2009 European Junior Champs.

He has a day of rest now. They will have the semis and finals of the 200 tommorow. He can finally get some sleep. Don't count him out yet. We need to root for him tommorow. I will be pulling for both Guliyev and Herring. I want a new p.b. for Herring and hope he takes the silver.

We really need Guliyev to win the gold in a fast time. I don't want him to get depressed this close to worlds. This kid is still the story of the track season despite only winnin the silver in the 100 today. He has run 10.08/20.04! That is incredible as you guys know. He deserves the gold tommorow. Come on Ramil.
I just realized that in one year we gained both the 100 EJR with Lemaitre's 10.04 and the 200 EJR with 20.04 in Guliyev. Both are 19.

I really want to see both a sub 10 from Christophe and a sub 20 from Ramil in Berlin.
I agree bro. All I know is that these two guys are the future. They will inspire kids the same way Wariner has inspired our guys in the 400! We have waited for a few guys to step it up. They are so close to being potential medalists in Berlin. If all goes right, they could both make the finals although I belive Ramil is entering both events and that could really tire him out. I'm hopin for the best. I can't wait for tommorow because Ramil could still go sub 20 if has any energy left after what will be 6 races in two days.
Lemaitre's 10.04 is ahead of Williamson for the fastest European 100 meter! If I were Europe I'd ignore the cheats in the US and Carribean and just have a European Championship every year. Then we could just lump in the IAAF with the NCAA, NFL, and NBA as anti white propogandists. Ramil's 20.04 is also the best in Europe. Too bad people profit off of the caste system and off of stupid stereotypes with steroids.
Tommorow we have a great 110 high hurdles final. Shabanov from Russia set the championship record already. This should be special. They also have the long jump and triple jump finals with the Russians and others looking good. The main even will be the mens and womens 200 finals. Come on Rocket Ramil. Also good luck to the Stormin German Robert Herring! This final should be really fast!
Wow, this is great news! Christophe runs a 10.04 with basically no wind. It would have been a sub 10 for sure with a +2.0 wind and a good lean at the finish with Ramil right on his heals. These guys are even better prospects than Craig Pickering (although I think Pickering could still potentially make it into the mid 9.9s someday). Christophe and Ramil will have a great shot to push to break not only 10 flat, but for breaking 9.9 and medaling at the Olympics! I think both Guliyev and Lemaitre are better starters than Pickering to boot. Take that Jon Entine- you loser!
How about a Taboo Part Two. Why white athletes could dominate if they belived in themselves. Basically it is the worst in the US but England and many other countries are not far behind. It is the caste system. We are taught to belive that blacks are superman in sports. We are taught that whites can't jump, run, dance, etc. It's all of bunch of b.s. I have argued this since I was a kid. I always could run, jump and as the ladies know, I can dance.

People need to belive in themselves. Look at the guys who do Russian Climbing. They perform super human athletic acheivments. Whites are as athletic and probably even more so than anyone on the planet. We dominate more sports than any other ethnicity. We just need to stop the mental brain washing that they tell us. This can and will change. As soon as it does, many more Lemaitre and Guliyev types will follow. We dominate strength and most endurance sports. We also can compete and win at anything from track to basketball to football. No one can stop us except for ourselves.

So my message to white kids everywhere, you can do whatever you want. Don't let anyone ever tell you different. That message also goes out to the parents to teach your kids that color doesn't matter. They can be anything from a sprinter to a running back. It's all up to them. Find what you love and work hard to get as good as you can be. We can't all be champions but that doesn't matter. We can still be very good at whatever we take up as a sport.

