“El Papa” Declares There ‘Is No Hell’


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Hes interpreting a very old book in a different manner than you. I dare say I wouldnt let it bother me as I dont believe everything written down in a book by humans just because my forfathers believed it. If this pope is doing something wrong, whos to say earlier popes and religious scholars and therefore the writers of the Bible were not wrong too.
Please dont get angry, i respect you. But in my experience humans are very fallable and will often lie to get ahead. If there is a God, i will not place human writing on the same level unless i have Proof that it is actually the word of God and not just the Work of a human selling his way of life to get ahead.
The word “hell” is directly derived from “Hel,” a female goddess attested in Norse mythology that Odin appointed to preside over the dark “underworld” in Niflheim...


After being forced to convert to Christianity (usually under penalty of death), Europeans translated the Bible from Hebrew into Latin and kept certain terms that former pagans (Slavic, Germanic, Norse, Roman, and Baltic) would recognize and understand. In Norse mythology, “Hel” is both the goddess and the realm she presides over. The realm isn’t described as being an orgy of fire, brimstone, and evil people being eternally tormented. In many stories in Norse mythology, those who die of sickness or old age (as opposed to in battle, where Valkyries carry them to Valhalla) go to “Hel” where they are cared for by this goddess, not tortured and terrorized.

The story of Odin appointing “Hel” to rule over the Norse underworld was replaced by the Jewish mythological story of God casting out Lucifer to preside over their underworld.

I know you are a devout Christian and I mean you no disrespect, but I can’t deny my attraction to our native European religion. It goes without saying that I wholeheartedly despise the Marxist, anti-white cuck, Pope Francis.
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I have found that generally, but not always, the people that say don't get angry or they respect you. Usually get angry or don't respect you. Especially when you start talking to them about the Bible and Jesus. You can talk to them about any other "RELIGION" or "MYTHOLOGY" and all is well, but mention Jesus and the name generally stirs up dissention. Why? Because most people can't admit that they're bad people and are in need of a savior. That's called pride.
Hes interpreting a very old book in a different manner than you. I dare say I wouldnt let it bother me as I dont believe everything written down in a book by humans just because my forfathers believed it. If this pope is doing something wrong, whos to say earlier popes and religious scholars and therefore the writers of the Bible were not wrong too.
Please dont get angry, i respect you. But in my experience humans are very fallable and will often lie to get ahead. If there is a God, i will not place human writing on the same level unless i have Proof that it is actually the word of God and not just the Work of a human selling his way of life to get ahead.

I'm not sure if you're talking about the authors of the Bible or people and businesses that sell Bibles? If your talking about the authors of New Testament Bible, The Apostles of Jesus, Paul a converted Jew, and Luke a Gentile physician. They had nothing to gain financially or in any other way by following Jesus. In fact, most of them gave up their day to day living to follow him. Most of the Apostles were martyred, either by crucifixion, stoned, stabbed or burned to death or with exception of John who was exiled to Patmos. The Apostle Paul was beheaded. I believe the Roman Emperor Nero tarred early Christians stuck them on a poll and burned them to light the roads at night!
If someone is selling Bibles just to get ahead, so be it. They will answer for that, but I'm glad someone is selling or else I wouldn't have the Truth. I have 7-8 Bibles! God uses believers as well as non-believers.

You mentioned the word fallible. Yes we all are fallible. The Bible calls that sin. "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23. And the wages of sin is death. Romans 6:23. But the Good News is Jesus Christ loves you died for your sins and resurrected so that we may life. "God demonstrated his love for us: While we were yet sinners Christ died for us." Romans 5:8. Now you have a choice. You can either believe that or choose not to. You don't have to believe in God at all or believe any one of all the other Gods that are out there, BUT,
Jesus is the only God who claimed he died for your sins, He claimed deity. He claimed to be the ONLY way to God. He's the God who resurrected. I could go on and on. All the other religions can be wrong, but they can't all be right. Either Jesus is God or there isn't one!
Do you believe Plato, Aristotle ,etc.? There are more manuscripts that prove the Bible than any other writings. If you want proof, I suggest you search and find it now, because we're all going to die and you'll have your proof when you die. One way or the other.
"Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7.
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If your talking about the authors of New Testament Bible, The Apostles of Jesus, Paul a converted Jew, and Luke a Gentile physician. They had nothing to gain financially or in any other way by following Jesus. In fact, most of them gave up their day to day living to follow him. Most of the Apostles were martyred, either by crucifixion, stoned, stabbed or burned to death

My very point was that there is absolutely zero proof of this being an actual fact.

