2017 World Track & Field Championships

Congrats to Dafne Schippers. She is an inspiration to every female white sprinter on the planet. I think she has shut up
alot of skeptics who said it couldn't be done. Schippers does this year after year. Simply phenomenal how big a star she
is and she passes all the tests so she isn't cheating like so many others. Im hoping that someday Gina Lueckemper can be
as good as her or at least close.

I was very happy to see the american women go 1/2 in the 3000 meter steeplechase. I also want to say that it was
a joy to see D. Klishina "the ballerina" win the silver medal in the long jump. Long overdue. She is so fine!

From a caste perspective this world champs hss been very enjoyable. Jon Entine can shout up now and burn his damn books!
Yes it's the best meet since 80' in the (recently) traditional non dominated events.

As many posters have stated the Black domination of the short sprints and even the middle and long distance is very artificial due to PED abuse.

Now I can't say for certain that every medalist is clean at these game but the days of the obvious doped up PED abuser is over for now.

Seeing bloated PED abuser Blake die off the turn in the 200 meter semifinal proved this. In the past Blake and other PED abusers would have powered through the last 100 and swept their way to a 1-2-3 sweep, but this year they have the stamina of less than the elite world class runners.
while perusing youtube to rewatch some of the sprints etc it is incredible how racist blacks truly are, so many of the comments were so derogatory towards whites it is disgusting yet almost laughable. I guess negros feel entitled on youtube as well lol Well all these racist remarks I have read just reinforces how truly afraid and threatened racially they are by superior white athletes. It must feel as though their bubble world is deflating quickly!!!! Wow!!! Great to see!
Yes it seems like this losers have their entire self worth wrapped around their PED abusing "super heroes", anybody beyond junior high age that worships pro athletes to me has self esteem issues, especially when you see the train wrecks their personal lives are off the track, court, field etc.
I have re watched the 4x100 several times now, Gemili leg was unreal and his handoff to Talbot was beautiful, Talbot flew around the bend like a man possessed! The Japanese made the French look slow, although Lemaitre was closing... Some moron on youtube said if Sani Brown and Cambridge had run for Japan they would have won. What the moron does not know is they run slower with them.

Lots of people saying Bolt faked the injury because he wasn't going to catch the first two teams..lol Thoughts?

Gee willikers that Ukranian female high jumper who got silver is drop dead gorgeous! So beautiful and so athletically talented!
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Dafne Schippers is the most important white sprinter since Jeremy Wariner. I want to compare their monumental achievements and Dafne has a little bit of a way to go to match Jeremy but she has certainly bolstered her resume after her performances at this years World Championships. I should do some research but I could have sworn they used to give out an Olympic award for most outstanding athlete and I wonder if they also award that title at the World Championships (WC). If so, Dafne should be in the running.
Jeremy has a suitcase of Gold medals from the Olympics to the WC. For comparison purposes I will not tally the many medals he won as a member of the 4 x 400M relay team.
-2004 Olympics--400m Gold
-2008 Olympics--400M Bronze
-2005 WC--400M Gold
-2007 WC--400M Gold
-2009 WC--400M Silver
That folks is an IMPRESSIVE RESUME.
-2016 Olympics--200M --Silver
-2013 WC Heptathlon--Bronze
-2015 WC--100M --Silver
-2015 WC 200M--Gold
-2017 WC 100M --Bronze
-2017 WC 200M--Gold
That folks is PRETTY DAMN GOOD.
It will be interesting to see if Dafne can maintain her high level until the next WC in 2019. It is a stretch to think she will be in prime form by the next Olympics but whatever happens going forward she has made her mark big time.

