2007 White RBs

Reb does a fantastic job compiling this information and I appreciate it. I think (and hope) speedster had his tongue in his cheek when he posted that.
Bronk, i hope you are right about speedster's comments. but i agree fully with Colonel Reb's sentiments.

if the Caste System is going to be exposed for the lie that it is, then it will take lots of effort. that means we here at Caste Football need to do everything we can to document the problem, in order for the sheep who have bought into it to finally see what's staring them straight in the face.

the Colonel's work is appreciated by me, for what it's worth. and it should be appreciated by everyone here.
Peyton Hillis, Arkansas: 6 carries, 35 yards. all runs were dive plays from the fullback spot without a lead blocker. he also had 2 catches for 13 yards.

Jacob Actkinson, Utah State: 5 carries for 24 yards, including a 17-yard run. added 1 catch for 5 yards.

Ryan Matthews, Fresno State: 13 carries, 106 yards, 2 touchdowns.

Dual-threat QB Tim Tebow, Florida: 6 carries, 35 yards, and 2 TDs. also threw for 3 touchdowns.

Jared Hawkins, Vanderbilt: 7 carries for 34 yards, and 3 catches for 25. the color commentator repeatedly praised Hawkins for being an explosive playmaker with big-time speed. he also repeatedly suggested that Vandy should get him involved more in the offense.

Dual-threat QB Mackenzie Adams, Vandy: 11 for 19 and 2 TDs.

Chane Moline, UCLA: 15 for 62 and 1 touchdown. added 2 catches for 13.

Kyle Bell, Colorado State: 5 for 28. added 2 catches for 8 yards.

Joe Semanoff, BYU: 1 catch for a 5-yard touchdown.

Ryan Christian, TCU: 11 carries for 51.

Max Suter, Syracuse: speed burner at "safety" gets 6 carries for 27 yards, to lead the team. also returned 3 kicks for 73 yards.

Paul Chiara, Syracuse: 1 catch for 15.

Dual-threat QB Tyler Lorenzen, UConn: 5 carries for 67 yards. also threw for 2 TDs.

Donald Brown, UConn: 24 for 154 and a touchdown.

Jake Sharp, Kansas: 11 for 44 and a touchdown. also 2 catches for 27 yards and a touchdown.

Dual-threat QB Stephen McGee, Texas A&M: 16 for 71.
Don Wassall said:
Colin Kaepernick , Nevada's QB for the game, looks like he may be a mixture. He ran for 177 yards and 2 TDs.


Colin's parents were repeatedly shown throughout Nevada's most recent game. and they are both glow-in-the-dark white. and after the game, Colin had a long interview on camera. the closer the camera got to him, the more like a white kid with a big nose and a tan he looked. he certainly sounded like a white kid.

i suppose he could have been adopted, but unless it turns out that that is the case, he is a white dude in my book.
Mr. Chitwood is Donald Brown non black I beleive he is why are you now including him when I asked Colonel Reb he said he was black. I have studied him extensively and he is not black. I do not know his ethnicity , but he is a victim of the caste system. he lost his starting job to a brother after he was injured, and barely has played the last several games. In my opinion his treatment makes him a caste victim to the B. S. surrounding major college football. Did Mike hart lose his job due to injury heck no? I beleive further discussion is warranted or maybe not. I would like to know how you came to your conclusion. if at all possible. I mean we must agree on players to pull for if we want to be taken seriously by all those who want to shut this site and our mouths up.
Colin was adopted the announcers said so during the game that people did not beleive those were his real parents turns out they were right.I think he might be Hispanic or Middle Eastern any way the kid can play.
White Power said:
Mr. Chitwood is Donald Brown non black I beleive he is why are you now including him when I asked Colonel Reb he said he was black.

Link me to the thread where I said that please, White Power, because I don't remember saying he was black and couldn't find it when I looked for it. I thought at first I may have wrote that I thought he was mixed or that he was treated like a black, but I couldn't even find that when I tried to look it up. I don't think I made any kind of definitive statement about him.Edited by: Colonel_Reb
so he IS adopted. i see... he sure can play, though. he runs like Matt Jones. a real long-strider that blows by people even though he doesn't "look" fast.

