2007 Dolphins

"I haven't seen any evidence that Camarillo is part-black. He most likely is entirely white, or has a little "native" (Indian) blood in him. In fact, the way the media has made a joke out of him is strong (but rebuttable) evidence that Camarillo has no black ancestry and is either white or mostly white."

Good point, Don, I agree with this. The caste-voices in the media would never dare insult to black "affletisism," even if that man or woman is only partially black.
I don't recall the article or the comment, but I will take your word that I was annoyed with Anderson's comments.

I don't think 'we' have to support every white athlete out there. I'm one of the few around here who doesn't like Brett Favre. I just get annoyed when someone says we can't or shouldn't root for so-and-so because he is, take your pick, too black, too white, too outspoken, not outspoken enough, won't speak out, doesn't mean their moral standards, bangs black chicks, etc. I think we expect too much from these guys. How many white people in this country are really, truly, aware of how bad things are anyway? Or are 'racially aware,' as they say? And really, we don't know if any of them are aware but don't speak out because it would absolutely kill their careers.

I know, maybe I just need to lighten up. No pun intended.
Don Wassall said:
Hispanic is NOT a race, it is a term used to lump together everyone from south of Texas no matter what their racial background is. This isn't a Spanish or Italian kid, or predominantly so?  The media obviously thinks he's white.  Let the one drop nonsense go, everyone here roots for who they want to.

exactly. well said Don.
Here's a picture of Greg's brother, mom, sister, and father. His dad is of Mexican descent, and I believe his mom is non-Hispanic.

That settled it for the skull fiddlers, he's as white as mayonnaise.

Can we now move onto the likes of</span> Tony Romo and Brett Favre, who we know have small amounts of American Indian ancestry and thus are disqualified from our support.
The biggest turnoff for me was hearing that voice. I'm sorry, but I'm sick and tired of that ignorant, ebonics- laden accent. It's bad enough hearing it come out of the mouths of black kids whose parents speak much better English than them, but when you hear a non-black like this guy mimic their stupid babble, it's incredibly annoying. I'm not a racial purist by any means, but if one parent is Mexican, he's clearly not "white" in the way we commonly understand it on this site. If he somehow succeeded in the NFL, I think his looks and especially his ridiculous Afro- accent would ensure that it would not have the same impact on the Caste System as it would if a Mike Hass or John Standeford succeeded.
"If he somehow succeeded in the NFL, I think his looks and especially his ridiculous Afro- accent would ensure that it would not have the same impact on the Caste System as it would if a Mike Hass or John Standeford succeeded."

Thank you, bigunreal! That was EXACTLY what I was trying to say in my posts about him. Should he be "selected" to have a long NFL career, the media would twist his great story (walk-on in college turned pro-WR) into a "hispanic / latio / mexican / whatever the media labels people" story....as opposed to a white skill player "overcoming all odds" (such as Wes Welker, for instance).

BTW, his entire family looks completely european (from Spain, at least) to me, so who knows? Like Don said, he's obviously not black or partly black, so we all know for sure he's had to work twice as hard and had to be twice as good to get where he is.
StaleyWasScrewd said:
Here's a picture of Greg's brother, mom, sister, and father. His dad is of Mexican descent, and I believe his mom is non-Hispanic.

He is of anglicized Mexican ancestry on his paternal side. His father is a professor of American studies. I doubt his family has been Mexican for a few generations. Does anybody think a dumb street donkey corner would think he is anything but white when he was yapping at him before the snap?
Ps his sister is freaking hot!
White Shogun said:
reclaimsocal said:
White or not, the guy is a douche bag. Just read the answers he gives in his bio. If he really speaks in Eubonics, I'd say he certainly isn't a credit to his people.

Favorite Book? Are you freaking kidding me?

Your post makes me wonder why I even bother with this stuff. Brady isn't a good role model because he got a woman pregnant out of wedlock. Urlacher has a child with a black woman. Zach Thomas' sister is married to a black football player. Eli Manning is weak and has no leadership skills. Shockey is too loud, brash, arrogant, and obnoxious (did I leave anything out?) Kevin Kasper is too 'out there.' Matt Furrey is a weak milquetoast because he doesn't stick up for himself. Same for Matt Jones. And there is Favre - gives away the sack record, addicted to pain killers, and throws his best friend under the bus at the first hint of trouble. And how many are lambasted because they never say anything about the caste system? And let's not forget, Clemens is a steroid abuser and cheater. And Andy Pettitte, too.

Who's left, Peyton Manning?

Don't put words in my mouth. These inferences are entirely yours and not mine. My statement was simple and to the point. If you bother to read this guys bio he comes across as a complete douche bag, as Pro-Caste as anyone out there.

As far as the people you listed, I don't have a problem with any of them (With Urlacher being guilty of poor judgement, I'd have to futher understand his position to make a hard decision), of course I haven't bothered to research their views, Camarillo just happened to put them right there for me to see when I was looking into him due to the questions put forth in this thread.

As far as leaving anything out, how about an apology for your Straw Man attack on my post?
o ya his sister is good looking
reclaimsocal said:
White Shogun said:
reclaimsocal said:
White or not, the guy is a douche bag. Just read the answers he gives in his bio. If he really speaks in Eubonics, I'd say he certainly isn't a credit to his people.

Favorite Book? Are you freaking kidding me?

