2012-2013 Minnesota Timberwolves

That is pretty cool White Lightning. But you know, I am certain that the powers that be view this as a great opportunity to expose Russians to more "diversity" so as to help curb their anti-democratic nature. Would love to see more of their athletes in our league, less interested in seeing more of "our" athletes in their league. It'll be interesting to see how it goes though as American-style anything, including inevitably multiculturalism, grows increasingly tired.

It's encouraging for the Wolves that Love appears to like the new look of his team.

This article conforms with our earlier discussion. There is a surprising lack of media cynicism toward this very white team. It's hard even to find articles explicitly or implicitly predicting their failure let alone mentioning the race issue. Is this team being allowed to exist sans demoralizing social criticism to see if it, and like teams, are able to redeem some portion of the white audience that abandoned the game in the last couple of decades? Are they identifying a growing audience in Russia that will watch the games on Satellite because of Minnesota's Russian players? Is this the team they hope will help them penetrate the Russian market (in the long run, from their perspective, a multicultural Trojan horse)?

I will tell you that the one Russian I have ever discussed basketball with scoffed at the sport, dubbing it "African Handball." And I hadn't even hinted at being a racially conscious white, either before or after his remark. I found his characterization hilarious and imagined it a perspective widely shared in Russia.

Nevertheless, since only political solutions (preceded by deeper spiritual movements) will break the Kali Yuga, I am rooting for this team, if only as a distraction. And yet maybe our athletes do provide some measure of spiritual sustenance to we racial aware whites through these dark times.

Now if only these guys can keep healthy, then they might actually go somewhere this season.
I think the two biggest additions to this team may be the two least heralded.
Lou Amundson and Greg Stiemsma.

One thing that will make this team go in the moments where they may question themselves will be these two. You want to talk about enforcers, I would like to see people try and get cute with K. Love this year. Or any of of the Twolve's for that matter.

Both Amundson and Stiemsma and considered to be energy guys by the media. And for the most part I wouldn't argue with that. But if you take into account their MPG, and usage stats; I'm fairly sure they would pan out to be at least "average" NBA starters. But that is besides the point.

The energy and aggression that these two play with is something to behold. They will not be out worked, out run or pushed out in any way. Greg is going to have a break out year as a defensive specialist. And I have seen a lot of Lou, going back to his UNLV days. And I think he is about as solid of a 4 as you can hope for coming off the bench.

The aggression these two have is what will be needed for a roster this white to have success. They are going to be tested nightly, teams will play them more physical. They are going to need enforcers to keep other teams players from thinking it's open season. And Lou and Greg fit that bill perfectly.

This team will be good, they have the potential to be great. But it will come down to Kevin Love, will he buy in. Will he embrace the role? The Wolves will be hated, especially if they start winning. Love will take on a villain role to almost every non-wolves fan. Will he embrace it, will he bond with this team?

I hope so, I'm so excited to see this team. I put 300 on them to win it all back in June. And I like my chances even better now. GO WOLVES
...I almost wouldn't be surprised if Minnesota was tapped to run an experiment for the NBA to see if some of that white viewership can be regained. After all, I believe there is awareness on the part of the league that the shift in the racial demographic has injured its appeal to whites. ...
The relative lack of attention to the racial makeup of this team during the preseason is telling. This is going to be one of those mid season "story lines" ESPN will run with. And in the end it will be run as as expose on just how racist we still are. I can see it now "What does the popularity of the Timberwolves tell us about race in America" by Jamell Hill.

And in the end it will be another exercise in white guilt and why it's so wrong to cheer for your own kind. This is not going to be swept under the rug, this is the booster shot in the vaccination of the white identity of America.
If you ask a black or mexican guy if they like to root for their own they will say ..........hell yeah and why wouldn't they? Asians also do this. There is no reason on Gods green earth that whites shouldn't also root for our athletes first and foremost. No one says you can't like other players too. Just root for your own people first. Especially since they are talked down and discriminated against from all sides these days.

I personally can't wait to watch this team. I agree that Amundsen can be a huge factor on defense. His rebounding and shot blocking are way above average when you factor how few minutes he usually plays. He is like Kirelenko was in his prime. No one could out work him. Amundsen would even ride a bike to practice and to games for the years he was with the Phoenix Suns. He is always in great shape and will out hustle anyone. He also has great athletic ability as he is very explosive off the floor.

