2012 London Olympic Games Athletics

I stand corrected, Devans. Never again will I forget Ukhov's name. Coolest dude in sport? Quite possibly.

So for anyone who missed it, yesterday Devans actually lost his singlet halfway through the competition, took a key jump wearing a floppy oversized t-shirt, eventually borrowed someone else's shirt for the win, thought about going for the Olympic record, but got too annoyed at photographers wanting to take his picture. Prior to this--as Devans reminds us--Ukhov's most memorable moment was the time he tried to compete right after his girlfriend dumped him, drank vodka between every jump, and produced one of the most epic final attempts in athletics history (see video above).

Thanks again, Devans.
Watching the BBC highlights programme the night that Bolt won (ie later the same evening - I DVR'd it and watched it last night), they had Allan Wells on. I doubt the caste media will ever let him near a TV camera or a microphone again. He mentioned that it was very different in his day - he was very proud to be the last white man to win the 100m (Moscow, 1980 - 10.25). He got cutoff, very quickly, by super-caste-system Gabby Logan; I suspect he was about to mention drugs - the next three Olympic 100m were won by people who were later busted for drugs, but we don't mention that about Carl Lewis or Linford Christie, do we?
Welcome to the boards, D15C0, that was an epic first post!
I saw that program live also. He brought up the last white man issue to win and Gabby was no doubt in shock. He was only saying what the majority of people are probably thinking inside though: why only blacks in the finals. I agree with you, the BBC will ban Wells for life for that!
I saw that program live also. He brought up the last white man issue to win and Gabby was no doubt in shock. He was only saying what the majority of people are probably thinking inside though: why only blacks in the finals. I agree with you, the BBC will ban Wells for life for that!
Yes the British because of their small but visible Black minority are worse with their PC drivel. By the way did anybody notice what happened Shubenkov he basically could have grabbed a bronze medal with a time like what he did at the Euros?
heat 2 semi finals 110 MH

173236Aries Merritt
12.94 Q . 0.147
241125Ryan Brathwaite
13.23 Q(=SB)0.159
391363Wenjun Xie
13.34 (PB)0.158
461840Andrew Turner
13.42 . 0.151
552572Selim Nurudeen
13.55 . 0.153
631740Dimitri Bascou
13.55 . 0.150
721421Paulo Villar
13.63 . 0.177
882827Konstantin Shabanov
13.65 . 0.154
. 12183Richard Phillips
DNF . 0.146
Despite Shubenkov shockingly not making the finals, all is not lost. Fourie Lehann and Lawrence Clarke both made the finals. So we have 2 out of 8 hurdlers. Neither is favored to make the medal stand but anything is possible in the hurdles. I'm also sad for Turner, Pozzi and many other of the hurdlers. Shubenkov is the biggest loss though as he was on track to go sub 13 at any moment which would have made him one of the favorites to medal. He has to be devastated.

I am bummed about Christophe being in lane two but he is a warrior. If there is a way to medal, he will find it! This kid just has ice in his veins and he almost always comes through in the big events. Unlike Powell who is a career choke artist. Haha.
Here is your "women's" olympic long jump champion.


Don't try to tell me that this creature's primary sex hormone is estrogen.
Moline is 22 years old and ran her fastest ever time in the final. Maybe she'll be a contender for gold in 2016. From what little was said about her by NBC, she's been coming on strong this year from "out of nowhere."

This is her entire wikipedia bio:

Georganne Moline
(born March 6, 1990 in Phoenix, Arizona) is an American hurdler who specializes in the 400 meter hurdles and 400 meters. She won a spot on the 2012 Summer Olympics in the 400 meter hurdles.

Moline graduated from Thunderbird High School in Phoenix, Arizona.[SUP][1][/SUP] At the University of Arizona, she anchored the 4X400 relay, setting indoor and outdoor school records in 2010.[SUP][1]
At the 2012 U.S. Olympic trials, she placed second in 400m hurdles with a time of 54.33 to make the Olympic team.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP] At the Olympics, Moline won her 400m hurdles preliminary heat with a time of 54.31, a new personal best.[SUP][4][/SUP] She placed second in her semifinal to automatically qualify for the Olympic final.[SUP][5][/SUP] Moline finished fifth in the Olympic 400 meter hurdles final, again setting a personal best with a time of 53.92.[SUP][6][/SUP]
after two decathlon events Ashton Eaton is well ahead but down in each of his first two scores in the U.S. trials (trials 2164, OG 2079).

