2009 World Championship of Track & Field

What I want to know is what happened to the other guys we root for. Everyone of them looked like crap. Sorry but it's the truth. I can't remember a champs where our guys were all so slow. Craig would have even done better than that. I'm not talking about Christophe. I'm talking about all of the other guys. From Unger to Cerutti and everyone else. What a dissapointment. They obviously were not prepared. I'm pulling for Takahara to make the finals. At least he showed up.

I can't even imagine the pain Christophe is feeling. He trained so hard for this moment. I wish it was a bad dream. I know one thing. He will be an angry sprinter. I feel bad for whom ever he races in the next meet. Christophe is going to throw down the gauntlet. He will go sub 10 before the summer ends. Mark my words!
Yeah. I just want to see him run again. He wouldve went sub 10 and made the finals, but it may not have mattered with the Bolt vs. Gay distraction. Maybe it is best that he will do it later.
Yeah, Di Gregorio and Lemaitre were the only good whites. Di Gregorio performed very well. Pickering would have done well too.
Anybody have a site that has the quarters on the net. I missed them by about half an hour. The first round was more disappointing for Euro sprinters. All of the Euros that made through to the second round were hard pressed to make the semis except for Pepe. Did he choke or was it just a case of him trying to pull a Ben Johnson/Armin Harry?
Mike Rodgers fales-started (looked on purpose). Then a yellow card was given to the field, and Lemaitre being young false started. He should have waited in the blocks.
I thought that Rodgers may have done that on purpose too, part of the reason why I don't like the rule, a confident athlete can purposely make a false start to ensure no-one gets a good start. Felt sorry for Lemaitre, this was his big moment but he's still running in the 200m. Maybe this will benefit him in the 200m.

It's not just white athletes (Collio was awful, maybe whatever he's on doesn't last so long at 30?) the British Athletes were sh*t too and most of the Europeans. Williamson was terrible, and Edgar only got through his heat because two were DQ'd, he'd have never made it otherwise. Both Williamson and Edgar are always bad at the big events.

Bolt and Bailey 's heat made me even more cynical about PEDs. They are training partners, and both easily ran 10s and were laughing all the way down and exchanging knowing looks.
charlie180 said:
I thought that Rodgers may have done that on purpose too, part of the reason why I don't like the rule, a confident athlete can purposely make a false start to ensure no-one gets a good start. Felt sorry for Lemaitre, this was his big moment but he's still running in the 200m. Maybe this will benefit him in the 200m.

It's not just white athletes (Collio was awful, maybe whatever he's on doesn't last so long at 30?) the British Athletes were sh*t too and most of the Europeans. Williamson was terrible, and Edgar only got through his heat because two were DQ'd, he'd have never made it otherwise. Both Williamson and Edgar are always bad at the big events.

Bolt and Bailey 's heat made me even more cynical about PEDs. They are training partners, and both easily ran 10s and were laughing all the way down and exchanging knowing looks.

Good analysis. You used what you got in your head for once in my opinion. Most of the white runners in the 100 that went 10.2/10.3 flat wind is what they've been doing all year, just hoping for fast tracks or good winds. Most of the white 100m runners are truly just 60 meter runners.

That's why I hoped Guliyev and Lemaitre would have ran in the 100. Oh well, they are young. So different from most white 100m sprinters, it gives me hope.

On a lighter note Cantwell dominated in the shot put with a 22.03!
charlie180 said:
Williamson was terrible, and Edgar only got through his heat because two were DQ'd, he'd have never made it otherwise. Both Williamson and Edgar are always bad at the big events.

Lemaitre's only run sub 10.17 once in his life. Grueso's all-time PB is a 10.17, and his SB is a 10.22. I highly doubt either of them would have beaten Edgar's 10.12. Even if they did,and took 2 of the top 3 spots with Rogers, Edger's 10.12 would have still been the best non-place time. He would have gotten through regardless.

I'm not sure I follow how you've concluded he would never have made it into thesemi's without the DQ's.

Bolt and Bailey 's heat made me even more cynical about PEDs. They are training partners, and both easily ran 10s and were laughing all the way down and exchanging knowing looks.

Elite guys jog low 10's in heats all the time. Smiling at each other, and showing up their competitorsisn't theclassiest actin the world, but it's Bolt, Bailey, and Powell's thing.

