7 years of an incompetent, corrupt, racist President.
7 years of an incompetent, corrupt, racist Attorney General.
Martyrdom of black thugs and criminals Traevon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner and now Freddy Gray by a lying Cult-Marx media.
Riots throughout cities with large black populations over feigned grievances, culminating in the destruction of Baltimore.
Race pimps and professional ambulance chasers like Rev Al and Rev Jesse being given a large platform to spew their nonsense.
Overwhelmingly black teams, all with non-White quarterbacks, representing the 4 playoff teams in college football.
31 out of 32 players taken in the 2015 NFL draft are black (or non-White).
Countless more instances than I have time to list...
Yes, it's safe to say I have extreme Negro Fatigue.