Former NY Giant rapes 16 year old girl

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
It's always only a matter of time for these black guys to get themselves in some sort of pickle. This is no big deal though. He'll get out of this seemingly fine. But it's only about letting out a bit more rope for him to hang himself. Which of course, he'll do, all in good time.

Tom Iron...

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I don't about Taylor getting out of this one unscathed. I think he does serious time for this. The only way he doesn't if his lawyer asks for a brain scan and they find Taylor has the brain of man with Alzeihemers. I heard an interview today with Taylor played on Jim Rome and Willie the Wino sounds more coherent.......


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
white is right said:
I don't about Taylor getting out of this one unscathed. I think he does serious time for this. The only way he doesn't if his lawyer asks for a brain scan and they find Taylor has the brain of man with Alzeihemers. I heard an interview today with Taylor played on Jim Rome and Willie the Wino sounds more coherent.......

I'm sure the guy has serious brain damage from all the drugs he's done. You don't smoke that much crack cocaine and function as a perfectly normal human being.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
LT's prolefic downing of cases of beer in a day are stuff of lengend. I think his brain is pickeled but not enough to know what is right and wrong!


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
LT is F'd! I will not lose any sleep over it! Seeing him in handcuffs was a surprise though. It always amazes me though on how these affelets who made alot of money were not able to pick up any smarts along the way. Astonding!


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Parody, you mean HOF "LB" Lawrence Taylor. Yeah, Taylor was always a headcase and trouble (and a coke/crack fiend). I don't think his brain is fizzled out enough from drugs that he doesn't know right from wrong though, I agree Westside. The guy is a bad apple and if he's guilty like I'd venture to say he is- I hope they lock him up a long time. He's old enough that he could spend the rest of his life in prison.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
well, one thing you know for sure ... he just couldn't say no to her crack.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Five or six more drug and rape arrests and we'll have to start mentioning Taylor in the same breath as genuine criminals like Matt Jones and Ben Roethlisberger.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Here's an old JB Cash from 2003 about Lawrence (all it matters is what he does on the field) Taylor (does not apply to white players). Only a matter of time before he was busted.


(December 22, 2003) There is no natural right to be paid to play sports. Professional athletes are entertainers, like actors or singers. Just because someone is talented at a particular sport does not automatically require that they get paid to do it. There are many factors that go into whether the fans will like and support an entertainer. The situation with athletes can be compared to a professional singer, who may have a great voice, but is not popular because of their choice of songs, the way they look, or even the way they act. Hollywood, for example, has long been aware of the effect that the personal life of an entertainer can have on box office appeal.

Professional sports however, seems to have a different take on the matter. Those in sports management and the sports media feel that what a player does off the field should not be considered as a factor on the field. The thinking goes: if a player is able to excel at their sport then forget about what they are like in their personal life. Money, fame, and adulation, can be heaped on them without a thought as to their personal behavior. The print and broadcast media follow this line of thinking by outdoing each other with superlative's about a players skills while ignoring problems in the players personal life.

Thus we have the saga of Lawrence Taylor. Taylor, a linebacker for many years with the New York Giants was a dominant force on the field. His speed, strength and aggressive play were without equal during his career and perhaps at any time in the history of the game. Taylor was duly recognized during his career. Pro Bowl appearances, MVP award, Super Bowl's, Hall of Fame membership, multimillion dollar contracts, and the adulation of thousands of fans in the largest football market in America.

Taylor has just written a new book: "LT: Over the Edge". In it Taylor describes his personal life during the time when he was a "hero" on the field. Apparently he was addicted to cocaine early in his professional life, and he soon graduated to crack cocaine. He had a regular stream of prostitutes visiting him and abused other drugs as well. He writes of sending prostitutes to the hotels of players on other teams, to tire them out before games. He discusses the rampant use of drugs by many, maybe a majority, of the players. He mistreated his wife, his family, and many other people who, no doubt, were unable to land on their feet like him, not having the advantage of millions of dollars as a cushion.

Furthermore Taylor was enabled in his horrible lifestyle by an owner that covered for him and a media that turned a blind eye to reporting on his personal life, even though that information would, no doubt, have been very newsworthy. For instance cocaine is known to be a stimulant and pain suppressor, as well as causing users to act violently. Maybe the sports section stories that wrote glowingly of Taylor's highly agitated style of play, his ability to play with pain and injury and his aggressive hitting and tackling, would have taken on a whole new perspective if we had known about his use of cocaine. Today Taylor says he is "clean." Wish him luck, with his past history he will need it.

This story is not all that unusual of course. You read everyday of players being busted for substance abuse violations. The arrest rate of NFL players rivals that of some street gangs. This is all not really a surprise to anyone that cares to think about it. What is surprising however is the media response.

Many reporters are troubled that Lawrence Taylor has written this book. Why they wonder, has he chosen to open this can of unseemly worms? Many in the media refuse to believe the stories he tells of rampant drug abuse. Boomer Esiason, a current media commentator who played at the same time as Taylor, has said he doesn't believe that was true of the NFL he played in. It probably wasn't true of Boomer's NFL, he was a white quarterback who most likely did not hang out with the black players that went to the crack dens and whore houses.

Some reporters are disappointed that Taylor is essentially telling future and current players that you too can be a drug smoking, whore monger, and excel at your sport. This of course, is what happens when you separate the off field aspects of a players life from his on field exploits. They are free to do anything that law enforcement doesn't catch them at. Team management and the media will help to cover things up as long as they get their cut of the profits. Only you the fan will have to pay.

