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    ESPN The Magazine

    Anybody else struck by the irony of ESPN magazine being obviously marketed to "brothers"..yeah,that's a bunch known for their reading skills! .What a waste of trees. Don't be offended by the contents within that worthless rag-it's the same liberal ass kissing that the TV network craps out.Edited...
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    Tom Waddle

    Tom Waddle was a hero of mine.As was Brian Brennan and Ricky Proehl. When Waddle torched "PrimeTime" Sanders in '92 was awesome,hopefully it lives on YouTube-truly a great sight.Edited by: Blue Eyed Devil
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    White man speaks truth then recants

    Amen. Pathetic is the most fitting word for that display. I hate for a white guy to be the source of my ire,but Schilling's utterly gutless reaction deserves scorn
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    Hank being uncivil?

    As someone stated before,Roger Maris was the target of hate mail as well. If Aaron was white,he still would have been the target of hate mail. Aaron,acting his color,naturally jumps to the "evil Whiteys" conclusion."They be pickin' on me because I be black"Edited by: Blue Eyed Devil
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    White man speaks truth then recants

    To have a spine. Pretty simple. If you don't have the guts to back up what you say,then don't say it. Schilling is a phony. He makes "bold" statements and then retracts them. Remember his BS before the Congressional hearings..he turtled. Anyways,what are the Sox gonna do,release him for not...
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    Hank being uncivil?

    Fulton County Stadium. Aka-"The Launching Pad". Where every game seemed to have at least 5 homers. That's NEVER even mentioned by the "historians" who nitpick every achievement by white ballplayers.
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    Duke's Lacrosse Team Fiasco

    Moshe Olbermann is another descendant of Bolshevik slime.There isn't a black ass he won't kiss. Another part of the NWO media cabal. And he's probably light in the loafers...48 year old,Jewish bachelor in Manhattan-connect the dots.
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    Another ESPN jerk

    "Nothing beats a sister" says Smith? Except for her pimp.
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    Hank being uncivil?

    Hamk Aaron is a bitter old crank. And a liar. He played at the "Coors Field of the 60's/70's" where every fly to left ended up in the stands. But the "hate mail" story is as fake as Bond's physique.It grows by 20,000 letters every year. If he was so "threatened",how the hell did those white...
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    White man speaks truth then recants

    Schilling is a pussy for backing down. That's my problem with this,he really FEELS this way,but he's letting his masters shut him up. Learn from Imus...NEVER SAY SORRY!!
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    Def Poetry ads on NFL Network

    The difference between BET and The NFL Network? More Jews on the NFL network. It's a nightmare,I refuse to watch. Everything is geared towards the idiots with the rap and video games...disgustingEdited by: Blue Eyed Devil
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    Pittsburgh chases more diversity!

    I've always had a deep dislike for the drug addled Pittsburgh Pirates. On Wed,Sept 1,1971,Danny Murtaugh put out the first entirely non white starting nine. I still vomit when the image of the "We Be Family" '79 Pirates is shown. That organization is just like the Steelers...a disgusting...