This is the team to watch. Anything less than at least making the playoffs would be a dissapoinment. I don't think they are ready for a title run yet but who knows? They do have one of the top 5 players in the world in Kevin Love to lead them.
The relative lack of attention to the racial makeup of this team during the preseason is telling. This is going to be one of those mid season "story lines" ESPN will run with. And in the end it will be run as as expose on just how racist we still are. I can see it now "What does the popularity of the Timberwolves tell us about race in America" by Jamell Hill.

And in the end it will be another exercise in white guilt and why it's so wrong to cheer for your own kind. This is not going to be swept under the rug, this is the booster shot in the vaccination of the white identity of America.

What you say is interesting SchaafC. I don't know how effective commentary like that will be, though, in making white males feel guilty about appreciating a majority white team. If anything, it may push the majority of them to a greater racial consciousness. That is more specifically: tick them off, which is, as we all know, part of the path. As in "I know am not racist. Can't I just enjoy my favorite basketball team without being called a damn racist? And by the likes of Charles 'Flakey White-Stuff' Barkley."

Because the truth is most will like the Wolves out of an implicit racial allegiance, ostensibly because of their "grit", "quiet humility", "sportsmanship" and "teamwork". I think that's the other side of the coin, when it concerns all this insinuation and subtle psychological abuse that's heaped upon our people. Our people have been driven to hating themselves without even knowing it and so when they invariably start to love themselves again, because the slightest ray of light punctures the darkened clouds, it will also be without even knowing it, without considering themselves racist.

Telling our folks they are racist because of the basketball team they follow may not be the most effective tactic once that self-love starts to swell. Consider, for example, how muted any criticism of the film Lord of The Rings has been when even the most shallow analysis has to agree that it is a film essentially about European racial and cultural pride ("Men of the West stand!").

And I don't think it's because there aren't non-whites out there who would love to pontificate all day long about how racist LOTR is. Certainly there are. And those critics did find a forum. But how large was that forum really? How much purchase did their arguments have? Did wiser heads prevail i.e. instinctively see no usefulness in pushing such a position? Why poke a sleeping bear with a stick when the morphine drip is working just fine?

It may seem frivolous to now bring up Skip Bayless. But I think it is also worth considering the “Skip Bayless factorâ€￾. As much as he is, individually, an insignificant, caste-system blowhard, willing, for instance, to throw elite, tragically underrated athletes like Decker under the bus to make a laudatory point about Tebow, he is important as a type.

His instincts, in the Kevin McDonald parlance, are implicitly white. Hence the athletes he most fervently advocates are whites (Though certainly not without exception. After all, his credibility in a caste-world is predicated on his willingness to periodically give disproportionate recognition to black athletes). Without question though, his subconscious racial allegiance, however strong, is the tension that underlies his roundtable discussions with Stephen Smith. In fact, I am certain it is this very tension to which the show owes its ratings. And likely the producers are aware of this.

I see an issue like this, if raised in any salient fashion, going directly to a discussion between Skip Bayless and Stephen Smith. And, I could be wrong, but I don't see Skip lying down on this one i.e. conceding that the Timberwolves deliberately selected a majority white team as a policy. Because, the truth is, I don't think Skip would ever believe this is what occurred. That's the beauty of implicitly white caste-system blowhards. They don't know just how racist they and their kindred “implicitsâ€￾ really are.

On the other hand, I could see criticism of the Timberwolves on these grounds affecting organizational decisions and thereby impacting personnel decisions going forward. I could see the Timberwolves going after blacks to restore their good name in the league. And certainly the more successful they are, the greater access they will have to higher quality black athletes who otherwise are uninterested in playing in Minnesota because of cultural and climatic reasons.

Of course this is all based on the Wolves actually being successful. Otherwise, they are the Washington Generals and no one cares because they make the caste system’s point.

But the deepest point that I will attempt to make I alluded to with this question: “Why poke a sleeping bear with a stick when the morphine drip is working just fine?â€￾ I think our enemies are willing to make token concessions if they feel that it will mollify us, yet be undisruptive to the larger trends. So what we get one white basketball team to root for while our race literally goes the way of the wooly mammoth? It’s the reason we are obliged to be much more than sports fans.