Now running a10.02 with a slight tailwind means you're on peds? Emmanuel (10.08) Callander's their training partner too. He ran a 10.27.Edited by: TonyJ
If PEDs weren't in the picture, a 10.2 would mean a whole lot more than it does now. Since the PED era began mainly with American blacks not long after 1980, the times have tumbled downward at a rate that is impossible to explain without factoring in drugs. Nobody could ever convince me that these so-called elite black sprinters would be anywhere as close to as fast as they are without drugs. There was no jogging low 10s before the PED era, and there wouldn't be now if these guys weren't cheating.
TonyJ said:
Elite guys jog low 10's in heats all the time. Smiling at each other, and showing up their competitorsisn't theclassiest actin the world, but it's Bolt, Bailey, and Powell's thing.

Now running a10.02 with a slight tailwind means you're on peds? Emmanuel (10.08) Callander's their training partner too. He ran a 10.27.

these guys arecompeting against the most elite, most talented sprintersON THEPLANET.and they're blowing away the fastest sprinters from every nationin the world whilejogging easier than i would against my neighbor kids in the back yard.

and you honestly don't find that suspect? really?

that's the equivalent of Lebron James and Kobe Bryant (possibly the two best basketball players in the world) winning an NBA Championship while never bothering to jump or shoot during a game.
If sweet potatoes make you run fast, then Vardaman, Mississippi should be the home to a ton of elite sprinters!

The last time I saw two morons do this it was in Athens in 2004. Two years later one guy was popped for PED usage and the other got mysteriously slow and claimed a case of bunions. Please you're insulting everybody's intelligence...
Edited by: white is right
beats me how Collio got that 10.06 some weeks back!

safe enough to assume Lemaitre could have semi-ed had he not false started. 10.04 in similar conditions 2 weeks back in a big meet proves he can run that fast. Sure he has only beaten 10.17 once... bit it was in a recent race and he's a growing lad. What he's done previously should be eclipsed comfortably now.
But his head did him in and he got DQd. If he hadn't, would he have run badly under the pressure anyway?...who knows.

Tsukahara had the head to run well BUT he'll bow out next race. Nevertheless, a great meet for him. I hope the Japanese relay team really fires; the French too

No other non-blacks were in the same field as the top dozen.
I predict sub 10's for at least 6 finalists if the weather is kind, and possibly all 8.

I'd really love to see Tyson win... I like the man and his no-nonsense approach. He graciously told interviewers that Bolt is the man athletics needs, and that he himself is boring. But he's the one I'd like to have a chat with!

On a side note, I think a couple of the Aussie relay guys would have done better than some of the whites out there todayEdited by: mastermulti
TonyJ said:
Lemaitre's only run sub 10.17 once in his life. Grueso's all-time PB is a 10.17, and his SB is a 10.22. I highly doubt either of them would have beaten Edgar's 10.12. Even if they did, and took 2 of the top 3 spots with Rogers, Edger's 10.12 would have still been the best non-place time. He would have gotten through regardless.
I'm not sure I follow how you've concluded he would never have made it into the semi's without the DQ's.

You could say the same about Edgar, he's only run one sub 10.1 this season too. In fact he's only run sub 10.17 three times this season (only eight times ever) and one of those was that race.

Like Williamson, Edgar is a choker, when the going gets tough Edgar gives up. He ran a decent time, but I am sure if Lemaitre and Grueso were there, he'd have run slower because he doesn't cope well with pressure. You'll see what I mean tomorrow. I would have put money on Edgar being disqualified after Rodgers false start.
At least DiGregario and Cerutti were coming off an injury. They couldn't even finish the Italian Nat'l Champs. So they probably didn't get to train like normal. No one else has an excuse other than they didn't come prepared. I am disgusted by how slow our guys ran today. To just say they are 60 meter runners isn't even the truth. They just were not in the type of shape necessary to compete. For whatever the reason. Collio, Unger and Osovnikar need to think about retiring. Especially Matic. He is done for sure. I like the guy but he cannot compete anymore at this level. Collio and Unger have to be more consistant if they want to continue. I would say though that their best days are almost for sure in the rear view mirror.

Out of the young guys. Dariusz Kuc just cannot compete when it counts. He races about one fast time per year. Craig didn't even compete so he has work to do. Jared is only running in the 200 and he is now in his mid twenties.

The future at the moment will come down to these guys until some other guys step up.

Christophe Lemaitre

Ramil Guliyev

Craig Pickering

Arnaldo Abrantes

Robert Herring

There may be a few others but these are the best hopes for the present and near future. We will need alot more guys to step it up. The good thing about the older guys retiring is it makes room for some new young sprinters to rise up. Guy like Richard Kilty and others need to step it up to another level.

