News from South Africa

Seeing what happened to Rhodesia and now to South Africa is terribly saddening. Maybe the whites can sell their land and move to Russia. Lord knows we wouldn’t shelter them
South Africa represents the future of America and Europe if things don't change. Yet, most people in the general public have no idea what's going on there. To them, Mandela ended the evil apartheid government and they all lived happily ever after. That is the extent of their knowledge. Even some white South Africans are so brainwashed by white guilt that they refuse to acknowledge reality.

The simple truth is that it's time for the whites to leave SA. Many of them have been farming the same land for generations, and I understand why it would be hard to let that go. Being South African is part of their identity - they have their own language and culture. But the writing is on the wall. Black unemployment is nearly 50% and the whites are propping up a failed state. There is only so much they can do at 8-10% of the population. If they stay, they will either continue to fund a welfare state that hates them, have their land forcibly seized (which would collapse the country in months), or get killed. There is probably no happy ending here, I just hope they get out before it's too late.
South Africa represents the future of America and Europe if things don't change. Yet, most people in the general public have no idea what's going on there. To them, Mandela ended the evil apartheid government and they all lived happily ever after. That is the extent of their knowledge. Even some white South Africans are so brainwashed by white guilt that they refuse to acknowledge reality.

The simple truth is that it's time for the whites to leave SA. Many of them have been farming the same land for generations, and I understand why it would be hard to let that go. Being South African is part of their identity - they have their own language and culture. But the writing is on the wall. Black unemployment is nearly 50% and the whites are propping up a failed state. There is only so much they can do at 8-10% of the population. If they stay, they will either continue to fund a welfare state that hates them, have their land forcibly seized (which would collapse the country in months), or get killed. There is probably no happy ending here, I just hope they get out before it's too late.

Maybe most of them should move to Orania and make it alot bigger and more powerful community. Form a small army to protect
the familes and farmers. The time is separate is now. Either leave the country or join with Orania in my honest opinion.
Yes. Many blacks around the world brag how their dna or genes are stronger than any other races when they make babies. I'm not
gonna get into the reasons about this here but there is a reason. They look at whites as genetic defects along with other races. It's
not true but that's how many of them think. My question is if there ever is an all out race war, will the good black people just join
all the crazy ones as they start killing? Hopefully not but they are a very tribal people. The prove it in voting for too long too count
along with 100's of other examples. They believe they are superior in every way & not just athletically. All lies.
I think there are many black
People waking up to the evil nature of parts of their culture and how Democrats have used and counted on them. I watch a lot of independent media podcasts and several of them are run by prominent (or rather should be prominent) black conservatives. They are slowly waking up, at least a sizable portion of them.

Now if **** were to hit the fan one day for real… what happened remains to be seen.
Can't get much uglier than hyenas in the animal kingdom, but you know, believe it or not, they are more closely related to cats than dogs.
Makes you wonder how good the brics alliance is if it includes this formerly well run but now rapidly collapsing country.

South Africa has great resources and promise but it seems increasingly unlikely it will wver be a stable country again.
One silver lining is that a large percentage of the white population is along a part of the coast. Band together and create a separate country. I think they could rally disillusioned white from many countries to their cause
Worth a watch fellas. Leave your comments on the video below and here!

Well the idea that you can assimulate Africans slowly in time to contribute and melt into European society as equals is just a falsehood. It's never happened in the history of the world and it's been so tried.
Well the idea that you can assimulate Africans slowly in time to contribute and melt into European society as equals is just a falsehood. It's never happened in the history of the world and it's been so tried.
Yeah many people cling to the hope that RACE is not the factor. Getting proven as fiction, more and more as time goes on. In that video he mentioned these losers couldn’t even invent a wheel before the evil Anglo-Saxons arrived in late 1880s. Retard status.
What makes it even worse is how the vast majority of functional blacks keep making excuses for dysfunctional blacks and will continue to do so until the day they die. Shelby Steele, to his credit, called this out. During the whole George Floyd fiasco, the majority of job-holding, suit-wearing, nuclear family type blacks sided with Floyd and the rioters, even though the rioters would have (and in some cases did) burned their houses too, and career criminal Floyd would have mugged them without a second thought if he'd still been alive.

Rhodesia, South Africa, North America...genes remain the same no matter where you physically place the person. In America it was the "Talented Tenth" theory (the idea that the top 10% of blacks, given "equality," would elevate the rest so eventually black people would act just like white people) that so many white libtards and cuckservatives kept clinging to for decades, long after it had been proven beyond any reasonable doubt that it was a fantasy that was never going to come true. Not only was the theory completely bogus, in reality it turned out that the typical "Talented Tenther" (the educated, articulate, suit-wearer like Barack Obama) has done much more damage to this country than any ghetto black ever could.
I suppose there are good or "functional" people in every other group. The question is what are those people doing to help us or to stop what their people are doing to our people. Whose side will they be on when Shet hits the fan? I'm from Minnesota and have relatives that survived and some that didn't survive the Minnesota Massacre of 1861. Indians were settled on reservations at the time and the civil war had started. Many German and Scandinavian farmers trusted friendly Indians allowing them to live on their farms. There were "friendly" Indians in towns and ones that took advantage of missionaries and other do-gooders. But with all the military men gone to fight the war opportunity knocked. The reservation Indians saw their opportunity and started raiding - slaughtering defenseless settlers throughout Minnesota. Many farmers were shocked when their friendlies joined the raid and often targeted their so-called White friends first. What will that friendly "other" neighbor do when shet hits the fan?
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The farmers in South Africa are being murdered at an even faster rate now. Our lame stream media ignores the story.
The biggest problem is that these farmers live on isolated farms. Many are older. One family on an isolated farm is a an easy target for a group of criminals to attack. And these farmers are not just killed. They are often raped and tortured before being killed. Including the women being sexually tortured.

One solution would be for several Afrikaner farmers to live together in an enclosed, defensible community. Maybe live together in a smaller version of a Chinese round house. The Chinese call this round house a "tulou". Their farm lands would be surrounding the round house.

The Afrikaner farmers have had 30 years to come up with a way to deal with these attacks. A communal approach to living is something that seems to be not in their nature. The individualism runs so deep it even is interfering with their ability to defend themselves.
The biggest problem is that these farmers live on isolated farms. Many are older. One family on an isolated farm is a an easy target for a group of criminals to attack. And these farmers are not just killed. They are often raped and tortured before being killed. Including the women being sexually tortured.

One solution would be for several Afrikaner farmers to live together in an enclosed, defensible community. Maybe live together in a smaller version of a Chinese round house. The Chinese call this round house a "tulou". Their farm lands would be surrounding the round house.

The Afrikaner farmers have had 30 years to come up with a way to deal with these attacks. A communal approach to living is something that seems to be not in their nature. The individualism runs so deep it even is interfering with their ability to defend themselves.
Seems like they’re catching on. Last I checked, Orania is expanding at a good pace.
The Communist World Wide Takeover. Just look at Orania and see what is going on there?

Official response from Orania in regards to the newly enacted property confiscation law.

Do not think even for a second that such a thing couldn't happen here. As the west becomes increasingly nonwhite due to illegal AND legal immigration, expect to see policies like this to begin cropping up from Australia and New Zealand, to the US and Canada, even to Europe. Now is the Time to stand together with the Afrikaners and with our other racial kin worldwide.

If whites had any pride, this issue would easily be solved. Let’s hope Trump helps.
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