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  1. B

    Decline of Television

    I agree they make the parents look stupid while the kids tell them what to do. It's rather sad!
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    Podsednik quickly becoming a fan favorite

    Pods had another good game stealing his 24th base and getting 2 hits bring his avg up to .285! Also, he scored 2 runs, and ranks 32nd in that category.
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    Black boys talk about Caste Football

    Plus, the site gets more clicks which is good for web ratings!
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    Podsednik quickly becoming a fan favorite

    Podsednik currently ranks 13th in the American league with on base %. He's currently batting a respectable .277 avg. He missed a few games due to a groin injury so he missed like 6 games. He did have a 300 avg before that year hebatted .244! I get to see him play every game on television and I...
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    MLB 2005 -- Number of Starters by Race

    Jon Garland is pitching rather well, but he isn't a strikeout pitcher. He is a groundball pitcher so he won't get much attention unless he leads the league in wins.
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    serina vs anna kournikova.

    No way in hell would she trade spots with Serena!!
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    Horse Racing

    I am surprised they're no Nascar fans, but they don't have to worry so much about white racism in that sport. I think I'll just have to research horse racing on my own.
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    The Average White Fan

    The average white fan buys into the hype of black players, and the stereotyping of white players. From randomly visiting NFL message boards I think this is rather apparent. It's common vice to think just because a player is white he can't achieve the same height as a black player. White racism...
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    College racism against whites

    When senior Stephanie Ramey tried to sign up online for Math 243 Calculus for Business and Social Science for spring term she was denied access and informed she would have to contact the class professor. The professor asked her to contact the Office of Multicultural Academic Support about...
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    NBA Draft

    Or what is lacking in the air these days "Freedom"
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    The Caste System and Why We Oppose It

    Saying we were "white supremacists" would also not have a good outlook for people who are more liberal in their views. The site isn't set out to harm blacks, but rather (I'm taking this from the site) create a level playing field. We aren't bunch of racists who think that every black person in...
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    Softball and shorts?

    This is a little off topic,but I was watching television ,and came across this show about softball. Some of these guys looked bigger than major league players. I wonder why the bulked up so much for slow pitch softball.
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    Jewish Media Control

    Tampa Bay Bucs owner is Jewish
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    Decline of Television

    I saw this and I got a good chuckle! Television has sunk to the lowest level in years! Maury Show, black guy finds he's not the father does a little dance!
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    Hurrah! for the Minutemen Hurrah!

    Border Patrol told to stand down in Arizona By Jerry Seper THE WASHINGTON TIMES U.S. Border Patrol agents have been ordered not to arrest illegal aliens along the section of the Arizona border where protesters patrolled last month because an increase in apprehensions there would prove the...
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    U.S. to pay medical bills for illegal imm

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- Health care providers can charge the government for emergency care provided to illegal aliens beginning Tuesday. Tuesday, May 10, 2005 Posted: 9:59 AM EDT (1359 GMT) The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued final guidance Monday that sets up a system for...
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    Matt Jones to Jax

    Don, you could always ask a Jags fan on their message board if you lose it. They can be helpful.
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    Podsednik quickly becoming a fan favorite

    He got caught stealing twice tonight those tricky lefties!
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    Interesting Political Article

    I wasn't aware the navy was doing all that much in Iraq. Besides, he has nothing to say he's the one who signed up. It's just away for him not to do anything and try to work around the system.
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    Brian Roberts on a tear

    Roberts and Podsednik face-off tonight as the White Sox & Orioles start their series together.
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    Infusion of White Shortstops

    Jhonny Peralta is hispanic, but don't forget Americans have a different take on what's white. You can find whites in Mexico, Cuba, and anywhere in Latin America. Just cause you have dark hair/skin don't make you another race. A lot of them are just Spanish/Portuguese decent. If you seen Estaban...
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    Vijay Singh ?

    Vijay Singh
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    The Recovery

    The bottom pic is Tommy Salo, and that is Tony Esposito on top. They wear far bulkier equipment now. The room between the legs is minimal, but it might be do to positioning. Goalies often use oversized jerseys to slow the puck down between the body and arm. This is Martin Brodeur Imagine...
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    Brett Favre and Javon Walker’s Holdout

    The whole argument Sharper has is that Favre isn't supporting his teammate. Yet, this teammate is not supporting Favre or the team by holding out. I almost couldn't finish this article when they brought up "playa hating".
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    MVP Award

    I wonder if they would of done this if Jarome Iginla won the Hart Trophy? Would the media be saying he didn't deserve the award? Sometimes you have to reverse the situation. Would they be even talking about this if Steve Nash was colored himself? Okay they're saying because he didn't average...