Lachlan Kennedy 10.03 and 6.43

White Lightning

Staff member
Oct 16, 2004
It's time to start a thread for the 21 year old Lachlan Kennedy of Australia. He has already broken his 60 meters p.b. twice this year in the last
3 weeks with times of 6.55 and 6.43 over the 60 meters. He then scorched to a new p.b. in the 100 meters of 10.17 -2.1 for the win! That is equivalent to a time around 10.05 with no wind and a potential sub 10 with a positive legal wind. Watch out for this young Australian Phenom in near future!

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I hope he continues with the 60 metre, I want him to break the WR soon

Many fans don't realise that a white lady has had the world record in the 60 meters for many, many decades now. The Great Irina Privalova!
She was one of the best female sprinters to ever compete in track and field. I hope her record lasts for many more years!
I loved watching Irina with her galloping running style. My favourite race of hers was when Gail Devers edged past her in a 100m and Privalova pegged her back again - almost unheard of in a mere 100m.

Let's see how Lachlan (Lachie pronounced "Lockie") goes. At the moment I think this new crop will reduce Browning to finishing his career. Injuries start multiplying and he's a qualified lawyer now. He's had his time in the sun.
Kennedy just turned 21 in November
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that new 10.03 together with his 6.43 (1.6) certainly warrant a dedicated page. While we often mention athletes in isolation with occasional good performances that give us hope for future success, that success is often less than we'd anticipated.
Let's see what Kennedy can do. He's a bit full of "can do" enthusiasm which can be really good OR bad. "Bad" if he thinks everything will just come easily and 10 seconds is just around the corner as a right of passage

that's a great clip. Bruce McAvaney is a commentator who researches all his sports impeccably (Australian Football is his specialty). He's 72 now and you can hear he has maintained his enthusiasm. I'd love to have an hour long coffee with him.
And Nina Kennedy (no relation to Lachlan) is being groomed by television - not surprisingly. She is nice on the eye, has a pleasing tone and smile..... oh, and can certainly Pole Vault ;) (4.91m )
These 3 will get our 4 x 100m record into the 37s bracket. For the first time we have reserves who can also break 10.20 and/or run a great bend as 200 specialists. I'm by nature reserved in my predictions but I'm totally certain of this.

Interesting fact: One of the reasons Lachlan Kennedy has learned to be disciplined is because he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when he was 14 - so he's learned to keep things in check. Another Rugby Union player to make a decision between that and Track.

I looked at his race closely and it seems to me his great attribute apart from his start is that he doesn't dwell on the ground for very long at all.
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here's the women's race. They are peaking nicely. Bree may get that Australian record in decent legal conditions in a month. Her background is a beach sprinter
dwell on the ground means his the balls of his feet barely touch the ground which means less drag which translates to faster turn over...
dwell on the ground means his the balls of his feet barely touch the ground which means less drag which translates to faster turn over...
so he must put a lot of force onto the ground very quickly - I notice Joshua Azzopardi who finishes second isn't as skilled in that regard. His turnover looks obviously slower. Perhaps it's one of those "you have i or you don't" things
BTW White Lightning, this was the last in depth news article I read about Browning and it was 7 months ago. Everything has been quite since then.

I may differ in my opinion on Browning than many do here. I believe in the age old saying, "It if ain't broke don't fix it". In my honest opinion his manager and team around Rohan Browning tried to reinvent the wheel. Not smart and it probably destroyed what is left of his career. He was so close he could taste it. You don't lose weight along with strength and change things dramatically after all the success they had. It's just crazy. I understand the desire but disagree with how they handled it. The kid was on the verge and they went overboard with too many different things than what he was used to. The temporary move to Italy also hurt his career. So sad but if he is ever gonna get back to where he was they need to go back to what worked.
Ok guys, In the future let's keep the other track news in the track section. This thread is for Lachlan Kennedy. Thanks.
Here is the Mens 60 Meters Finals at the 2025 World Indoor Championships. Lachlan Kennedy just missed the gold but brings
home the silver medal to Australia in a blazing time of 6.50! :flamethrower2:

it was a great night for me watching and staying up later than I would normally do. 12.30 am to watch th efinal then another 45 minutes till sleep before I was over my excitement.
Here's a column by sports writer Michael Gleeson about Australian sprinting in general and Lachlan in particular.
No wonder he can accelerate so well, doing those 660 lbs quarter squats with powerful updrives. Must have immensely powerful hips
OK, I won't bore everybody with mentioning this race any more, but the official times were Azu 6.486 V Kennedy 6.491. Oh so close to recording that nice 6.49. Now 5/1000ths was between 1st and 2nd place at around 11.50 mps I'd worked out earlier in the day as about 50mm (2"). That matches the above finish line shot almost exactly. How I love the minutae of things track.

Can't wait to see he and Rohan Browning over 60m. His best (and only 60m race I know of that he did) is 6.55 outdoors with nil wind assistance at all and at total sea level ... so it might be fairly close.
What I like about the kid is his confidence and swagger. Kennedy says he will not only go sub 10 soon but that he will also break
Patrick Johnson's Australian 100 Meters Record. Rare to hear a youngster that confident. His goals go far beyond just a 9.99 and
that's a good thing. To make an Olympic or World Championship Finals you need to believe before you acheive. This kid is a breath
of fresh air and he will inspire that other youngsters & older sprinters to greater heights. What a weekend for Lachlan Kennedy. The
icing on the cake is I honestly believe he can achieve what he says he can!

One last thing I forgot to add. I read in an article today that the reason he wears the arm band is because he has diabetes. It's remarkable
that even battling that he is still one of the fastest men on earth!

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