White Power, i thought Donald Brown was white, but some people say he is mixed. i am unsure because he looks a lot like my cousin who is white, though dark complected. i may be wrong, but unless someone finds info as to why he shouldn't be considered a caste breaker, i'll go ahead and root for him.
I brought up this subject about 4 to 6 weeks ago and you even provide pictures of him with his shirt off to prove that he was black. That is why I am shocked that he is on the borad I even ask you about Lex Hilliard to which you replied black just like Donald Brown. I felt he should have been on the list all along I am happy he is being included. I just want to know why now when peviously I asked about him he did not make the cut. I think he is a damn good non black running back who could play at the next level.
i don't recall that, mate. but don't get too worked up about it.

i know i'm good, but it's possible that i can make a mistake from time to time. not likely, but certainly possible.
I aplogize it was Don Wassall that sent the pictures and said he was black. I just looked it up and found out who it was oh well it really dosen't matter anyway.
right. either way, his coach treats him like he's a white kid. even if he is mixed, maybe he isn't dark enough to overcome the white in him. he got benched for a less talented, but darker, tailback as you said... who knows?
I think he has a very dark Hispanic father and a white mother who obviously gave him her name. Edited by: White Power
Anybody catch Jacob Hester running down the Alabama defesnive back after an interception? He showed some serious speed.
forty-four said:
Anybody catch Jacob Hester running down the Alabama defesnive back after an interception? He showed some serious speed.

Yeah, even Gary Danielson commented on Hester's speed after that great rundown!
good point, forty-four. i had forgotten that!

Hester showed a serious burst, an extra gear that i didn't know he had. VERY impressive.
I don't chime in much on this forum, but I always check it out, mainly for the stats Col Reb goes to the time and trouble to provide. I really appreciate the work he does.
I Agree, It's a lot easier to come to this thread than going through all the games on foxsports.com to see the stats that interest me. THanks Colonel!
Agreed, Colonel is one of the best posters on this board. He puts in great work to understanding the caste system and really believes in fighting for our cause. Plus I find him to truly be the type of poster this board needs. He is not afraid to discuss stereotypes and criticize other races where it is needed in regards to holding whites back, but is certainly not one of the anti-black posters which I feel really hurt our cause.

Our mission should be to come on this board to help and support the white race in our country. Being overly anti-black does nothing for us. We need to stick together and be pro-white/pro-active. Sports are clearly the area where the anti-white bias is most obvious to me and it is where I was made aware of the racism against whites. I would have been the last person who thought I would be regularly posting on a board like this, but after seeing Jesse Lumsden get shafted it woke me up to the sad state of affairs and made me want to stand up for my rights as a white man.
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Agreed, Colonel is one of the best posters on this board. He puts in great work to understanding the caste system and really believes in fighting for our cause. Plus I find him to truly be the type of poster this board needs. He is not afraid to discuss stereotypes and criticize other races where it is needed in regards to holding whites back, but is certainly not one of the anti-black posters which I feel really hurt our cause.

Our mission should be to come on this board to help and support the white race in our country. Being overly anti-black does nothing for us. We need to stick together and be pro-white/pro-active. Sports are clearly the area where the anti-white bias is most obvious to me and it is where I was made aware of the racism against whites. I would have been the last person who thought I would be regularly posting on a board like this, but after seeing Jesse Lumsden get shafted it woke me up to the sad state of affairs and made me want to stand up for my rights as a white man.

I totally agree with you Riggins and as much as you said Caste football needs more Col. Reb's, we also could use a few more Riggins. I am here mostly to make a difference and further educate myself about the Caste sytem in sports, nothing else.
Week 11 Stats

1-A (FBS)
Chad Hall Air Force game high 32 for 142 plus 2 catches for 31 and 3 KR for 99

Jim Ollis Air Force 7 for 53
Dual threat QB Shaun Carney Air Force 9 for 41 and a TD
Spencer Armstrong Air Force 2 for 20 and a TD plus a 12 yard catch
Todd Newell Air Force 4 for 16 plus a 6 yard catch
Chad Smith Air Force 2 for 1
Peyton Hillis Arkansas just 1 for no gain and 3 catches for 24
Joe Semanoff BYU 3 for 1 plus a 1 yard TD catch
Dual threat QB Dan LeFevour Central Michigan game high 18 for 72 and 2 TDs
Dual threat QB Tim Tebow Florida game high 26 for 120 and a school record 5 TDs!

