2010 Indoor Track Season.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I figured we should make a thread to post results from around the world for the 2010 indoor track season. This way we can keep track of many of our favorite sprinters in one thread. Feel free to contribute any results as they come in. Lemaitre is supposed to race on Jan. 24th to the best of my knowledge. He won't race very much indoors though as outdoors is his focus. Tobias Unger and Christian Blum race on Jan 30th. Robert Herring opened up today with a double win in the 60 and 200 meters.


Jun 15, 2006
New York
on the indoor scene at the HS level, senior Patrick Farmer of St Anthony's NY set a county record in the 400m in a time of 48.20. I know that doesn't sound all that impressive, but if you take into consideration that this is his first season running track and that the time was set at the NY armory, it's really impressive. if he plans on running spring track, he should be in the high 46 to low 47 outdoors. not bad for a kid from NY.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Here is a link to the article with the times he ran. Remember this is his first races of the year and it is also indoors. Especially running the deuce, the times will always be way slower than outdoors due to the dynamics of the track. He ran a 6.82 and 21.40. Julian Reuss also ran a 6.75 already. Very nice time and both of these guys are very young to go along with Christian Blum who is 22 years of age. Most of Germanys top mens sprinters except for Unger are all college age. The future is bright for German Sprinting. Sorry about alot of this article being in German but it is translated if you can read it right. Lol.

09.01.2010 | News Theo Schwabe | / ne

Jenaer Sprinter überzeugen in Erfurt Jena Sprinter convincing in Erfurt
Einige Athleten nutzten am Samstag das Meeting in der Erfurter Leichtathletikhalle am Steigerwaldstadion zu einem ersten Formtest. Some athletes took advantage of the meeting on Saturday in Erfurt's Athletics Hall at Steigerwaldstadion first to a form of testing. In verheißungsvoller Verfassung präsentierten sich vor allem die Jenaer Sprinter Robert Hering und Roy Schmidt. In promising the Constitution were presented mainly the Jena sprinter Robert Herring and Roy Schmidt. Robert Hering überzeugte mit 6,82 Sekunden über 60 Meter und 21,40 Sekunden über 200 Meter. Robert Herring won with 6.82 seconds over 60 meters and 21.40 seconds over 200 meters. Vereinskollege Roy Schmidt stand dem in 6,91 Sekunden und 21,59 Sekunden in nichts nach. Club-mate Roy Schmidt was second to 6.91 seconds and 21.59 seconds in nothing.

Robert Hering startete in Erfurt gut in die Saison (Foto: Gantenberg) Robert Herring has started in Erfurt good (to the season Photo: Gantenberg)

"Das war ein optimaler Einstieg in die neue Saison", sagte Trainer Stefan Poser über die Sprintleistungen seiner Schützlinge Robert Hering und Roy Schmidt (beide TuS Jena). "Said this was an ideal introduction to the new season," coach Stefan Poser on sprint performance of his proteges, Robert Herring and Roy Schmidt (both TuS Jena). Während der 19 Jahre alte Roy Schmidt in 6,91 Sekunden seine bisherige 60 Meter-Sprintbestleistung gleich im ersten Wettkampf des Jahres einstellte, kam Robert Hering in 6,82 Sekunden seiner persönlichen Bestmarke von 6,79 Sekunden schon sehr nahe. During the 19 years old Roy Schmidt in 6.91 seconds his previous 60-meter-sprint ceased best performance in the very first race of the year, came Robert Herring in 6.82 seconds of his personal best mark of 6.79 seconds at a very close. "So erfolgreich hat für uns noch keine Saison begonnen", sagte Stefan Poser. "So successful has not yet started for our season," said Stefan Poser.

