2017 NFL Draft

Hopefully the Cowboys are serious about using Ryan Switzer and Cole Beasley on the field as receivers at the same time. Dax Prescott is mostly a dink and dunker, which is why I think this could be a great landing spot for Switzer. After all, Beasley led the Cowboys in receptions last year, and Prescott also looked to Jason Witten a lot as did Tony Romo before him. Switzer can potentially make lots of big plays for Dallas right from the get-go if they have the "courage" to use him the right way.

In Cole Beasley, Ryan Switzer, Cowboys go 'Dak friendly'

I'm actually shocked to see ESPN putting up nice articles on the talent of Switzer, and McCaffrey. Maybe little by little our guys are making a tiny bit of progress. What I really like is the fact that these rookies along with some of the other receivers drafted are very fast and elusive. It can help to conitnue to change perceptions about white athletecism.
I'm actually shocked to see ESPN putting up nice articles on the talent of Switzer, and McCaffrey. Maybe little by little our guys are making a tiny bit of progress. What I really like is the fact that these rookies along with some of the other receivers drafted are very fast and elusive. It can help to conitnue to change perceptions about white athletecism.

I really think those gut-wrenching images of white New England Patriot pass-catchers like Gronkowski, Edelman, Amendola, and Hogan dominating in 2 of the last 3 Super Bowl games (on the winning team) have had a lasting effect on their fundamentally anti-white mindset. It's hard for them to argue against another team trying to emulate the Pats' lily-white passing game. There is no defensive answer for white WR's, especially on short/intermediate routes - where the majority of white WR's are racially slotted and "allowed" to play. Decker/Nelson types are ignored.

A pairing like Switzer and Beasley would be lethal, but I have my doubts that they'll be employed simultaneously, given that Beasley himself wasn't always on the field last year. He missed out on plenty of snaps when Dallas played in 3-WR sets.
I became a Steelers fan when I played a Tecmo Super Bowl season with my step-dad. We got to pick between 6 teams each, and one of my picks was Pittsburgh. They were the only team that started a white running back in Merril Hoge, and they had an awesome defensive white player named Rod Woodson. I got lucky and Merrill spent almost the entire season in either good or excellent condition. Because of that I led the league in rushing with him. I also led the league in Interceptions with Woodson. Now anyone who has played TSB will know Woodson is white in the game, since there are only two colors for players: white and brown. I didn't know that he was half-black until I picked up some football cards a few months later. I won't lie though. Rod Woodson was a great player and I do own a Woodson Jersey.

Because they were using Hoge as their primary ball carrier for a couple of years, I became a fan. I lived in New Mexico, and everyone else was either a Raiders, Cowboys or Broncos fan. I wanted to be different.

I also hate fair weather fans, so yes I am a Steelers fans, but I still hate Dan "I'm a white guilted cuck" Looney's stain that he left on the league.

Also, I was not aware of the word "boy" being a derogatory towards white men. All I can say to that is: WHAT THE ****!? I just use it as a term of endearment, and to shake up my verbiage. Did the Social Justice Weaklings come up with this rule? The PC thought police? The Feminazi Misandry Cult?

Glad you brought that to my attention. More Cultural Marxist crap by the global elite to try and hold us down.
A lot of whites aren't aware that the anti-whites, by design, refuse to call white men men. Instead they call them males, guys or boys. This is done to demean white men.

In the past a loose reference to men as boys meant something different than it does now. Today it's definitely an insult when used by the anti-whites.

So a lot of pro-whites won't refer to white men as boys, even though in the past there was nothing wrong with the term. The anti-whites have made it a politically and racially charged word.

I see nothing wrong with being a fan of a team but a lot of pro-whites are no longer fans of particular teams because of their anti-white policies. I know I'm not. Most pro-whites who are still fans of a particular team are mainly fans of the whites in the organization.
Ok, the Cultural Marxists and their Useful Idiots make me want to punch a baby...or better yet an Antifa cuck. You know what's sad about the anti-white, pro(re)gressive, Frankfurter Schooled mind slaves? Most of them are white.

Nothing in this world pisses me off more than a self-hating white person. I hate 'em.
The NFL Combine, Draft and League is about as anti white as an organization can be. I would have to say that
even the NBA has gotten a little better over the last decade while the NFL gets worse by the year & decade.

The Caste System is not going to end without a tremendous fight. They want sports to reflect society. So sad.
There is no reason we can't begin sending our sportswriters in to infiltrate and ultimately subvert the system. Take a play from the Cultural Marxist playbook, and destroy them from the inside, you know, like they did to schools and colleges. We are headed toward a second Revolutionary War if we don't end this garbage. It's looking more and more like it will fall on we the people to make the necessary changes.
Does anyone know if Michigan State offensive lineman Brian Allen has been signed by anybody as an UDFA?
Also, I was not aware of the word "boy" being a derogatory towards white men. All I can say to that is: WHAT THE ****!? I just use it as a term of endearment, and to shake up my verbiage. Did the Social Justice Weaklings come up with this rule? The PC thought police? The Feminazi Misandry Cult?

Glad you brought that to my attention. More Cultural Marxist crap by the global elite to try and hold us down.