The next point of business is the reaction of the black supremacist groups on what has happened at the WC sprint events where Ramil Guliyev won the Gold in the 200M and Schippers nabbed her 100M Bronze and 200M Gold.
Keep in mind authors like Jon Entine and David Epstein, author of "The Sports Gene" a book that is more "politically correct" than Entine's book but essentially says the same thing that blacks are superior in the speed events etc.., also have a lot of sports writers and sociologists when reviewing the books who in various ways agreed with the two author's main premise regarding the differences between black and white athletes.
In no way am I suggesting that the results from these WC and last year's Olympics provided enough evidence to change many people's minds on the subject but at the very least would it not cause a certain pause and reflection and perhaps a recalculation?
Steve Sailer has not written a book on the subject but he also has been out front about blacks being superior run/jump athletes but in Sailer's case he has shown more flexibility on the subject.
I know it is early but the silence so far has been deafening. Epstein quickly dropped sports discussion to focus on the events in Virginia Saturday. Entine and Sailer have to the best of my knowledge been mute up to this point. But I want to get back to Epstein a "respected" former Sports Illustrated writer and lecturer. It is rather noticeable when media sports people postulate on the supremacy of run/jump black athletes, even when it is couched in ways that "soften the blow" that a certain animosity towards white people is as clear as day. The taste left in the mouth is a decided attempt to make white people feel smaller and inferior.
When Jon Entine's book came out a New York Times reviewer wondered what exactly was the endgame of his book other than creating a greater gulf between the races?
As I witness some of these great white athletes from foreign countries perform so well it reminds me how the American system has murdered the concept of a fast high flying white athlete which starts at a very early age with conditioning ,slotting and a whole sort of other barriers that prevent American whites from reaching their athletic potential.
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I know this is a bit picky on my part but during the 4x100m relay ceremonies for men and women both times the honour guard flag holder for USA did not let the flag unfurl, she just held it upright. If i was an American this would piss me off to no end, in fact it does piss me off as half my family are Americans. This has happened on most of the American medal ceremonies....
This is of some interest now that you brought it to our attention. So I have a few questions? I don't know the full protocol but I want to see if the USA blacks are up to something no good.
1-Are all the countries letting their flags unfurl?
2-With the USA winners was the flag unfurling when a white athlete wins but not when the black athletes win like the 100M relay team?
Dafne Schippers is the most important white sprinter since Jeremy Wariner. I want to compare their monumental achievements and Dafne has a little bit of a way to go to match Jeremy but she has certainly bolstered her resume after her performances at this years World Championships. I should do some research but I could have sworn they used to give out an Olympic award for most outstanding athlete and I wonder if they also award that title at the World Championships (WC). If so, Dafne should be in the running.
Jeremy has a suitcase of Gold medals from the Olympics to the WC. For comparison purposes I will not tally the many medals he won as a member of the 4 x 400M relay team.
-2004 Olympics--400m Gold
-2008 Olympics--400M Bronze
-2005 WC--400M Gold
-2007 WC--400M Gold
-2009 WC--400M Silver
That folks is an IMPRESSIVE RESUME.
-2016 Olympics--200M --Silver
-2013 WC Heptathlon--Bronze
-2015 WC--100M --Silver
-2015 WC 200M--Gold
-2017 WC 100M --Bronze
-2017 WC 200M--Gold
That folks is PRETTY DAMN GOOD.
It will be interesting to see if Dafne can maintain her high level until the next WC in 2019. It is a stretch to think she will be in prime form by the next Olympics but whatever happens going forward she has made her mark big time.

