2010 Basketball World Championships

Matra1 said:
The Canadian team has lost all three games thus far, including to Lebanon. Canada is rubbish at anything not played on ice or snow. Even at the World Baseball Classic they lost to Italy at the Rogers Centre (Sky Dome)!
Canada has lost all 3 games, but please do some research before posting.

They are playing without their 5 or 6 top players.
-Steve Nash
-Samuel Dalembert
-Jamaal Magloire
-Andy Rautins, a white SG draft pick of the New York Knicks who just injured his knee.
-Jesse Young, a white big man
-Carl English, a former NBA player

Despite that they still led for most of the game against Lithuania and barely lost in a heartbreaker. Same thing today against France, they were dominating but then down the stretch they showed their lack of depth because of all the absentees. Still I think they are performing well considering everything.
Also to say Canada is "rubbish at everything" is a major stretch.

Canada does not have a big population, but on top of dominating hockey we have also produced the best NBA player in Steve Nash and he is white on top of that. We've also produced two of the best players in the MLB in Justin Morneau and Joey Votto and historically some legends such as Larry Walker and Eric Gagne who set the record for consecutive saves a few years ago.

The USA has not produced a white player as good as Nash recently despite basketball popularity and ten times the population. (Almost nobody in Canada plays basketball outside of Toronto).Edited by: TorontoArgos
Matra1 said:
I strongly believe that Eastern Europe produces the best athletes in the world, coming from the Slavic ethnicity.

There is a Slavonic language group but not an ethnic group - though many of the different Slavic nations are ethnically related.

This is seen in World's Strongest Man, where most of the top competitors are from Slavic countries such as Poland, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Croatia, etc.

There are Slavic minorities, mostly Russian, in Lithuania and Latvia but neither country is Slavic.

The problem is how can a country with less than 5 million people with many political problems and a small economic base like Lithuania or Slovenia or Croatia produce 12 players that are better than the USA with about 45 million black people with billions of dollars invested in their training and many political and social forces pushing them into athletics, especially basketball.

I've wondered about this myself. And why are there so few elite WHITE American basketball players? It is quite astounding.
Whites are not pushed into basketball at all. It is widely accepted that basketball is the "black sport" and whites need not apply. The only time a white person is actually encouraged to play basketball is if they show signs of being extremely tall and even then football is a better option for those 6'7 and below.

On the other hand, basketball is the sport of choice in ghettos across America. There are elite basketball academies that recruit these blacks and give them the best training available, others learn on the "streetz". In the end almost every basketball scholarship goes to affletes.

MOST of the worlds strongest men are actually northern europeans, germanic/scandinavian rooted peoples!

Btw norse rootedpeople have been in poland, latvia, lithuania, estonia, for a long ass time(they're on the damn balticsea right next to where norse people were for thousands of yearsfor f**ks sake!) And who the f**k do people think founded russia? The Rus ascandinavian tribe.

Look who has the most strongman titles, it's not slavs!

Middle of the page please.

Matra1 said:
I strongly believe that Eastern Europe produces the best athletes in the world, coming from the Slavic ethnicity.

There is a Slavonic language group but not an ethnic group - though many of the different Slavic nations are ethnically related.

This is seen in World's Strongest Man, where most of the top competitors are from Slavic countries such as Poland, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Croatia, etc.

There are Slavic minorities, mostly Russian, in Lithuania and Latvia but neither country is Slavic.

The problem is how can a country with less than 5 million people with many political problems and a small economic base like Lithuania or Slovenia or Croatia produce 12 players that are better than the USA with about 45 million black people with billions of dollars invested in their training and many political and social forces pushing them into athletics, especially basketball.

I've wondered about this myself. And why are there so few elite WHITE American basketball players? It is quite astounding.
Whites are the better basketball players, just see who won the ncaa tiitle for your proof.

The nba is a marxistball of wax upon itself. How can whites excell when they are under represented in the league? Bring up their numbers, let them be thugs like laimbeer was, and allow them in.

I know kaspars kamballa and a lot of talented big white men were banned from the nba, black listed so to speak while afro-homos were allowed in.