You think it's "endearing" to refer to a man as a "boy?" One of the primary racial slurs hurled at white men by non-whites is "white boy." You've never heard of that in real life, TV, movies, etc? White men are rarely referred to as such in any form of media...it's usually "white guys," "white males," or in your case "white boys." This trend shouldn't sit well with anyone involved in the pro-white community.

30+ years ago, the current Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, allegedly referred to a Negro co-worker as a "boy." In 2017, the Zionist Occupied Media is still whining about it at every conceivable opportunity.

Are you still a Steeler fan?
Using the word boys used to be a loose, casual thing. For example, you might say "let's go boys." It meant nothing. Many whites still use it in its original sense.

Unfortunately the leftists have politicized the word. They've also eliminated the use of the term "white man." So the leftists changed this situation.
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Using the word boys used to be a loose, casual thing. For example, you might say "let's go boys." It meant nothing. Many whites still use it in its original sense.

Unfortunately the leftists have politicized the word. They've also eliminated the use of the term "white man." So the leftist changed this situation.

Yeh, I don't mind its use among White men when referring to each other, but when everyone else calls us boys and we're not supposed to reciprocate, whether it's black males or females, that's how it's used as a weapon to demean us. In the NHL, the players are almost universally called boys, while NFL and NBA players are almost universally called men.

I was reading a local free township paper that shows up in my mailbox every week whether I want it or not, and there was an article recently about more high school girls taking IT classes. Except they were referred to exclusively in the article as "women." High school girls! Just shows how extreme the cultural communists have become in weaponizing English.

Until recently, young women and even not so young women were routinely referred to as girls. Now it's "politically incorrect" to refer to them as anything but women, while White men more and more are called not just guys but boys. Black males - men. Young White females - women. White males of any age - boys, guys and males.
You think it's "endearing" to refer to a man as a "boy?" One of the primary racial slurs hurled at white men by non-whites is "white boy." You've never heard of that in real life, TV, movies, etc? White men are rarely referred to as such in any form of media...it's usually "white guys," "white males," or in your case "white boys." This trend shouldn't sit well with anyone involved in the pro-white community.

30+ years ago, the current Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, allegedly referred to a Negro co-worker as a "boy." In 2017, the Zionist Occupied Media is still whining about it at every conceivable opportunity.

Are you still a Steeler fan?

Endearing? No, not now especially. I see the error in my using that word (well the word endearment anyway) in that context, but bear with me, I only recently took the red pill; I am still an infant in regards to the war the Marxist Invaders have clandestinely asserted against us. I personally never found words to be anything more than just that...words. George Carlin has a bit about how Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be manners. I watched that and realized that words have more power than actions at this point.

I don't watch much tv. The commercials alone anger me to no avail. Outside of football, boxing, MMA and maybe a show or two (Game of Thrones and Spartacus are on my current playlist), I don't care for it. I prefer to read or write, then to have my mind inundated with anti-white refuse.

And no, not really a Steelers fan, or to be honest (after pondering your words), a fan of any "team" anymore. I will root for players individually, as opposed to supporting any particular team. The more research I do, the more I realize how far down the rabbit hole this thing goes. It is a ghastly crusade they are waging against us, and they are not too far from achieving their goals. Thank the Lord for the current generations insanity and narcissism for bringing out in the open. It is the SJW Useful Idiots that made me realize that something needs to be done.

To start, we need some white friendly journalists to start working their way through the ranks. It wouldn't hurt to have a few sports sites of our own to get the info out. I'm no programmer, or web developer, so that is out of my real of expertise. If one of us can take up the mantle, I will most certainly throw in any all support I can muster.

Give me time to catch up good sir.

I'm not one to sit on my ass, and I am not going to let my kids be hurt by these marionettes and their puppeteers. Things have to change and it is up to us to change them.
in reference to the NHL players using the word boy/s it is a word or term they have used since they started to play hockey usually around age 6-8 years old. Coaches use the term alot because they have also played hockey or been raised around hockey all their lives. Cant rightly say to a bunch of 6-8 y olds lets go men or lets go kids. It is a habit ingrained since pupdom. I have played hockey most of my life even in adulthood and I still use the term "lets go boys" I never say "lets go boy". Also you hear many girls who play hockey say "lets go girls" on the ice and on the bench, even the coaches use it.

If a negro or a non white person ever called me "boy" they would not walk away unaided.....
In print the leftists routinely call white men boy or boys. Recently a book about Mickey Mantle referred to him as a boy in the title. I saw another book recently, which I can't remember, which called a white man a boy in the title. When you become aware of it you see how prevalent it is.

You never see black males being called boys. It's part of the anti-white racist double standard that's prevalent today.
Next mission white CB's. Look up this very long article by Michael McKnight on the Sports Illustrated web site that goes over the last twenty plus year history on the plight of the NFL white cornerback. Jason Sehorn and Dustin Fox among others are discussed. There was a white CB named Brian Davis who started for the Redskins in 1988 and 1989 who I had forgotten about and barely remember. Probably too long to re post here but anyone interested should take a look. You can find it in various ways. The article first appeared April 26th so it is brand new. Just punch up white cornerback and Sport Illustrated and you should land there.
I think draft is going to have a lot a lot of black busts. There are a lot of the top players with question marks.

For example, Marshawn Lattimore has had hamstring problems his whole career. How will this pan out in the professional ranks?
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