Auch über 200 Meter glänzten die TuS-Sprinter. Also over 200 meters shone TuS Sprinter. Roy Schmidt in 21,59 Sekunden sowie Robert Hering in 21,40 Sekunden wussten zu überzeugen. To convince Roy Schmidt in 21.59 seconds, and knew Robert Herring in 21.40 seconds. "Die heutige Zeiten stimmen mich mit Blick auf die Deutschen Jugend-Hallen-Meisterschaften optimistisch, dass ich beim 60 Meter-Sprint eine Medaille erkämpfen kann und über 200 Meter eventuell sogar den Titel", resümierte der Roy Schmidt. "Today's times I agree with the optimistic view on the German Junior indoor championships that I can win the 60 meters sprint medal over 200 meters and possibly even the title," he concluded Roy Schmidt. Das große Saisonziel heißt für mich aber U20-WM in Moncton", erklärte der 19-Jährige. The major goal of the season means to me, but U-20 World Cup in Moncton, "the 19-year-old said.

Nach seiner Rückkehr zum Erfurter LAC bereitetete auch Sprinter Julian Reus seinem Trainer Gerhard Jäger mit einer 60-Meter-Zeit von 6,75 Sekunden Freude. After his return to Erfurt LAC bereitetete also sprinter Julian Reus his coach Gerhard hunter with a 60-meter time of 6.75 seconds joy.

Rico Schwarz kratzt an Bestzeit Rico Black scratches at best time

Für Robert Hering sind dagegen die Europameisterschaften in Barcelona (Spanien; 26. Juli bis 1. August) das sportliche Hauptthema der Saison. For Robert Herring are against the European Championships in Barcelona (Spain, July 26 to August 1, the main sporting theme) of the season. Davor möchte sich der 20-Jährige aber noch für den Hallen-Länderkampf in Glasgow (Großbritannien; 30. Januar) qualifizieren. Prior to the 20-year-old wants to still qualify for the indoor international match in Glasgow (United Kingdom, 30 January). "Nachdem ich bereits im Vorjahr den Anschluss an die Männerspitze herstellen konnte, möchte ich in dieser Saison das Niveau halten und weiter ausbauen und somit meine Position im engsten Auswahlkreis behaupten", sagte Robert Hering. "After I was able to produce in the previous year to connect with the men's top, I want to keep this season and further expand the level and thus maintain my position in the closest circle of choice," said Robert Herring.

Unmittelbar nach dem DLV-Trainingsl*ger in Portugal wollte Rico Schwarz (ASV Erfurt) über 3.000 Meter in 8:29,28 Minuten ein erstes Achtungszeichen setzen. Immediately after the training camp in Portugal DLV Rico Black (ASV Erfurt) wanted to put more than 3,000 yards in 8:29,28 minutes the first Caution signs. Bei den Landesmeisterschaften wird er in einer Woche über 800 Meter erwartet und dann könnte bei den Süddeutschen Hallen-Meisterschaften in Erfurt die Titel über 1.500 Meter und 3.000 Meter verteidigen. At the national championships, he is expected in one week than 800 meters and then could be in the Süddeutsche indoor championships in Erfurt defend the title over 1,500 meters and 3,000 meters.

Sophie Krauel doppelt erfolgreich Sophie Krauel twice successfully

Erfolgreich leitete auch Sophie Krauel (TuS Jena) ihre "doppelte Hallensaison" im 60 Meter-Hürdensprint in achtbaren 8,43 Sekunden und im Weitsprung mit 6,41 Meter ein. Success also led Sophie Krauel (TuS Jena) their "double indoor season" in the 60-meter hurdle sprint into respectable 8.43 seconds and long jump with 6.41 meters. "Ich hatte mir zum Auftakt zwar eine bessere Zeit versprochen, bin aber nicht unzufrieden", sagte Sophie Krauel. "I had promised at the start, although a better time, but am not dissatisfied," said Sophie Krauel. Erklärtes Ziel sind jedoch die Hallen-Weltmeisterschaften in Doha (Katar; 12. bis 14. März). The stated aim, however, the indoor world championships in Doha (Qatar;) March 12 to 14. Edited by: white lightning

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
More results from Germany. Alexander Kosenkow opened up with a 6.74! Also Sebastian Ernst ran a blazing 21.10 to win the 200 meters. Very good times to start the season.Edited by: white lightning

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Christophe has his first 60 meters race tommorow. It will be interesting to see how he does coming off the winter training. He is only going to race a few 60's as outdoors remains the ultimate goal. I have a feeling he will have to change his license plate this summer and get custom plates. They will say: SUB TEN!