The next point of business is the reaction of the black supremacist groups on what has happened at the WC sprint events where Ramil Guliyev won the Gold in the 200M and Schippers nabbed her 100M Bronze and 200M Gold.
Keep in mind authors like Jon Entine and David Epstein, author of "The Sports Gene" a book that is more "politically correct" than Entine's book but essentially says the same thing that blacks are superior in the speed events etc.., also have a lot of sports writers and sociologists when reviewing the books who in various ways agreed with the two author's main premise regarding the differences between black and white athletes.
In no way am I suggesting that the results from these WC and last year's Olympics provided enough evidence to change many people's minds on the subject but at the very least would it not cause a certain pause and reflection and perhaps a recalculation?
Steve Sailer has not written a book on the subject but he also has been out front about blacks being superior run/jump athletes but in Sailer's case he has shown more flexibility on the subject.
I know it is early but the silence so far has been deafening. Epstein quickly dropped sports discussion to focus on the events in Virginia Saturday. Entine and Sailer have to the best of my knowledge been mute up to this point. But I want to get back to Epstein a "respected" former Sports Illustrated writer and lecturer. It is rather noticeable when media sports people postulate on the supremacy of run/jump black athletes, even when it is couched in ways that "soften the blow" that a certain animosity towards white people is as clear as day. The taste left in the mouth is a decided attempt to make white people feel smaller and inferior.
When Jon Entine's book came out a New York Times reviewer wondered what exactly was the endgame of his book other than creating a greater gulf between the races?
As I witness some of these great white athletes from foreign countries perform so well it reminds me how the American system has murdered the concept of a fast high flying white athlete which starts at a very early age with conditioning ,slotting and a whole sort of other barriers that prevent American whites from reaching their athletic potential.
I read Entine's book years ago I would say 15ish years ago. The main reason IMO he took such a stand was to sell books as it was shocking and when the book came out he was on various talk shows on radio and television. If Entine had taken a boring mathematics professor view with pure stats, the book would never be known by anyone but hardcore track and field fans.

Ps Entine had a few illogical statistical anomalies, ie Mennea having the 2nd best time in the 200 at the time and he explained it away as pocket of Whites from Southern Europe could produce elite times to compete with Blacks.
Entine made a big name for himself back in 2000 when his book came out. He did make some big bucks so your point is well taken White is Right. There has been writings on the subject prior to him and since. Sports Illustrated has periodically covered the subject and back in 1992 Runners World Amby Burfoot gave it headlines with his article entitled "White Men Can't Run" and like Entine's book it was extremely demeaning to white athletes. The Brits have discussed the subject quite a lot over the years and most all of those articles were of the Entine ilk. The four minute mile barrier breaker Alan Bannister made a big splash years back by declaring blacks superior. I can't think of a book the last few years that covers the subject but there are no books out there that dispute the "Entine Doctrine" either.
men finish 1-2 in the women's 800m final, when is this garbage gonna stop?

I've been saying the same thing and remember how bad I felt about Melissa Bishop of Canada when she barely missed the bronze in Rio. But I've found out that Bishop is a disgrace, and I don't feel bad about this anymore. They can keep running this 800m freak show as long as they want.

Bishop with her fiancé, set to be married this Fall and "can't wait to start a family" with him according to an interview I saw on Canadian TV. I think that guy's IQ cannot be a point higher than 75.

Apologies if this should have been posted in the Media Racism and Stereotyping thread.

While we were celebrating the good results from the 2017 World T&F Champs the news media continue to indoctrinate the general public. Here is a selection of some news reports I have seen and read:
Schippers: Won because of her size - nearly a foot taller than second place Ta Lou.
Pearson: Won because of her experience and dip at the finish.
Warholm: Unexpected; even surprised himself.
Bosse: Really slow time; a surprise win.
4 X 100 Men: GBR won because of a great first and final leg (guess who were the second and third leg runners!).
Coburn/Frerichs: They won because the Kenyans were too complacent.
Guliyev - (the comments about him were extreme): His time was very slow, lucky that Bolt, and Gatlin were not competing; Makwala was sick, Van Niekerk was too tired. And from a Canadian announcer: "De Grasse could have beaten Guliyev running backwards". They ignored the constant injuries Guliyev has suffered and the fact his season best in the 100 was faster than Bolt's and De Grasse's.