Isaac Kinter Fresno State 2 catches for 13 and a TD
Brannan Southerland Georgia 1 for 1 and a TD plus 2 catches for 9
David Farmer Hawaii 1 for 14 plus 2 catches for 29
Jake Sharp Kansas 6 for 44
Brock Bolen Louisville 4 for 13 and a TD and a 5 yard KR
Jacob Hester LSU 11 for 115 and a TD
Andrew Hawken Michigan State 2 catches for 22
Adam Ballard Navy 13 for 87 and a TD
Eric Kettani Navy 6 for 74 and a TD
Micah Mosley North Texas 7 for 26 and a TD plus 8 KR for 161
Dual threat QB Chase Clement Rice 12 for 124 and 2 TDs
Dual threat QB Matt Grothe South Florida 14 for 73 and a TD
Paul Chiara Syracuse 1 for 3
Max Suter Syracuse team high 3 for 11 plus 8 KR for 168

Dual threat QB Colt McCoy Texas 11 for 51 and 2 TDs
Craig Sheppard UCLA team high 12 for 56 and a TD plus a 5 yard catch
Chane Moline UCLA 6 for 7 plus a 2 yard catch
Ray Stowers Utah 10 for 38 and a TD plus a 7 yard catch
Corbin Louks Utah 5 for 19
Jared Hawkins Vanderbilt 7 for 50 and an 8 yard catch
Dual threat QB Mackenzi Adams Vanderbilt 12 for 15 and a TD
Owen Schmitt West Virginia 2 for 5 plus a 1 yard catch

1-AA (FCS)
Jimmy Hughes Rhode Island 13 for 46
Dual threat QB Michael Brusko Maine 24 for 146 and 3 TDs
Chad Kackert New Hampshire 9 for 30 and a TD plus 3 catches for 14 and 3 KR for 82
Kyle Van Fleet Georgetown 2 catches for 15 and a TD
Dual threat QB Bill Foran Princeton 15 for 72
Rob Toresco Princeton 10 for 52 plus 2 catches for 17
R.C. Lagomarsino Princeton 10 for 35
JT Rogan San Diego 31 for 154 and a TD plus 3 catches for 50 and a TD

Cory Koenig South Dakota State 19 for 113 and 2 TDs
Johnny Sanchez Southern Utah 25 for 143 and 2 TDs
Tyler Roehl North Dakota State 22 for 100 and a TD plus 4 catches for 38

Division II
Danny Woodhead Chadron State came back from his injury for a game high 12 runs for 129 yards and 2 TDs plus 3 catches for 39

Dual threat QB Garrett Dewitt Delta State 9 for 40 and 3 TDs

Ben Stallings Delta State 1 for 17
Chad Schroeder Delta State 4 for 24 plus 5 catches for 41
Dual threat QB Zak Mikel Delta State game high 4 runs for 67

James Berezek Grand Valley State 14 for 54 and a TD plus an 8 yard catch, a 9 yard PR and an 18 yard KR
Blake Smolen Grand Valley State 9 for 92 and a TD plus 3 catches for 74
Dual threat QB Chad Somerville Grand Valley State 5 for 22 and a TD
Dual threat QB Ted Schlafke Minnesota-Duluth 27 for 145 and a TD
Dual threat QB Zach Miller Nebraska-Omaha 11 for 32 and a TD
Nate Wurth Nebraska-Omaha 9 for 156 and 2 TDs
Ryan Chappell North Dakota 28 for 130 and a TD plus 2 catches for 17 and 3 KR for 69
Jake Machacek St. Cloud State 7 for 19Edited by: Colonel_Reb
both freshman Max Suter and sophomore Paul Chiara have lined up at tailback for Syracuse today...

but their offensive line sucks, and so does the first-time starting black quarterback who can't make proper reads on the option. however, the announcers are "amazed by his potential." go figure.
Peyton Hillis is getting involved in the passing game early... he already has 2 catches. he also caught what would've been a touchdown, but the pass was too far out of bounds for him to keep his feet in bounds.
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