Enough said.
Pizza, are you sure we are looking at the same thing? I looked at the chart for WSM champions, 6 of the past 10 champions are from Slavic countries in Eastern Europe. That is not including a Lithuanian which Matra pointed out is closely related to the Slavic countries and contains significant Slavic minorities. Edited by: TorontoArgos
Liverlips said:
When I tuned in I saw that Brazil had 4 whites on the floor. Not "white-ish" but white like Demian Maia.

How can a nation that is almost half black have 4 white starters yet the "good ol' boys" who run Amerikan basketball only allow one whitey on the whole team?

God, do I hope the black supremacist U.S. squad doesn't even medal (just like in 2006).
Basketball in Brazil was considered a White game because it was played largely indoors. The poor mans game is Soccer. Also the racial slotting of people is the reverse of the US. Many hybrid racial types consider themselves "White". Even virtual full blooded Blacks consider themselves Mulatto.....
That is not including a Lithuanian which Matra pointed out is closely related to the Slavic countries and contains significant Slavic minorities.

The second part about there being a Slavic minority, yes, but I don't believe ethnic Lithuanians are closely related to most Slavs. They're closer to Scandinavians and Germans from what I know.

The sport where I see the highest representation of Slavs is tennis - especially women's tennis. In recent years they've also been dominant in heavyweight boxing. Lots in hockey too.
Pi**a - Slavs did not desend from Scandanavians if that is what you mean. They have a very different history of migrations etc. Not to say there has not been mixing between the two over the centuries, which of course there has.

From my travels I have noticed that scandanavians (especially norwegians) and southern slavs (croatians, serbians) are the most impressive physical specimens out of all white nations (although the most impressive girls are in Ukraine ;))
Yesterday.. The Euros dominated!

Was glad to see Lithuania defeat "France".. Tiny Slovenia defeating Brazil is also a good win for Euro basketball.
Does the "French" squad have any French people on it or all they all Africans?
accesscrimea said:
Pi**a - Slavs did not desend from Scandanavians if that is what you mean. They have a very different history of migrations etc. Not to say there has not been mixing between the two over the centuries, which of course there has.

From my travels I have noticed that scandanavians (especially norwegians) and southern slavs (croatians, serbians) are the most impressive physical specimens out of all white nations (although the most impressive girls are in Ukraine ;))
The interesting thing is that the Slavs in the regions of present day Croatia and Serbia mixed with Scandanavians historically more than other Slavs further east in places like Ukraine. A significant Scandinavian population inhabited the region of present-day Croatia before the arrival of the Slavs from the North-east.

Surely the historical mixing with Scandanavians, some of the "whitest" people of all, has contributed to their impressive physical prowess even compared to other Slavs.


Many of the best high jumpers in the world also come from either Scandinavia or Croatia. The best male high jumper is Swedish (Holm) and the best female is 6'4 Croatian woman Blanka Vlasic.
Saying that, I wouldnt say that Croatia and Serbia are that different to most other slav countries. Poland, Russia and Ukraine also contain a large number of very physically impressive people, only the average height in these countries is a little lower than in the Balkans (especially parts of croatia, where people are TALL!).

As I live here I know that Ukraine and Russia contain an enormous amount of strength builders, and corresponding strength competitions... lots of arm wrestling, strong man and tug of war contests. The gym I used to go to was scary!
Ukrainians are norse(germanic and scandinavian) mixed as well.NORSE peoplefounded the city called KIEV.

the fact is, Russians and ukrainians have mixed peoples. True blondes are a minority but russians are still a mix. Some of that mix IS norse rooted. Don'tforget that.

Btw, not many slavs here. I wonder if most slavs have blue eyes? I doubt it. I can't count Pudzianowskias a slav. Too much germanic influence in poland.