Your post makes me wonder why I even bother with this stuff. Brady isn't a good role model because he got a woman pregnant out of wedlock. Urlacher has a child with a black woman. Zach Thomas' sister is married to a black football player. Eli Manning is weak and has no leadership skills. Shockey is too loud, brash, arrogant, and obnoxious (did I leave anything out?) Kevin Kasper is too 'out there.' Matt Furrey is a weak milquetoast because he doesn't stick up for himself. Same for Matt Jones. And there is Favre - gives away the sack record, addicted to pain killers, and throws his best friend under the bus at the first hint of trouble. And how many are lambasted because they never say anything about the caste system? And let's not forget, Clemens is a steroid abuser and cheater. And Andy Pettitte, too.

Who's left, Peyton Manning?

Don't put words in my mouth. These inferences are entirely yours and not mine. My statement was simple and to the point. If you bother to read this guys bio he comes across as a complete douche bag, as Pro-Caste as anyone out there.

As far as the people you listed, I don't have a problem with any of them (With Urlacher being guilty of poor judgement, I'd have to futher understand his position to make a hard decision), of course I haven't bothered to research their views, Camarillo just happened to put them right there for me to see when I was looking into him due to the questions put forth in this thread.

As far as leaving anything out, how about an apology for your Straw Man attack on my post?

You read my post entirely wrong. Your post actually did make me wonder why I even bother - that's not a straw man. Your lament re: Camarillo's ebonics is very similar to the rest of the complaints that have been posted here against other white athletes. I didn't attribute any of those complaints to you - but I was reminded of them. I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth.

You and I agree on many things, socal. I'm kinda surprised that you saw my post as an attack. I didn't mean it that way. All of these athletes are fallible human beings, and most of us can find something that we dislike about all of them.

The initial impression of Camarillo was that he is white, considering the way the media reacted to his long touchdown grab. But I'd be willing to be that if he makes any more big plays in the next couple of weeks, something will be said about his Mexican ancestry, and yesterday's lack of athleticism will be tomorrow's 'raw afflete.'
Sorry, I guess I had my guard up after Nevada's trolling in the Chris Kaman thread. After rereading your post I get where you are coming from and apologize for my hasty reply.

I still consider Camarillo to be White, I just think he isn't the kind of guy I would care to know. But, who knows how many other White athletes would be a let down if you actually spent time talking to them. I'm more apt to look past a guy like Tom Brady, who probably is a douche too, but at least he isn't a wigger, to me there isn't anything as low as emulating black ghetto culture.
Camarillo looks white to me, whiter than I look in fact. I don't understand why no one wants to support people of Mexican descent at all. I'm sure they too are stereotyped as being inferior athletically to blacksal though perhaps not to the extent whites are.I personally want to see the best football players play, regardless of race, and Camarillo to me looks like a solid NFL receiver, so I think he deserves support. And I also like Fargas alot for the record. (I'm not Mexican at all, 100% white and half Greek--just to show I'm not just rooting for him because I'm Mexican)
And I'm sorry dude but Bruschi is white. I know he's technically not, but you see the guy, you hear the guy, you watch him play, and you say to yourself: he's a white guy. Same thing with Damon.
reclaim, no hard feelings at all. I know the feeling.

Infamousone, the answer to your rhetorical question is - Yes.
I had this discussion at work this morning with a friend of mine while he was unloading his truck and we were discussing the Romo/TO storyline and he said to me "doesn't Romo have some Mexican descent in him" and I said yes he does but he is half-white as well, looks white, talks white, acts white, plays golf, idolizes and patterns his game after Brett Favre and has dated Carrie Underwood and Jessica Simpson, two country music stars, he's white as far as I'm concerned. He agreed!
Mexican is a nationality, not a race. White Europeans can be Mexican, as well as various gradiations of mixed blood Mestizos (The majority of the Mexican population) and full blooded indigineous natives. Romo may have family that lived in Mexico, but he is clearly of European origin. I doubt he has much in common with the average Mestizo Mexican.
Well, I certainly think Camarillo is white and he is certainly getting the caste treatment. Here is a story linked by draft daddy! Notice white players are always mocked as being slow even when their speed is sufficient. 4.6 speed isn't great, but it is certainly not laughable!

In-depth look at brand new South Florida folk hero Greg Camarillo, who helped snap the Miami Dolphins winless streak.

DD.comment: The writer of the article above claims Camarillo runs a 4.6 40 and that is "laughable" for a N.F.L wide receiver. We've been following the draft for this site every day, for four years, and we can tell you there are a lot of receivers in the N.F.L. (including fairly recent first round picks & Pro Bowl types) that run a 4.6 or worse. Somehow the media is putting out this myth that every good receiver in the N.F.L. has to run a 4.4 or better. That's simply not true.
BTW guys, I consider a person white if they are 3/4 white or more and have no African American heritage in them at all. My GF is a quarter Egyptian and an eighth Indigenous Indian, so do I lose this sites support for dating a non white?

Come on guys; let all of us just support who we want to, as long as they are a testament to disproving the caste system myth and the disparaging of whites in our society. That's what this site is about isn't it?Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
reclaimsocal said:
Mexican is a nationality, not a race.

I understand what you are saying and wouldn't disagree. However, I remember listening to an audio of a speech given by a La Raza member who said, " We are not Latinos, we are not Hispanics, we are Mexicans."I don't hink he would consider an Asian, Aborigine , Arab, or German to be a Mexican, regardless how long he or his family may have lived in Mexico. Also, our definitions have changed with the onset of multiculturalism.What does an American look like? Now, it's any race that comes to mind. Years ago it wasn't the case.But still, what images comes to mind if I would say Japanese, Chinese, Nigerian, Pakistani, or Saudi Arabian? So, who is a Mexican depends on the context of the question. Edited by: Bart
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