2007 Cy Young


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
I thought Josh Beckett was going to win, but the award was given to Sabathia. Their stats were very similar across the board. They both lost seven, but Josh won 20, one more than Sabathia. Too bad the ballots weren't cast until after the playoff games. Beckett was fantastic and turned his game up a notch when it mattered most. Sabathia imploded. I heard a talking head on the radio say that he likes the way C.C. tilts his cap to the side. Yeah, there you go, that probably did it for him.

Yahoo: NEW YORK (AP) -- C.C. Sabathia beat Josh Beckett at last -- albeit a few weeks later than he hoped.

Sabathia won the AL Cy Young Award on Tuesday, topping Boston's ace and two other worthy contenders by a comfortable margin to become the first Cleveland Indians pitcher in 35 years to earn the honor.

Sabathia received 19 of 28 first-place votes and finished with 119 points in balloting by the Baseball Writers' Association of America. Beckett, who outpitched Sabathia twice in the playoffs, was second with eight first-place votes and 86 points. Sabathia went 19-7 with a 3.21 ERA and 209 strikeouts, pitching a major league-high 241 innings. Beckett (20-7) became the only big leaguer to win 20 games since 2005, compiling a 3.27 ERA in 200 2-3 innings.
CC hade a better regular season in my opinion, but if they included the playoffs, Beckett wins it hands down. As much as CC did to get Cleveland to the playoffs, he did just as much to get us out of the playoffs once we were in. He was a totally different pitcher. Hopefully next postseason he steps it up, or he will be labeled as the ARod of pitchers. (great in the regular season, but nonexistent in the playoffs)
How could Sabathia overcome Beckett's "white skin privilege" advantage and win the votes of the "white supremacist" media when both had similar statistics and Beckett pitches on a showcase team? It's too bad those black whiners who always complain about "bias" against black athletes never are asked to explain these things.

I expect Sabathia to fade fairly soon, because the few good black pitchers rarely have endurance, and because he's fat. Doesn't translate into good longevity prospects.

Sabathia was the first black pitcher to win the Cy Young in the AL since Vida Blue in 1971. ESPN is probably already cobbling together a special in which Sabathia and Blue tell how they overcame "systemic racism" to reach the pinnacle of their profession, if Blue is out of prison yet that is.
Don Wassall said:
How could Sabathia overcome Beckett's "white skin privilege" advantage and win the votes of the "white supremacist" media when both had similar statistics and Beckett pitches on a showcase team? It's too bad those black whiners who always complain about "bias" against black athletes never are asked to explain these things.

Being white hurt Beckett's chances. Beckett and Sabathia were very close in important statistics. They both had 7 losses, but CCS never made it to the magical number of 20, which has always been a major benchmark in judging greatness of pitchers.Josh also had to worry about keeping runners off the bases in that cracker box known as Fenway. What bothers me the most is that in reality the voting was not as close as it should have been. This tells me that Sabathia was destined to win even if his numbers had been much worse. The beneficiary of skin color privilege is Sabathia -- not Beckett. It's all about the AGENDA, and the writers know what it is and act accordingly.

Snip from an article I just read:

And his stature - at 6-foot-7, 250(-ish) already substantial - heightens in the African-American communities so dear to him. He is the first African American to win the award since Dwight Gooden in 1985, the first in the AL since Vida Blue in 1971.

At a time when baseball is attempting to appeal to the Sabathia demographic, along comes the Sabathia hero, a grounded big man with an enormous smile and a wicked fastball.

Not that long ago, Sabathia and a couple dozen other African-American players met with MLB and union officials about the dearth of blacks at all levels of the game. They talked about broadening the RBI programs, building more academies, holding more clinics.

And now here's Sabathia, putting his performance and his hardware where his heart is.

"It's big," he said. "Hopefully, this will help."

Yes, it's big, and it's deserved, and baseball needs a lot more of it.

[url]http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news;_ylt=AqWiNizgXxkDo_O5OJjFnJ URvLYF?slug=ti-alcyyoung11307&prov=yhoo&type=lgns [/url]
Bart said:
Don Wassall said:
How could Sabathia overcome Beckett's "white skin privilege" advantage and win the votes of the "white supremacist" media when both had similar statistics and Beckett pitches on a showcase team?  It's too bad those black whiners who always complain about "bias" against black athletes never are asked to explain these things.