2009 Zydrunas Savickas
2008 Mariusz Pudzianowski
2007 Mariusz Pudzianowski
2006 Phil Pfister
2005 Mariusz Pudzianowski
2004 Vasyl Virastyuk
2003 Mariusz Pudzianowski
2002 Mariusz Pudzianowski
2001 Svend Karlsen
2000 Janne Virtanen
1999 Jouko Ahola
1998 Magnus Samuelsson
1997 Jouko Ahola
1996 Magnus Ver Magnusson
1995 Magnus Ver Magnusson
1994 Magnus Ver Magnusson
1993 Gary Taylor
1992 Ted van der Parre
1991 Magnus Ver Magnusson
1990 Jon Pall Sigmarsson
1989 Jamie Reeves
1988 Jon Pall Sigmarsson
1986 Jon Pall Sigmarsson
1985 Geoff Capes
1984 Jon Pall Sigmarsson
1983 Geoff Capes
1982 Bill Kazmaier
1981 Bill Kazmaier
1980 Bill Kazmaier
1979 Don Reinhoudt
1978 Bruce Wilhelm
1977 Bruce Wilhelm
Regarding croatia, Apparently a lot of germanians were in that region at some points of history so that may explain their strength.

The serbs to a lesser degree have a mix but they also have gypsy hordes mixed in around them.

A comment I'd like to make, I met some slovakian people and they were VERY short. It was really strange. They have these tiny heads and they are llke little delicate people. I think they don't have the best genes. I wish germany had taken that area and filled it with the seeds of better men.

BtwI am not anti-slavic the least bit, but i'm not a big fan of dark eyed people in general. I don't trust them. I don't care if one is blonde but I like to see REAL blue and green eyes in caucasion people, not dark. I think it is the rarer colors which are beautiful and make us the true people of color, not the brownturd worlders who are just shades of brown all over.

Edited by: pizza
pizza said:
I can't count Pudzianowskias a slav. Too much germanic influence in poland.

Seriously, mate - Mariusz Pudzianowski "can't be counted" as a Slav? Priceless.
Then again, after labelling Rafael Nadal a "turd colored homosexual",your ethnographic credentials areimpressively obvious.It appears that your definition of "White"probably excludes half ofEurope
.Reading between the lines, I guess that every successful Eastern European athlete, scholar, artist, et cetera,must have "Germanic" heritage, eh?
Tiny New Zealand defeated "France"..!! I think this could help Spain a little bit.

Serbia wins by 2 over Argentina. Russia defeats Greece.
Knockout Stage match-ups: (Team that I think will win will be in BOLD)

Serbia vs Croatia

Spain vs Greece

Slovenia vs Australia

Turkey vs France

USA vs Angola

Russia vs New Zealand

Lithuania vs China

Argentina vs Brazil
pizza said:
Regarding croatia, Apparently a lot of germanians were in that region at some points of history so that may explain their strength.
<div> </div>
<div>The serbs to a lesser degree have a mix but they also have gypsy hordes mixed in around them.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>A comment I'd like to make, I met some slovakian people and they were VERY short. It was really strange. They have these tiny heads and they are llke little delicate people. I think they don't have the best genes. I wish germany had taken that area and filled it with the seeds of better men. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>Btw I am not anti-slavic the least bit, but i'm not a big fan of dark eyed people in general. I don't trust them. I don't care if one is blonde but I like to see REAL blue and green eyes in caucasion people, not dark. I think it is the rarer colors which are beautiful and make us the true people of color, not the brown turd worlders who are just shades of brown all over.</div>

Dude - more than half of the people on this site no doubt have dark eyes! How can you possibly not trust someone just cause he or she has dark eyes?! And whats the dark eyes slavik link? Im pretty sure that Germany and Russia have a similar percentage of light eyed and dark eyed peoples.
All this anthropology gets in way of the fact that one of USA's breakout players is an actual White American, Kevin Love.
GreatLakeState said:
All this anthropology gets in way of the fact that one of USA's breakout players is an actual White American, Kevin Love.

Who is this guy with 10 posts coming here, saying Polish people (with Slavic surnames) aren't Slavic, saying Slavic people aren't white, saying he hates dark-eyed (white) people.

Go to Croatia or Serbia and talk to 10 people about gypsies and you'll see how much mixing goes on there. Most whites in those regions refuse to acknowledge a gypsy's presence, let alone speak to them, let alone sleep with them.

Props to Kevin Love. Edited by: TorontoArgos
Deadlift said:
Knockout Stage match-ups: (Team that I think will win will be in BOLD)

Serbia vs Croatia

Spain vs Greece

Slovenia vs Australia

Turkey vs France

USA vs Angola

Russia vs New Zealand

Lithuania vs China

Argentina vs Brazil

Serbia, Spain and Slovenia won. Things should get interesting real soon..
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