2008 Summer Olympics

Don Wassall said:
Kukulcan said:
Hey Don does the Caste System tear down/marginalize Jewish athletes? Cause Spitz is a Jew. He along with Sandy Cofax are the greatest Jewish athletes. 

Maybe Koufax and Hank Greenberg are somewhat over-sentimentalized, ala Bob Gibson, but I'd say as far as the Caste System goes, Jews are regarded as white athletes and treated appropriately, i.e., second class.

I do think some of their comedians are very overrated and get chances in Hollywood only because of their Jewishness but I tend to agree that their athletes aren't overly hyped. The media in this country tends to not call too much attention to Jews unless they are the victim of something. Most young whites think Jews are just another religion. That's what they've been taught. They don't see them as an ethnic group or a people. I disagree.
Don Wassall said:
Bob Costas conducted a joint interview with Phelps and Mark Spitz late last night after Phelps got number seven. I had read in the paper the day before that Spitz felt slighted about not being invited to Beijing to be part of the celebration should Phelps equal or tie his record. Can't blame him at all for feeling that way.

Spitz was very articulate and extremely gracious and sincere in his praising of Phelps during the interview. It's amazing (but not really once one is aware of how the media enforces the Caste System) how Spitz has dropped out of sight, a forgotten one-time mega-superstar during the era when the Caste System was really starting to be fastened in place. He was interviewed from Detroit; hopefully he was staying in one of the hotels in the renaissance center and not living in one of Detroit's fine neighborhoods lol.<!-- Message ''"" -->
Spitz made a lot of money post Munich. I think he was earning about 500K around then in endorsements and public appearance fees. He also was a motivational speaker. If he is broke now it's because he frittered away his money. Anyway I doubt he is broke as he always seemed level headed and could look beyond tomorrow.
GWTJ I was impressed with Bolt's race. Man for a 605 man and weighing around 220 lbs to run like that is great. I give him full credit, less any doping. He seems like a pretty cool Jamacian. Just because he is black no problem. Its when in America that blacks are given the benefit of the doubt to whether they will succeed in the NFL cause of their blackness, and where whites are held in a negative light cause of their skin color, is what gets me upset. Not at blacks but the trader WHITE GMs and Head WHITE coaches!
Kukulcan said:
GWTJ I was impressed with Bolt's race. Man for a 605 man and weighing around 220 lbs to run like that is great. I give him full credit, less any doping. He seems like a pretty cool Jamacian. Just because he is black no problem. Its when in America that blacks are given the benefit of the doubt to whether they will succeed in the NFL cause of their blackness, and where whites are held in a negative light cause of their skin color, is what gets me upset. Not at blacks but the trader WHITE GMs and Head WHITE coaches!

Great post Kukulcan, and I agree 100%. For now, I'm giving Bolt the benefit of the doubt and enjoying this tremendous sprinter, black or not. Looking forward to another WR from him in the 200m coming up.

With the Jamaican women sweeping the 100m, the US domination in the sprints is clearly gone now.
Can someone tell me why the divers make a dive, get out of the pool -- and then go take a shower???
Don, I believe they do it, so that we as men can fantasize about them taking a shower without their suits on!
Just kidding, sort of, maybe to get the calorine out of their eyes and hair, who knows. I just enjoy watching that part. Like right now!
Don Wassall said:
Can someone tell me why the divers make a dive, get out of the pool -- and then go take a shower???

[url]http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/beijing/blog/fourth_place_m edal/post/The-mystery-of-the-showering-divers;_ylt=AuSTHJAUv 6.t_sEakv_Pa4QazJV4?urn=oly,100472 [/url]


After completing a dive, competitors swim to a ladder, climb out of the pool and head immediately to a bank of showers that sit adjacent to the diving boards. Then, in full view of the crowd and NBC cameras, they shower off. Divers keep their suits on, of course, usually appearing only to rinse off their hair and arms. Oftentimes, the divers will receive their scores while still showering off. What's the purpose of this?

Theories have ranged from 'to get the chlorine off' to 'they want to have fun' -- seriously, that last one is a direct quote from NBC's diving analyst, Cynthia Potter. Neither are the reason.

Divers shower in between each dive to keep their muscles warm after getting out of the pool. The temperature of the pool water and the air are usually different (the pool is usually around 80 degrees, with the air temperature between 68 and 72 degrees). This difference can cause muscle tightness. To combat this, divers warm up in either the showers or a hot tub.

Good work, Mr. Bart!