Wow that was a long post. Thanks for reading if you got this far!
The other consideration: if the Timberwolves are successful as a majority white team, will they actually see an increase of fans (i.e. white fans) out of proportion to their success (say if they had been a typically black team)? I am thinking...probably.
...Why poke a sleeping bear with a stick when the morphine drip is working just fine?...
Great post, even better quote.
I suppose for those of us who are interested in such things, it will be an interesting study to watch the media's take; and in turn the public's reaction. Your point about Bayless is well taken. I have noted his attempts to give support to white players in the past.

I guess the question is, is the bear so addicted that it would rather die then lose it's opiate?

I'm glad you are on the board here Gibbon, and look forward to your commentary in the future.
Great post, even better quote.
I suppose for those of us who are interested in such things, it will be an interesting study to watch the media's take; and in turn the public's reaction. Your point about Bayless is well taken. I have noted his attempts to give support to white players in the past.

I guess the question is, is the bear so addicted that it would rather die then lose it's opiate?

I'm glad you are on the board here Gibbon, and look forward to your commentary in the future.

SchaafC I appreciate your very kind remarks. As well as your insightful commentary. Both are good examples of the hospitality and good company I've received on this board thus far.

The bear would rather die, IMHO. Though maybe this is where the metaphor fails. Does a sleeping bull work better? With a farmer who is just now stirring awake and would much rather live as well as salvage his beast of burden and sustenance? But this could be the optimism in me.
I wanted to give a report on the Timberwolves of the snow whitened North and their 1st pre-season game. I have boycotted the NBA but will make an exception for the TWolves since they represent a social experiment I have yet to witness in my lifetime. The TWolves beat the Pacers 84-70 in a game which statistically they played and shot poorly. Excitingly, they started 4 of 5 Whites and 8 of the 13 men who played were White. That's without Rubio who'll be out for a few months and Ridnour who kept out with a bad back. Of the 5 blacks, only 2 should be in the regular rotation. 69% of the points and nearly all the rebounds were accounted for by our guys. This should be great fun.

The Pacers also played alot of palefaces. Both Hansbrough brothers, Miles Plumlee, Luke Nevill and Blake Ahearn. The fans in Fargo, ND just might have forgotten and thought they were watching a local H.S. game and not the NBA for a moment. Just a moment.


The 2 teams face again tomorrow night.
Watching the T'Wolves tonight vs. the Bulls.
Love and Kirilenko are both out with minor injuries.
Shved, the young Russian guard looks very good!
He could end up contributing much more than expected this season.
Along with Rubio, Barea, and Ridnour (who looked very solid tonight), they will have a great, all white backcourt.
Petrovic also looked solid tonight as did Brandon Roy.
Budinger is just okay. Yes, very athletic, but his game needs work.
Anyway, looking forward to them all coming together this season.
The TWolves look great. They are up by 9 with a couple of minutes left over the playoff/championship contender Bulls. This is a great performance. It is also the Timberwolves 3rd game in 4 days! Budinger put on a show last night. Sved looks great. I hate to say it but he would probably be a better starting point guard than Rubio. He is more athletic, bigger, stronger and a way better shooter. They have played all white lineups at many points of the game tonight. When is the last time you saw that? Mark my words. This team will be very good and should make the playofffs. I see alot of cheap fouls being thrown at them and many fights. Alot of guys around the league will not like the racial makeup of their team despite the majority of the league being the opposite of what's going on in Minnesota. If you guys haven't seen them play yet, make sure to check them out soon!
I think you might be right about Shved. He looked awesome.
I'm sure Adelman will find a way to use all of them effectively.

Who was the ex-NBA player making commentary during the game? He was very good.
I'm not sure who the announcer was but I will try to find out. As far as having so much talent on the team including 3 quality point guards, that is a good thing. Injuries happen as well as foul trouble. I'm sure they will find a way to share the basketball. Even Kevn Love said his points and rebounds are going to go down as there are so many good players and they have to share the ball. It should help to keep him fresh as they head into a potential playoff run. I know it's only preseason but man am I excited about this team. I might just try to watch almost every game but it will depend on my work schedule.