On top of those comments I heard very little enthusiasm or positive words for these winners (the exception was for Coburn and Frerichs; but the comments were more in amazement). All I heard was excuses on behalf of their losing favorites - sometime the reporters sounded like the athletes themselves explaining away why they lost. It is to be expected that the Canadian reporter who made the disparaging remark about Guliyev didn't say that Barshim's HJ win was low compared to Canadian Derek Drouin's last year's Olympic winning height of 2.38; and he didn't say Drouin could have won running up to the bar backwards.

Reporters and commentators have come a long way from explaining inconvenient wins with comments like: "hard worker", "good technician", "intelligent strategy". They now are just overtly resentful in their brainwashing techniques.
Us Canadians are sore losers lol Droiun most likely would have won gold or silver I agree but not running up backwards :) Bishop is a mudshark who choked, Shawn Barber(PV) looked like he wasn't even wanting to be there and made little or no effort. De Grasse, well who really cares as he is not even born in Canada. Canada as a whole wasn't even close to winning a medal anywhere on the track or field...sad for a country of 39,000....oh wait most of Canada's athletes are negros. That splains it!! I noticed the flag bearer once again did not unfurl the US flag for the 4x400m medal ceremony. It seems to be the same female doing this(intentional), well maybe she should be militarily demoted in rank and apologize to the USA.
Well, just like when Anthony Hopkins was looking around as if someone pushed him or he suffered an illegal hit after Joe Smith knocked him the eff out, Blacks and their White slave coons will always pull up lame with an injury to excuse away the fact that a superior athlete handed them a defeat.

Like when you're playing pick up basketball and you light up a negro, he will never fail to act like he's injured.

These excuses and justifications that the media are making for White triumph are just that, to a larger degree.
Before the Eastern Europeans, and a converging of whites from around the world, came into professional boxing, we used to hear the same disparaging remarks about whites. Teddy Atlas once said "I guy can't do anything about his genetics, but he can work hard and improve himself....". None are talking like that now.

Seems the number of white participants in track and field is very low world wide compared to blacks. Anyone know any facts on this? If the number of participants increases the success rate should follow. In United States, and Canada, I have seen very few whites competing in the sprints and the white coaches would likely have no interest in them anyway.
Before the Eastern Europeans, and a converging of whites from around the world, came into professional boxing, we used to hear the same disparaging remarks about whites. Teddy Atlas once said "I guy can't do anything about his genetics, but he can work hard and improve himself....". None are talking like that now.

Seems the number of white participants in track and field is very low world wide compared to blacks. Anyone know any facts on this? If the number of participants increases the success rate should follow. In United States, and Canada, I have seen very few whites competing in the sprints and the white coaches would likely have no interest in them anyway.
Yes, the facts are as you said very few whites participating in track and field! I hope no one minds, but I've said before and I'll repeat. White parents must be afraid to put their children in T and F. I pushed my son towards AAU Track to improve his football speed. He went all the way to the finals in the 100m at the AAU Junior Olympics. When he was 12 he was in the boys finals heat just behind Hannah Cunliffe in her finals/girls. I'll never forget it. More white parents need to get their children involved. Not all kids could reach that level, but their a lot of white kids that can run, Trae Turner, Mike Trout, etc., but most participate in baseball. If you go to the youth baseball leagues around the country 90% white. If you go to the youth track and field events, it's 90% black. Until that changes, it'll continue as usual. More whites have to participate, period!
Yes, the facts are as you said very few whites participating in track and field! I hope no one minds, but I've said before and I'll repeat. White parents must be afraid to put their children in T and F. I pushed my son towards AAU Track to improve his football speed. He went all the way to the finals in the 100m at the AAU Junior Olympics. When he was 12 he was in the boys finals heat just behind Hannah Cunliffe in her finals/girls. I'll never forget it. More white parents need to get their children involved. Not all kids could reach that level, but their a lot of white kids that can run, Trae Turner, Mike Trout, etc., but most participate in baseball. If you go to the youth baseball leagues around the country 90% white. If you go to the youth track and field events, it's 90% black. Until that changes, it'll continue as usual. More whites have to participate, period!
Yes if you are talking field day participation then it's the percentage of the population, but taking track and field seriously from a young age it's the stats you say(especially in the sprints).