There are also some media figures that feel Taylor has betrayed the kids that looked up to him as a role model. But it is not Lawrence Taylor that has betrayed those kids. It will not be Lawrence Taylor's fault when those unfortunate black kids succumb to the temptations of fame and money without responsibility. It is directly the fault of the media. They can make or break a player with their reporting. They do it all the time to white players when those players happen to say something considered offensive (even if true).

Yet the media holds their tongues and pens when it comes to making simple moral judgments on a black players lifestyle that is "over the edge." The fans count on the media to report what is going on. The media is supposed to take this role seriously. The freedom of the press is only effective when the press does not have an agenda. When their agenda is to represent any black player as a "hero," then you will have the Lawrence Taylor's of the world as heroes. You will then have the kids that copy them. You will then have broken lives and full jails. Make no mistake, our prisons and cemeteries are filled with the youth of black America sent there by the media who has abandoned their job of reporting the truth to the people. If it is the truth you seek then join


Oct 21, 2004
Already, the double standard in how white and black athletes are treated is quite apparent here. The same local radio jock sniffers who blasted Big Ben for having sex with a 20 year old were making the lamest excuses imaginable for LT this morning. They were saying that if she looked older, he really wasn't guilty of anything (!), that he had no history of statutory rape, etc.

I will be astonished if LT becomes the first NFL player to be convicted of rape and/or sexual assault, among the countless numbers that have been accused over the years. It's extremely doubtful that he'll even go to trial (again, virtually none of them do).

Don King's America will never allow a high profile athletic icon like "LT" to be imprisoned for such a serious crime. But then again, who knows- Duke did win the national championship.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Bigunreal, just compare this to the treatment Mark Chmura received from the DWF's. What a huge difference and he was found innocent. They will always make excuses for their beloved black affletes.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
You guys keep mentioning statutory rape. I thought I read the girl refused.

BTW, the average age of consent in Europe is 16 I believe. Although it's legal in most European countries- and Canada as well- and I wouldn't quite call it pedophilia, it is perverted for a man in his late 40s/ early 50s to have consensual sex with a girl that age.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Taylor's lawyer first stated the Taylor didn't know the victim at all. Yesterday he supposedly admitted to having known the girl.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
LT is going to have to throw him self at the mercy of the court on this. I heard they found a used condom with his DNA and the girl's. That should be the smoking gun so to speak. I heard the age of consent is 17 years old in NY.

LT is still a man child just like most affelets. They have been treated by the DWFs like prima donnas and most believe that treatment will continue forever. Well hopefully "forever" stopped for Sir Larwence this week.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
I don't get it guys, I thought I read she refused his advances, so why is everyone talking about "statutory" rape...that's rape plain and simple. Did she not make it aware to him that she had told this Davis clown that she didn't want to have sex- or is Taylor paying her off to now say the sex was consensual? If it's statutory rape, I doubt he does time for first offense since he can probably still afford a good lawyer and although it's 17 in NY, the age of consent is 16 in some states in the U.S.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Fellers, most likely there ain't no damn "statutory" to it (sans the fact of the negress tendancy to drop their drawers for anyone including the Easter bunny). Dollars to donuts LT's pal/crack dealer brought him some "young stuff", but she had 2nd thoughts (as well she should've) & ol' LT threw the "rush" on her. More TNB from one of the all-time "great" affletes.


Oct 21, 2004
The evolution of this story is very curious. Initially, the girl was reported to be 15, not 16. Also, it was stated that LT physically asaulted the girl, including the charming touch of punching her in the face. I haven't heard anything about the physical assault for days, and certainly the punching in the face is being avoided like the plague by the jock sniffers on ESPN (who are doing their best to ignore the story entirely.)

The only snippet ESPN ran about this story Friday is the "admission" by LT's low-life buddy that he had told the girl to lie to the great LT and tell him she was 19. Yeah, right- I'm sure that defense would fly with average middle-age men in this situation. Hey, maybe she was a football fan and asked LT to blitz her just like he used to when he was all cracked up as a player- that's why he accidentally punched her in the face.

Like drunk driving, which MADD and the mainstream media treat as a capital offense unless the accused is a pro athlete, sex with underaged girls is considered worse than murder by nearly everyone in our society, again unless one is a pro athlete. Oddly, pro athletes just happen to be unjustly accused of this offense on a frequent basis. Presumably, there are a lot of Lolitas out there willing to lie to these poor, unsuspecting multi-millionaires.

There are lots of males serving lengthy prison terms for having consensual sex with a 16 year old when they were 18. If LT was an unkown "troubled" middle-aged black man, he would be spending the rest of his life behind bars for this. But he is a black celebrity, and they "don't do prison." The sickening forces that run Don King's America will see that he escapes justice. Edited by: bigunreal


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I agree that he will somehow get off on this charge. Even if he doesn't I suspect the punishment will be a slap on the wrist.


May 6, 2010
what a winner that guy is huh?<div>hes gonna have a hard time getting out of this, very serious charge and with his history this negro has one hell of a rap sheet. imagine if this was a case about some white lacrosse players, remember the uprising when that story broke. i seem to remember al sharpton and his henchmen all over the news, this sh*t makes me so mad, anyways LTs' lawyer is weak.</div><div>have u seen that tool?</div><div>Us white brothers need to unite!!!!</div>


May 6, 2010
Plus you just can't wipe the guilty off LTs' face he wont look anyone in the eyes youd think hed be better at this by now.