Jun 15, 2006
New York
I got to IM him on facebook about the indoor season and he said that his coach was going to focus on a few key meets and use them as start & speed workouts. I think this is a very good idea, as long as he doesn't get hurt. just running for part of the indoor season help keep you sharp for outdoors and not get burnt out. can you smell the sub 10? I can!

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
The Young Germans are armed and dangerous. Today the youngster Julian Reuss beat Robert Herring in an indoor showdown over 200 meters. It was an incredible race the led to new personal bests from both of these fine young german sprinters. Congrats to Julian on regaining his form of a few years ago. He will be a force this season both indoors and out. Herring will be fine as he is as consistant as they come. Here is a link. The times were spectacular!

http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.leichtathletik.de/&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dgerman%2Bathletics%26hl%3Den%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox%26rlz%3D1I7ADBF_en&rurl=translate.google.comEdited by: white lightning

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Another German Sprinter with a good showing today.Jan Christophe sets a new p.b.

16.01.2010 | News | Peter Middel

Ãœberraschung durch Jan-Christopher Schulte Surprise by Jan-Christopher Schulte
Damit hatte er selbst nicht gerechnet. He had not counted themselves. Bei den Westfälischen Hallen-Meisterschaften in Dortmund sorgte Jan-Christopher Schulte (TV Wattenscheid 01) am Samstag für eine große Überraschung, als er im 60-Meter-Sprint in der neuen persönlichen Bestzeit von 6,67 Sekunden WM-Teilnehmer Alexander Kosenkow (ebenfalls TV Wattenscheid 01, 6,78 sec) bezwang. At the indoor championships in Dortmund, Westphalia, Jan-Christopher Schulte saw (TV Wattenscheid 01) on Saturday for a big surprise when he on the 60-meter sprint in a new personal best of 6.67 seconds World Cup participants, Alexander Kosenkow (also TV Wattenscheid 01, 6,78 sec) controlled.

Jan-Christopher Schulte überraschte (Foto: Middel) Jan-Christopher Schulte surprised (Photo: Middelburg)

"Ich bin völlig perplex. Offensichtlich macht sich das gute Training, das ich in den letzten Wochen nach den Plänen von Ronald Stein durchgeführt habe, bei mir immer mehr bemerkbar", meinte der 27-Jährige, der bisher mit einer persönlichen Bestzeit von 6,71 Sekunden zu Buche stand. "I am totally perplexed. Obviously makes the good training I have done in recent weeks, according to plans by Ronald Stein, felt to me more," the 27-year-old said the date with a personal best of 6, 71 seconds was to book.

Noch zwei Tage zuvor ließ der Überraschungssieger durchsickern, dass er in den Sommermonaten der Leichtathletik ade sagen und sich auf den Fußball konzentrieren wolle. Yet two days earlier, the surprise winner leaked that he wanted to say goodbye in the summer of athletics and focus on football. "Nun überdenke ich natürlich meine Pläne", kommentierte der Wattenscheider seine Gedankenspiele. "Well of course I rethink my plans," commented the Wattenscheider his mind games. Und er hat Appetit auf mehr bekommen: "Wenn ich bedenke, dass ich nur noch drei Hundertstelsekunden von der Hallen-WM-Norm entfernt bin, dann ist Doha sicherlich für mich jetzt ein Thema." And he has whet your appetite: "When I consider that I am just three-hundredths of the Indoor World Championships standard, then Doha is certainly an issue for me now."

