2013 Moscow World Championships

I was hoping the German 4x100 team was going to go sub 38. In the end they got 38.04, which was just off a German national record. Australia was really disappointing in track this year. Besides Pearson they had nobody. Their 4x400 team did well to make it to the finals, but their 4x100 got disqualified in the heats.

I admire the hell out these Russians. They are the saviors of the white race.

Even after enduring the Communist experiment that was forced on them by the bankers, they still have maintained original European qualities.

I think the kiss was just a cultural thing, not a "protest." The American media twists a great victory into something evil. I so hate what the once great United States has become.
The members of the homosexual mafia in the West are making something out of nothing on this one, IMO. I believe this a cultural thing. For as long as I've been watching Olympic Sports, I've noticed that Russian female teammates always hug and then kiss in the mouth. Gymnasts, swimmers, T&F athletes, they all do it. Just watch the end of that race. I think this is a Russian custom, and has nothing to do with any sort of homosexual propaganda, much to the disappointment of the straw-grasping members of the Western media.

Putin and Russia are pretty much the last hope/frontier as far as fighting this filth and we'll see how long they can hold out.

Exactly, I was suspicious of the story from the beginning. Watching the medal ceremony gives the impression that the kiss was nothing more than celebratory.

God bless Russia as they fight the powers that be everywhere. Can there not be one nation on earth that still believes in christian values of marriage and family. What is going on makes me sick. To each his own but we are having everything having to do with family, marriage, morals and values replaced by this crap. I applaud Russia for having the courage to continue to fight for what it right.

Gays and Lebsbians don't realise that marriage is a thing between a man and a woman only blessed by God. They can have their civil ceremonies. It doesn't matter what I think though as the US has already made it's bed and now it has to sleep in it.
Exactly, I was suspicious of the story from the beginning. Watching the medal ceremony gives the impression that the kiss was nothing more than celebratory.

That kiss was the typical Russian kiss, like when you meet a close friend. It's not Madonna and Britney Spears. Wow the Western Media and pandering to all things anti traditional is running overboard with the still photos, but that's typical....:huh:
This article by Paul Newberry of the government propaganda source known as AP was reprinted across the country in daily fishwraps today. http://www.mydesert.com/viewart/201...wberry-Athletes-should-take-stand-Sochi-Games Such absurdity with its heaps of logical fallacies and bogus analogies should be widely mocked as Wile often suggests, but it is also deadly serious politically speaking. The U.S. of Gay wants to fundamentally transform not only all Muslim societies, but all Christian ones that resist the homosexual, feminist, communistic U.S. model. Read posts 8 and 16 in the Anti-Russian boycott thread in Happy Hour for excellent background material.

My guess is that the control freaks running things are still deciding whether to have the U.S. and several of its most reliable puppet governments boycott the 2014 Winter Games in Russia, or "reluctantly" attend but use it as a platform for a new gutter level low in foisting homosexual/feminist/anti-White propaganda on Americans and the world.

One thing I don't think we have to worry about is large numbers of hockey players and bobsledders hoisting pink-glove encased hands skyward in communist power salutes ala John Carlos and Tommie Smith in 1968. A few male figure skaters maybe, but the vast majority of the athletes in Sochi will show their solidarity against the militant homosexual agenda by not doing what rabid homosexual promoters are urging them to do.
This article by Paul Newberry of the government propaganda source known as AP was reprinted across the country in daily fishwraps today. http://www.mydesert.com/viewart/201...wberry-Athletes-should-take-stand-Sochi-Games Such absurdity with its heaps of logical fallacies and bogus analogies should be widely mocked as Wile often suggests, but it is also deadly serious politically speaking. The U.S. of Gay wants to fundamentally transform not only all Muslim societies, but all Christian ones that resist the homosexual, feminist, communistic U.S. model. Read posts 8 and 16 in the Anti-Russian boycott thread in Happy Hour for excellent background material.

My guess is that the control freaks running things are still deciding whether to have the U.S. and several of its most reliable puppet governments boycott the 2014 Winter Games in Russia, or "reluctantly" attend but use it as a platform for a new gutter level low in foisting homosexual/feminist/anti-White propaganda on Americans and the world.

One thing I don't think we have to worry about is large numbers of hockey players and bobsledders hoisting pink-glove encased hands skyward in communist power salutes ala John Carlos and Tommie Smith in 1968. A few male figure skaters maybe, but the vast majority of the athletes in Sochi will show their solidarity against the militant homosexual agenda by not doing what rabid homosexual promoters are urging them to do.

I hope you are right Don. I have read conflicting reports about the picture of the ladies kissing. I don't think it's clear if it was or was not a protest. It's really sickening though that the MSM would take the story and run with it.

This gay promotion agenda is very worrisome. I cannot see any differences in the very similar situation that occurred at the start of the "civil rights" era. I hear the same kinds of arguments by people on both sides of the issues. Russia, like the US South, was expected to be the last bastion against those wrong ideas, and for the right reasons. Yet look what has happened. A complete capitulation.

There are no doubt many Russians that support the gay agenda and will act as a fifth column against those that oppose it. That's what did it in the US. The tribe was essential of course, and it is my understanding that they are strong in Russia too.
This article by Paul Newberry of the government propaganda source known as AP was reprinted across the country in daily fishwraps today. http://www.mydesert.com/viewart/201...wberry-Athletes-should-take-stand-Sochi-Games Such absurdity with its heaps of logical fallacies and bogus analogies should be widely mocked as Wile often suggests, but it is also deadly serious politically speaking. The U.S. of Gay wants to fundamentally transform not only all Muslim societies, but all Christian ones that resist the homosexual, feminist, communistic U.S. model. Read posts 8 and 16 in the Anti-Russian boycott thread in Happy Hour for excellent background material.

My guess is that the control freaks running things are still deciding whether to have the U.S. and several of its most reliable puppet governments boycott the 2014 Winter Games in Russia, or "reluctantly" attend but use it as a platform for a new gutter level low in foisting homosexual/feminist/anti-White propaganda on Americans and the world.

One thing I don't think we have to worry about is large numbers of hockey players and bobsledders hoisting pink-glove encased hands skyward in communist power salutes ala John Carlos and Tommie Smith in 1968. A few male figure skaters maybe, but the vast majority of the athletes in Sochi will show their solidarity against the militant homosexual agenda by not doing what rabid homosexual promoters are urging them to do.

Agreed Don. And also, I watched the video of the medal ceremony and I am very confident it was simply their Russian celebratory custom and happiness in congratulating each other on winning the GOLD they worked SO hard for for years. Imagine that. And yet to the godless scumbucket anti-Christ snakes like the bottom of the barrel asps of luciferian bigots and TRUE haters of humanity like said writer Paul Newberry, nothing is sacred, or protected, or innocent. It is beyond disgusting how these twerps can twist things of something innocent into that which is perverted and be nothing more than political a-whoring opportunists every step of the way. It is no surprise though. Sensible and reasonable people wonder, "How can such deluded fools hate humanity so much, and seemingly have as their life's goal to destroy all things human and humane in their path"? Answer: These deluded fools' father is The Destroyer, so it makes perfect sense...