Trey Hardee (2nd) is a little ahead of his first two events (trials 1922 OG 1936) so he's 100 points closer to Eaton at this stage.

I hate soundinglike a broken record, but did anyone notice how puffy Eaton looks, and his stretch marks on his shoulders? I feel bad for Trey having to play second fiddle to a obvious drug cheat.
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I am bummed about Christophe being in lane two but he is a warrior. If there is a way to medal, he will find it! This kid just has ice in his veins and he almost always comes through in the big events. Unlike Powell who is a career choke artist. Haha.
yes, that is a **** lane draw for someone of his height. I agree with you that this kid is going to rise to the occasion. I see a bronze behide Bolt & Blake and a new PR. maybe even a ER.
yesterday will go down as the blackest day in athletics ,

it is also the day it died for me and given up on it ,

the cultural marxist have gotten what they wanted .
it has being coming and will only get worse.

eveything from sprints to 800m have been totally destroyed .
both men and women
truely disgusting and wont be long before the more traditional
white field events follow too ,already see it happening

athletics is dead to me , not worth it aslong as i have to see even one
black disgusting face .
and put up with there horrible egos and morally corrupt ways that will do whatever takes
to win .
we all know what it takes to win , peds .
i am looking forward to the day when athletics is clean again and dont mean drugs
when just europeans and can happily enjoy
just shut these cunts out of athletis and dont give them any sort of platform to
support there never ending egos and racial propaganda
it is all false and built upon white society ,knowledge ,technology ,peds ,etc

looking forward to the day that society and athletics is truely european origin again
until then will do everything in power to get rid of this uber parasite .
could a certain sprinter from jamiaca be one of most disgusting horrible vile
people going .

anyone that constantly talks about himself as being a legend is an absolute cunt
,and the media just loves it and thinks it is great
just showes you how stupid and morally wrong society has gone .
i have heard him say legend several times from ,not a legend yet , to will be legend
when win this ,so on .people lapping it up and wanting more ,
there lives must be so empty and void to have to fill hole with this horror story .

i think bolt has now surpassed a certain ali has the worst thing to happen to sport ever .
and everything that a site like this stands against ,
simply two faced and dishonest and lie to your face all day long
never for once stating that without peds he is nothing .
bolt is simply the antitheis of every thing this site stands for and
reason stumbled upon this site way back in 2006 just before athletics
with said sprinter completely went to the dark side .
somebody need to do alittle article at start on this .

the worse thing to happen to white sprinting and athletics
no way back from this ,just need to wipe slate clean and start again
with just european athletes and more honest and have morals
and the standard will be the exact same as the peds wont change
now simply not shut out of certain events .

if not bolt then it is rudisha , the list goes on and on
101 in how to destroy an event in athletics , find athlete
make him the most dominant one in event now and ever before
all with the use of peds, and not posible without ,and declare him the greatest ever
and watch the white participation in event plummet .
till nearly shutout of event like short sprints

THE 800M IN THE space of 4-6 years has gone from alot of white
participation to what see now and in event that supposedly better at
like 200m
previously saying that better at certain events is meaningless when
dealing with these new-age peds
if i have to listen to that pro black whore gabby logan
on bbc for one second more ....

and that idiot colin jackson
or m .johnson talk absolute diarrhoea

michael johnson what another creature and horrible two faced ped riddled bastard
saying that he and bolt ,phelps, spitz ( he just added names so not to be so biased )
that they all did phenominal things and were phenominal
,only one of many examples of blowing is own trumpet when opens mouth .
what a lovely humble guy .

another example of trying to taint article that is too european origin
greg rutheford talks about winning long jumping and future but they cant talk about long jumping
without blackening it , he says that been using the carl lewis method
so lewis invented l.j now
can it get any worse .
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Harold, I may be reading too much into your posts, but you seem quite cross about something? Did you see the short film before the 200m on the BBC, discussing white sprinting and its decline? And why black sprinters dominate, possibly due to eugenics?