Vizemeister Alexander Kosenkow war von dem tollem Start seines Kollegen so überrascht, dass er nach 40 Metern keine Chance mehr für sich sah. Alexander was runner-up Kosenkow surprised by the marvelous start of his colleagues so that it is after 40 meters saw no chance for themselves. "Christopher war heute eindeutig der Bessere. Für mich war es eine Klatsche zur rechten Zeit", tröstete sich der Routiner, der die Hallensaison mit 6,74 Sekunden begonnen hatte. "Christopher was now clearly the better. For me it was a swat at the right time," consoled himself with the routine, which began the indoor season with a 6.74 seconds.

Edited by: white lightning

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Shane Crawford won another 60 today in a time of 6.73 and finished in 3rd in a rare 200 meters race for him. It's good to see him race three quality races in two weeks with no signs of the nagging injuries slowing him down. Maybe his junior year of college will be his break out year onto the national scene! Congrats to the Come back Kid Shane Crawford.


Jan 11, 2010
A few other performances:

In the sprints:

"Former world finalist Matic Osovnikar achieved 6.83 at 60 m"


"Denmark sprint champion Martin Krabbe clocked 6.83 to win the 60 m
during Reykjavik International indoor meet as the best result of the

Unfortunately, these times were very unimpressive, and it's hard to get excited about any of the 60m times so far. LeMaitre can't do it all in the last 40m, and needs to get that 60 into the low 6.5's or better if he wants to be genuinely competitive with the best at 100. He's a 200/400 guy eventually, but I'd love to see him crack 10 before he starts dominating the long sprints, which is his destiny.

On the other hand, you gotta love this young Spanish guy, Bustos, in the middle distances. Mid-distance runners start much more slowly than sprinters at the beginning of the season, but Bustos looks ready to Bust Out already:

"Fast 1500 m at local meet here. Last year European junior champion
David Bustos clocked impressive 3:40.23 ahead of Luis Alberto Marco
(3:41.87) and Francisco Javier Abad (3:41.89). Bustos achieved last
summer only one time under 3:40 so looks as emerging force also for the
world senior level."

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Great updates. Welcome to the board trackster. I want to add my thoughts though. First off, Christophe ran a 6.62 yesterday. The time was rounded down. He is but an eye blink away from the 6.50's and it's his first race. Second, and more important he is a 100/200 meters guy period. I know for a fact that he has no interest in running the 400 ever. He may not even run the deuce nearly as much anymore. He wants to be the fastest man in the world period. Trust me when I say this. Just like people have said for years that Wariner will move up to the 800, another lie. Wariner is very happy where he is at.

Christophe will go sub 10 this summer and he will do it multiple times. The only thing that would stop him is a major injury. He is that good! They don't call him The Master for nothing. I also call him PepeLeFlew! Whatever people call him, he is a phenom! Like no white sprinter that we have ever seen. Here is to a huge, epic season both indoors and outdoors. Good luck Christophe!


Jan 11, 2010
Thanks. At first, I wasn't sure if I should post, as I see some people making anti-semitic remarks (which I disagree with) and occasionally other troubling things, but on the whole, I'm finding the boards very useful for a sports fan such as myself, so I figured I might try to contribute occasionally, rather than sit back and let other people do all the work. I'm especially impressed by your work on these track boards. No idea how you find some of this info so quickly. I'm pretty sure that the day LeMaitre crosses the tape in 9.98, you'll have it posted in 9.99!

Anyway, LeMaitre is a ridiculous talent, and I'm dying to see an Olympic medal around his neck. But he's so freaking tall. He's going to have to really muscle up to bring that 60 time down (and my personal hope is that he becomes the first steroid-free athlete to crack 10), but his closing speed is already amazing. My hunch says it will be much easier for him to develop endurance and cut a full second off his 200 than it will be to develop the explosiveness to cut 2/10's off his 60. Not saying he can't do it, but 2/10's is the goal if he wants to catch the Bolts and Gays. 6.50, combined with his top end speed, would enable him to catch everyone else.

