Recent content by Riddlewire

  1. Riddlewire

    Donald Trump for President

    Did the illegal alien raids take place today, as was promised? Or should I just resign myself to the fact that Trump is going to be just as stymied by the entrenched power in his second term as he was in his first?
  2. Riddlewire

    Donald Trump for President

    Trump isn't going to order the assassination of a foreign leader – and that would be a disaster, anyway – but it would be an effective use of Presidential power to put together an advanced operation to drop a dummy bomb into the lap of Maduro within the first week after Trump is sworn in. That...
  3. Riddlewire

    Donald Trump for President

    I'm fully in favor of that. My tiny town of 7,500 people has had the same racial and cultural makeup for more than a century. It has been completely overrun by foreigners in just the past two years, with outside contractors planning for a large housing development on the edge of town. There are...
  4. Riddlewire

    Donald Trump for President

    Mayorkas needs to be arrested and charged with Treason on Day 1. Biden and Harris would not be possible, but Mayorkas is obtainable. The U.S. Government aided foreign combatants in their invasion of American soil. Known criminals and members of foreign militaries were among those invaders...
  5. Riddlewire

    Donald Trump for President

    Their assassin (or possibly their second shooter) failed to get the job done. Now the beast has moved on to Plan B. They gave Biden covid and he will be forced to step down. Stealing an election again with Biden would have been absolutely unbelieveable and an overwhelming majority of Americans...
  6. Riddlewire

    Donald Trump for President

    The shooter wasn't supposed to miss. SS killed him after the flub. Evidence trail will be scrubbed clean. Falsified material will be put in its place.
  7. Riddlewire

    Coronavirus thread

    Four incidents of celebrity casualties in a four day period with two deaths. Two heart attacks. Two incidents of suspicious circumstances leading to equipment accidents. Mass 5G event?
  8. Riddlewire

    What Are Your Thoughts on Meghan Markle?

    Who cares? Harry isn't Charles's son. The "royal" blood isn't tainted.
  9. Riddlewire


    Never trust any narrative that the mainstream media doesn't bother fighting against. If they say "The little guys stuck it to the rich elite", then don't believe it. Something else must have been going on. I haven't looked into Gamestop yet, but this AMC portion stinks like Moochelle Obongo's...
  10. Riddlewire

    2020 Election

    Now that the communists know they can easily steal any election without consequences -- without the majority of Americans even realizing it -- and now that they have even more of their people installed at all levels of government, I suspect we'll see Democrat super-majorities in Washington and...
  11. Riddlewire

    2020 Election

    Hopefully Biden's inauguration brings to a complete end the online presence of frauds like Vox Day (Ted Beale) who were never anything more than honey traps meant to keep hard right thinkers locked in a prison of false hope. If he were authentic, he would've been removed from the internet a long...
  12. Riddlewire

    2020 Election

    There will be a massive false flag event within the next six months. "White Supremacist Trump Supporters" will kill many at a very public venue, likely with video footage (but not too much). They require this to justify criminalizing the entire white race as a matter of law.
  13. Riddlewire

    2020 Election

    Nothing will be decided tonight. Biden and the Press and the Deep State will declare victory. Trump will challenge. Eventually, enough left-friendly judges will get their hands on this to give it to Biden. We'll see what Trump does after that.
  14. Riddlewire

    2020 Election

    No he didn't. That's just media doing what it does. Arizona isn't going to vote for someone who has promised to take away their guns. Biden might end up with more votes in AZ, but the surplus will be entirely fraudulent.
  15. Riddlewire

    Good Music Videos

    There's no music video for this song. Just an album cover. I stumbled upon it by accident, since I had never heard of the band before. I'm surprised it hasn't been scrubbed from the internet, given that it takes a vague shot at the (((Disney))) Corporation and abortion. Here are the lyrics...