Reminds me of a muslim Co Worker saying "well actually Mohammed said/did xyz" when there is zero Proof that said mohammed ever even existed.
My very point was that there is absolutely zero proof of this being an actual fact.

Reminds me of a muslim Co Worker saying "well actually Mohammed said/did xyz" when there is zero Proof that said mohammed ever even existed.

Can you prove Jesus DID NOT resurrect?

No, you missed the point. Mohammed and his followers believe he died, but did not resurrect. Mohammed died and didn't resurrect. He Did Not die for our sins. Islam, like every other "RELIGION" is based on HUMAN MERIT".
Christianity is DIFFERENT than all the religions, because it is based in what Christ did for you!! NOT what you have to do!! Do you understand the difference? Now?
I will never be able to convince you. Only God can. I can tell you the difference between Christianity and all other Religions!

If anyone can prove Jesus did not resurrect, then Christianity is false. That's what my faith is based on. The resurrection of Jesus!
But what if he did resurrect, which I believe he did? No other RELIGION can be true. They can all be FALSE, but they can't all true. They all contradict each other, but again, All other religions are base on HUMAN MERIT! "It is by grace we are saved through faith, not by WORKS." Ephesians 2:9.

"For Christ who suffered once for our sins, the righteous for the unrighteous to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body, but made alive in the spirit." I Peter 3:18.
I actually spoke to God the other day. Turns out you Need to follow my rules. Can you prove that god didnt speak to me :D
I actually spoke to God the other day. Turns out you Need to follow my rules. Can you prove that god didnt speak to me :D

Let's keep it civil guys. So far so good. I will add this. I'm also a Christian. You have nothing to lose by believing but everything to lose by not. Many Christians enjoy some beer or wine. Some even smoke. They are sinners like everyone else but they are forgiven for their sins though the belief that God sent his only begotten son to die for who ever should believeth in him shall have ever lasting life. If you call that a waste of a life to believe I ask why? Chritians are not perfect, just forgiven.

If your right Chris, no big deal. If Christians are right then you and millions/billions of others are in big trouble. Why risk it?

Look at the 10 commandments. It is a good way to live your life.

There Is a heaven and a hell. Look at many people that had near death stories from around the earth and how similar they are. The people that caught a glimpse of Hell were scared out of their minds. Eternal suffering my friends.

I respect everyone but please respect us as well. Thanks for taking the time to read.
It appears the Pope has lost his way. He should step down, he never was much of a believer in Catholicism, or Christianity for that matter. Hard to understand how he is in the position he is in with the ideas he has. Hopefully God will make things right one way or another.
Pope Francis is an apostate and the Catholic Church has been corrupted like every other major institution over the past 30 years. He worships Lucifer.

Pat Buchanan's response:
What did Christ die on the cross to save us from? If Francis made such a statement, it would be rank heresy.
More evidence that this man is a secular agnostic in his beliefs.

Did the Vatican know he was like this when they made him the pope?
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Francis the Fraud is nothing more than a two-faced liar and phony who switches between being a Biblical literalist with certain cherry-picked passages from the Bible, the ones about loving your enemies and letting them walk all over you, and being a secular skeptic towards the parts he doesn't like, the passages with all that stuff about loving God and respecting His rules so you won't end up in, you know, hell. I'm not going to add fuel to the fire on the debate over whether the Bible is the word of God or the word of man, I'm just going to say something that we should all be able to agree on: The Bible is not a suicide pact, and SJW slime like Francis will always try to use cherry-picked parts of it against White Christians to try to trick us into destroying ourselves.

For the record, I am a Catholic, I was a RN in a Catholic hospital (where religion and science work together), and Francis is not my pope.
Y’all pagans & atheists are free to believe as you will. One of the things that I know is that this Pope is a total fraud & water boy for the NWO. Out of civility & CF unity here, I’ll not engage in debate on details. My point here was to call out (yet) another example of how “Francine” is most certainly not a Christian.
Did anybody read the statement of "clarification" from the Vatican issued the next day? CNS updated the article to include it at the bottom. Talk about damage control...

* In a statement released on Mar. 29, after Scalfari's report garnered worldwide attention, the Vatican said:

"The Holy Father Francis recently received the founder of the newspaper La Repubblica in a private meeting on the occasion of Easter, without however giving him any interviews. What is reported by the author in today’s article [in La Repubblica] is the result of his reconstruction, in which the textual words pronounced by the Pope are not quoted. No quotation of the aforementioned article must therefore be considered as a faithful transcription of the words of the Holy Father."