I checked, and Cerutti has routinely been running in the mid 6.5's. Collio, Blum, Pickering have all been doing it, too. LeMaitre's top end speed blows all those guys away, but those long legs are going to have to accelerate out of the blocks faster. Preferably without visiting Usain Bolt's pharmacist.

I really like the middle distances, so I'd actually LOVE to see Wariner go 800--but only after he's broken the record in the 400! He's got the talent to hold both simultaneously, and I don't believe that's ever happened before. Frankly, I consider Wariner's natural talent superior to Michael Johnson's as Johnson was so bloated up from steroids, he was scary to look at. Wariner missed the peak of the steroid era. He's skinny as a rail (which well help him set that second record someday, I hope)

More names (for people that like middle distances):

This freshman from Penn STate, Casimir Loxsom, just ran a ridiculous 600 (1:16:92). No runner in the US beat that time in all of 2009, and yet Loxsom is just out of high school, and it's just the beginning of the season. Middle distance runners tend to peak much later than sprinters, so I'm keeping an eye on him.

Ryan Foster (also Penn State) (they must be feeding them well) smoked a 1000m yesterday. He's from Australia.

I don't know if he's run yet this year, but Spencer Chase, a Stanford Frosh, looks to have a ton of 400m potential.

Non-collegians, but also very young: Evan Jager and Ryan Gregson both have Kenyan-killer potential in the mid distances.

All this is in my opinion, of course. I'm no expert.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
My specialty is the sprints but I do love following the other events as well. Don't let a few posters opinions keep you from coming here. Everyone is different and we all can't agree on everything. I really like your knowledge of track. We have alot of educated track minds here and you can say whatever is on your mind. You can't do that in many places as your banned right away. We just root for the white athletes. Nothing wrong with people rooting for black athletes but this site focuses on the white athletes. Any track athlete from a sprinter to the distances puts in so much hard work and dedication to get to the highest level. I have so much respect for all of them as it is the purest form of sport.

Please contribute as often as you like. I enjoy reading your posts. For the longer distances, Ryan Hall is a complete stud. He is world class and could very well medal in the next olympics. This guy is fun to watch!

I enjoy watching Nick Symonds as well. The sprints are my favorite though by far! I want several guys to disprove the myth and then start focusing on making the medal stand again.

What do you think of Ramil Guliyev? He is a superstar as well and is only overshadowed due to Lemaitre being such a phenom. I see both of these guys with sub 10 and sub 20 potential. Hopefully by this summer. Both guys are 19 and worldclass talents!Edited by: white lightning


Mar 23, 2009
Lemaitre's start needs a little improvement, I agree. Don't go by indoor 60 meter times because I'm guessing Lemaitre deliberately delays his peak for the 100 meter, and probably was under 6.6 for his 10.04 flat wind last year. Just FYI.

Welcome to the board. I have a Jewish friend that is comically the least cultural marxist influence in my life (other than this site). Weird how that happens.

There are three types of people who are not DWFs (drunk white fans).

1. those who root for whites just because they like whites
2. those who believe whites are discriminated against stereotypically
3. those who believe whites are discriminated against by cultural marxism instrumentally

I'm all three. I would like to know more about how #3 works, though. That is yet to be decided. Maybe zionists/ Israeli influences. It's a logical argument, not anti-semitism. I don't hate anybody I just notice things most people don't.


Jan 11, 2010
Well, the less time spent worrying about "cultural marxism" the better, in my opinion. I'm here for the sports!

