left-wing like Curry and Kerr. Heck with Durant, I hope his NBA career is over. Or, at the very least, he becomes a modern day Bernard King, who hung around several years as nothing more than a washed-up has been. Too bad for all the DWF's all-over America wishing and hoping he'd join their team in free agency. I can't think of anything more silly, than retarded whites crying over the fact that some left-wing, anti-white bigot (that makes millions playing a game) is hurt.

P.S: While I'm at it, I can honestly say I could care less about (fellow political lefty) David Ortiz's plight. If it wasn't for Steroids, only me, Shadowlight and a couple others on this site might even (barely) know his name, after the Twins cut the overweight slug! Ortiz was so talented, that after leaving the Twins the Red Sox would not even give him a guaranteed contract.....Also, if Ortiz is going to cheat on his Shark (wife), he might consider not messing with the girlfriends of Dominican drug lords?
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In another mood boosting moment for me Klay Thompson tore his ACL during the game last night.. Two star Golden State players bit the dust here.

The satisfaction of them losing is slightly offset by the fact that I don't much like Toronto either.

Exactly like Larry Bird's Celtics this Golden State "dynasty" sits at three championships with two losses in the finals.

The hope here is this annoying team never wins an0ther one and based on the long term injuries of two of their stars. On paper at least this looks like the beginning of the end.

Even Steph Curry, apart from a couple of explosive games, wasn't shooting the lights out. He appears to have slipped a bit which is fine by me since I can't stand him. But he is one of the best shooters I have ever seen in the NBA.

When HC Kerr was a TV broadcaster he was defiantly caste. This was before he became a caste slanted head coach media hero so needless to say it was nice to see him and his team go down in flames.
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In another mood boosting moment for me Klay Thompson tore his ACL during the game last night.. Two star Golden State players bit the dust here.

The satisfaction of them losing is slightly offset by the fact that I don't much like Toronto either.

Exactly like Larry Bird's Celtics this Golden State "dynasty" sits at three championships with two losses in the finals.

The hope here is this annoying team never wins an0ther one and based on the long term injuries of two of their stars. On paper at least this looks like the beginning of the end.

Even Steph Curry, apart from a couple of explosive games, wasn't shooting the lights out. He appears to have slipped a bit which is fine by me since I can't stand him. But he is one of the best shooters I have ever seen in the NBA.

When HC Kerr was a TV broadcaster he was defiantly caste. This was before he became a caste slanted head coach media hero so needless to say it was nice to see him and his team go down in flames.
Let's start a riot......https://www.cp24.com/news/one-perso...eets-as-fans-celebrated-raptors-win-1.4466399

This is after the conference championship celebration where a wigger stabbed https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hami...bing-of-man-celebrating-raptors-win-1.5159221a reveler to death because an ex-girlfriend was hanging out with him in a impromptu street party.......

As for the decline of Golden State it's real and inevitable as they have played the equivalent of an extra season over their 5 year run of finals and championships, their core players are all in their late 20's to early 30's and aging in the forms of breaking down is part of the natural cycle of players careers.

As for the individual players Green is a talented A-hole agitator who is dirty, Curry while having unreal range on his three, really doesn't play tight defense, IMO the wiggery Klay Thompson is a better overall guard as his defense is much better and his shooting has a shade less range but is more consistent IMO.

For this team to have an extended run they will need to inject new life in the team with quality young players like the Spurs did with Leonard, but the Warriors haven't done that so far as the bench aside from Iggy is very mediocre.
Someone should ask Greg Oden if he's "heart-broken" over Durant's injury? Oden was picked ahead of Durant, and basically did not even have a NBA career due to injuries. At least Durant had 12 full seasons before he faced serious injury.

In addition to playing close to 12 full seasons, he's played in 139 playoff games and dozens more Team U.S.A and Olympic type events. That's the equivalent of 14 years in the NBA. He might only be 31, but in terms of "wear and tear" on his body he's closer to a typical 35 year old (or older) NBA player? Also, unlike LeBron Jimmy, he's very tall and skinny. Did anyone think Durant's feet/lower extremities could hold up forever on such a frame, with skinny legs and thin ankles? Any surprise his feet finally betrayed him?

I used to think Durant was a decent fellow and would not have wished him any harm, until he started getting all political and in-your-face left-wing like Curry and Kerr. Heck with Durant, I hope his NBA career is over. Or, at the very least, he becomes a modern day Bernard King, who hung around several years as nothing more than a washed-up has been. Too bad for all the DWF's all-over America wishing and hoping he'd join their team in free agency. I can't think of anything more silly, than retarded whites crying over the fact that some left-wing, anti-white bigot (that makes millions playing a game) is hurt.