Pekovic was a monster on the glass tonight and scoring. He is a terminator down there! Love the guy!
****! Kevin Love broke his hand is out for 6 to 8 weeks. :sad:

Damn! Looks like he'll be out for about a month of the season. I really need to watch this team on online streams this year. I wonder if they will have any nationally televised games.
****! Kevin Love broke his hand is out for 6 to 8 weeks. :sad:

This news just ruined my day. I have never been more excited to watch a team than this year. We can't catch a break. He is a mvp type player and the one guy the team could not afford to lose. They will have to find a way to try to stay near a 500 record until he returns. That is asking alot but they do have alot of talent. Damn. First Rubio and now Love. I hope this is the end of their bad luck. I will still root these guy on every night. If they can make it through this, it will only help them to be a better team in the long run as the young guys will have to play alot of quality minutes which should pay dividends!
Of course this news bummed me out at first but I'll try to put a positive spin on it. While Derek Williams may replace Love in the starting lineup, there is also the possibility that Andrei Kirilenko slides to the 4 and Chase Budinger moves into the 3. This is what I hope happens as Budinger could finally get his chance to break out. He can also help pickup the scoring slack that Love's absence will create. One White man's bad break can be another's chance to shine.
what's really strange about the story is that the coaching staff had been severely limiting Love's minutes during preseason games in order to reduce any chance of him getting injured ...

it just goes to show that freak injuries can happen at any time. you can't worry about them; you just have to go out and play, and if you get banged up then so be it.
Basketball has been unwatchable for me for the last 20yrs. I will admit to watching the "Lin-sanity" show while it last. But now I will be watching T-wolves. I hope there good.

"Timberwolves forward Kevin Love was named the NBA's best power forward heading into the 2012-13 season in a survey of the NBA's 30 general managers released Monday, Oct. 22, by NBA.com. The survey polled the general managers on a variety of topics.Love, out six to eight weeks with a broken right hand, received 30 percent of the votes. The two-time all-star was listed ahead of Dallas' Dirk Nowitzki, Miami's LeBron James and Portland's LaMarcus Aldridge. Boston's Kevin Garnett and Blake Griffin of the Los Angeles Clippers were tied for fifth."

Love and Nowitzki are the best forwards on that list of 6. Garnett? Give me a break. How long ago was he an elite forward? How is it possible that the two best power forwards in a 78% black league are white?

Here's a thought experiment: What would we say IF blacks comprised a 73% majority in the country while whites a 12% minority yet whites were 78% of the students at Harvard but nevertheless the valedictorian and the runner up were black?

What would the conclusion be? Whites were a privileged minority and blacks discriminated against?

Hey did Love break his hand after an exhibition game with an Israeli team?! Did the Mossad break his hand for being such a dominant white basketball player? Happy to start the rumor here! Being facetious of course.

I am guessing the ironic truth here was that the Israeli athletes felt a greater natural kinship toward the largely white Timberwolves however much their Rabbis and Marxist-minded "intellectuals" tend to promote hostility toward European derived peoples.

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And bummed Love broke his hand. Better now though than before/during the playoffs. Assuming they remain in contention.
The Twolves crushed the Pistons tonight by over 20 points! What a game by Chase Budinger. He has 21 points and Pekovic had 14 points. This team is very talented even without Love and Rubio. Can you guys imagine how good they can be at full strength? Look out! I love this team and everyone here that likes basketball should support them. This team is very important to our cause for equality and also to the ending ot negative stereotypes against white basketball players and athletes in general.

On a side note, Kevin Love had his hair shaved off for Locks for Cancer. Not only a superstar but also a great all around guy. I can't wait to see him return in a couple of months.
The Timberwolves win again on the final day of preseason basketball. Chase Budinger led the way scoring 20 points. He was the leading scored for the Twolves for the preseason. Chase just fits perfectly into the type of offense that they run and his scoring is badly needed with the loss of Rubio and Love for a couple more months. Pekovic chipped in 18 points and Sved had 8 assists. Now it's on to the real season. Let's hope they can continue their winning ways as the games count now. They need to stay in the playoff hunt with two of their best players out for a while. I really think that they will. This team is so talented and a joy to watch. Let's go Twolves!!
Blood Boiling Aricle!!!

This is the kind of article that makes my blood boil! It was in today's (10/28/12) Minneapolis Star Tribune. Why are there no "white leaders" that are questioned? Well, because the Chosen media would call him a "white supremecist" or a "Neo-Nazi"! I am so sick of these articles and notice there is no email address attached to this article unlike every other article in the paper! They do not want to hear the back lash!

American Freedom News