Now, as for Guliyev, total agreement. He looks amazing, too. I only hope both those guys (and a lot of others) can keep improving. At the moment, LeMaitre appears to have the superior 100m potential, but it all depends on who keeps bringing the times down. Guliyev is really tall, too, and I think he's got a head start on LeMaitre when it comes to developing endurance for the 200. Overall, though, I've been more amazed by the LeMaitre videos I've seen online, as he appears to be going far faster than his competitors at the end of his 100s. I absolutely loved watching him in the 4 by 100 at Berlin. I can't remember which round it was, but even the announcers couldn't stop talking about how fast his leg was. He made up a ton of ground on some highly favored runners. I may be drinking too much LeMaitre Kool Aid, but I feel like he could be beating everyone but Bolt right now, even at his age, in the 200, if he focused on stretching out for the longer race.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004


Mar 23, 2009
The German's will probably put together one of their fastest 4x100m relays ever it looks like. Italy had a good run last year. Japan is always good in that, alo. Man, seeing Lemaitre's fourth leg in the 4x100 qualifying rounds made me extremely pissed off that he was DQd after jogging a 10.24 individually. He had a good chance of breaking 10 that day in the finals.

Guliyev should take home a 200 medal at some point in his career from a major championship. Lemaitre should take home at least a medal in the 100 and most likely a 200 one also by the end of his career. One of the German's should get one in the deuce sometime in the next couple Olympics.

As far as Cerutti, Pickering, Blum, and the rest of the 60 meter sprinters... I hope they all participate in some very successful relays and maybe get some 60 meter medals. I'd like to see one of them join Morne Nagel under 6.50.

I'm interested in Mike LeBlanc's potential now that he is hopefully healthy. Even Shane Crawford.

As for field events I hope Trey Hardee continues his rise as the next great decathlete. His 100 was soooo fast! Hopefully Mitchell Watt, Sebastian Bayer, Fabrice Lapierre, some UK jumpers including Greg Rutherford and Chris Tomlinson, and a couple other LJers continue to make people turn their heads. Triple jump used to have Christian Olsson and Jonathan Edwards who hold the indoor and outdoor TJ world record, but since there have not been many white TJers. Hopefully a couple will fill the void. And high jump, well, that's always dominated by whites.

In the 400 I would like to see what Martyn Rooney can do. Maybe Wariner can return to form big too with Clyde Hart as his coach again.

So much white talent out there. Funny, looks like we have people who can jump farther, higher, and run faster than most if not all blacks. But for some reason we don't produce many runningbacks. Go figure.


Jun 15, 2006
New York

welcome aboard and keep up the good posts! you seem to have allot of knowledge on the track subject and will make a fine addition to the family. as for drinking the Lemaitre punch, don't worry about it because white lightning is mixing it up and I'm handing it out ;)

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
It's a huge weekend in Europe. To name just a few of the sprinters running. Here is a partial list:

Craig Pickering
Tobias Unger
Stefan Schwabb
Christian Blum
Alesander Kosenkow
Robert Herring
Jan Christophe
Paul Hession
Till Helmke
Sebastian Ernst

I am really pumped up to see what kind of time Craig opens up with. He has won the Glasgow Meet three years in a row! Can he make it four? He faces stiff competition from guys like Harry A.Arretty and Mark Jelks to name but a few. It should be interesting. It would be great if Craig could open up with a time in the 6.50's range! I'm also looking forward to see if Christain Blum can start to get his times back down in to that same range as well. Good luck to all of these guys.


Jan 11, 2010
NCAA notes--we now have the top two NCAA times in the 600 (Loxsom and Greer), 800 (Foster and Loxsom), the 60 m hurdles (Fourier and Nugent), the 1000 (Foster and Dawson), and probably some others (several mid distance stars haven't started racing yet, too).

High school--Last I checked, we had the second best time (nationally) in the 200, and the best times in everything longer than that, including the 400.


Jan 11, 2010
Correction to my own post. Re: High school times, I forgot about some of the non-standard distances, so it isn't every distance above 200 (although it could be by the end of the season).

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Thanks for the updates trackster.

In Germany today, Christian Blum finished in 3rd in a time of 6.65 seconds! He only lost by 1/100th of a second. Another good step in thre right direction. Blum is slowly working back into form. For anyone curious about the World Indoor Championships this year, you need to run at least a 6.64 or better to qualify. Hopefully Christian will hit that time next weekend.

Peter Svoboda also won the 60 High Hurldles in a new national record time. I hope he can maintain that form outdoors.