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  1. G

    Tomorrows election in Massachusetts

    Maybe the late Mary Joe Kopechne is somewhere smiling about the loss of the Kennedy seat. I hope so.
  2. G

    Dirk Nowitzki

    Yes those clips show Rex had a nice jumpshot as well. Unfortunately back then Rex had to put up with alot of "do you have any black ancestors" type questions because of his hops.
  3. G

    Dirk Nowitzki

    If you find links to his dunks, post them if you can. If I remember correctly, Rex had a 41 inch vertical.
  4. G

    Earthquake in Haiti

    Hey man, no problem. I can totally understand why you feel that way and absolutely not trying to guilt trip anybody here into doing anything. If it wasn't for my faith and wanting to be a decent human being, I most likely wouldn't be giving them squat either with all the black on white crime in...
  5. G

    Tiger seriously hurt in car crash

    I am so tired of everything that's wrong being later called a disease or a addiction. Tiger is a immoral scumbag adulterer with sodomite fantasies, he should simply decide to stop being one. It's as simple as that. Maybe he should try a church with a firm redemptive message as Brit Hume...
  6. G

    Earthquake in Haiti

    Thanks Shogun, printed a copy of that one. How can one practice Catholicism and Voodoo at the same time, kinda makes my point in my earlier postings. We probably are pouring money down a rathole, just like New Orleans but it's hard to standby and watch people suffer, starve and die without doing...
  7. G

    Dirk Nowitzki

    Exactly! Remember Rex Chapman.
  8. G

    Tomorrows election in Massachusetts

    And so the second American revolution begins(tea party) ironically in the same place it started, Massachusetts! If we can win in MA, we can win anywhere. The good news about Brown is he is only serving out the last two years of Kennedy's term and if he sucks we can run somebody against him in...
  9. G

    Earthquake in Haiti

    For those of us who take our Christian faith seriously it is our duty and moral obligation to help those in need. I personally would rather raise money to help those in Eastern Europe or adopt Ukrainian and Romanian orphans instead of those in Haiti but duty calls sometimes. I care about the...
  10. G

    Earthquake in Haiti

    God is about love and forgiveness but he is also holy and righteous. Any God that is only about love and forgiveness is a doormat and patsy and not worthy to be worshiped. All of his attributes have to be satisfied one way or another. For instance, Jesus had to die on the cross to satisfy God's...
  11. G

    Dirk Nowitzki

    I doubt that number very much but how much of a vertical does a seven footer with very long arms like Dirk has need. I have seen him dunk on enough people and block enough shots to know he is a decent leaper whatever his vertical. Dirk is a superstar and so I wonder if Dirk even goes through...
  12. G

    Dirk Nowitzki

    I like that article. It was nice to see Kobe Bryant say such positive things about Dirk's talent and toughness.
  13. G

    Tomorrows election in Massachusetts

    I am also hearing that despite the words of the above congessmen that Obama's attitude is defiant and they are all dropping Coakely under the bus similar to what they did to Deeds when he lost the Virginia Governors race in Novemember. Isn't it great when your enemies are stupid and learn...
  14. G

    Tomorrows election in Massachusetts

    Congressmen Weiner and Frank(no pun intended) are both declaring the health care bill dead if Brown wins today. Lets hope Brown win by more than a percentage point or two so ACORN and the corrupt attorney general in MA can't steal the election like Franken did in MN. I think Brown wins this...
  15. G

    Tomorrows election in Massachusetts

    I made a prediction in the 2010 predictions thread about a massive voter revolt and the Dems losing the House and even the Senate in Nov 2010. That prediction begins here in the bluest of blue states, Brown wins.
  16. G

    Playoffs Thread

    I think the score was already out of reach but it is a fine line as you posted.I have no problem with the Brooking pre-game chant because it makes the Cowboys look more white and adds to Brooking's popularity but it's kinda like the dumping the gatorade on the head coaches thing, you either like...
  17. G

    Playoffs Thread

    Ditto. I have the exact same opinion about Favre and I am predicting a Manning/Favre Super Bowl with Favre getting the MVP. I don't see the Jets messing this up but I could see Drew Brees throwing a monkey wrench into the whole thing.
  18. G

    Kurt Warner

    $10 million dollars(salary) is the reason Kurt Warner will be back next year, health permitting that is.
  19. G

    Playoffs Thread

    Yes I have been reading alot of crap from DWF's on various forums about Brooking and it's pissed me off all day. Most of them probably don't even know that Brooking is a five time pro-bowler and by the way, he was right about Childress running up the score.
  20. G

    Duke Blue Devils 2009-10

    Good point on Durant, but the counterpoint would be that Singler is white and he will be overscrutinized for any possible flaw in his game and physical makeup and I can see many DWF's and scouts thinking he doesn't have a NBA body. There are ways you can bulk up without losing speed and...
  21. G

    Australian Open

    This tournament always interferes with the amount of sleep I get as some of the best matches are televised all the way to 2 am on most nights. I try to stay up when a american player is involved or Federer and the two Belgian ladies(Clijsters and Henin).
  22. G

    Duke Blue Devils 2009-10

    All very true. Singler needs to put on 20lbs of muscle and he is ready for the NBA.
  23. G

    Churches Still Divided by Race...Mostly

    I went to a similar pentecostal-charismatic type church in Dallas that was run much like the one you described above, Football Dad. So it can be done. Heaven won't be lily white as far as who is there and who is not there. I don't like contrived artificial race mixing in churches but if it is...