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Being white hurt Beckett's chances.  Beckett and Sabathia were very close in important statistics.  They both had 7 losses,  but CCS never made it to the magical number of 20,  which has always been a major benchmark in judging greatness of pitchers.  Josh also had to worry about keeping runners off the bases in that cracker box known as Fenway.  What bothers me the most is that in reality the voting was not as close as it should have been. This tells me that Sabathia was destined to win even if his numbers had been much worse.  The beneficiary of skin color privilege is Sabathia -- not Beckett.  It's all about the AGENDA, and the writers know what it is and act accordingly.  

Snip from an article I just read: 

And his stature - at 6-foot-7, 250(-ish) already substantial - heightens in the African-American communities so dear to him. He is the first African American to win the award since Dwight Gooden in 1985, the first in the AL since Vida Blue in 1971.

At a time when baseball is attempting to appeal to the Sabathia demographic, along comes the Sabathia hero, a grounded big man with an enormous smile and a wicked fastball.

Not that long ago, Sabathia and a couple dozen other African-American players met with MLB and union officials about the dearth of blacks at all levels of the game. They talked about broadening the RBI programs, building more academies, holding more clinics.</font>

And now here's Sabathia, putting his performance and his hardware where his heart is. </font>

"It's big," he said. "Hopefully, this will help." </font>

Yes, it's big, and it's deserved, and baseball needs a lot more of it.</font>

  [url]http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news;_ylt=AqWiNizgXxkDo_O5OJjFnJ URvLYF?slug=ti-alcyyoung11307&prov=yhoo&type=lgns [/url]




I'll see your BARF and raise you another BARF.

Double BARF!!!

Tom Iron...
When Whites have been totally ethnically cleansed from from baseball,and Cy Youngs name erased,perhaps all Latin pitchers will strive to win the C.C.Sabathia award.
An obvious pro-hispanic, anti-white move by Major league baseball. Cy Young is the winningest pitcher of all time. The award is named after him and traditionally given to the best starting pitcher in the league (sometimes it is given to relievers--I think Eckersley won it one year).

Despite their close stats, Becket did win one more game than Sabathia--the magical 20 (as Bart mentioned). I could understand Sabathia winning the award if his ERA was something like 2.70, but the ERA difference here is fractional.

To me its a no brainer--20 wins is 20 wins, 19 is 19.
Beckett is the reason for Bosox great season and he deserves the Cy.
I think people are confused about Sabathia's ethnicity. His name confuses people. He is notaChicano, Dominican, Latin American or any variety lumped in with the term Hispanic.


Sabathia appreciates some of the steps baseball has taken to make itself more appealing to young blacks such as the Urban Youth Academy, which opened last year in Compton, Calif. Also, there's the RBI (Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities) program, which has attracted more than 120,000 kids worldwide.

Still, it's not enough to Sabathia, who along with Florida's Dontrelle Willis are the only prominent black starting pitchers in the majors.

"That's amazing. That's unbelievable," he said. "I don't think people understand that there is a problem. They see players like Jose Reyes and Carlos Delgado and just assume that they're black."

Ha ha ha. The big lie goes unchallenged yet again. A great percentage of the so-called Hispanic players are black as black can be. Of course no one in the media will dare mention this obvious truth. Doing so would totally destroy the fraudulent claim of miniscule numbers of blacks in MLB.
Beckett had more wins. Beckett had more clutch wins. Beckett led his team to World Series glory and was the ace of the staff. Sabathia pitched poorly in Cleveland's losses in the playoffs. The 2007 Cy Young needs an asterisk as big as the one on Barry Bonds' butt.
Realgeorge said:
Beckett had more wins. Beckett had more clutch wins. Beckett led his team to World Series glory and was the ace of the staff. Sabathia pitched poorly in Cleveland's losses in the playoffs. The 2007 Cy Young needs an asterisk as big as the one on Barry Bonds' butt.

Votes have to be in before the playoffs begin. So none of those performances are considered. Just a FYI.
American Freedom News