If the practice was done solely to stay clean we can be sure the French divers wouldn't participate.
Just kidding of course, but I'm sure many dittoheads, drunk white fansand neo-cons would mean it seriously.
I agree with bart about the gymnasts. Whenever I watch these guys I know I can never do what they do. Gymnastics takes years to master. Not that other sports don't. Let's just say you can teach somebody to hit a fastball, throw a football, shoot a basket or even to serve a tennis ball faster than you can teach somebody to hold still on a set of rings upside down nonetheless or to swing their bodies across a pommel horse. It requires so much strengh , agility, and coordination. Sometimes you do have to say these gymnasts are the true athletes. I don't think I saw one ounce of bodyfat on these gymnasts. These guys are ripped.&nbsp ;&nbsp ;
TV Journalists have to be the dumbest people on the planet. While watching the Woman's marathon, the announcers were amazed at the number of Chinese flags that were being waved. They are in China! An I the only one who is not surprised that chinese people wave chinese flags?
I got on the rings once. Didn't have what it took. Not even close
, and I'm not a bad athlete in the big ball sports. I have nothing but respect for gymnasts.
One needs an incredibly powerful central core of muscle to perform on the rings and do other gymnastic stuff. Most people of average height and up have arms and legs that are simply too long to do these things with anything like the grace with which top flight gymnasts perform. To diss gymnasts and call them midgets or other disparaging remarks hints at misinformation at the least and jealousy or outright stupidity at the worst.

For runners or soccer players, etc., to accuse gymnasts of not being true athletes would be tantamount to gymnasts saying runners aren't real athletes. They're just different disciplines and those who perform at the highest level of any sport are great athletes.

A sport isn't "stupid" just because some jealous person sucks at it. Just like math isn't stupid just because some people don't get it.

The great thing about the Olympics is that we see all walks of athlete performing at the highest level to suit their body types.

What SUCKS about the Olympics are those fatties sitting at home and in front of a news camera who turn it into a political or racial thing where Phelps shouldn't be lauded because he isn't as great as Carl Lewis or some other junk. It seems to me that if Phelps were BLACK he would be marbleized in a statue in Washington and the VP running mate of Obama by now, age minimum rescinded.

As it is, since America's biggest hero in the Olympics has turned out to be a decent, quiet white guy (and not a cheating loudmouth idiot like Mo Greene from 2000) the media backlash was bound to happen.

Already in one of the local LA papers people are saying the coverage of Phelps is racist, as is the coverage of our lady volleyball duo, May and Walsh.

UGH.Edited by: GiovaniMarcon
GiovaniMarcon said:
Already in one of the local LA papers people are saying the coverage of Phelps is racist, as is the coverage of our lady volleyball duo, May and Walsh.
LOL. What the hell was NBC supposed to cover over the last week? If they only covered the events where blacks did well, it would be basketball and about 30 minutes of track and field.
Well they could always cover the guy staggering home last in the triathlon or the boxers losing 12 points to 2 in boxing...
The worlds strongest man is once again a Caucasian and for the first time in 8 years a White European. I wonder if this will big news in the US.....
Jeremy Wariner just advanced to the 400 meter final.
I really thought Lolo Jones had a great chance at winning a gold medal in the 100 hurdles. Too bad she knocked over one of the last hurdles. She looks like she 100% too 99.99% white. Does anyone on this site know for sure if she is not part black? What a bad break.
Nevada and StevieB thanks for the info. If she had won I still would have placed her in on our side. I was looking at her and have to say that she is very attractive. I then looked at her hair, I did not see any "frizziness" in it. Oh well, she would have won the gold if she did not hit that hurdle. By her looks she is probably 1/4 to 1/8 black and this qualifies her as not being black. When she spoke, she sounded intelligent and brought up right! She is without a doubt one of the best looking track stars.
She is all hot.....
Seriously Nevada if your going to rail against sports being in the Olympics rail against BMX riding and trampoline. I was forced to watch that today. All of sudden I missed regular network programming.....
Members of this site, my Olympic moment happeaned about 10 minutes ago. I witnessed Shawn Johnson win the Gold Medal on the High beam in gymastics. You talk about athleticism, grace, confidence and sportsmanship it was all there. I was soo proad of her finally winning a Gold to go along with her 3 Silvers. Damn, this is what white youth in sports is about. Not the yelling and screaming and finger pointing. Just let your performance do the talking and be gracious when you have excelled. Her teammate Natasha also represented the USA well. Congrats to both of them.
Bwtn them both they have accumlated 2 Golds and six Silvers!
Shawn Johnson, what a great ambassador for our country and the sport, right from theheartland ofAmerica! And I could not be happier for her, after unjustly getting screwed in the floor exercise the other day. Way to go Shawn!

BTW, did anyone catch the female Russianpole-vaulter Yelena Isinbayeva, who won the gold and broke the WR? She's HOT!
there are a LOT of attractive athletic women in these Olympics, my friends.

check out the women's volleyball action, both outdoors and indoors. and there are a TON of hot pole vaulting chicks. many of the white runners are also quite fetching.
Jeremy Wariner looking like a champ in the semis. However, he does need to get rid of those typical dual diamond earrings that blacks need to feel important.
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