I sure hope the other events are better. Looking forward to the high jump, long jump, 200 & 400 meters, and the relays.
on a more positive note ... the White ladies in the 400 meters looked good, including my favorite Nicola Sanders.
TonyJ said:
Elite guys jog low 10's in heats all the time. Smiling at each other, and showing up their competitors isn't the classiest act in the world, but it's Bolt, Bailey, and Powell's thing.
<div>Now running a 10.02 with a slight tailwind means you're on peds? Emmanuel (10.08) Callander's their training partner too. He ran a 10.27.</div>

You don't find it the least bit suspicious that four of the top five sprinters in the world are from the same small region of the world and that three of those have the same coach?

There were more people in the Berlin Stadium today than on the whole Island of Antigua, but they have had two sub 10.1 sprinters this year?

More people live in Berlin than Jamaica, yet Jamaica has three of the top five sprinters in the world, and 5 of the top 20. Half of the top ten sprinters this year are West Indian (the rest US, population 300 million).

You don't find all of this a tad unlikely?
TonyJ said:
Lemaitre's only run sub 10.17 once in his life.  Grueso's all-time PB is a 10.17, and his SB is a 10.22.  I highly doubt either of them would have beaten Edgar's 10.12.  Even if they did, and took 2 of the top 3 spots with Rogers, Edger's 10.12 would have still been the best non-place time.  He would have gotten through regardless.

You obviously have not watched Lemaitre run. He would have eaten Edgar alive. He probably would've beaten Rodgers too. It's safe to say that he looks even faster than when he ran 10.04. Too bad. He had a finals and sub 10 wrapped up. Is he running the 200?
No he is not. He is taking it in stride but this is such b.s. Even the guys on youtube were saying he wouldn't make the finals. They love to hate on whitey. What a joke. This kid is the real deal. He will be back. Lemaitre will have to work on his starts though. His 2nd dq of the outdoor season. He had one in Russian around a month and a half ago. He has to keep his nerves in check. The talent is there. The desire is there. It is just a matter of putting it all together in a race. All I want this summer is at least one sub 10 and one sub 20. That would make me happy.
charlie180 said:
TonyJ said:
Elite guys jog low 10's in heats all the time. Smiling at each other, and showing up their competitors isn't the classiest act in the world, but it's Bolt, Bailey, and Powell's thing.
<div>Now running a 10.02 with a slight tailwind means you're on peds? Emmanuel (10.08) Callander's their training partner too. He ran a 10.27.</div>

You don't find it the least bit suspicious that four of the top five sprinters in the world are from the same small region of the world and that three of those have the same coach?

There were more people in the Berlin Stadium today than on the whole Island of Antigua, but they have had two sub 10.1 sprinters this year?

More people live in Berlin than Jamaica, yet Jamaica has three of the top five sprinters in the world, and 5 of the top 20. Half of the top ten sprinters this year are West Indian (the rest US, population 300 million).

You don't find all of this a tad unlikely?

Is this Charlie? Wow, what happened. You are making too much sense.
Guys it wasn't just white guys that did a Donovan Mcnabb.....
Atkins didn't make it out of the first round and Williamson looked flat and terrible in the second round. I'm starting to wonder if they(Unger and other Euro flops) peaked for their national meets and the A qualifier and had nothing for mid August.
white is right said:
Guys it wasn't just white guys that did a Donovan Mcnabb.....
Atkins didn't make it out of the first round and Williamson looked flat and terrible in the second round. I'm starting to wonder if they(Unger and other Euro flops) peaked for their national meets and the A qualifier and had nothing for mid August.

The only non Euro flop (Lemaitre DQd. f**k. I think I know what the Europeans are missing. Chambers knows what I'm talking about, but he many be clean now.
We need to get tougher!
I think I'd like to see a change to selection requirements..... i.e. if you can't run an equivalent of a wind-still 10.20s in an international warm up meet within two weeks of the games then you're not running in the championships.
Three non blacks reached 10.20s here. Why have guys in the 30s, 40s and even 50s wasting space. The only argument I can see is that the young ones need the international big meet experience.

In Australia we got unkind to sprinter Lauren Hewitt eventually. She'd post a qualifier or two in our on-season and run several tenths slower when away. We reckoned she was there just to collect tracksuits and go shopping (yep, a nice holiday away if you can get it). Tamsyn Lewis got that same criticism to a degree.Edited by: mastermulti
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