Thank you Christophe and Ramil. Today has been a pleasure for us here and many around the world. It also has made alot of people scared that the cat might be out of the bag. They never want us to believe in ourselves. They want us to stay in our place. Well that's not going to happen. Get ready because we are coming. Deal with it!
One more thing I forgot to add. Andrew Robertson of Great Britain got robbed of the bronze medal. I have watched the race around 20-30 times. He lead the whole way and was across the line clearly just ahead of Eugene. You guys can go watch the tape yourself from the link on youtube.com It's very strange to me how he didn't get the bronze medal. I've seen guys get the same time in track many times before but Andrew should have won by 1/100th of a second in my opinion. At the worst, he was ahead of him across the line first. Everything from his head to his torso to his foot. He got screwed. What a shame to lose out on a medal like that. It should have been a clean sweep for our guys.
I was going to point out the same thing. you can really see it in that spectators video. you clearly see Robertson win. but, when you see the photo finish, you can see the black kid ahead. it almost looks like he twisted his torso in the lean to get ahead. check it out.
Yes. That sucks bro. Why do you have so much trouble with your computer. It's working great for most of us. I'm sorry. We had a clean sweep in the 110 mens high hurdles and in the womens 200 meters. The mens race should be on within 15 - 20 minutes.
Watching the leg cadence of Robertson compared to Guliyev or Lemaitre gives you an idea of how much of an advantage a tall body is in the 100 meter. The distance is made for people 5'11" to 6'3."
On Sunday will have the mens 4 x 100 relay! I can't wait to see Lemaitre run again. Maybe Guliyev will be running the final leg as well and they can go head to head one more time! Also we have the mens long jump finals and some other races. One last day of the 2009 Euro Champs.Edited by: white lightning
white lightning said:
Here are the results for the mens high hurdles. Another sweep. The times are excellent. Hopefully these guys can transition smoothly to the next level.


nice,we need some good whites in the 110 hurdles,it is one of the very few events by the men were the mongoloid record is better then the white one.other events are marathon( if you don't consider berber white)and the 30 and 100 km where nobody cares about.but every event is one to many Im just joking mongoloids

thanks for the links white lightning,I have 150 channels but no european junior champs this time
Hurdles and jumps are and interesting events which help prove the juicing in the short sprints. Ever pay attention to the all-time top-lists in these events and the age of some of the pb's.nehemiah ran a 12.93 in the 110hh in'81 it took forever for that record to come down...and even now it has been oh-so-slowly chipped at even today his pb would most likely get him gold @ th olymp. or w.c....same with moses in the 400 inter.hurd his pb only being bested once and that was 17 years ago...and lets not mention beamons jump bested once 18 years ago...I bring this up to say one thing...a part of the caste system is chronological snobbery...the assumption that of course athletes are better today than yesterday...and the athletes today are?...you guessed it...of negro descent.BUt when you look in the not too distant past caucasian athletes competed neck and neck with the best black athletes
swampfox said:
Hurdles and jumps are and interesting events which help prove the juicing in the short sprints. Ever pay attention to the all-time top-lists in these events and the age of some of the pb's.nehemiah ran a 12.93 in the 110hh in'81 it took forever for that record to come down...and even now it has been oh-so-slowly chipped at even today his pb would most likely get him gold @ th olymp. or w.c....same with moses in the 400 inter.hurd his pb only being bested once and that was 17 years ago...and lets not mention beamons jump bested once 18 years ago...I bring this up to say one thing...a part of the caste system is chronological snobbery...the assumption that of course athletes are better today than yesterday...and the athletes today are?...you guessed it...of negro descent.BUt when you look in the not too distant past caucasian athletes competed neck and neck with the best black athletes

So true. And some people go even further to say "Allan Wells never would have medalled if the US didn't drop out." And same with Borzov. Haha, rediculous.
Wells ran a 10.25 into a negative 1.2 wind...who was his competition...it was only the second man to break the 10 second barrier Silvio Leonard.He did so a couple of years beforehand.Who did the americans have at that time?Carl lewis was still ayear away from being an inconsistent world class competitor.Mel Lattany? Not there yet.We didnt have any body yet.For that matter we didn't have anybody in '76.We did in '72,but Borzov was there(I don't want to hear anything about being confused about start times,because Borzov dominated all other international meets as well against that same competition).So who was wells supposed to beat? We didn't have anybody!He beat the best in 80.As amatter of fact Wells beat any other potential rivals for thwe next two years to come......Wells,Mennea,borzov,Hary,Sime,Morrow...all world champions the best of their times...Completely intergrated times.And maybe now lemaitre,guliyev,herring and god I hope pickering
I think the few Down Syndrome readers of this site are taken great offense to those comments....
i couldn't be happier and more excited about our sprinters and jumpers than i am right now! it is amazing what these young athletes are doing despite the disbelief of all the naysayers.

i can't stop smiling!
"Wells ran a 10.25 into a negative 1.2 wind..."

Probably as well to remember his 10.11 semi to keep his form in perspective though. Finals with their extra stress can be counterproductive to producing fast times. He proved he could win though.
I watched him from the stands as he ran down Ben Johnson in the '82 C'wealths. What a treat!
It was after that race that Ben thought a little more (ahem!)"strength" would prevent him from ever being run down again
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