It was quite interesting. Especially as Michael Johnson seemed to back track on his assertion that it was due to slavery.
are you not angry about what is happening in the sprints ,800m ,athletics
what sort of brainwashed ,self-complying drone would not make there blood boil .

okay if honest and no ped use , wouldnt be as annoyed
but if still a black out in sprints the inherent attachment to my own kind and culture
and the fact that they are bothering with watching and salivating over theses fannies
would be enough of betrayal to warrant a reaction .

i did not see bbc coverage for fear of smashing the tv .
what did it say ,more drivel i suppose ,all coming from affletes
dont think would let allan wells in studio after his last interview
4x 100 meter relay

The current WR is 37.04. The Jamaicans should be the first through the 37 sec barrier, maybe 36 the way things are going. :)
role models

Yeah, seeing larger than life Bolt, Blake, etc on Ziovision has to mess up young white kids.

It's like using porno films to teach sex education.
are you not angry about what is happening in the sprints ,800m ,athletics
what sort of brainwashed ,self-complying drone would not make there blood boil .

okay if honest and no ped use , wouldnt be as annoyed
but if still a black out in sprints the inherent attachment to my own kind and culture
and the fact that they are bothering with watching and salivating over theses fannies
would be enough of betrayal to warrant a reaction .

i did not see bbc coverage for fear of smashing the tv .
what did it say ,more drivel i suppose ,all coming from affletes
dont think would let allan wells in studio after his last interview

Woah dude calm down!
Lost in all of the hullaballoo over LeMaitre, we should note that Nick Symmonds did himself proud, running a phenomenal 1:42.xx in the 800. He saved the best run of his career for his most important race and knocked 8 tenths of a second off his PR. I don't know if his competition were doped (except for teammate Duane Solomon who was definitely doped--he's been a 1:45/1:46 runner his entire career and suddenly in the month before the Olympics became a 1:43/1:42 guy--by contrast Symmonds had often run in the 1:43s), but they were just too good.

Nice job by Nick.
Nick did look very good but I wish he could have made his sprint for home just a tad earlier. He might have had a chance at the bronze medal.

Lost in todays new Flinstone World Record of the US 4 x100 Relay Team was the bronze medal going to the Ukraine. They have won gold before at big events and they continue to prove they are one of the top 3 sprint relay teams in the world. They set a new Ukrainian National Record. Congrats to these lovely ladies.

The Pole Vault was exciting with Renauld L. of France winning. The germans took the silver and bronze medals behind him.

Lemaitre and France advanced into the finals along with Australia, Japan and a few others. I hope that Christophe can help them to salvage a medal in the realy tommorow. Despite an up and down year, I love this kid and he is my favorite sprinter!
CL is certainly all-natural and not (faux) muscled up like the PED fueled Jafakeans. I think Christophe would dust "Dolt" in the 100 and 200 if "Blewsain Dolt" wasn't loaded up on the pharmaceuticals. :angry: :frusty:
Lost in todays new Flinstone World Record of the US 4 x100 Relay Team was the bronze medal going to the Ukraine. They have won gold before at big events and they continue to prove they are one of the top 3 sprint relay teams in the world. They set a new Ukrainian National Record. Congrats to these lovely ladies.

Yep, they smashed the old record, basically, which was set by another group of cheaters from East Germany years ago, so the whole thing is just a load of BS. Here's the anchor "woman" Pharmaleta crossing the line. Keep in mind, it's totally within the realm of possibility for a woman to have abs and a body like that thru hard work, diet, and other natural means:

Carmelita Jeter Women Olympics.jpg

Lemaitre and France advanced into the finals along with Australia, Japan and a few others. I hope that Christophe can help them to salvage a medal in the realy tommorow. Despite an up and down year, I love this kid and he is my favorite sprinter!

Why doesn't CL run the anchor in the 4x100? I hate the fact that it's Vicaut for whatever reason. Christophe runs the back straight instead. If I remember correctly, he used to the anchor.

Adam Gemili was the anchor for GB today and ran a fine leg to finish 2nd, but stepped into the other lane and they were DQ'ed.
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