P.S: While I'm at it, I can honestly say I could care less about (fellow political lefty) David Ortiz's plight. If it wasn't for Steroids, only me, Shadowlight and a couple others on this site might even (barely) know his name, after the Twins cut the overweight slug! Ortiz was so talented, that after leaving the Twins the Red Sox would not even give him a guaranteed contract.....Also, if Ortiz is going to cheat on his Shark (wife), he might consider not messing with the girlfriends of Dominican drug lords?
Yes Durant in OKC was a quiet guy who seemed likeable, the Golden State version seems to have lost his boyish looks and is getting technical fouls for mouthing off all the time and seems to be in a perpetual foul mood.

The only time he has seemed like his OKC persona was when he has been felled by potential career threatening injuries and his face had the docile look he always had in OKC.......
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Another victory another shooting scene, 4 suspects were wanted for potentially shooting at people at the Raptors victory parade. TMZ has the video of one suspect being tackled by 4 policemen who resembled NFL players diving for a fumble.

Maybe I still have some naive ideas but you would think bringing a firearm to a parade with up to 2million people around plus hundreds of policemen would make discharging the weapon nearly impossible anonymously. Here's a news story on the mayhem at the back of the parade.......https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=1710492
Adam Silver has made it official. Team owners will no longer be referred to as an owner. The reason is because the word owner has "racial implications." Players like LeBron James have bristled at that term so the league decided to do away with it.

"Owners" will now be referred to as "Governors of the Team." Much better don't you think? No black man should ever have to play for a boss man. Since the black players own the locker room this turn of events is just part of a natural progression where blacks get to wield their power in more ways than ever.

Of course there is this silly problem where countless white folk have to work for an owner. And it goes without saying millions of white folk slave away in thankless, grueling soul robbing jobs day after day until they drop dead. I guess they still have to work under owners though.

They don't have the fortune of having a symbiotic relationship with "owners" like the NBA players.

Still why feel sorry for countless white folk who live grave anxiety riddled lives? At least the well fed high on the hog multi millionaire black NBA players are finally getting the respect they deserve. The down trodden lives these NBA players lead and imagine the insult to their race having to refer to their boss as some sort of substitute for slave master like the term owner.

As a working class white guy who struggles and worries about money everyday of my life at least I can take heart in the fact that downtrodden black NBA players don't have to answer to "no boss man anymore."

What a relief. Life just keeps getting better.
Damn, the insecurity of NBA players runs deep. Making millions of dollars for being freakishly tall and throwing balls through hoops isn’t enough.
Not that I needed another reason to despise the NBA that I haven't watched since 2010, but the anti-White thugs and Kosher Commissioner put not just the finishing nails in the coffin for me, but buried it nice and deep never to return. Good riddance.
The more whites cave to their petty demands the more they will be demanding. Also did Adam Silver play on the "Adams Family Show" he looks familiar.
Amidst all the NBA PC nonsense there was some good news last night. As anticipated Luka Doncic won the Rookie of the Year award. I would have picked him as well but I had Trae Young a close second. Young came on strong the last part of the season. But the media picked Doncic in a landslide.

Interestingly neither Luka or Young are standout run/jump athletes but Luka is young and I hope he can improve his quickness and become fitter and stronger.

Doncic also needs to start winning. He seems smart and capable enough for that to happen but only time will tell. He will have Porzingis this season which should help.

There is no question Luka had a very good ( some would say outstanding) rookie season and displayed all around skills rarely seen in such a young player. Do I see him as a once in a lifetime player like Larry Bird? Absolutely not. I am not even sure he is the best young European talent currently in the NBA with Lauri Markkanen as his main rival on that score.

I know some members here rate Luka on a higher scale. Right now I am just not certain on how great he will become. He has youth on his side and already has shown signs of becoming an all star caliber player year in and year out.

As for comparisons for now I think of him as a more athletic and better version of Chris Mullin. And Mullin was a very good NBA player. He also sort of reminds me of James Harden except Luka is a much better and more alert passer. Doncic is already better than Mullin but only time will tell if he can reach true greatness.

I hope so. Seems like nice person with a good head on his shoulders.
The more whites cave to their petty demands the more they will be demanding. Also did Adam Silver play on the "Adams Family Show" he looks familiar.
When it comes to racial politics there are two reasons to "screw over" the other side. One is based on legitimate interests. I don't begrudge anybody seeking to support their legitimate interests. Whites segregating schools or blacks seeking affirmative action fall into this category. Then you have one side seeking to humiliate the other for no good reason other than it makes some people feel good to demonstrate arbitrary power over a group they dislike. Stuff like banning "owner" falls into this category. It's pure evil from my perspective.
No Wagner traded from the Lakers to Wizards to free up cap space. Should be good for him as the Lakers had no interest in playing and developing him.
The NBA or as I like to refer to it now as the BCC (Black Country Club) is in the midst of free agency. I can't shake the feeling that after all the maneuvers there is some sort of "grand plan" to ensure the top level teams will be mainly black and that the championship teams will feature black buddy superstar pair ups. The whole thing reeks to me of lets keep the honkies marginalized and out of the grand picture for the most part with a few exceptions. And now that the black players don't have to abide by so called owners expect a freewheeling league that keeps the white players in the shadows more than the light. And the black players hogging the spotlight. Which has been the trend the past ten years anyway.