If you look at the sprints Cunliffe had a father who participated at a high level and could spot her natural talent. If she had a couch potato for a dad I suspect she would have never done track beyond the field day level and at best would have played soccer but maybe not even that at a high level.
I told a buddy of mine last night that Canada wasted alot of money on sending press coverage to London that we could have done just as well with 1 guy with a GoPro strapped to his head. lol He asked why and I told him the truth, we only had 1-2 athletes even capable of medals and the rest were top 20 at best. He told me I was an idiot...He doesn't realize we piggy backed alot of the coverage from other countries lol

Lithuania did better than we did......

Anyone know why Aussies did not have Jack Hale on the 4x100?
To be honest Canada usually fares poorly. I remember many championships where they were shutout or won 1 or 2 medals. This meet had many injuries for near medal locks if the injured athletes performed at their current levels.

Degrasse probably would have won 3 medals of some kind and Drouin probably would have won a medal too. Eaton retired and of course Bishop was again robbed by Caster and probably Niyonsaba and even Wilson while a female has failed a PED test before, so one could argue she might be a silver medalist.
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Eaton is American is he not? yes Degrasse would have won 2 medals for sure but the relay would not have made it even with degrasse. Bishop was quoted as saying she had alot more in the tank for the final and yet ran slow in the final. Sage Watson was the other who had a legit chance at a medal but was run down from her University season, Canadian trials and then 2-3 races before the World finals. I think she is a legit threat to win a medal in 2019 and 2020 and she is gorgeous too!
I meant Thiessen-Eaton.

Yes Watson if she keeps on improving has a legitimate shot at some point in the Olympic cycle to hit the podium. Also I forgot to mention Barber who seems to have his head up his ass literally and figuratively. His career could be heading down the toilet with personal issues.
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I know this is a bit picky on my part but during the 4x100m relay ceremonies for men and women both times the honour guard flag holder for USA did not let the flag unfurl, she just held it upright. If i was an American this would piss me off to no end, in fact it does piss me off as half my family are Americans. This has happened on most of the American medal ceremonies....

I, on the other hand, can't stand the notion of even waving a flag.
Something about patriotism being the last refuge of the scoundrel comes to mind
I told a buddy of mine last night that Canada wasted alot of money on sending press coverage to London that we could have done just as well with 1 guy with a GoPro strapped to his head. lol He asked why and I told him the truth, we only had 1-2 athletes even capable of medals and the rest were top 20 at best. He told me I was an idiot...He doesn't realize we piggy backed alot of the coverage from other countries lol

Lithuania did better than we did......

Anyone know why Aussies did not have Jack Hale on the 4x100?
He's no better than anyone else there. And they're all pretty average.
A 38.88 was their combined personal best as a team but they don't have the speed to do better - that was pretty good actually and in line with my personal prediction of 38.8.
Fact is, we have 2 world class track and field athletes - fearless athletes with talent, mental toughness, work ethic and perseverance in equal measure - That's Sally Pearson and Dani Samuels. I wouldn't feed the rest of them at this stage. I've sent an email to Athletics Australia to recommend that selection is based on achieving the criteria PLUS showing form a month out from the meet they are selected for. Bugger this collecting tracksuits for a lark!
I, on the other hand, can't stand the notion of even waving a flag.
Something about patriotism being the last refuge of the scoundrel comes to mind

LOl scoundrels...love it!

I think for the athletes who won gold for the USA one of the things they look forward to is seeing their flag but for some reason 1 female(white) flag holder never let it unfurl for the Yanks over more than 1 ceremony. It almost seemed to be defiance/political stance on her part, since she is part of the British Military she should have been reprimanded and replaced immediately as she was the only one with this issue. My daughter was the one who saw this first and mentioned it to me, so I paid attention to it.
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