Anyway a brief list of player moves.

JJ Redick - two years to the Pelicans.

Bojan Bogdanovic - four years to the Jazz.

Nikola Mirotic-opted for a five year deal in Europe. Not good news.

Nicola Melli-never heard of him but signed a two year deal with the Pelicans.

Tomas Satoransky- hopefully this PG gets his chance to start for good with the Bulls (three years).

Mario Hezonja- side story. ESPN rumor guru Adrian Wojnarowski spelled Mario's last name wrong. And it wasn't the first time he has done that. So Mario took to his twitter account and gave it to Wojo pretty good. Something to the effect of "listen ass wipe" get my name right for a change. Ha. Mario signed a two year deal with the Blazers.
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Portland GM Neil Olshey is a fascinating study. He joined the team in 2012. He brought in C Enes Kanter during this season. Prior to that he brought in Jusuf Nurkic from Denver. He also drafted Meyers Leonard who has just been dealt to Miami.

Even more interesting are the hyper athletic white players he has brought in. Consider the following. In 2015 he drafted Pat Connaughton. In 2016 he drafted Jake Layman. That same season he brought in Mason Plumlee. Now he just brought in Mario Hezonja!

In the span of four years Oshley has brought in arguably the four best white athletes in all of the NBA.

Now since he doesn't coach many of the above have been bit players and some obviously have eventually been moved. But still it is refreshing to see a GM who is not allergic to high flying white athletes.

More loose ends from free agency.

Enes Kanter- two years to Celtics. Nice pick up.

Frank Kaminsky- two years to Suns. Like fellow Wisconsin player Sam Dekker, Frank has had a disappointing NBA career so far.
Portland GM Neil Olshey is a fascinating study. He joined the team in 2012. He brought in C Enes Kanter during this season. Prior to that he brought in Jusuf Nurkic from Denver. He also drafted Meyers Leonard who has just been dealt to Miami.

Even more interesting are the hyper athletic white players he has brought in. Consider the following. In 2015 he drafted Pat Connaughton. In 2016 he drafted Jake Layman. That same season he brought in Mason Plumlee. Now he just brought in Mario Hezonja!

In the span of four years Oshley has brought in arguably the four best white athletes in all of the NBA.

Now since he doesn't coach many of the above have been bit players and some obviously have eventually been moved. But still it is refreshing to see a GM who is not allergic to high flying white athletes.

More loose ends from free agency.

Enes Kanter- two years to Celtics. Nice pick up.

Frank Kaminsky- two years to Suns. Like fellow Wisconsin player Sam Dekker, Frank has had a disappointing NBA career so far.

The Suns are going to have the whitest team in the nba at this rate. I count 6 whites as of right now and they all should contribute to making this a much better team! :)
A few other noteworthy signings.

TJ McConnell- back up PG signed with the Pacers.

Ricky Rubio- signed a tree year deal with the Suns. Despite some dazzling games with his assists and steals Rubio has been a disappointment. Never established a consistent offensive game which has limited him throughout his career. Perhaps yet another change of scenery will do him good.

Jake Layman- signed a three year deal with the Timberwolves. Had some moments with Portland this past season but they forgot about him towards the end. Will he finally get some steady minutes? Perhaps? Again I am hoping his new team can better exploit this terrific high jumping athlete.
More news.

Svi Mykhailiuk- was traded from the Lakers to the Pistons. I missed this. Had a nice game yesterday in the summer league. On paper should be a better spot for him. Time will tell. Has nice NBA skills and a better athlete than advertised. Svi and Luke Kennard are a deadly three point shooting combo.

Danilo Gallinari- was traded from the Clippers to the Thunder. The Clippers signed K Leonard, a story ESPN has been following non stop for weeks now. Gallinari will be 31 this season. But he has some play left in him. Coming off his best season the hope here is he meshes with overrated Russell Westbrook. Gallinari has been injury prone throughout his career. Totally ignored in the trade this morning if he stays healthy he could make a big difference for the Thunder. Thunder got 5 first round draft picks by trading Paul George to the Clippers.

Earthquake interrupted some games last night. Zion made has debut but sat out later because of a bruised knee. With his girth you wonder if he will be injury prone? I am banking on it.

The Lakers ( with Anthony Davis) and the Clippers (with Leonard and Paul George) have upgraded. Pleased though that everybody didn't land on one team so the NBA I think will be more open next season.
Svi was actually traded to the Pistons in the middle of last season. I temporarily forgot that. He had a nice game last night. Based on his skill level and shooting ability I don't see why he can't contribute this season.

I Zubac -C landed on the Clippers.
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